v2 Chapter 821: Teacher Xiao Feng in kindergarten

Name:Hardcore Chef Dad Author:Pangmo
In the kindergarten, Feng Ruoruo was not influenced much by his father’s fame.

Although there are always teachers in other classes, from time to time they will come to see the little girl. Sometimes the little girl meets other teachers outside the class, and those teachers will be very kind to the little girl.

But for Feng Ruoruo, she didn't care much about it.

Because in kindergarten, little girls still prefer to play with children.

The children in the kindergarten don't care if their parents are celebrities.

Of course, in Feng Ruoruo's class, most of the children still wonder every day, will Feng Ruoruo’s father send a snack today?

Teacher Fang is very satisfied with Feng Ruoruo's performance in the kindergarten.

I feel that the little girl can not be affected by her father's fame, and she is still the lively villain in the class, and she still admires the parents' education for their children.

Actually, when they were at home, whether it was Feng Yifan or Su Ruoxi. It was still grandpa, grandma and grandpa, who never made Feng Ruoruo feel special about him. They will make the little girl feel that she is just an ordinary child.

So Feng Ruoruo naturally never feels special when he is in the kindergarten.

She thinks that the children in the kindergarten are all friends and can play together.

It's just that not all parents of children are educated like Feng Yifan and others.

During this period of time, as Feng Yifan’s reputation has grown, many parents will still consciously or unintentionally ask their children at home. In the future, in kindergarten, try to establish a relationship with Feng Ruoruo as much as possible, and some parents will let their children play more with Feng Ruoruo. .

It’s just that although they are all children, in fact, not everyone can play together.

For example, Feng Ruoruo, Yang Xiaoxi, Chen Yaofei, and even Liu Yan, a few little girls, like to play together, like to run around, and even relatively prefer outdoor activities.

But there are some children who don’t like outdoor activities that much.

Therefore, it is indeed impossible for the children to all play together in the kindergarten between classes.

But because of parental guidance, some children still mustered up the courage to try to play with Feng Ruoruo and the other girls.

As for Feng Ruoruo, it has been a few months since her father came back, her personality has become more and more cheerful, and she is also willing to play with all the children.

This may also originate from the fact that before her father came back, she could only be with Yang Xiaoxi, which seemed to be isolated by other children. Now that she has the opportunity to play with many children, the little girl is naturally very happy.

As other children come into contact with Feng Ruoruo, they will also find that Feng Ruoruo gets along well.

She always cares about other children.

When playing together, I will take care of every child.

Although Feng Ruoruo tends to favor Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei more often, she will not completely ignore the ideas of other children playing together.

In this case, these children in the kindergarten class gradually like to play with Feng Ruoruo.

Feng Ruoruo has become Yanran's little boss in the class.

Because of uniting a group of little girls, Feng Ruoruo also confronts the little boys from time to time.

Especially for Liu Zihao, even though Feng Ruoruo has been angrily reprimanded, Liu Zihao still does his own way, occasionally he brings a group of young boys to little girls.

At this time, Feng Ruoruo would give the little girls their heads.

"Liu Zihao, you are not allowed to bully girls. Our girls are all good babies. If you bully our girls, you are bad boys."

The interesting thing is that Liu Zihao is not very afraid of other children.

But he seemed to be naturally afraid of Feng Ruoruo, and every time Feng Ruoruo came out, he immediately persuaded him.

The reason behind this is more because of Feng Ruoruo's father.

And Liu Zihao has been begging his parents to take him to Feng Ruoruo's restaurant for dinner, so the little boys dare not offend Feng Ruoruo.

It seems that Liu Zihao would feel that Feng Ruoruo would affect her father, and if he bullied Feng Ruoruo, her father would not let her go to the restaurant to eat.

So when facing Feng Ruoruo's accusation, Liu Zihao will immediately become very well-behaved.

He even took the initiative to apologize to the little girl who was bullying.

"Well, I'm sorry, we won't bully girls in the future."

Feng Ruoruo said like a little teacher: "Yes, you are not allowed to bully girls. As boys, you should protect girls."

The little boy with Liu Zihao would be very surprised to ask: "Why protect girls?"

