v2 Chapter 886: 3 guides, not allowed to jump in the queue randomly

Name:Hardcore Chef Dad Author:Pangmo
finalized the matter with Yang Zhiyi, Feng Yifan returned to the Lin's shop with him, planning to go back to the next door Su Ji from here to continue busy.

But when Feng Ruoruo, Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei saw Feng's father entering the door, they all rushed out together and blocked his way.

"Dad, can you take us there with you?"

"Papa Feng, we also want to help."

"Papa Feng, we must be obedient."

Feng Yifan saw the three little girls look very expectant, and it was a bit uncomfortable to refuse them.

But Su Ruoxi said, "Three of you, don’t go and make trouble. It will be open at noon. Everyone in the back kitchen must prepare things for noon business as soon as possible. If you are in the past, everyone will take care of the three of you. It will waste time."

Lu Cuiling and Chen Yaofei's grandparents also helped persuade the children.

"The three of you can play with puppies here."

"Yes, you can go outside to help greet the guests when the door opens for business."

"You can also help guide the crowd. Don't go to the back kitchen. There are so many dangerous things in the back kitchen. It is dangerous for the three of you to go in and play.

Seeing that everyone has helped to explain a lot of great truths, Feng Yifan squatted down and recruited the three little girls in front of him.

"Papa Feng knows that our Ruoruo, Xixi, and Fai Fei really want to go in and help, not to make trouble, right?"

The three little girls nodded together.

Feng Yifan continued: "But, there are stoves and knives in the back kitchen, so the back kitchen is very dangerous. Those things are not for children to play, right? If the three of you go in, in case you get injured. When it arrives, Father Feng and everyone will feel distressed."

When the three little girls heard this, they also understood that they shouldn't go to make trouble.

Feng Ruoruo once again took the lead and said: "Well, dad, let's not go there."

Yang Xiaoxi said: "Daddy Feng, then we will go to greet the guests in a moment."

Chen Yaofei said: "We must be obedient and not make trouble."

Feng Yifan smiled and nodded: "Well, Dad Feng knows that you are all good children. Then, after a while, you can go out through the door here with your father, mother, and grandparents, and go outside to help greet the guests. ."

At this point, Feng Yifan gave another order.

"Papa Feng tells you, you have to separate the guests, part of them, let them line up at the shop of Uncle Xiaolin, and part of them, line up at Su Ji."

Feng Ruoruo asked strangely: "Why?"

Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei are also very curious.

Feng Yifan continued: "Because some people want to buy and take away to eat, we let them line up at Uncle Xiaolin's house, and some of them are to eat in Su Ji, so we let them line up next door. , Separated like this, it won’t be crowded."

After hearing what Feng Dad said, the three little girls quickly understood.

Feng Ruoruo nodded and said, "Dad, I understand."

Yang Xiaoxi also nodded: "I understand too."

Chen Yaofei followed and said: "Faey also understands."

Feng Yifan smiled and said: "Very well, our three little babies are really smart, and you can understand them all at once. Then you three will go out to greet the guests, okay?"

The three little girls nodded and agreed.

Feng Yifan comforted the children, and also carefully washed their hands, and also tidyed up the chef's clothes on him, before stepping back into Su Ji's back kitchen.

When Feng Yifan entered the Su Ji kitchen, Feng Ruoruo took two good friends and said, "Okay, let's go and greet the guests."

Seeing that Feng Ruoruo couldn't wait, Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei also wanted to greet the guests.

Su Ruoxi had to stop the children with a smile.

"Don't worry, it's not time yet, you forgot, the restaurant opens at 11 o'clock, so we don't rush to it, let's wait a while, and then go outside to greet those guests, okay?"

Feng Ruoruo asked, "Mom, can we go with Tiantian?"

Without waiting for Su Ruoxi's answer, Chen Yaofei immediately said: "It's not easy to bring sweets, some people are afraid of dogs."

Yang Xiaoxi said: "But Tiantian is very good."

Chen Yaofei said: "However, some people are scared when they see a dog."

Su Ruoxi also said: "Don't bring Tiantian. There will be many people on the street. You have to be busy greeting the guests, with Tiantian inconvenient."

