v2 Chapter 901: Chat between mothers, sweet between husband and wife

Name:Hardcore Chef Dad Author:Pangmo
After lunch, the children naturally want to go back to have a nap together.

But Yang Xiaoxi grabbed her mother and clamored to let her go with her.

"Mom, you go with Xixi, mom, you want to coax Xixi to sleep."

Li Feier knew that her daughter deliberately wanted to act like a baby, mainly because she saw her mother at noon today, and there were so many outsiders present, so the little girl had a little intention to act like a baby with her mother in front of others.

But Li Feier needs to wait for Su Ji's business to close at noon before interviewing Feng Yifan and the others.

And before that, Li Fei'er and her team wanted to continue to take pictures of other shops on the ancient street, and to conduct an interview on the overall situation of the ancient street.

In this case, it is impossible for Li Feier to leave the matter to her colleagues.

Especially for the interview part, Li Fei'er must do it himself, otherwise it would not be the program of "The Common Proof of the Philippines".

Therefore, Li Fei'er could not accompany her daughter to go back, let alone put her daughter to sleep, and then come back as her daughter asked.

Parents are also very aware that once a child has someone he likes, it is often difficult to fall asleep.

Li Fei'er explained to her daughter earnestly: "Xixi, this is the case. My mother will go to interview others with her uncles and aunts in a while. There are many shops on our street where we can interview. My mother's work is not over yet.

So mother can't accompany you to Ruoruo's house, nor can she coax you to sleep. "

Speaking of this, it is obvious that Yang Xiaoxi's face is very bad.

Tears even began to appear in a pair of Shui Lingling's big eyes, and the small mouth was already curled up, it seemed that the little girl would cry in the next moment.

Li Feier hurriedly said: "Mom knows that our family Xixi is a good baby and must understand her mother, right? And Xixi will definitely support her mom and dad like Ruoruo and Fei Fei. right?"

Originally, Yang Xiaoxi looked like she was about to cry, but now that her mother said so, the little girl was obviously unable to cry.

The little girl turned to look at Feng Ruoruo and Chen Yaofei.

The two little friends were waiting for her, and Feng Ruoruo's mother did not go back with her today.

Seeing this, Yang Xiaoxi finally figured it out.

"Mom, then you work hard. Xixi doesn't need you to coax you to sleep. Xixi should be the same as Ruoruo and Feifei, and support her mother's work obediently, mother cheer.

Then, Yang Xiaoxi said to her mother's colleagues: "Come on, uncle and aunt."

When Li Feier's colleagues saw the little girl so well-behaved, they all smiled and said thank you to the little girl.

After that, the three little girls also left the backyard of Lin's shop together under the leadership of their grandparents and father Yang Zhiyi.

When the children were leaving, Su Ruoxi and Li Feier, two mothers, stood in the alley and waved goodbye to the children.

When Feng Yifan heard the movement outside, he ran out of Ruo's restaurant and yelled to the children: "Ruo Ruo, Xixi, Feifei, goodbye, you have to be obedient and sleep well."

Hearing Feng's father's voice, the three little girls turned their heads together and waved goodbye to Feng's father in the alley.

"Come on, Father Feng."

Hearing the children's encouragement, Feng Yifan raised his fist in response: "Okay, come on."

The children went back to bed obediently, and Feng Yifan hurriedly returned to Ruo's restaurant to continue cooking the main dishes for the guests.

When Li Feier watched the children disappear at the end of the alley and turned around with Su Ruoxi, she couldn't help but ask: "Mother Ruoruo, why don't you go back and rest? You are not alone now, so it's not easy to work hard like this."

Su Ruoxi smiled and said, “It’s okay. I haven’t worked hard these days. Most of the things have been done by everyone. I want to help more today and calculate the accounts so that Ruoruo’s father will not have to do it himself at night. ."

Li Fei'er said: "Settling accounts is also very hard. You really have to pay attention."

Su Ruoxi nodded and said, "Thank you, I know, in fact, there are computers now, so I just want to see if there are any deviations."

Li Fei'er then smiled and said, "In the past few days, your Su Ji's business has been so hot, and there should be a lot of water every day, right?"

Su Ruoxi smiled and responded: "There are indeed a lot. I never thought that there would be so much water before."

