v2 Chapter 868: Hot, busy chef

Name:Hardcore Chef Dad Author:Pangmo
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Although the opening of Su Ji could not be regarded as a grand occasion that attracted worldwide attention, it did attract a lot of fans from Feng Yifan's network.

Especially because it is the National Day holiday, those who started to pay attention to Feng Yifan's cooking video very early also happened to take advantage of this National Day holiday to make a special trip to Huaicheng. In order to be able to see Feng Yifan cooking with his own eyes and taste Feng Yifan's craftsmanship in person.

What's more, if it wasn't for Feng Yifan's already some reputation, Huaicheng itself is not a very well-known tourist city, so some tickets to Huaicheng during the National Day holiday are relatively easy to buy.

And Su Ji, who was really sitting in the newly renovated, tasted the noodles that he had seen in online photos and videos more than once. Those who came from other places all felt worthy of the trip, and they would even be thankful that they had been so early. Come this trip.

One Feng Yifan supporter posted a Weibo online immediately after eating a bowl of noodles.

"It's a worthwhile trip. Just this bowl of noodles is enough to compare to those three-star restaurants. Three-star restaurants are known as restaurants that are worth planning a trip for. So Su Ji is worth living here. Last month."

After posting this Weibo, a photo of the menu was added below.

Soon this Weibo was reposted on the Internet.

Then, the diners who are also in Su Ji, give a comment below.

"There are so many toppings for noodles. If you eat one type of topping every day, you can really eat it for a month without re-spreading. It's worth eating again."

Su Ji's menu was posted on the Internet, and it really surprised many people.

Just a whole page full of noodles with various toppings is simply dazzling.

And add some Suji special side dishes.

It is the first time that people feel the magical charm of Chinese food.

Not to mention foreigners, but many people in China do not see the menu, and may not imagine that just noodles can have so many tricks.

Many people who had a wait-and-see attitude before, have seen these spreads on the Internet, and they have already begun planning, thinking about going to this ancient street in Huaicheng and savoring Su Ji's noodles.

When Su Ji became famous, more and more people lined up at the door.

The three little girls, Feng Ruoruo, Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei, are also very dedicated, not allowing anyone to jump in casually.

"Uncle, you're going to line up behind you, you can't jump in the queue."

A person who was just about to get close, trying to cross-hook, suddenly heard a sound behind him, and was also startled.

Turning around, I saw a little girl dressed like a waiter, standing there with a serious face.

The little girl looks very cute, with the word "Su" embroidered on the clothes of the little waiter on her body, and she knows that she should be from Su Ji.

And for a moment, I understand that the little girl should be Su Ji's little boss.

Being stared at by the cute little girl makes those who are planning to get a hook suddenly feel a little embarrassed.

The people in the line immediately helped the little girl speak.

"The little boss said, if you want to eat in Su Ji, go to the back and line up quickly. Didn't you see everyone queuing here?"

"Yeah, don't think about getting hooked, don't cause trouble to our little boss."

"Yes, we lined up so quietly, we also want to see the little boss."

"That's it, hurry up to line up, don't stop us from seeing the little boss."


Driven by a lot of people in the line, that person can only go to the back obediently, but the line at the back is a bit too long.

Knowing that there were a lot of people in the line outside, Feng Yifan asked Ma Xiaolong to go next door and opened the Lin's shop.

Soon, Ma Xiaolong also opened the store door and told everyone that he could go to the Lin's store and take out.

"Please don’t worry, everyone, because there are too many people today and the places in Su Ji are limited. So if you can’t wait, you can come here and queue up here to take out. Don’t worry, everyone. The takeout is also Su Ji. What we did over there will definitely not be used to top up the number."

I heard that there was a window for takeout, and soon some people rushed to Lin's shop to line up.

It is true that there are too many people in the line at Su Kee. I really have to wait to enter Su Kee. I feel that it may not be possible to have lunch at three or four o'clock in the afternoon.

Many people chose to buy takeaways at the Lin's shop next door.

In this way, you can also taste the delicious noodles of Suji.

Moreover, the take-out packaging that Feng Yifan prepared was a very sturdy lunch box. After you bought it, you could even carry it on the street.

Ma Xiaolong alone is responsible for the takeout, which is also very hard, but he still finishes it quickly.