Feng Ruoruo immediately said: "My dad said, because girls are good babies, so if they are very good boys, they will protect our girls, just like my dad. My dad protects me and mom."

Then some of the little girls who were with Feng Ruoruo also immediately agreed.

"Yes, my father also protects me and my mother."

"Yes, so is my dad."

"My father is too."

"You boys, don't bully girls."


A group of children are here to discuss that boys are not allowed to bully girls. This scene is actually very interesting.

Teacher Fang and the teacher who was transferred to help see the children in this class also found this group of children very interesting.

The newly transferred teacher couldn't help but whispered to the other teacher: "Teacher Fang, the children in your class are really interesting, especially Feng Ruoruo, who sometimes seems like a little teacher. "

Teacher Fang responded with a smile: "It is true that Feng Ruoruo sometimes looks like a little adult, but in fact he is still a child."

New teacher continued: "But Feng Ruoruo really feels very cheerful, and other children playing with her will also be infected by her."

Teacher Fang nodded: "Yes, if you have been in contact with Feng Ruoruo for a long time, you will find that Feng Ruoruo even cares about adults. He is really a very cute child. I feel that Chef Feng and the others are really good at educating children. That's great."

Mr. Xin couldn’t help asking when he heard about Chef Feng, “Mr. Fang, Feng Ruoruo’s father, is that the very famous Chef Feng now?”

Teacher Fang nodded: "Of course, although Chef Feng is now more famous, he is still very easy-going."

The new teacher can't help but look forward to it: "Actually, I really want to get to know him."

Teacher Fang smiled and said, "You want to see, can you book a place in his restaurant in advance through Chef Feng?"

was directly broken, the new teacher was a little embarrassed.

Teacher Fang smiled and said: "Nothing is embarrassing. Many teachers in our kindergarten have passed me. They want to know Ruoruo's father and want to see if I can book a seat in a restaurant, but it should be difficult to get it now. "

The new teacher also sighed when he heard the words: "It's really difficult. Maybe it will be more difficult to get there before the National Day is over."

Teacher Fang nodded: "This is a fact, because during the National Day holiday, many people must want to go to Ruo Restaurant to try Chef Feng's craftsmanship."

Xin teacher asked again: "By the way, this Ruo restaurant, can it be based on Feng Ruoruo's name?"

Teacher Fang smiled and said, "It's really possible."

After the children played for a while, it was almost lunch time, and the two teachers together called the children back to the class, sat down in the classroom to rest, and prepared to have lunch.

As a bell rang, the kindergarten began to deliver lunch for each class.

Today’s kindergarten lunch, I also consulted Feng Yifan on nutrition.

Many people may not believe it. After Feng Yifan agreed to the principal, he really took the time to come here today, and he specifically pointed out the cooking in the kindergarten kitchen.

While ensuring nutrition, Feng Yifan also slightly adjusted the taste so that the children can eat nutritiously while also being able to eat more deliciously.

So today, as a plate of lunch was delivered to the children, a group of children were amazed.

"Wow, today's meal is delicious."

"Yes, it smells really good."

Even Feng Ruoruo, Yang Xiaoxi, and Chen Yaofei, after having been baptized by Feng’s father’s restaurant, had relatively high demands on the dishes, and they felt that the food in the kindergarten today was very fragrant.

"It's really fragrant, Xixi, Fei Fei, don't you think that today's dishes look like my father's cooking."

Yang Xiaoxi immediately agreed: "Yes, yes, it looks like a dish made by Father Feng."

Chen Yaofei said: "It shouldn't be Feng's father who did it, right?"

When the three little girls guessed. The new teacher smiled and said: "The teacher listened to the aunt in the kitchen saying that today's food is if my father came here to give instructions, so you must eat more and not waste it."

Feng Ruoruo was suddenly surprised: "Ah, did my father really do it?"

Chen Yaofei said: "It wasn't that Feng's father did it, it was Feng's father who asked others to do it."

Teacher Xin said: "Yes, Fai Fei is right. It is if my father came over and pointed the kitchen aunt to make it, so it will taste very fragrant, okay, you hurry up and eat."

Then, the children immediately started to eat.

When I ate, I felt that today’s food was really delicious, and the children ate very enthusiastically.