Li Fei'er said: "Next, you Su Ji will really be an instant hit. We are really right to come to interview in advance. Otherwise, Su Ji will really hit an instant hit in the future, I am afraid that it will not be our turn to interview the local TV station. "

Su Ruoxi said: "Why, no matter what, Su Ji is still in Huaicheng."

Li Feier nodded: "That's true, Su Ji is now a symbol of Huaicheng."

Su Ruoxi said: "Su Ji was also a symbol of Huaicheng before, but my grandfather did not have such a big influence as Ruoruo's father is now. At that time, Su Ji was more famous in the catering and kitchen industry. high."

Li Feier remembered some information she had searched about Father Su Quansheng.

"Your grandpa is really a master."

Su Ruoxi nodded and said, "Yes, grandpa is indeed a real master. Later, my dad had the opportunity to become a master, but my dad gave up for my mom and me. But now, our family has a new master."

Li Fei'er wanted to ask who it was at first sight.

But before she could ask, she knew who it was all at once.

"Hahaha, mother Ruoruo, you look like you are really a little proud, you have written Lise completely on your face like this."

Su Ruoxi raised her chin proudly and said, "Our child's father is so powerful, can't I just sneer?"

Li Feier smiled and said: "Yes, you can."

Su Ruoxi followed and laughed: "Hahaha, I'm sorry, I made you laugh, and I just groaned in front of you."

Li Fei'er said: "It's okay, it's good for you to be this way. You have to keep your mood happy now, and you are the most beautiful when you smile like this. Although we are already mothers, we must keep happy and in a good mood. "

Su Ruoxi nodded in agreement: "Yes, be happy."

Then the two mothers entered the small courtyard.

Su Ruoxi asked again: "Are you really sure, are you going to save Taiwan?"

Li Fei'er nodded: "Yes, it has been determined to pass. I really don't want to give up this opportunity easily."

Speaking of this, Li Feier looked a little bit lonely again: "I'm just worried about Xixi."

Ruoxi Su followed to comfort her: "It’s okay. Xixi is about to go to elementary school. She is already considered an older child. I believe she will understand you. And you don’t have to worry too much. We are still here at Xixi. Dad Ruoruo and I will definitely treat her Treat like Faey and Ruoruo."

Li Feier smiled and said: "I am definitely not worried about this. Although Xixi's father is not very reliable, but I know that there is Xixi's father Feng, and you, and Ruoruo's grandparents and grandfathers. Everyone else will take care of her."

Then, Li Fei'er looked sad again.

"I just thought that for a long time, I can't be with Xixi every day, I will feel very uncomfortable."

Su Ruoxi is also a mother, who can understand Li Fei'er's mood, she stretched out her hand to embrace Li Fei'er's shoulder.

"I believe it will be okay. Maybe in the future, you will really have a firm foothold in the provincial platform. You can take Xixi over, and then your mother and daughter will be together every day."

Li Fei'er heard this and said: "In that case, don't you want to separate the children?"

Su Ruoxi said, "Oh, why do you think so much? Don't worry, the children have such a good relationship, even if they are separated, they will not be unfamiliar."

Li Fei'er said: "It's better to let Xixi stay with Ruoruo and Fai Fei."

Su Ruoxi laughed when she heard it: "You really are, don't just think about your daughter, sometimes you need to think about yourself."

Li Feier also laughed: "It's not just about my daughter, I still like to see three little girls together."

Su Ruoxi said: "I like it too."

Suddenly the two mothers looked at each other and smiled.

Then the two mothers talked and laughed, chatting from the small courtyard to Su Ji Li.

Su Ruoxi sat down at the cash register of Su Ji, and Li Feier sat there for a while, chatting with Su Ruoxi a lot of children's interesting things.

The TV station colleagues did not bother to see the two mothers talking so well.

Su Ruoxi talked with Li Fei'er about the child without delaying the cash register.

I have to say that Su Ruoxi is still very good at settling accounts.

The guests left batch after batch, even if they chat with Li Fei'er again, Su Ruoxi can sort out the accounts clearly, and there will be no omissions.

The two mothers talked very speculatively. After Feng Yifan finished cooking the main course of the restaurant, he also saw it in the back kitchen. Seeing the two mothers smiling happily, he made a small meal after thinking about it. Dim sum, and then delivered it personally.

"Well, two ladies, you have been talking for so long, are you a little hungry? I made you a little snack, and you two can eat and talk."