The first takeout person bought it, holding the takeout lunch box in his hand, and standing on the ancient street suddenly couldn't help but uncover the lid of the lunch box and began to eat.


The people who were still in line heard the sound of others eating noodles in the street, it was really an instant drool, and some people couldn't help it anymore and went to the next door to line up to buy takeaway.

As a result, Su Ji's pressure on queuing is also reduced a lot in an instant.

However, with the approach of noon, there are still many people on the ancient street.

At this time, Chen Xu and Luo Yu came out carrying a basket full of small snacks, and the two called the three little girls over.

"Ruoruo, Xixi, Feifei, are you hungry? How about you go in for some food, here I will maintain order with your Aunt Luo Yu."

The three little girls quickly ran to Chen Xu and Luo Yu. Seeing the snacks in the baskets of the two, the three little girls did not immediately reach out for them, but were a little curious to ask what they were doing.

"Uncle Chen, Sister Luo, what are you doing?"

"Are you going to share the snacks for everyone?"

"Are you going to send a snack?"

Luo Yu smiled and said, "Yes, you are so smart. We plan to distribute these snacks to the people in the queue so that everyone will not be queued for so long and too hard."

Feng Ruoruo immediately said: "Okay, let me help."

Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei also clamored for help.

Chen Xu said, "The three of you need to help? Are you three hungry? Let's go in for a bite in first. Aunt Luo and I will send it here."

Luo Yu listened to Chen Xu and patted Chen Xu: "People call me my sister, why are you always Aunt Luo's Aunt Luo? I'm an older sister."

Yang Xiaoxi smiled and said, "Yes, it's Sister Luo."

Chen Xu also looked helpless: "Okay, it's sister, then the three of you are going to eat in?"

Feng Ruoruo looked at the two friends and asked, "Are you hungry, Xixi and Feifei?"

Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei naturally replied in unison: "I'm not hungry."

When a good friend said that he was not hungry, Feng Ruoruo said, "Uncle Chen and Sister Luo, we are not hungry, we are going to share snacks together."

Yang Xiaoxi said: "Yes, right, let's send snacks together."

Chen Yaofei followed and said, "I want to send snacks together."

Chen Xu and Luo Yu smiled bitterly at each other, and finally had to agree to the little girls.

Then the two of them followed the little girl and asked the three little girls to distribute the snacks prepared in the basket to the people in the line.

"Uncle, please have a snack."

"Auntie, please have a snack."

"Sister, please have some snacks. Slowly line up for snacks first."

The three little girls started to post a snack, and they were immediately photographed by the people lining up on the street, and then also posted to Moments and Weibo.

"Hahaha, it's finally time to wait, in front of Su Ji's door, the little boss sends a refreshment moment."

As soon as this Weibo with the picture was posted, it immediately triggered fierce forwarding and heated discussions on the Internet.

Many people expressed their special envy, and waited for the moment when the little boss personally sent a snack.

"It's a worthwhile trip. When the little boss sends out a snack, I will go in later and eat a bowl of Su Kee noodles. This trip is satisfying."

The news that some people posted on the Internet is even more enviable from those who haven't come.

"Oh, I'm really envious."

"Envy, the snack from the little boss."

"Did Chef Feng made it by himself?"

"It doesn't seem to be, but it was also made by two well-known dim sum chefs in Su Ji. It is really delicious."

"I know, there was a video specifically introduced before, and the two dim sum chefs are also very good."

"I regret it, I should book the National Day ticket to Huaicheng early."

"It's too late now. It's better to buy a ticket to Huaicheng."

"Buy, book a ticket tomorrow."


Because of the release of various videos and photos of Su Ji on the Internet, it immediately attracted more people to book tickets to Huaicheng, and they planned to come and taste Su Ji.

Feng Ruoruo, Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei are also very serious about sending snacks.

Sometimes when I met the same children, the three little girls would give some more snacks.

"Miss sister, take it and eat. There are many more. We will give you one for each of the three of us. You can take it and eat it slowly."

"Brother, you can also get three."

"My sister will give you three too."


The friendliness of the three little girls to the children also won the love of many children in the queue. Then some children found it very interesting and simply came out and followed them.

As a result, an interesting scene soon appeared on the ancient street.

Feng Ruoruo, Yang Xiaoxi, and Chen Yaofei walked in front, followed by Chen Xu and Luo Yu carrying baskets, and then there was a string of small tails, all of them children who came to eat with their parents.

