v2 Chapter 798: Before opening, next

Name:Hardcore Chef Dad Author:Pangmo
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After the busy schedule, it was almost noon, Feng Yifan greeted everyone to prepare lunch together.

"Everyone will play their own roles today. Let's put together a table for lunch. At noon, there are no other guests. It is us people. Everyone will make a dish. I will cook the rest. What do you think?"

Feng Yifan's proposal naturally won everyone's unanimous approval.

In the following time, everyone displayed their own crafts in the western restaurant, and cooked their own dishes according to their own abilities.

While Feng Yifan was preparing, Su Jinrong came to his son-in-law's side and said, "I'll serve a dish, too."

Feng Yifan was a little surprised, but he didn't expect his father-in-law to be interested.

He turned his head and looked up and down his father-in-law, who nodded very persistently and earnestly.

In the end, Feng Yifan nodded and agreed: "Okay, Dad, I will help you. Tell me what food you need."

Hearing that Su Jinrong was going to cook in person, everyone in the back kitchen was very much looking forward to it.

Su Ruoxi stood up and walked over with some worries: "Dad, is your body okay?"

Su Jinrong smiled freely: "It doesn't matter, isn't there still a sail?"

Feng Yifan said: "It's okay, if Dad can't stand it, I'll come."

Su Jinrong patted his son-in-law: "Okay."

Feng Yifan asked again: "Dad, what are you going to do?"

Su Jinrong smiled again, obviously already in his chest.

"Just have a more traditional side dish, crispy crucian carp."

Hearing this dish, the young people present had never heard of it, even Feng Yifan still felt a little strange.

Shi Jiahui walked out the back door with a smile, and quickly returned with a small net bag.

In the net bag is a live little crucian carp.

This kind of small crucian carp is very common in fish markets, usually because it is too small, many merchants will not buy it, and they will even be bought back by others as small fish for feeding cats.

Such a very inconspicuous little crucian carp in a net bag is in sharp contrast with the various ingredients that Feng Yifan and the others processed before.

In terms of price alone, Feng Yifan’s ingredients don’t know how many times more expensive than such a small crucian carp in a net bag.

The dishes prepared by others in the back kitchen are all expensive.

Perhaps the little crucian carp in this net bag is the cheapest ingredient.

Shi Jiahui was surprised to see everyone, and said with a smile: "Which, my uncle asked me to buy it at the fish market in the morning. The boss is very happy. So many small fishes were all rounded up by me at once."

Everyone can't help but be a little curious.

What kind of dishes can Su Jinrong use these cheap little crucian carp?

Shi Jiahui said at this time: "You may not have heard of this dish, but you should not look at this little crucian carp. This dish has a great background. It was once our favorite dish of Premier Zhou. It was also a state banquet menu. It’s a must-have dish."

This shock shocked everyone.

And Feng Yifan seemed to think of this dish.

An authentic Huaiyang dish.

Su Jinrong smiled and waved his hand: "Jia Hui, don't say so big, it scares everyone, in fact it is just a cold dish, you can go with wine..."

Hearing that grandpa said it was "drinking", Feng Ruoruo immediately said: "Grandpa, grandpa, if you don't drink."

Su Jinrong immediately said, "You can also have food, it's delicious."

Feng Ruoruo happily clapped his hands: "It's great, grandpa, do it, Ruoruo also want to eat."

Su Jinrong nodded: "Okay, our Ruoruo will eat too."

Say hands-on.

Originally, Shi Jiahui planned to help, but Su Jinrong refused: "Jiahui, go and do your job, and leave it to Yifan. These little crucian carp are troublesome to deal with. If you let Yifan do it, he will be quicker and able to clean up. It’s a little more elaborate and can't delay your time."

Shi Jiahui had to hand over the little crucian carp to Feng Yifan.

Naturally, Feng Yifan didn't complain, and immediately took it to the sink. After pouring it out, he used a knife to treat the crucian carp.

The scales of the fish must be scraped, and then the internal organs of the fish must be removed. The key is to clean the fish.

Do not leave any unclean places.

Once the fish is not cleaned, it will also affect the quality of the dishes.

Feng Yifan's hands and feet were still very fast, and he quickly handled the small crucian carp.

Even the mucus and dirt on the surface of the fish's body were also cleaned up by Feng Yifan.

After processing, Feng Yifan gave the little crucian carp to his father-in-law.

