v2 Chapter 890: Children are happy, busy day 2

Name:Hardcore Chef Dad Author:Pangmo
In fact, after someone came to Su Kee to eat Jinsi fried rice before, they posted photos of the Jinsi fried rice on the Internet, and they were amazed that Su Kee's fried rice was so beautiful.

It's just that at that time, everyone's focus was on noodles, so not many people cared.

Naturally, Liu Yan’s parents didn’t notice, so they came to Su Kee today and didn’t think about ordering fried rice. Like most people who came to Su Kee at noon, their goal was Su Kee’s noodles. They wanted to see the difference in Su Kee noodles. Toppings.

Naturally, Su Kee's noodles did not disappoint everyone.

Bowls of clear noodles are paired with various toppings that are light and delicious or thick oil red sauce.

Finally, a handful of chopped green onions is added to add a touch of greenery to the noodles.

The presentation of each bowl of noodles and the taste of the toppings are unforgettable.

And if the toppings are paired with Shang Su Kee’s unique chicken sauce Yifu noodles, it is even more unstoppable.

In order to ensure sufficient noodles, Feng Yifan also specially purchased noodle pressing machines.

I took three apprentices to make face manually every morning.

The reconciled noodles can be put into the noodle machine to produce noodles of even thickness and uniformity, and then they can be deep-fried and shaped to maintain the overall beauty of the noodles.

In the process of cooking noodles, it is necessary to cook the oil that was eaten by the noodles during frying.

In this way, the taste of the noodles can be maintained without making the diners feel that the noodles are oily.

The key is the various toppings that match the noodles. Freshly cooked toppings are also very suitable for seasoning. It can even be said that each topping can be served separately as a dish, and it has a unique flavor when paired with the toppings.

This is also very natural. People who come to Suji at noon will regard that bowl of noodles as a pursuit.

Everyone also ignored the fried rice provided by Su Ji at noon.

When Liu Yan’s parents exclaimed, Lu Cuiling smiled and said, “In fact, besides the noodles at noon, Su Ji, the fried rice is also very delicious.”

Feng Jiandong said: "Yes, this is the golden fried rice that the children eat now. In addition to this, there are also golden fried rice, golden fried rice, assorted fried rice, barbecue fried rice, and fried rice. There are also many choices, but it seems that everyone comes at noon and they all want to eat noodles."

After Ruo Ruo’s grandma and grandpa introduced, Liu Yan’s father smiled and said, “Uncles and aunts, this is mainly because there are more spreads about noodles on the Internet. Everyone is really paying attention to noodles, and it is natural to ignore the fried rice. In fact, you can promote it. a bit."

Lu Cuiling said: "It's okay, everyone can choose for themselves, there is no need for publicity, now the business is too good, if my father is too busy, then publicity, it is really too tired."

Liu Yan's parents looked at each other when they heard the words, and both of them couldn't help laughing bitterly.

I thought to myself: This is really blatant Versailles.

Liu Yan ate the fried rice, especially the golden silk, and found it very delicious, so she used a public spoon to scoop a small bowl of fried rice, and then she gave it to her parents and asked them to taste it.

"Mom, you and Dad will try it too, this one is also delicious."

Liu Yan's parents were also a little moved to see her daughter coming over with a small bowl on the initiative and holding them up to eat.

Especially Liu Yan's father, because he is usually busy and spends less time with his daughter.

Sometimes the relationship between father and daughter is a little strange.

But now seeing her daughter raise the small bowl and let herself taste the fried rice that she thinks is delicious, it really makes her father feel very happy.

Liu Yan's father squatted down and approached his daughter's small bowl and said, "Yanyan, Dad doesn't have a spoon, and his hands are a bit dirty. You feed Dad, okay?"

Liu Yan smiled and promised: "Okay, open your mouth, dad, I'll feed you."

The father was very happy and opened his mouth to his daughter.

Liu Yan scooped up a spoonful of rice with a small spoon, but before feeding it to her father, she poured the rice on the spoon back into the small bowl.

When everyone thought it was strange, Liu Yan said, "That was not good just now. There is no gold thread. Dad, you want to taste the gold thread. I'll get it for you. Look, there are gold threads and green beans. Beans, and red flesh, so delicious, Dad opened his mouth."

Liu Yan's father opened his mouth again and asked his daughter to put the small spoon into his mouth.

After eating it with a spoonful, my father was really moved and happy.

