v2 Chapter 896: Chopper warning, grass frolic

Name:Hardcore Chef Dad Author:Pangmo
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The sneaky person ran out like an escape, and joined a few other partners. When they saw him escape with a panic on his face, all of them were very surprised.

"What's the matter? Are you scared by something? What do you see?"

"Are you talking? What did you see?"

"Have you taken any exclusive videos that you can upload?"

"No? You look at him? It doesn't seem to be."

"what is going on?"

Several people talked about it, but they couldn't ask for a reason for a long time. Everyone didn't understand why the companions ran out of the back alley, as if they were frightened?

At this time, the people who lined up in front of the gate of Su Ji on the ancient street suddenly began to discuss.

"Hey, did you watch it? Chef Feng posted a Weibo."

"I see, it's really a Weibo from Chef Feng."

"This Weibo looks very interesting."

"Yes, it's a moving picture, it seems Chef Feng is chasing someone with a knife, right?"

"It seems to be. Someone went to the back door of Su Ji and wanted to sneak a photo there. Chef Feng caught him."

"Chef Feng said on Weibo, warning everyone not to go to the back alley casually in the future."

"This person is also interesting. If you want to see the back kitchen, you can see it from Su Ji? Why go to the back alley?"

"Maybe it was deliberate? I want to go to the back alley to see, can you secretly take a secret recipe?"

"That's too unethical. How can you take pictures of the secret recipes of other restaurants?"

"That's right, this kind of person is really unreasonable."

"But this person is really interesting."

"Hahaha, yes, yes, look at this animation. As soon as Chef Feng showed up with the knife in his hand, he turned around and ran away."


When the people lined up in front of Su Ji's door were talking about it, the group of secretly photographed people also found Weibo.

"Hey, hey, look at it, this is a Weibo that Feng Yifan just posted."

Several people got together to take a look, and they suddenly understood why their accomplices were so frightened.

"No, you are too courageous, people have not chased you at all, and the knife in your hand has not been raised."

The people who ran out in a panic also recovered at this time.

"You haven't seen that kind of situation. You have to know that I'm the only one in the whole back alley, and then facing Chef Feng's indifferent gaze, coupled with the oppressive feeling of his strong physical body, the light is just showing When the knife came, my legs started to weaken."

The partner immediately said, "Oh, what are you afraid of? It must be just to scare you."

While a group of people was discussing, someone on the street suddenly recognized the person who was scared off by Feng Yifan with a knife.

"Hey? Aren't you the person on the dynamic picture?"

"Really, were you chopped by Chef Feng at the time?"

"Yes, what did you secretly photograph?"

"Did you sneak a photo of Su Ji's secret recipe?"

"You are really unreasonable. If you want to eat, you can eat. If you want to watch the cooking of Su Ji, you can watch it in Su Ji. What are you doing in the back alley of others? It's really a little bottom line. Not at all."

"Yes, you deserve to be confronted by Chef Feng with a knife."

"If you change me, I will really kill you with a knife."

"Hmph, I definitely wanted to sneak a photo of something bad, and then discredit Chef Feng."

I don't know who said such a sentence in the crowd, and it instantly aroused the anger of the crowd on the street, and a group of people surrounded the young man in a blink of an eye.

"Are you trying to discredit Chef Feng? You are really too bad."

"So you didn't want to learn from the teacher? Are you trying to discredit? Then you are even more hateful."

"Hurry up and get out. You are not welcome here. Don't come here in the future. You are not allowed to come to Su Ji again."


Even the gang did not expect that a group of people would be so excited that they surrounded their mates in a blink of an eye, and there was even a posture that they wanted to fight him together.

Faced with this situation, the accomplices did not dare to help, they could only sneak away by pretending not to know them.

In the end, the young man, also in the condemnation of everyone, fled like a mouse crossing the street.

In Su Ji's back kitchen, He Yaqian couldn't help laughing.

"Hahaha, it's really self-inflicted."

When everyone heard the news outside, they all laughed together.

Shi Jiahui asked strangely: "Chef, why did you come up with such a way? You actually went out to scare people with a knife? You are not afraid that the other party was not frightened by you, and then turned around to take a picture of you and post it on the Internet. ?"

