v2 Chapter 905: Have a solid foundation and leave the girl behind

Name:Hardcore Chef Dad Author:Pangmo
Although Crab Eight is a professional crab-eating tool, it is actually a bit difficult to use.

As far as the back kitchen is concerned, the only ones that can really be used are usually a pair of scissors, a stick and a ladle.

As for Feng Yifan, in pursuit of speed, he often omitted even the scissors.

After the steamed crab was cold, Feng Yifan held a kitchen knife and cut the rope that tied the crab directly, and then naturally chopped off the crab claws and crab legs with a kitchen knife.

Then turn the crab over, open the shell of the crab abdomen, use the tip of a knife to enter the crack of the crab shell, and pry the crab shell open with a little force.

Pry open the back shell of the crab, continue to scrape off the gills quickly with the tip of a knife, and then remove the stomach located in the back shell.

The next step is to use a stick and a long-handled spoon to scrape off the crab roe first, then remove the crab meat bit by bit, and finally remove the meat of the four legs.

During this process, Feng Yifan will separate the crab roe, the meat of the crab body, and the crab legs.

Because the crab roe will serve as a garnish for part of the dishes, it needs to be left alone for later use.

Crab body meat and crab leg meat will be added according to the situation when making different dishes.

What everyone admires Feng Yifan in the back kitchen is the speed in his hands. He knows how to deal with any kind of ingredient, and he can handle every ingredient extremely fast.

It's like dismantling crab noodles, often other people dismantle a crab.

Feng Yifan may have removed two of them.

When Shi Jiahui saw it at first, he curiously asked almost everyone's doubts.

"Yifan, I really don't understand why you seem to be very familiar with every kind of ingredient. The key is that your processing speed is always not slow, or even very fast. How do you practice this? from?"

Feng Yifan replied with a smile at the time: "Sister, did you forget? I was an apprentice in Su Ji before. Didn't you listen to Uncle Su's request? Su Ji's requirements for apprentices?"

Shi Jiahui understood these words instantly.

Whether it is Shi Jinbin or Chen Wei and other brothers, every time they think of Su Ji, they will thank the master for the strict requirements of the basic skills from the bottom of their hearts.

Su Quansheng's requirements for his apprentice are, first of all, various basic skills.

Knife workers and fire workers are the most basic.

And these foundations are extremely strict in Su Ji Club.

It can be said that when each of Su Ji’s apprentices started their apprenticeship, they would cut off a large amount of vegetables just by practicing knife skills every day.

Then in addition to the knife and firework, Su Quansheng will also require his apprentice to master the handling of food materials.

Su Quansheng's original words are: "If you can't handle the ingredients well, how can you be a good cook? Handling ingredients is the first step to understand the ingredients, so you must be able to accurately master them."

After Feng Yifan finished that paragraph, he continued: "After I went abroad, I originally joined the training organization of my aunt and their catering group, but because I didn't comply with their requirements, I was expelled.

Then I didn't want to go back to China, so I went to work in some restaurants abroad.

Foreign restaurants don't care about my former identity, so I can only start from the bottom. "

Shi Jiahui and the others understood that Feng Yifan learned from scratch twice, so he was able to handle all kinds of ingredients very well.

And the handymen at the bottom are often asked for efficiency by the chef.

It is not difficult to explain why Feng Yifan always handles it quickly and well.

Feng Yifan also took the opportunity to teach three apprentices: "Tell you, there are no shortcuts to these basics. You can only practice continuously. After the hardship, you can practice the basics solid enough."

The three apprentices were also humbly taught.

Feng Yifan went on to say: "Don't just listen, but do it. Let me practice all the things you practice every day."

Infected by Feng Yifan, everyone in the back kitchen is also very humble and serious.

Even Chen Xu worked hard with Lin Ruifeng, Ma Xiaolong and Ning Cheng to get the basics during this period.

The positive atmosphere of Su Ji really made the three apprentices of Shi Jinbin deeply infected.

Compared to large restaurants that are habitually based on seniority, Su Ji can be said to be significantly more energetic.

Perhaps it now seems that if Su Ji did not have Feng Yifan, it might not be compared with the Red Maple Hotel, or with the local Fujing Building in Huaicheng.

But Shi Jinbin's three apprentices knew very well that Su Ji was in the ascendant period.