Li Feier was a little surprised: "Oh, Chef Feng, you are so busy, can you still make snacks for us?"

Su Ruoxi reached out to take it, and then lifted the lid.

A very tempting sweetness pavement.

At the same time, there is a hint of fruity aroma in the sweetness.

Li Fei'er took a closer look at it turned out to be peanut crisps.

"It's peanut crisps, but Ruoruo father, your peanut crisps seem to be different from the outside?"

Feng Yifan nodded: "It's not the same. For me, I add some honey to stir fry, and also add a little lemon zest and lemon juice, so there will be a little lemon fruity fragrance, and it can also neutralize some. Sweet and greasy."

Li Feier sounded a little amazing: "Chef Feng, are you so considerate?"

Feng Yifan responded with a smile: "Try it first."

Li Feier pinched a piece and put it in his mouth to taste.

The peanut crisp is very crisp, and the sweetness in the mouth is released together with the fragrance of lemon. It is really sweet and not greasy. After eating it, people want to eat the second piece unconsciously.

Li Feier said: "This tastes really delicious."

Feng Yifan said: "If you like it, you can eat first. I'll be busy when I go back."

But Su Ruoxi suddenly grabbed her husband, and then stretched out her hand to squeeze a piece of peanut cake and put it directly into her husband's mouth.

"You have to eat what you make yourself, taste it, don’t always give it to us."

Li Feier watched Su Ruoxi personally feed Feng Yifan, she was taken aback for a moment, and then couldn't help but said, "Oh, you two, in front of so many people, you still feed the dog food directly here. I'm not eating anymore, I'm full."

Feng Yifan laughed when he heard the words: "Let's eat together."

With that, he squeezed a piece and fed it to his wife.

Li Feier felt completely helpless when he saw this situation.

"Enough, you couple, don't overdo it, don't force me to call Dad Xixi back, and we will feed you both."

Su Ruoxi smiled while chewing the peanut crisps that her husband fed, "Yes, you can call and call Dad Xixi back."

At this time, the diners who ate in Su Ji witnessed such a scene.

Saw Chef Feng and the proprietress feeding each other snacks, and gave everyone a bite of dog food.

And then, hearing Li Fei'er and Su Ruoxi's conversation made everyone even more uneasy to laugh.

For a moment, the whole Su Ji was filled with laughter, everyone was amused by the dialogue between Su Ruoxi and Li Feier, and everyone did not expect that Su Ruoxi had such a side.

Li Fei'er can only be defeated: "It's alright, you two have won, I will go first, and I will continue to interview."

She said Li Feier and left, but she didn't forget to bring a few peanut crisps with her before leaving.

Su Ruoxi saw that Li Feier had taken a few peanut cakes, and even the plates were given to her: "You take it and eat. I can ask Ruoruo's father to make another one for me."

Li Feier was stunned for a moment, but after listening to Su Ruoxi's words, she was also very rude and left with a small dish.

Upon seeing this, Su Ruoxi said, "Remember to send us the dish."

Li Feier walked to the door and said: "Okay, remember, really, a small dish. If you lose it, Dad Xixi will pay you."

Feng Yifan smiled and said, "I wish you success in the recording of the show."

Li Feier waved her hand and said, "Thank you, Chef Feng Jiyan."

Li Fei'er left with the people from the TV station. The people inside and outside Su Ji are still discussing. I think the scene just now is really interesting Let everyone see, Feng Yifan, Su Ruoxi and Li Fei'er are three celebrities. the other side.

Feng Yifan looked at his wife with affectionate eyes and asked, "Are you tired? How about you go back and sleep for a while?"

Su Ruoxi looked at her husband affectionately, and shook her head and said, "It doesn't matter, I am not tired now. I slept too much at home every day before, so let me stay here now."

Seeing his wife say this, Feng Yifan had to agree: "Okay, don't work too hard. If you are tired, tell Fang Lin and let her replace you for a while. Do you still want to eat peanut crisps? I'll make another one for you. Go, it will be fine in a while."

Su Ruoxi nodded: "Okay, give me more lemon flavor this time."

Feng Yifan naturally agreed, and then went to the back kitchen.

In the Su Ji restaurant, it was almost silent at this moment, because everyone was staring at the unpretentious and sweet interaction between the young couple.
