v2 Chapter 898: Interview girl, interview old man

Name:Hardcore Chef Dad Author:Pangmo
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The three little girls generously introduced themselves to the camera, which also aroused the onlookers of the diners in the ancient street.

Everyone is also very curious. I want to see what kind of interview scenes will appear in these three girls who send you snacks every day? Will there be many interesting famous scenes? Everyone will find it very interesting as witnesses.

Of course, some people who know that one of the little girls is Li Fei'er's daughter are even more looking forward to how Li Fei'er will interview her daughter?

After introducing the three little girls, Li Feier kept smiling as they should be and asked: "You just said that the name is not good. You have to tell everyone that the three of you are usually responsible for what you are doing at the door of Su Ji."

Hearing what his mother said, Yang Xiaoxi answered directly: "Mom, we just give everyone a snack."

The little girl answered so directly that the onlookers couldn't hold back, and everyone laughed.

Because the little girl didn't even want to answer, it was really interesting. It didn't look like being interviewed at all, it seemed to be talking to her mother.

Li Feier smiled, only to continue to guide the children.

"I know you send snacks to everyone, so why do you send snacks to everyone?"

Feng Ruoruo said first this time: "Because everyone is struggling to line up, we will send you the snacks made by dad and uncles and sisters, so that everyone can cushion their stomachs first."

Chen Yaofei also added: "Otherwise, everyone has been waiting and will be very anxious."

This time the little girl's answer was another round of applause and applause from the queuing crowd.

"Okay, what the three little bosses said is great."

"That's right, thank you little boss for sending us snacks."

"Okay, it's really great. They are all sensible and good kids."

"Really, I don't know how other people's children are educated, so they can be so sensible."

Li Fei'er continued to guide the children: "Then what else do you do besides sending snacks?"

Yang Xiaoxi once again preemptively said: "Mom, we also need to supervise everyone in the queue, and no one is allowed to jump in the queue randomly. Ruoruo and Feifei and I will pick out the people who jump in the queue and let them go to the back to line up."

Li Feier was also quite satisfied with her daughter's performance.

As a mother, her daughter is really proud of her being able to express herself so generously.

Seeing what Yang Xiaoxi said so clearly, Feng Ruoruo seemed to have nothing to add?

But the little girl always has her own way, and can't add Yang Xiaoxi's words, Feng Ruoruo just talked about the past.

"Aunt Li, we were all able to send menus to dad before, but now my dad doesn’t let us do it. My dad said that there is an electronic machine. When the customer orders the order, he will know it soon, so we don’t need to send it. menu."

Li Feier heard Feng Ruoruo's words and asked with a smile: "Then Ruoruo really likes to send menus to Dad?"

Feng Ruoruo nodded and said, "Yes, it's interesting to send the menu. Xixi and Feifei and I like it. We can run into the back kitchen and arrange the menus for my dad one by one. Otherwise, dad. No way to cook."

Chen Yaofei said: "The three of us were all sent in together, and let Father Feng cook in the order."

Li Feier had already aroused the children's conversation, and the three little girls naturally kept talking.

She then asked the three little girls a lot of questions.

The three little girls also responded fluently and won the applause of a large number of diners on the street.

People who line up on the street feel that having three little girls like this is really a joy to people. Even if it’s a long line up, it still makes everyone feel worth it. Everyone is really willing to line up. waiting.

After being interviewed for a while, Su Ruoxi came out and shouted to the three little girls.

"If Ruo, Xixi, and Feifei come back, you are going to have dinner at some point. Let's eat first, and go home after dinner and take a nap. After the nap, you will continue to urge everyone to line up and give everyone a snack. ."

When Feng Ruoruo, Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei heard the shouts, they quickly gave away the remaining snacks on the tray.

And some people on the street who didn't line up wanted it, but the three little girls didn't want to give it to others.

Feng Ruoruo said very seriously: "You are not in line, so you can't eat snacks. These snacks are for people in line."

The little girl was unwilling to give it to the people passing by on the street, but also a little bit embarrassed.

Especially when there were so many people in the line in full view, I had to withdraw the outstretched hand.

