Chapter 744: Stand tall

Name:Hardcore Chef Dad Author:Pangmo
I have to say that it is very convenient to go out with the two elders Lu Xigu and Quan Chengping, that is, if you go to some scenic spots, the people with the two elders will arrange everything.

In this way, Feng Yifan and the others can take the children directly into the Oriental Pearl Tower to play.

There is no need for a group of people to line up outside to buy tickets under the big sun.

Entering the interior, they didn't stay on the ground floor much. The group of people went directly to the elevator and went directly to the heights of the Oriental Pearl Tower.

went straight to the highest point that the elevator could reach, and the three little girls were full of curiosity when they got down.

Then accompanied by Feng Yifan, the three little girls came to the glass of the ball.

Seeing the scenery outside, the three little girls suddenly exclaimed in unison: "Ah, it's so tall."

Feng Ruoruo pointed to the bottom and said, "Dad, look at it, the people below are all smaller, like little ants."

Yang Xiaoxi said: "Yes, yes, those cars are so small."

Chen Yaofei said: "Those buildings don't seem to be very tall either."

Feng Yifan said with a smile: "It's not that it's getting smaller, it's because we are standing too high, far away from them, so it will get smaller, and because we are too high here, the buildings are not high."

After listening to Feng's father's explanation, the three little girls lie on the window again, wanting to look down.

At this time, Feng Yifan stopped and said, "It depends on the bottom of the feet. Let's not look here. Let's go down a bit. It's easier to see below."

Feng Yifan led the three little girls down one floor, and came down to a circular glass platform.

Standing on the glass platform, you can clearly see everything under your feet.

Seeing this, the three little girls were very excited.

Shi Jiahui said: "Oh, I can't get on this. I'm afraid of heights. I'll get dizzy when I stand up."

Li Xiuchun also said not to go up: "Well, I won't go up either. I am getting older and I am a little afraid of heights."

The three little girls listened and turned to look at their grandma and aunt, very strange.

"Grandma, Auntie, why can't you go? What is the fear of heights?"

"Yes, what's the fear of heights?"

Chen Yaofei understands a little bit, and explains to the two friends: "Fear of heights is to be afraid of standing in a high place."

Feng Ruoruo said immediately: "It's okay, grandma and auntie, come here, I will hold you, if Ruuo pulls you, you are not afraid."

Hearing what the little girl said made grandma and auntie also dumbfounded.

Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei think Feng Ruoruo's words are quite reasonable.

Together with Feng Ruoruo, the two little girls went to pull the grandma and the eldest aunt up, and they had to pull the grandma and the eldest aunt up together.

"Grandma and Auntie, let's go up together, don't be afraid, Xixi will also be pulling you."

"Yes, grandma, Fai Fei is also pulling you, and auntie."

Seeing that grandma and auntie were frustrated by the three little girls, Feng Yifan had no choice but to come forward and make a round.

"Alright, okay, don’t do this for the three of you. Is it impolite to force your grandma and auntie like this? Grandma and auntie will be scared when standing on a high place, and will be dizzy, so shall we not let grandma and auntie? Go up? Let's go up and play by ourselves, okay?"

Papa Feng's words are still more useful to the three little girls.

The three little girls then let go of their grandma and aunt.

Feng Yifan stretched out his hand and said, "Come on, Feng Dad will accompany you up."

So the three little girls stepped forward together, and asked Feng's father to hold the three of them with a big hand, and then pulled the three of them onto the glass platform together.

The shot of Feng Yifan holding three small hands with big hands was also captured in time by Kang Li.

But then, Feng Yifan pulled the children to stand on it to play, but Kang Li was equally daunted.

Daisy couldn't help but smile and said, "What's the matter? Kang Li didn't dare to go up?"

Kang Li waved her hand like an enemy: "I won't go up, and I won't go up to death."

Kang Li's reaction also amused everyone.

Chen Shoulin said: "It seems that there are quite a lot of people who are afraid of heights here?"

At this time, everyone suddenly looked at Yang Zhiyi.

The air is suddenly quiet.