Seeing this, Lu Cuiling smiled and said to the other three little girls: "Look, Yanyan is all for mom and dad. Should you also eat for dad and grandparents?"

When the three little girls heard this, they immediately filled their own small bowls with a public spoon, and carried the small bowls to their father or grandparents to eat.

The small courtyard was filled with bursts of joy and laughter.

The Su Ji next door is as busy as ever, especially after 12:30 noon.

Feng Yifan still went to Ruo's restaurant first to cook the main course of Ruo's restaurant.

Then he went back to Su Ji and, together with everyone in the back kitchen of Su Ji, speeded up the process to deliver lunch to the diners.

The entire first floor of Su Kee is like a running water table.

In order to save some time, Su Ruoxi arranged for the waiter to take the initiative to go out and let the people in the queue order the food first, so that after coming in and sitting down, he could immediately determine what toppings to order. The back kitchen can also prepare quickly.

The guests came in batch after batch. The waiter cleaned the table immediately after they had finished eating, and then they would be topped by the people in line behind.

At this kind of moment, everyone in the back kitchen is extremely busy, and everyone can't wait to have a few more hands.

However, under Feng Yifan's coordination, although everyone seemed busy, they were still orderly.

For example, when Shi Jiahui is cooking toppings, Feng Yifan will arrange for someone to cook the noodles.

Then when the toppings are seasoned and finished out of the pot, the noodles over there can basically be cooked. At this time, another person will quickly put the plate and hand it out for the waiter to serve the meal.

After that, several people don't have to return to their positions, but they can alternate with each other.

This simple alternation of each other can ensure the efficiency of the meal.

In terms of taste, Feng Yifan will also check it out.

Others will be asked, some toppings should not be too heavy, some toppings need to be stir-fried for a while, some cannot be heavy sugar, and some can be more sugar.

If someone takes a closer look, they will find that Feng Yifan coordinates everyone in the back kitchen at the same time, he himself will not have any stagnation, he can also complete his work very well, it really seems to be able to multi-line operation.

As time goes by, at 1:30 in the afternoon, the round of peaks at noon can be regarded as gradually passing.

Although there are still some people in line outside, it doesn't have to be very busy.

Feng Yifan walked out to take a look in person, and after determining the number of people outside, he returned to the back kitchen again and let everyone alternate meals.

"Well, there are not so many people in line outside, so everyone can start eating alternately."

Everyone in the back kitchen immediately started to eat alternately.

Alternately eating in this way, while still cooking, after the number of people in the line is reduced, it will not be too panic.

At this time, the children in the small courtyard next door have finished their meals.

Not only Feng Ruoruo, Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei, but even Liu Yan started yawning.

Seeing that the children are all sleepy, Liu Yan's father said, "Well, the children are all sleepy. We should also say goodbye. Let's go home and take a nap. Otherwise, the four of you will lose energy. of."

Mother Liu Yan smiled and said, "Yes, we will leave. Thank you for your hospitality today."

Feng Ruoruo immediately cheered up when she heard Liu Yan was about to leave, and ran to Su Ji's kitchen to call her father.

"Dad, Yeonyan is leaving."

Feng Yifan took her daughter over and smiled at Liu Yan's parents and said, "Are you going back?"

Dad Liu said: "Yes, the children are sleepy. They are used to taking a nap, so I must let them sleep for a while at noon."

Feng Yifan reached out to Liu Yan's parents: "Okay, thank you for coming."

Both Liu Yan's parents shook hands with Feng Yifan.

Dad Liu said: "We should thank you for your hospitality. Today's noon is really an eye-opener for us. Su Ji is indeed Su Ji. Chef Feng is indeed Chef Feng. It is really delicious. Online said Su Ji. A bowl of noodles is comparable to the dishes in a Samsung restaurant, I don’t think I have said anything about it.

Feng Yifan hurriedly waved his hand: "No, no, this is a bit too much, not so exaggerated."

Liu Yan said quickly, "Uncle Feng, it's really delicious."

Feng Yifan looked down at the little girl and smiled and said, "Thank you Yanyan, if Yanyan thinks it is delicious, you can still eat it in the future. When the time comes, let Ruoruo invite you to eat in the small yard behind here, OK? what?"

Liu Yan naturally agreed happily: "Okay."

Feng Ruoruo stretched out her hand and held Liu Yan and said, "Yanyan, if you come in the future, you can let someone call me, and then I will go out and pick you up. You can also come in through this door, the back door, and you don't need to queue in front."