Feng Ruoruo pursed his small mouth, obviously a little bit very unhappy.

But at this moment, Feng Ruoruo suddenly remembered something and turned to look at Chen Yaofei.

"Fei Fei, when you were abroad, we video, didn't you say that you would bring the cat back all the time? But why didn't you bring it back?"

Chen Yaofei suddenly collapsed when she heard Feng Ruoruo mention the cat.

"The cat is sick."

Li Xiuchun stood up and explained to the little granddaughter: “It’s not that Faey didn’t bring the cat back. The cat was sick and was in a foreign pet hospital. However, Faey’s parents agreed that they will be sent back when the cat is cured. of."

Chen Yaofei followed and said: "Yes, my parents said, let my uncles and aunts help bring them back."

Chen Shoulin said with a smile: "It should have been cured, but we have to wait for someone from Feifei's parents to return to China before we can bring the cat back."

Yang Xiaoxi said, "Faey, your cat is so cute."

Chen Yaofei smiled and said: "Yes, it's cute. Then Xixi and Ruoruo can play with it."

Feng Ruoruo immediately added: "There is still Tiantian, let Tiantian also play with it at that time."

Chen Yaofei nodded: "Okay, let Tiantian also play together."

The three little girls chatted together again for a while. Su Ruoxi looked at the time and said to the children: "Well, we are going to greet the guests now, Feng Ruoruo, Yang Xiaoxi, Chen Yaofei, are you ready?"

The three little girls immediately responded in unison: "Ready."

Su Ruoxi smiled and said, "Okay, then let's go."

Feng Ruoruo, Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei immediately cheered: "Go here."

Then the three little girls followed Su Ruoxi and walked straight to the door of Lin's shop, waiting for Su Ruoxi to open the door of Lin's shop.

opened the door and saw that the street outside was full of people.

Although there are a lot of people on the street, the children are not scared.

Because of the scene in front of me, the children had actually seen it once yesterday, so it is not strange to see it again today.

Encouraged by the parents, the three little girls stepped out of the shop.

Then, the little girls took the initiative to talk to the people who lined up on the street, so that everyone could line up properly, and told everyone where to line up.

"Uncle, do you want to eat in Su Ji, or do you want to take it away?"

"Auntie, if you want to take away to eat, you can line up here."

"Sister, if you want to eat in Su Ji, go there and line up."

The appearance of three little girls, and a kind of guidance to the crowd, quickly won the love of street diners.

Everyone thought the three little girls were very interesting.

Especially every time they open their mouths, they talk to people very seriously, and they use their little hands to gently pull each other so that they can look at them and listen to them to explain how to line up? Where should I line up?

With the help of three little girls, the flow of people on the street was quickly sorted out, and everyone lined up in an orderly manner.

may be to cooperate with the little girls, so everyone is also very polite.

Of course, if anyone watched the three little girls guide the team and felt that the three little girls could be bullied, that would be a big mistake.

If you dare to be rude to the little girls, parents will immediately show up and scold them.

and other people in line on the street will join the condemning crowd.

So it’s possible that people who bully the little girls will no longer be able to eat Su Ji or Ruo Restaurant.

Feng Ruoruo held hands with Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei, came out of the Lin’s shop, and then led the team from Su Ji all the way to the street, so that everyone should queue up, not let everyone jump in the queue casually, and let everyone line up correctly.

When I had already walked outside the street, I saw that everyone had been lined up.

The three little girls hurried back to the ancient street holding hands.

"Ah, let's go back quickly."

"Yes, we will go back soon."

"There is already a good line up here, let's go back."

Holding hands, the little girls ran all the way back to Su Ji's door. At this time, Su Ji had already opened the door. Feng Yifan stood in front of the door again and was about to say something.

Feng Ruoruo saw it, and took the little partner and said, "Hurry up, Dad is going to talk."

Then the three little girls squeezed into the crowd abruptly, until they reached Feng Yifan.


"Papa Feng."

"Papa Feng."

The call of the three little girls attracted Feng Yifan's attention, and then he smiled and waved to let the little girls come to him.