The little girls worked hard together and quickly distributed the snacks on the tray.

Before going back, Feng Ruoruo didn't forget to tell the people in line behind with the two friends.

"The snack is over. Xixi and Faifei and I are going to have a meal. After the meal, we have to go back to take a nap. You can wait for your father to ask the waiter uncle and sister to send it to you."

Yang Xiaoxi followed: "Don't worry, everyone."

Chen Yaofei said: "Yes, don't worry, there are some snacks, and someone will send it."

The people in the line also responded cheerfully to the little girls.

"Okay, thank you."

Hearing everyone's thanks, the three little girls also turned around happily, ran back to the door of Su Ji, and joined Feng Ruoruo's mother.

Feng Ruoruo threw herself in front of her mother, hugged her and raised her head and shouted, "Mom."

Su Ruoxi stretched out her hand and gently squeezed her daughter's face.

Then she greeted the other two little girls: "Alright, Xixi and Feifei come in quickly, let's go to dinner together, everyone is waiting for you, today Dad Feng made you delicious food, but it is specially for you Oh yes."

Hearing this, the three little girls happily followed Su Ruoxi in the door immediately.

When the people in the line heard it, they were all envious.

"I'm so envious, so happy to be Chef Feng's daughter."

"No, I can eat a lot of chef Feng's special dishes."

"Yes, no matter it's morning, noon, or evening, there are delicious dishes to eat."

"There is no way, people have an advantage."

"In fact, being able to line up and eat a bowl of Su Kee noodles is also a very enjoyable thing. Su Kee's noodles are really good."

"Hahaha, is there anything wrong with Su Ji?"

One sentence stopped everyone asking, and then a burst of laughter broke out in the crowd.

"Hahaha, Su Ji's food is delicious."

Li Fei'er brought the TV station's personnel and filmed all of these. She also went on to conduct some street interviews, hoping to collect more comments from the diners.

The three little girls, Feng Ruoruo, Yang Xiaoxi, and Chen Yaofei, went back to eat. Soon a waiter came out from Su Ji and continued to give snacks to the queue people.

Li Feier didn't worry about her daughter going in for dinner, because Feng Ruoruo and Chen Yaofei were there, and the three little girls were eating together. In addition, Feng Yifan must cook the food by herself, so her daughter would definitely eat well, so she simply continued to interview on the street.

Li Feier looked for it, and soon saw an old couple waiting in line.

The old couple looked like they lived near the ancient street, and they seemed to come to Su Kee to eat at noon every day.

And judging from the position of the old couple in line, they probably don't want to occupy the limited position of Su Ji, so they lined up at the Lin's shop and prepared to buy them and take them home to eat.

Li Fei Er brought the team forward, and first greeted the two old people very kindly.

The two old men were also very cordial and enthusiastic when they met Li Fei'er.

"It's Mayfair? Hello, I often see you on TV. "The Common Proof of the Philippines" is a must-see for our old couple in every issue."

When the old man heard his wife calling the other party "Fairy", he also reminded: "Oh, don't call them "Fairy". That's not good."

Li Fei'er smiled and said, "It's okay, old man, just call me Fei'er."

The old lady then happily said: "That's right, how kind is called Faye. Faye just saw your daughter. She is so cute. He sent us snacks and told us that the old couple should eat snacks quickly. Always held in his hand."

The old man also smiled and said: "The little girl is really cute, just as cute as Chef Feng's daughter."

Li Fei'er responded with a smile: "Thank you for the compliments from the two elderly people. She also performed well here. In fact, she is also naughty at home."

The old lady said: "It's better to be naughty, kids just want to be lively."

Li Feier began an interview: "Old man, do you live near the ancient street?"

The old man said: "Yes, we live in the east side of the ancient street, and Chef Feng is a neighbor who lives in the same community."

Li Feier heard: "Oh? What a coincidence? Then you two come to eat every day?"

The old lady said, "I used to come to eat every day. Later, didn't Su Ji not be open for a while? Our old couple also made them at home. Now Su Ji is back in business, we come to eat every day."