Feng Yifan smiled and said: "I have discussed with A Fei, if he doesn't leave, we have another trick."

At this time, everyone has come to understand.

Feng Yifan took the knife and went out to warn that he and A Fei had arranged it quietly.

And the animated image he posted on Weibo was also a temporary animated image that A Fei had quietly photographed.

But Feng Yifan did not expect that the final effect would be so good.

Unexpectedly, the person who wanted to sneak a photo was so courageous. Seeing the knife in Feng Yifan's hand, he didn't even raise the knife, so he ran away in fright.

What I didn't expect was that the diners on the ancient street actually recognized people.

And Abin and Jasmine quietly mixed into the crowd, finding an opportunity to tell that the other party wanted to discredit Su Ji and Feng Yifan, which also played a decisive role.

Anyway, in the end, those few guys who tried to sneak photos of illicit photos, discredit Feng Yifan, Su Ji and Ruo restaurant, took the opportunity to become famous on the Internet, this time they suffered a loss, and believed that they would also be regarded as some other tricky people afterwards. Warning.

A Fei smiled and said: "In fact, the key is that Chef Feng's aura is too strong. At that time, he stood there and smiled, and the knife in his hand slowly appeared from the back of his leg. I was shocked."

Ma Xiaolong said immediately: "Now you understand? Don't think my master is usually very kind, but if you really get angry, no one can stand it. My master is a real cruel person, and it's a kind of person who doesn't talk much."

Feng Yifan glared at Ma Xiaolong.

The latter didn't need to say anything from the master, and quickly turned around to get busy.

Upon seeing this, Meng Shitong and others all had a certain understanding.

Next, Su Ji and Ruo restaurants opened their doors respectively.

Feng Yifan also asked Meng Shitong and the others to shoot in the back kitchen.

Of course, Meng Shitong and the others know very well, and they don't take a lot of photos, and they won't interfere with the work in the back kitchen. When the back kitchen is very busy, Meng Shitong and the others will take the initiative to quit and try not to interfere with the back kitchen.

On the other side, Feng Ruoruo, the three little girls, led the dogs to the small park together.

In the small park, the three little girls are also having fun.

They loosened the sweet rope of the puppy, and then the three little girls held hands to form a circle, enclosing the puppy.

Tiantian was surrounded like this, turned her head to look at this one, and then turned to look at that one again.

It seems that she has never been surrounded by such three little girls. Tian Tian is still a little bit blinded for a while, and she goes round and round in circles by herself.

The little girls laughed very happily when they saw the dog spinning around.

Then, the little girls held hands, and followed the surrounded Tiantian in circles.

After turning around for a while, Tiantian seemed to be a little dizzy. The puppy was lying on the ground, but it seemed to be waiting for an opportunity to move.

Sure enough, Feng Ruoruo and the three little girls also stopped.

The puppy looked at the opportunity and ran out of the gap between Feng Ruoruo and Chen Yaofei.

When Feng Ruoruo saw the puppy running out, she exclaimed, "Ah, Tiantian has run away."

After the call, Feng Ruoruo was still unwilling to let go of the hands of the two good friends, so she insisted on pulling the two good friends and turning around to chase the puppies.

After twisting like this, the three little girls crossed their arms and walked together.

Then, all of a sudden the three little girls fell together on the grass.

The parents who were watching saw that the three little girls fell down, and they were all a little distressed, so they must come over to see if they were injured.

As a result, the three little girls laughed "hahaha" on the grass.

Lu Cuiling, who ran over, was relieved to see the three little girls laughing: "Oh, you three be careful, but grandma is all scared."

Feng Ruoruo looked up at her grandma, and said with a smile: "Grandma, we are all right, we just tripped over. Look, I didn’t suffer from falling pain with Xixi and Fai Fei, grandma, don’t be afraid, three of us. None of them are okay."

Yang Xiaoxi followed: "Yes, Grandma Lu, we are all right."

When Chen Yaofei saw her grandparents also running over, she smiled and said, "Grandpa and grandma, Faey is fine."

Seeing that the girls are indeed okay, Lu Cuiling said: "Okay, okay, if it's okay, get up quickly."

Hearing what grandma said, Feng Ruoruo, Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei held hands and wanted to get up.