When he reached his father's side, Feng Ruoruo immediately said: "Dad, Xixi and Fei Fei and I have made everyone line up."

Yang Xiaoxi said: "Yes, yes, we let everyone line up, and we are not allowed to jump in."

Chen Yaofei added: "Papa Feng, we also sent people to line up at the shop of Uncle Xiaolin, and then we also lined up here."

After listening to the "debrief report" of the three little girls, Feng Yifan also smiled and said, "It's great. Our three little babies are so amazing. When I came out, I saw that the line was so good. Did the little ones guide you?"

was praised, which naturally made the three little girls very happy.

Feng Yifan then embraced the little girls and raised his head to look at the crowd of onlookers.

"Thank you all for coming to Su Ji, and thank you all for queuing up according to the arrangements of my daughters. I really appreciate your understanding and thank you for your willingness to line up in the street for our Su Ji food."

After saying thank you, Feng Yifan still opened his mouth to show the rules and attitude.

"Su Ji, there is Su Ji's rules. According to Su Ji's rules, everyone must queue up. Anyone who jumps in the queue, we Su Ji refuse to do his business.

In addition, according to my daughters, if you feel that you can’t wait for the seat at Su Ji to be available, you can buy it directly at the shop next door, and then you can take it away.

Although you can't eat in Su Ji, there are not so many people who should line up. "

Speaking of this, Feng Yifan solemnly declares: "I assure everyone that the noodles and fried rice bought from the shop next door are also made by the chef in the back kitchen of Su Ji. They will definitely not be packed casually. Everyone is perfunctory, everything is absolutely fresh."

Having said so much, the crowd at the scene was always silent, listening quietly.

Feng Yifan saw that everyone was silent, so he could only smile and said, "Well, everyone don't need to be cautious. Today, Su Ji’s business is now open."

Hearing that Su Ji was open for business, the crowd at the door began to rush to Su Ji.

The three little girls were all shocked when they saw this, and hurriedly shrank into Feng's father.

Feng Yifan immediately stopped everyone from saying: "Please don’t be crowded, please line up as smoothly as before. If you don’t line up, please leave directly. We at Su Ji will not entertain anyone who does not line up."

Chef Feng’s words are still very useful.

The point is that some people who wanted to break into Su Ji did not dare to directly rush Feng Yifan when he was stuck in front of the door.

Seeing that the crowd was also obediently queuing up, Feng Yifan said to his daughters: "Okay, everyone is queuing, are you three going in with me?"

What surprised Feng Yifan was that the three little girls were unwilling to go in together.

"Daddy can't do it, we have to help you watch the team."

"Papa Feng, if we leave, someone will jump in the line."

"Papa Feng, we are here to keep people from jumping in the queue."

Seeing the three little girls so persistent, it makes Feng Yifan a little hard to say.

He can only encourage the three little girls.

"Well, Ruoruo, Xixi, and Feifei are father Feng’s good daughters. UU Reading would thank the three of you. Dad is going to go first. You must check it well. People jump in the queue casually, okay?"

The three little girls nodded seriously immediately.

"Dad, we promise to complete the task."

"Feng Papa Xixi will also be completed."

"Fei Fai will also be completed."

Feng Yifan smiled and nodded, and then took the children to the street with Yang Zhiyi and others, while Feng Yifan turned and went to Su Ji's back kitchen.

Soon after Feng Yifan entered the back kitchen, Su Liancheng and the waiters arranged to let the first group of diners enter the restaurant.

On the other side, today are Lin Ruifeng and Ning Cheng, who are in charge of the takeout work at Lin's shop.

Su Ji’s business officially started, and people began to line up one after another to taste it.

Feng Ruoruo, Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei were three little girls. After taking care of the team for a while, the little girls suddenly thought of it. They didn't seem to send any snacks today.

As the little girls were thinking about this, Luo Yu came out with a tray of snacks.

"Ruo Ruo, Xi Xi, Fai Fei, you guys come here to help."

The three little girls heard it, and immediately knew that Sister Luo was going to send a snack when she came out. The three little girls didn't hesitate at all and ran directly to Luo Yu.

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