But Yang Zhiyi directly raised his head as if he hadn't seen everyone's eyes at all, and stood there to taste the roof on the Oriental Pearl.

Finally, Feng Yifan was the only one who went up to accompany the three little girls.

The little girls are naturally not afraid, and at the same time they are very curious about the glass floor under their feet.

Then the three little girls whispered and discussed, and they were still jumping vigorously on it, as if they were trying to see if they could break the glass under their feet.

Feng Yifan watched the little girls jump a few times, realized the intention of the three of them, and couldn't help but laugh.

"Hahaha, what do you three want to do? Do you want to break this glass? If the glass is broken, we will all fall from here. If we fall so high, we will all be broken. We are not there."

Upon hearing Father Feng's words, the three little girls suddenly did not dare to jump again.

"Ah, you can't break it."

"Yes, if it breaks, we will break it."

"Break, we will all die."

Next, the three little girls obviously became cautious, which also made Feng Yifan couldn't help feeling a little funny.

He can only explain again: "It's okay, the glass under our feet is very strong, look at it, so many people on it won't break it, so don't worry, it won't break, and we won't fall. "

The three little girls listened to the explanation, with surprise written on their little faces, staring at the glass under their feet for a long time.

The little girls are very curious, why doesn’t this glass break?

And at this time, there are other children next to him, just like the three little girls before, jumping on the glass, and constantly stomping their feet, as if trying to smash the glass.

The little girls looked at it for a while, and Feng Ruoruo's little housekeeper's temper suddenly came up.

But when she saw her walking over, she said to the kid who was jumping and stomping, "Don’t jump, this is very strong, it won’t be crushed by you, and if it breaks, we all will fall. Go down, and then you will break."

The kid who was jumping and stomping was suddenly surprised by Feng Ruoruo's words.

Several children looked at Feng Ruoruo together, and then turned around and fled in terror.

Feng Ruoruo pouted and said, "What I said is true. It is impossible for you to smash this. Don't keep jumping and stomping."

Seeing Feng Ruoruo's little steward's wife, everyone who didn't come up found it very interesting.

Lu Xigu said to Quan Chengping, "Do you think that this looks like Xiao Lingzi?"

Quan Chengping nodded: "Well, it's very similar. No wonder it's the grandson and grandson."

Chen Shoulin, who was next to him, heard it, and asked a little closer: "The two people who say Ruoruo looks like, are they her grandmother?"

Lu Xiguo nodded: "Yes, this little girl looks exactly like her grandma when she was a child."

Quan Chengping said: "But, really, when she was a child, her grandmother might be more fierce than her. Her grandmother might chase the children to explain the truth clearly to others and let them tell her. Write down the truth before you stop."

Chen Shoulin was a little surprised: "Wow, what if grandma is so good?"

Li Xiuchun also came over at this time, and couldn't help but say: "Grandma Ruoruo looks like a very kind and enthusiastic person."

Lu Xidi said: "It is true that Ruoruo's grandmother has been very enthusiastic since she was a child, but she has a very strong personality."

Li Xiuchun nodded: "I can see this, and he is a very strong person now."

Chen Shoulin added: “Yes, we didn’t know before. It turns out that Grandma Ruoruo is the owner of the organic vegetable plantation in Yanghu Township, and with her own efforts, she forcibly made the vegetables in Yanghu Township famous all over the country. She is a strong woman."

Quan Chengping said, "This fits her character very well."

Lu Xigu looked at Feng Ruoruo and said, "Perhaps Ruoruo will be very strong in the future."

At this time, Feng Yifan took the other two girls, walked to the daughter's side, and pulled her daughter into his arms.

"Well, you scared the kids like this, we should tell them, right?"

Yang Xiaoxi said: "Yes, Father Feng is right. If you should say it well, just like Teacher Fang taught us, you have to teach it seriously."

Chen Yaofei added: "Be patient and teach."

Feng Ruoruo turned to look, and found that the children had disappeared, so he could only sigh, "No one wants me to teach now."

My daughter sighed like a little adult, and made Feng Yifan smile and say: "Okay, okay, have you three forgotten a very important thing?"

When Feng Yifan said so, the three little girls are also a little strange.