Li Fei'er continued to ask: "That said, you two are old diners of Su Ji? A real glutton."

The old man said: "I have indeed eaten Su Ji for many years. When I was young, Su Ji was a famous restaurant in Huaicheng. At that time, we all had to wait for the salary to open before finding a time to visit Su. Remember to eat it once."

The old lady immediately corrected: "You old things are just talking nonsense. At that time, how can we eat our little salary every month? Don't you have to wait for something important at home before you come to Su Ji to eat?"

The old man smiled and said: "Yes, your aunt is right. At that time, the salary was indeed not enough for a month. It could only be a happy event, or a holiday, or our son and daughter did well in the exam. We will give a reward. , Come and eat once."

Li Fei'er asked again: "Then you two think that the taste of Su Ji now is the same as in the past?"

The old man immediately said: "There must be a difference."

The old lady corrected again: "It's more delicious now."

The old man nodded: "Yes, it's better now, and now it tastes very suitable for the tastes of our elderly people. It's not too heavy, but it's salty and very suitable."

Li Fei'er asked down: "The old man, you two come over at noon. What kind of toppings do you usually eat noodles?"

The old lady smiled and said, "I like fresh shrimps. As for my old man, he likes heavy flavors. So he always eats eel noodles. But I think it’s not good to have a heavy mouthful. Let him order other toppings to match it. eat."

The old man said: "It's mainly Su Kee noodles. The noodles taste very good, and every time we take care of our elderly people, they will cook them more thoroughly. Like many noodle restaurants outside, they cook the noodles very hard now. The elderly don’t eat well."

The old lady said: "Also, Su Ji gave enough toppings. Our old couple took them home, and sometimes we have some toppings left to eat at night."

Li Fei'er reminded: "Old man, you are getting older, so don't eat leftovers."

The two old people were happy and thanked Li Fei'er first.

The old lady went on to say: "We don't eat overnight, we can't eat at noon, and we eat at night, so it's fine."

Li Fei'er still said: "Then also pay attention."

The two old people thanked again.

Li Fei'er asked a sharper question next.

"Old man, don't you know if you two have any comments on Su Ji?"

The two old men looked at each other and hesitated for a moment. The old man still spoke out some of his suggestions.

"Suji’s business is so good now. We are really happy for Suji. We just think that there are too many people in Suji nowadays. Old diners like us have to queue for a long time every time we come to Suji. Everyone is not used to it."

The old lady said, "Oh, you old guys are talking nonsense. Su Ji is the only one who has a good business, so that Su Ji's reputation can be spread. You can't keep people from doing business for your own convenience."

The old man was not annoyed, and said with a smile: "I'm just talking about my suggestions."

Li Fei'er nodded and said: "It's okay, you two have any thoughts. I will definitely relay them to Chef Feng, so that he can make some adjustments based on your suggestions."

The old man asked strangely: "Can you still see Chef Feng?"

The old lady said, "Are you always confused? The daughter of Fei Er, didn’t you just send us snacks with Chef Feng’s daughter? Why could Fei Er not meet Chef Feng? The relationship between the two families is. Very good. UU reading www.uukavanshu.com"

Li Fei'er smiled and said: "We do have some personal relationships, but also because our daughter is in a kindergarten and is also a good friend."

The old man suddenly said, "Oh, so, please tell Chef Feng that he re-made Su Ji’s old dishes. It really made us old diners like it. I hope he can make Su Ji even more flourish and become us. Huaicheng is a famous store in the whole country."

The old lady took the opportunity to reveal the short story: "You just said that you think there are too many people coming every day? You make your family famous all over the country, don't you have more people coming?"

Faced with his wife's mischief, the old man is really good-tempered and not angry at all.

"Hahaha, of course I also hope that the restaurant we have been eating since we were young is a very famous restaurant, so we can be regarded as witnesses and witnesses."

Seeing that the two old people have such a good relationship, and that they care for Su Ji.

Li Fei'er said seriously: "Thank you two, I will definitely bring the words, and I will also advise Chef Feng to take care of your two old nearby diners properly."

At the end of the interview, Li Feier took a photo with the two old people and gave them small gifts.

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