The parents were a little worried at first, but when they saw Feng Ruoruo, Yang Xiaoxi, and Chen Yaofei behind them, and two dim sum masters following along, they gradually became more relieved, and then continued to line up.

This scene on the ancient street was also taken by many people.

Such a group of children added a bit of joy to the boring line.

As more and more people chose to take out, Su Ji's pressure eased, and the queues were visible to the naked eye and began to gradually decrease.

However, in Su Ji's back kitchen, everyone is still very busy.

Especially need to ensure that both sides eat together.

Ma Xiaolong can cook noodles, but the cooking of the toppings still needs to be prepared by the chef on the Suji side.

In addition, if the restaurant is open at noon, Feng Yifan still has to go to the restaurant to be busy, so the chef Feng Yifan in the back kitchen is really very busy.

An interesting thing happened here, that is, if the restaurant opened here, some people in line thought that Ruo’s restaurant could also go in, but some people entered Ruo’s restaurant.

After I went in, I found out that there were three foreign faces in the restaurant. I thought I had entered the wrong place.

When he was wondering, Feng Yifan walked over from next door and gave an explanation very seriously.

"Sorry, we only accept reservations. Have you reserved a seat? If you have a seat, please come and get your number plate, and then you can take a seat. We will start lunch soon."

The person who broke into Ruo's restaurant by mistake suddenly understood Feng Yifan's words.

"Oh, sorry, I seem to have gone into the wrong place."

Feng Yifan smiled and said: "It doesn't matter. If you want to come to the restaurant, please remember to book online, but now there are more people, so please make a reservation after the National Day holiday. It should be easier to book a seat."

Feng Yifan's soft-spoken explanation also made the guests who entered the wrong door feel very comfortable.

Later, before the other party left, he also got a snack.

The guest who entered the wrong door naturally posted his experience quickly on the Internet.

Suddenly, it also caused a lot of heated discussions on the Internet, and many people even clamored to try it wrong.

But there are still some sane people who say it shouldn't.

"Don't deliberately go to the wrong door. There are already too many people today. You are doing this to increase the workload for Chef Feng."

"That's right, Chef Feng has to take care of the two restaurants and stop making trouble for others."

"Yes, don't cause trouble to others. If you want to line up, just line up. If you don't want to line up, go to other places and stroll around. Really, what does it mean to go to the wrong door on purpose?"

"Don't just want to take advantage, think you can get a snack if you go wrong, just go to the wrong door deliberately."


There were condemnation from some people on the Internet. Naturally, those with crooked minds quickly dismissed their thoughts, and the queue at Su Ji was getting faster and faster.

In Su Ji, in order to speed up the progress slightly, Su Ruoxi simply asked the waiter to give a snack as a gift to the diners who had finished eating, so that the diners who had finished eating could give up their seats first, so that the queue outside can progress. Naturally speed up.

When all the booking guests at the restaurant arrived, Feng Yifan became even busier.

On the one hand, it is necessary to maintain the meal progress of the back kitchen in Su Kee.

On the one hand, it is also necessary to sit in a restaurant, and the key is to have Feng Yifan's hands on the main course of the restaurant.

In this way, Su Ruoxi also saw that her husband was constantly coming and going between the two sides, and she was a little worried about the busyness of her husband in her heart.

And because there are too many people in line outside Su Ji's door, Su Ji can no longer take a lunch break on time.

When Feng Yifan was busy, he did not forget his family. At 12:30, he came out from Ruo Restaurant to call his three daughters back to Su Ji. Let the wife take the children and the two families who came to help, go upstairs to the private room to have lunch together.

"You go up to eat first, and after eating, take the children back to rest. Now the progress has stabilized here. I believe that it will gradually stop being so busy. There are still so many people here, so you will definitely be able to get busy. ."

After listening to her husband, Su Ruoxi rushed to hug him.

Under everyone's eyes, everyone was taken aback when they saw this scene, and then they were moved when they thought of the inside story.

Feng Yifan hugged his wife and calmed down softly: "It's okay, it's not hard, you take Ruoruo them upstairs, children can't be hungry, and you can't be hungry, there are so many people here to help, I really It’s not very hard."

Su Ruoxi was still holding her husband when she heard that, she didn't say a word for a long time, just holding her like that.

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