Think about it seriously, the little girls think they have not forgotten something important?

Feng Yifan asked the little girls to think for a while, and said: "Did you forget that you should connect to the video with your mother? You said you want to take your mother out to play with you, have you all forgotten?"

One sentence reminded the three little girls.

Chen Yaofei was a little disappointed and said: "But my mother can't connect to the video."

Feng Ruoruo immediately hugged her little friend: "It's okay, Fai Fei, we can even be my mother, and my mother can also be Fei Fei's mother. My mother likes Fei Fei very much."

Yang Xiaoxi also hugged Chen Yaofei and said: "There is also my mother, and my mother also likes Faey."

Feng Yifan touched Chen Yaofei’s small head: “Don’t be sad, Faey, Dad Feng will record it for you later, and then after we go back, send the video to Faey’s parents, OK?”

Saying this, Chen Yaofei immediately became happy: "Okay, thank you, Father Feng."

Feng Yifan responded with a smile: "You are welcome, let's quickly connect Ruoruo's mother and Xixi's mother together."

So, Feng Yifan also took out two mobile phones and dialed the video calls of Su Ruoxi and Li Feier's mothers respectively.

After a while, the video was connected to the other side, and the three little girls hurriedly waved hello to their mother over there.

"Mom, guess where are we?"

"Yes, mom, guess where we are?"

"Aunt Su and Aunt Li, can you guess it?"

Su Ruoxi and Li Feier were also very happy to see the three little girls.

Especially Su Ruoxi, she has been thinking about her daughter this morning, and now finally through the video, she saw her daughter and two other little girls, which really made her very happy.

Li Feier carefully looked at the background behind her daughter, and vaguely guessed where they are?

Through careful observation, Su Ruoxi guessed it.

Feng Yifan saw the two mothers staring behind the children, and quickly said: "Oh, hurry up and block the back together. You can't let the mothers see it. If they see it, they can guess it."

Hearing what Feng's father said, the three little girls hurriedly squeezed together to block behind them.

The two mothers were too happy to see the little girl.

Su Ruoxi did not forget to pretend to be angry and say to Feng Yifan: "Dad Feng, did you deliberately? Don't let us guess right?"

Li Feier smiled and said: "Hahaha, Father Feng is too bad, taking his daughter to make things difficult for our two mothers."

The three little girls are very happy and smiling.

"Hee hee hee, mom, take a good guess."

"Yes, mom, guess it."

"Aunt Su and Aunt Li, you have to guess, don't fool around."

The two mothers also couldn't laugh.

But the two mothers soon united.

"Yeah, you three little things are still united with your father Feng, right? You are like this, I don't agree."

"That is, you united with Father Feng, don't you like your mother anymore?"

Feng Ruoruo and Yang Xiaoxi said quickly: "No."

Chen Yaofei also explained seriously: "Aunt Su and Aunt Li, we are playing games Don't be angry, just guess."

The three little girls looked nervous and amused the two mothers.

Feng Yifan said softly to the children: "Alright, don't worry, mothers are not angry."

Su Ruoxi said immediately: "Who said you are not angry? We are not angry with children, but angry with you, are you deliberately provoking our relationship with our children?"

Feng Yifan can only tell Rao: "Don't be angry, my wife, I really am not."

Li Fei'er really couldn't smile on the other side.

"Hahaha, oops, I can't do it anymore, your family of three is really interesting. This shows that the family status is obviously the highest in the family. If the second is the mother, the father is the lowest."

Feng Yifan said: "Who said no? The family status is not good, so I can only obediently obey."

Su Ruoxi saw her husband's appearance, and immediately said: "Feng Yifan, you don't pretend to be there."

Feng Yifan suddenly laughed: "It's okay, okay, the two mothers quickly guess, where are we? It must be done to the specific place, otherwise it won't count."

The three little girls also said in unison: "Yes, you have to guess the right place."

The two mothers over there watched each other through the video, and then said in unison: "You are on the Oriental Pearl Tower."

Li Feier also added: "It should be the place with the transparent glass under the table, right?"

The three little girls exclaimed in unison: "Ah, I was guessed."