But the three little girls held hands so hand in hand, no matter how they turned over, they didn't get up well.

Seeing the three little girls holding hands on the grass, turning around and back and forth weirdly, the adults were all amused again.

At this time, the puppy also ran back, and saw the little owner rolling around on the grass, the puppy also learned to roll on the grass.

When the three little girls saw it, they were all too happy.

"Hahaha, Tiantian will follow us too."

"Tiantian is also turning over, and she can't turn it up."

"Tiantian is deliberately following us."

Lu Cuiling took the opportunity to say: "The three of you don't get up quickly? Even Tiantian is laughing at you. It deliberately learns from you, and laughs at you three stupid ones. They can't even stand up and get up. You can't get up again, Tian. Tian wants to laugh at you."

When the three little girls heard it, they were about to get up quickly, but how can they get up if they keep holding hands?

Chen Shoulin watched for a long time and smiled and said, "The three of you are really, can't you let go of your hands? How can you get up if you keep holding hands like this?"

After being reminded by Chen Shoulin, the three little girls finally realized this.

Amidst the laughter, the three little girls reluctantly let go of their hands, and then stood up and stood up.

Seeing the little girls get up, Lu Cuiling hurriedly started to photograph some weeds on the three little girls.

But after the three little girls got up, they immediately held hands again.

The little girls seemed to have negotiated, but they suddenly surrounded Lu Cuiling, who was painting them ashes.

Lu Cuiling was surrounded, also a little strange: "Oh, what are you three doing?"

Feng Ruoruo immediately said: "Grandma, we are going to catch Tiantian like this."

Yang Xiaoxi said, "Grandma Lu, you have to go out first."

Chen Yaofei said: "Yes, Grandma Lu, go out soon."

Lu Cuiling turned around and saw the little girls holding hands all the time, and said dumbly: "You three are surrounded like this, how can I get out?"

The three little girls laughed again, but they didn't mean to let go of their hands.

Lu Cuiling also looked helpless: "It's okay, you guys let grandma go out quickly, otherwise, how do you catch Tiantian?"

At this time, Feng Ruoruo saw Tiantian lying on the grass behind him, and said to Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei: "Let's go there together, Tiantian is there. We will let go of one, two and three, and then ran together to surround Tiantian. "

Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei also nodded and agreed.

Then the little girls counted together.

Counting to three, the little girls let go of their hands together, turned around and rushed towards the puppy, and instantly held hands on the puppy to surround the puppy again.

Surrounding the puppy, the three little girls raised their small hands and cheered.

But the puppy lying on the grass doesn't quite understand, what are the little masters doing?

Yang Zhiyi saw it next to him and couldn't help but smile and said, "Hahaha, the three of you have confused Tiantian, and Tiantian don’t know what the **** are you three doing? People are lying there, you guys. Just go over and be surrounded."

Yang Xiaoxi turned her head and said to her father: "No, father, you are stupid and don't understand. We have to surround yourself in this way to catch Tiantian."

Feng Ruoruo continued: "Yes, the three of us who are so fast surrounded Tiantian."

Chen Yaofei nodded and said, "If we are unhappy, Tiantian will run away."

Yang Zhiyi couldn't help laughing when he heard the little girls say.

"Hahaha, the three of you are so interesting. I think Tiantian doesn't seem to have any intention of running? Did the three of you play with Tiantian by yourself?"

Li Xiuchun smiled and said, "Daddy Yang is really incomprehensible. I don't know how you would chase a big beauty like Mama Xixi like this."

Lu Cuiling said: "It's true, Dad Xixi doesn't know if he really doesn't understand, or is it on purpose."

Yang Xiaoxi immediately said: "Dad is a fool, stupid."

Feng Ruoruo and Chen Yaofei also nodded, and then the three little girls squatted down together holding hands, reaching out together to touch the motionless puppy lying on the ground.

The three little girls touched herself, Tiantian felt very comfortable, and suddenly turned over and rolled on the grass.

In this way, the three little girls were amused more joyously.

After letting the children play for a while, Feng Jiandong saw that it was almost twelve o'clock, and after asking everyone, he greeted the three little girls to go back together.

The three little girls worked together to tie the rope to Tiantian, still holding the puppy back together.

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