However, there are still some children who do not eat very well by themselves, so even if the food is delicious, they still don’t eat it.

Then after Feng Ruoruo saw it, she couldn't help standing up to educate the children.

"You have to eat deliciously. These meals are grown by the farmer's uncles, and the aunt in the kitchen made them carefully for us, so they shouldn't be wasted."

This kind of teaching was originally the teacher's responsibility, but Feng Ruoruo took the lead.

Teacher Fang and New Teacher were also a little dumbfounded.

The new teacher couldn't help but whispered to the other teacher: "How do you feel, Feng Ruoruo did everything we should do, this little girl is really interesting."

Teacher Fang also said: "Ruoruo is indeed a particularly sensible child, and he is very enthusiastic."

After a lunch, Feng Ruoruo will start checking other children.

will ask other children to clean their meals.

"You can't stay. It's a waste if you leave it like this. The hard work of the farmer uncle and the kitchen aunt is in vain. You must finish it."

Under Feng Ruoruo's supervision, the children all finished their lunch.

After lunch, Feng Ruoruo set an example with Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei to help tidy up the small bowls and wait for the kitchen aunt to come and collect them.

The new teacher saw this situation, and the other teacher said again: "Teacher Fang, it's no wonder that you were leading this class by yourself before. It is true that Feng Ruoruo is in this class, which can save you a lot of work. It is really easier. ."

Teacher Fang couldn’t help but smiled bitterly and said, “How can you feel relaxed? In fact, you still have to teach the children, and Feng Ruoruo cannot convince every child, or Feng Ruoruo has a dispute with the children, and the teacher still needs mediation.”

The new teacher nodded, also expressing understanding.

After lunch, the children rested for a while, and Teacher Fang clapped their hands to prepare the children to enter the nap room for a nap.

"Today, you must go to bed obediently. No one is allowed to sleep, or make trouble while sleeping."

Feng Ruoruo suddenly raised her little hand and asked: "Teacher Fang, can I sleep with Xixi and Feifei?"

Teacher Fang heard Feng Ruoruo's question and looked at the new teacher with a wry smile.

The latter also immediately understood that even though Feng Ruoruo is well-behaved, he still has children's wayward side.

Teacher Fang is naturally very serious and said: "No, each of you has your own crib, which can only sleep one child, so Feng Ruoruo, don’t ask this question again. You go to your own bed to sleep obediently. ?"

Feng Ruoruo did not make trouble, and immediately agreed very seriously: "Well, Ruoruo knows."

After arranging for the children to fall asleep, Teacher Fang quietly said to the new teacher: "Did you see? When Feng Ruoruo is also a little willful, she wants to sleep with Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei. This question has been raised more than once."

Teacher Xin was a little surprised: "Have you said it more than once?"

Teacher Fang smiled bitterly and said, "Yes, I said it more than once."

The new teacher couldn't help laughing: "It seems that children are children after all."

Teacher Fang nodded: "Yes, even if Feng Ruoruo is very sensible, she is still a child, so she still has children's wayward side. UU reading "

Teacher Xin asked again: "Teacher Fang, how do you teach such a child?"

Teacher Fang whispered: "First of all, you must strictly reject her unreasonable request, otherwise she will pester you. Secondly, you must try to guide her to make her realize that this kind of request is wrong. Posture to teach."

The new teacher is also very humbly accepting, which is to accumulate experience for his kindergarten teacher career.

The children were already lying down, and then Liu Yan approached Feng Ruoruo's bed. Because she didn't fall asleep immediately, she couldn't help but quietly asked, "Ruoruo, we wake up, will your father bring snacks?"

As a result, Liu Yan's words were heard by the child next door. When the child relayed it, it became: "Wake up, Ruoruo's father will bring snacks."

and then passed them one by one. The children suddenly became noisy in the quiet nap room.

Feng Ruoruo said, "Sleep all the time, sleep well so that you can have a refreshment when you wake up."

This sentence is still very useful. Before the teacher Fang and the new teacher who were guarding the door came in, the children lay down obediently, closed their eyes and started to sleep hard.

And before Feng Ruoruo closed his eyes and started going to bed, he also muttered in his mouth: "Will Dad bring snacks?"


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