Liu Yan smiled and agreed: "Okay Ruoruo, I know."

After the children bid farewell to each other, Feng Ruoruo, Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei all left together.

Even Su Ruoxi left with him.

But before Su Ruoxi left, she didn’t forget to tell her husband: "Don’t be too tired. If it’s too hard, you should rest early. You don’t have to open until 3 pm at noon. You can end earlier, or you can take a break. ."

Feng Yifan responded with a smile to his wife: "Okay, I know, you and your daughter go back to have a good nap. We have a lot of staff here, so don't worry."

Su Ruoxi gave her husband a hug before leaving with everyone.

Feng Yifan sent everyone out, stood outside and waved goodbye to the children.

When the children walked all the way to the outside of the alley, he turned around and walked in. After washing his hands, he returned to the back kitchen and was busy.

Everything at Su Ji was as usual, and the business the next day went smoothly.

It's just that almost everyone in Su Ji is working at full capacity.

After closing at 10 o'clock in the evening, Feng Yifan called everyone together again for another meeting.

"Everyone is unwilling to say, so let me say, after two days, we are almost at full capacity, but in many cases, we may still be unable to cope with the gradual increase in customers. Everyone’s hard work, I can really see it. in.

First of all, I want to say to you that I have worked hard, and I also want to apologize to you all. "

Shi Jiahui heard this and immediately said: "Yifan, you are the chef, you are the leader of the back kitchen, and the person in charge of Su Ji now. You should not say sorry to us, Su Ji can have such a hot business. Although we have worked hard, we are very happy in our hearts."

As soon as Shi Jiahui's words fell, Shi Jinbin's three apprentices also agreed.

"Yes, Junior Brother Yifan, you are the chef, and you have arranged a lot of work for the back chef."

"If it weren't for your well-organized arrangement, we might only be busier than we are now."

"Yes, and you are also very hard. You need to take care of three back chefs. To be honest, you are the busiest chef I have ever seen."

At the same time, Su Liancheng also said: "Brother-in-law, you are really working so hard, and you shouldn't put a lot of pressure on yourself. Think about it. With so many customers every day, you have to deal with almost everything. It's really hard for you to do this."

Zhao Daxia took the opportunity to speak: "I think you leave it to me to wash the dishes, and you don't always care about that, chef."

There was something wrong with the atmosphere, but Zhao Daxia's words amused everyone.

Feng Yifan also laughed immediately: "Hahaha, well, Sister Zhao said that you will leave the washing up to you."

Zhao Daxia said: "That's right, you are a chef, and you have more things to do. I can do the small things like washing dishes, UU reading ."

Feng Yifan still couldn’t help saying: “Sister Zhao, washing dishes is not a trivial matter. All our tableware in Su Ji must be clean and there must be no problems. Otherwise, the guests will have problems with eating. We are really worried. I'm sorry."

Zhao Daxia said seriously: "Don't worry about this, I will definitely be serious again."

Luo Yu couldn't help saying: "Sister Zhao always washes very carefully, and in accordance with the requirements, the water is wiped off one by one before it is put in the disinfection cabinet."

Feng Yifan said: "So we applaud Sister Zhao together and thank Sister Zhao for her dedication."

Su Ji immediately burst into applause, and Zhao Daxia was also a little embarrassed.

Feng Yifan immediately looked at Su Liancheng and other waiters: "Uncle, on your side, the service is also very hard. If your staff is tight, you can recruit some new people later. The key is to be more practical. "

Su Liancheng smiled and said: "There must be enough people. If I bring Fang Lin and a waiter in the restaurant next door, the remaining four people are all on Su Ji's side. Isn't that enough?"

The waiters also said in unison: "There are enough people, we are not too busy."

In fact, the waiters do not need a lot, because some dishes Feng Yifan and their chefs will also take the initiative to serve the dishes, and they will be able to share some of the work of the waiters.

Seeing Feng Yifan’s various self-reflections today, Shi Jiahui couldn’t help saying: “Okay, well, don’t self-reflection here. You, the chef, is very qualified. Let’s work hard together. You really don’t. Worry about us."

Feng Yifan nodded, and finally said: "That's right, the TV station will come to shoot tomorrow, everyone will also make some preparations tomorrow, everything is as usual, and we will show our Su Ji well."

Everyone immediately responded in unison: "It's the chef."