As long as Lin Ruifeng, Ma Xiaolong and Ning Cheng, as well as Chen Xu and Luo Yu can keep up with the rhythm of the restaurant, then Su Ji will definitely get better and better.

And Su Ji is full of vitality, as long as it maintains this vitality, it will inevitably be in a rising state.

This may not be possible in most big hotels and restaurants.

So in the hearts of the three apprentices, Shi Jinbin also wondered if they could stay in Su Ji?

But from today's interview, Feng Yifan has no intention to let them stay.

This is understandable. After all, the three of them are the chefs of the Red Maple Hotel, and they are all people who can be the chefs of some big restaurants alone.

Feng Yifan was really embarrassed to keep the three of them in Su Ji.

In the back kitchen, everyone is busy, everyone is very active, and will take the initiative to get rid of the work that should be done, and will also clean up the follow-up.

In the restaurant, Su Liancheng is also leading everyone in preparation.

All the tablecloths should be laid out, the chairs should be placed, and some prepared tableware should be placed.

There are standards for everything. It is necessary to ensure that the whole looks very neat and tidy, which is also a test for every waiter.

Su Liancheng will also explain: "You remember, once the tablecloth is dirty, it must be replaced when the table is overturned. When you clean the table, you must also pay attention to it. If you don't want to keep changing the tablecloth, you must be careful.

Also, after the table is turned over, the prepared tableware must be placed first, and then added or reduced according to the needs of the guests, you know? "

The waiter also agreed immediately: "Understood."

The Su Ji and Ruo restaurant also carried out the final arrangement and preparation.

Before opening, Su Ji was completely renewed, and it looked like two restaurants at noon.

This is also the arrangement agreed by Feng Yifan after Su Ruoxi and Su Liancheng's siblings discussed it.

The purpose is to allow diners to have a different dining experience in Su Kee.

In fact, feedback from diners over the past few days has indeed achieved results.

At night, Su Ji is brightly lit, and the retro tablecloths on each table really make the diners feel a unique experience, which is completely different from noon.

Even these days, some diners commented on the Internet that Su Ji at night is their ideal Chinese restaurant layout.

Su Ji He Ruo restaurant is making final preparations for dinner. The three little girls Feng Ruo Ruo, Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei who went out to play can be said to have had a great time this afternoon.

First, I played on the street. Although it was past the Su Kee lunch hours, there were still a lot of people on the ancient street. Many people just finished eating in Su Kee, strolling on the ancient street, and strolling around the ancient street. Some shops that are rare in other places.

Because there are still a lot of people, when the three little girls, Feng Ruoruo, Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei, run on the ancient street, they will attract a lot of people's attention.

The parents who followed will also keep admonishing the little girls.

"Be careful, don't bump into people, slow down."

It's just that the three little girls really seemed to have fun, running on the street holding hands, and didn't listen to the warnings of the adults behind.

Of course, while running, the little girls will also pay attention to avoiding people on the street.

And the little girls' laughter like silver bells is naturally the most attractive.

Many people on the street hadn't seen the three of them yet, and when they heard the laughter in advance, they couldn't help looking sideways to find them.

When seeing the running figure of three little girls, the face of the person looking for it will naturally show a smile.

Running with the three little girls were Lu Xigu, Quan Chengping and A Fei.

In particular, Quan Chengping and A Fei were really following, because they would hold the camera in their hands from time to time to capture the cute moments of the three little girls running happily.

Don't think that the three little girls are running aimlessly in the ancient street.

In fact, the little girls have their destinations from the beginning.

When they reached the door of Liu Wanhua's shop, the little girls immediately got into the shop together.

"Grandma Liu, Ruoruo is here."

"Grandma Liu, Xixi is here too."

"Grandma Liu, and Fei Fei."

Liu Wanhua heard the voices of the little girls and agreed in it: "Okay, Grandma Liu heard it. The three of you will wait a while, and Grandma will come out soon."

Hearing her grandma's voice inside, the three little girls leaned in quietly, and looked inside the shop with their heads.

It turns out that Liu Wanhua has business here.

The other party ate lunch in Su Ji, then was also shopping in the ancient street, and came to Liu Wanhua's shop all the way, and was immediately attracted by the various embroidery products in the shop.

At this time, the other party was choosing a favorite embroidery pattern under Liu Wanhua's guidance.

The other party hopes to buy a piece of embroidery from Liu Wanhua.