Su Jinrong took a closer look and said with satisfaction: "Well, very good, Yifan, you really didn't have any hands."

Then, Su Jinrong absorbed all the water on the little crucian carp.

Then let Feng Yifan burn the oil.

He personally picked up the knife, very slowly, with his hands trembling slightly, and slowly slapped each little crucian on the back.

This knife must be opened until the fish's spine is exposed.

Feng Yifan was a little worried when he saw that his father-in-law opened his back to the crucian carp while sitting in a pot next to him.

Especially when he saw his father-in-law go down for the first time, it was obvious that the blade had already deviated. He even worried that his father-in-law would hurt his hand and wanted to rush to help.

But Su Jinrong just took the knife, and then took a deep breath to calm himself down.

Then the old man cut the knife again.

This time I didn't deviate. I made an opening on the fish's back smoothly. As the knife continued to deepen, I cut the fish's back completely, and finally reached the spine of the fish. When I took the knife, I lightly moved to the fish's tail for a generation.

The knife was retracted, and the back of the fish was cut open, and the body of the fish was not cut into two pieces.

Feng Yifan secretly breathed a sigh of relief as he watched his father-in-law finish a fish.

With the first experience, Su Jinrong's efficiency then became more effective.

A small crucian carp was opened.

They are placed neatly on a plate.

After completing the last one, Su Jinrong was already sweating profusely.

This is because the temperature in the back kitchen is still a bit high, and on the other hand, because Su Jinrong has been holding it energetically, so when he opens his back to the little crucian, his muscles will be tight. As a result, he will be very tired, and naturally will shed a lot of sweat.

At this time, Su Ruoxi hugged Feng Ruoruo over.

With a towel in her hand, Feng Ruoruo stretched out her little hand and wiped off the sweat with her grandpa.

"Grandpa, take your time, don't worry."

Su Jinrong asked her granddaughter to wipe the sweat on herself, but also smiled and said, "Okay, grandpa take your time, don't worry."

The next step is to put the open-back crucian carp into a frying pan to fry it.

Because it is to be fried completely, the oil temperature during frying needs to be controlled well.

This time, Feng Yifan did not let his father-in-law go directly to fish, but helped his father-in-law to fish into the oil pan.

Su Jinrong did not reluctantly, standing aside watching his son-in-law go down.

Going down one by one, watching the golden crucian carp gradually being fried in the oil pan.

Su Jinrong stared carefully next to him, asking Feng Yifan to use a colander to gently stir it.

During the whole process, Feng Yifan completely complied with his father-in-law's request.

In the end, the small crucian carp was deep-fried and taken out from the pot. Each one was burnt and fragrant. It could be seen clearly that each fish had been fried extremely crispy, and it was really crispy to the bone.

Because the small crucian carp itself is very small, plus the thick part of the back, it was opened again.

The oil can be fried directly to the back bones of the fish, so the whole fish, including the bones, is already crispy.

Su Jinrong waited for the fish to cool for a while, pinched a relatively small one, and handed it to Feng Ruoruo, who was held by his mother with a towel in his hand, ready to wipe the sweat of his grandfather at any time.

"Come on, give my Ruoruo baby a taste first."

Feng Ruoruo looked at it and said, "Grandpa, this fish didn't go stab. Ruoruo doesn't like stabs."

Su Jinrong smiled and said, "It's okay. You can taste it. This fish does not need to spit thorns. You can eat it with thorns. But you have to be careful when you eat. You must chew carefully before you can eat it."

Feng Ruoruo opened her small mouth suspiciously after hearing what her grandpa said, and gently took a small bite.

One bite, to Feng Ruoruo's surprise, the fish broke directly.

Su Jinrong also hurriedly followed up with his hands, so that the fish that was too crispy and broken did not fall.

Feng Ruoruo felt "crunchy" in his mouth. It was really like eating potato chips. It was very delicious and very crispy.

"Grandpa, this, this is so crispy, it will break up when you bite it."

Seeing that his granddaughter likes it, Su Jinrong is also very happy: "Eat slowly. Although it is very crispy, you can't eat it too fast. You must chew up the food before you can swallow it."

When grandpa spoke, Feng Ruoruo had already eaten her mouth and opened her mouth to show her.

"Hahaha, grandpa, I'll eat it."