Liu Wanhua saw the three little girls poking their heads, and said with a smile: "If you three want to come in, then come in, but remember not to touch you randomly, otherwise there are so many needles here that will pierce you."

Hearing that there was a needle, Chen Yaofei didn't dare to go in immediately.

"Ruoruo, let's not go in, let's wait outside for Grandma Liu to finish her work."

Yang Xiaoxi is also a little afraid of needles: "Yes, if we go outside and wait, don't disturb Grandma Liu selling things."

Feng Ruoruo is not afraid of needles, but when both of her friends say that, she nodded and agreed.

"Okay, let's go outside and wait for Grandma Liu."

When the three little girls withdrew, they did not forget to say to Grandma Liu: "Grandma Liu, we are waiting outside."

Liu Wanhua responded with a smile: "Okay, you three have to be obedient."

When Feng Ruoruo, Yang Xiaoxi, and Chen Yaofei entered Liu Wanhua's shop, the adults who followed all the way on the street left behind the three little girls.

The reason was that when the three little girls entered the shop, they followed closely behind Quan Chengping and A Fei and were blocked by the people in front of them.

During this occlusion process, the three little girls, like three happy little rabbits, went straight into Grandma Liu's shop without being seen by Quan Chengping and A Fei at all.

Two people stood on the street, looking for the three little girls everywhere.

But with so many people on the street, the little girls could not be found at all.

And when the two of them were looking forward, they passed the door of Liu Wanhua's shop and just glanced inside. At that time, the three little girls leaned inside, and a screen just blocked them.

As a result, Quan Chengping and A Fei did not see the little girls.

I searched forward, and almost ran to the end of the street, but I still didn't see the little girl.

"It's over, how should I explain to their parents this time? The two of us followed all the way, but we lost the child in a blink of an eye."

Quan Chengping said bitterly while looking at A Fei.

A Fei was even more nervous. After thinking about it, he said in a low voice, "Grandpa, that, do you think someone took the three of them away?"

Quan Chengping was taken aback, and quickly said, "No, no, the three of them are all sensible and won't go with strangers."

A Fei said: "But I heard that in the morning, in the back alley, if you have encountered a few strangers, it seems that they have some bad thoughts about Chef Feng. Later, they were scared off by Chef Feng. Wouldn't they be back?"

When Quan Chengping heard this, he immediately exclaimed: "No? Why didn't you say it earlier? It's better to call the police now."

Seeing that Quan Chengping had pulled out his mobile phone, he was ready to dial the police directly.

A Fei held the old man again: "Grandpa, don't worry, let's go back and meet everyone, we, let's look for it again."

Quan Chengping also looked nervous: "Hey, how can I find this? Haven't we all been found?"

A Fei comforted the old man: "Don't worry, don't worry, maybe we didn't notice when we looked for it?"

These words calmed Quan Chengping temporarily, and then the two of them looked back together.

When Quan Chengping and Ah Fei walked back and approached Liu Wanhua’s shop, they saw from a distance the three little girls were surrounded by their parents in front of the shop’s door, and then they danced and danced and talked to the adults. ?

Seeing that the three little girls haven't been lost, Quan Chengping and A Fei are really relieved.

Quan Chengping ran over quickly, panting and saying, "Where did the three of you just ran? But grandpa and your uncle Afei were terrified, and thought you three were lost."

Feng Ruoruo saw Grandpa Grandpa and said, "Grandpa Grandpa, we didn't run far. We were playing in Grandma Liu's shop But Grandma Liu had guests, so we came out again."

Seeing Quan Chengping's appearance, Su Ruoxi asked, "Are you okay with Grandpa Uncle?"

Quan Chengping said, "It's okay, it's just that I ran a little bit anxiously."

A Fei also ran over and said, "Grandpa runs faster than me."

Lu Xi smiled and said, "Of course, these three are our darlings. If they are really lost, then my brother will be really anxious."

Lu Cuiling said to the children: "How can the three of you run out of the sight of grandpa and uncle? Look at grandpa and uncle in a hurry? Hurry up and apologize to grandpa and uncle."

The three little girls also said together: "I'm sorry, Grandpa, I'm sorry, Uncle Afei."

Quan Chengping and A Fei also waved their hands to indicate that it was okay.

Then, the three little girls did not go forward, but waited for the guests in Grandma Liu's shop to leave, and went to play in Grandma Liu's shop together.