Su Jinrong put the rest in a small bowl and handed it to her daughter: "Alright, let my mother accompany you to eat. If you want a little taste, you can dip it in a little tomato sauce."

Feng Ruoruo said happily, "It's great, mom, let's go eat."

Su Ruoxi only hugged her daughter to eat.

Su Jinrong proceeded to the next step.

The so-called "Crisp? Crucian Carp", crisp is deep-fried, after deep-frying, there is another step "?", which is also the key to the final seasoning of this dish.

Su Jinrong first asked Feng Yifan to find a casserole and put a bamboo net on the bottom to prevent it from sticking.

Then put the cold crispy crucian carp one by one into the casserole.

Subsequently, Su Jinrong began to fry the ingredients.

The first is to fry the sugar color.

Pour a little bit of oil into the pot, then add rock sugar and start frying.

First slowly fry the rock sugar, then slowly stir in the pot with a spoon.

At this time, it is absolutely not possible to make a big fire, it must be a small fire, and you must be patient, and constantly stir the melted sugar in the pan.

The sugar gradually began to change color, from white to yellow, to brown, and finally to a dark brown.

At this time, Su Jinrong quickly added a bowl of water to the pot.

Then pour out the fried sugar.

Dry the water at the bottom of the pot, pour in a little oil, then add green onion and **** until fragrant, cook some rice wine, and then add salt and pepper to taste.

Finally, pour all the sugar in the bowl and add some broth after it is boiled.

Then pour it all into the casserole with the fish.

The soup is completely covered with fish, so cover the lid and start cooking.

Su Jinrong took out some pickles again and cut the pickled radish strips and pickled cucumbers into strips.

Part of it is put directly into the pot.

At this time, Su Jinrong did not turn down the fire.

"The next step is the process. What is needed is the high fire to quickly collect the juice. After half of the soup has been collected, turn it to a low fire to slowly? Until all the soup is almost dried up. This dish is considered complete."

Feng Yifan stood by and listened, and also carefully wrote down the recipe.

He knew very well that after taking over Su Ji, this dish was definitely needed.

Su Jinrong completed the whole dish almost by himself.

In the eyes of other people, they were full of admiration for Su Jinrong in their hearts.

He experienced hardships and suffered a stroke caused by his sister's visit. Later, he was inconvenient to move in the lower part of his body, and at one time he had to rely on a wheelchair to move around.

However, the old man still did not give up and worked hard to recover with the company of his family.

Nowadays, the elderly can not only get rid of the wheelchair and walk on crutches. I have been able to start cooking.

Perhaps this dish today is not a big one.

Perhaps this dish is not too complicated.

But everyone present today still admires Su Jinrong very much, and they are all happy that the elderly can complete this dish.

Feng Yifan turned his head and found that everyone had stopped working, almost all of them were watching Su Jinrong.

He straightened his face and said, "What's the matter? I'm thinking of stealing the teacher, right? Don't you hurry up to cook your dish? Shouldn't you just eat this dish at noon?"

Hearing Feng Yifan's words, everyone immediately recovered and hurriedly made their own dishes.

And because of panic, several people almost ran into each other.

When Feng Ruoruo saw everyone in a mess, he was also giggling over there.

Feng Yifan also laughed: "Okay, you can do it slowly. Don't worry about it. As for stealing the teacher, you can learn it slowly in the future. You don't have to stare at this moment."

Su Jinrong smiled and said: "Everyone cooks well, UU reading really wants to learn this dish, and you can ask me to learn it in the future."

After talking about other people, Su Jinrong said Feng Yifan again: "You also go to cook, and you say you do it yourself. If you just let others do it, don't do it yourself, how can you give it to everyone?"

Feng Yifan also went to start cooking immediately.

In the back kitchen of the western restaurant, a group of people were all busy. After Feng Ruoruo and her mother ate the crispy crucian carp together, the little girl was naturally unwilling to idle, and immediately began to wander around the edge of the back kitchen.

Naturally, the girl who gets close most often is by his father's side, who will come to ask him a lot of questions.

Lu Cuiling and Su Ruoxi's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law looked at the happy state of the whole kitchen, and there were smiles on their faces.

What made Su Ruoxi especially happy was that she once again saw her father and husband standing in the back kitchen at the same time. This was a scene she hadn't seen for many years, and her eyes became moist unconsciously. She now finally believes that her husband's return has really made this family better.