v2 Chapter 922: Reduce heat, inspire the kitchen

Name:Hardcore Chef Dad Author:Pangmo
The news released by Feng Yifan on Weibo still attracted the attention and discussion of many people.

Especially some diners who have already booked a restaurant for two days at the weekend will feel that if the chef is not Feng Yifan, would they have lost their weekend booking?

Soon, diners who reserved the location of Ruo restaurant commented and asked on Feng Yifan's Weibo.

Feng Yifan's answer was also very straightforward.

"If you feel that the change of the chef will affect the meal, you can cancel the order directly on the order side. According to the rules of the restaurant, the deposit will be refunded in full one day in advance. If the order is cancelled on the same day, the deposit can only be refunded partially. "

got such a reply, and soon some diners called Ruo Restaurant to inquire.

Feng Yifan still gave the same response.

And he went on to say: Originally, many dishes in the restaurant were completed by Catherine and several other chefs in the back kitchen. There is no situation where he cooked alone. If you don't like it, you can charge back.

I got a reply from Feng Yifan, especially when a diners who had booked called and asked Feng Yifan to reply, and he personally gave the answer on the phone.

Soon someone started charging back.

When the chargeback appeared, everyone in the back kitchen was not at all anxious.

Feng Yifan is even more indifferent, continuing to prepare food while preparing food for his daughter’s outing.

A period of time after the release of Weibo can be said to be the peak of order refunds.

After this peak, in the afternoon, those unsubscribed seats were quickly rebooked.

After waiting for the diners who charged back, I found that something was wrong.

It seems that Feng Yifan was not cooking at Su Ji He Ruo restaurant by himself.

Especially on the Internet before, there are introductions about the identities of other chefs in the two restaurants.

When the person who returned the order pondered the taste, they found that they seemed to be making a fuss a little bit. When they started to want to go back and book a seat again, they found that the seat had already been booked by someone else.

This time, it really caused a big oolong.

In the morning, after someone posted a chargeback on the Internet, many people jumped out to watch Feng Yifan's jokes.

"Hahaha, I'm really doing my own job, and I didn't do a good business, but I wanted to take a rest."

"Do you really think of yourself as a big man? Do you want to stop doing it?"

"You can rest, and I can charge back."

"Hahaha, nothing wrong."

"Will we wait for Chef Feng to come back from a break and find that our restaurant is out of business and will close?"

"Hahaha, maybe you can't support him to rest and come back?"

"That shouldn't be enough."

"Hahaha interesting, I really want to know how Chef Feng's face is now?"


In the morning, these remarks once dominated the comments, especially under the Weibo of Feng Yifan and Su Ruoxi, and many people were talking about it in various ways.

There are more people who commented on the videos related to Feng Yifan on the Internet.

Especially in the past few days, Li Fei Er and the TV station launched the following programs.

But in the afternoon, someone posted on the Internet the situation of the restaurant's two-day weekend reservations, indicating that those vacant seats have been booked.

For an instant, all the people who made fun of Feng Yifan on the Internet fell silent.

Then, someone took out the previous introduction about Shi Jiahui and Catherine and told people on the Internet that the two chefs who succeeded were also great.

"Don’t think that people can take over Chef Feng as the head chef at will. They are also great people. Shi Jiahui was once the sous chef of Shanghai Hotel.

Catherine was also the sous chef of Pervence restaurant. "

"Hahaha, I am afraid that those who charge back are crying now? If you want to order again, you have to find a way to grab the order."

"Unlucky, this is self-inflicted."

"That is, I don't know the identity of the successor chef, so I will return the order."

"Really, it's not going to taste food at all, it's completely treating Ruo restaurant as a general Internet celebrity restaurant."

"Yes, there are a lot of people who don't understand at all. They just want to have a meal, take a photo and send it to the circle of friends to pretend to be a costume."

"Unfortunately, Chef Feng has never thought about setting up an Internet celebrity restaurant. They rely on their strength to speak on the ground. If they don't go to the restaurant, it is the people who return the order."

"Those people are not worthy of food."

"Don't say too much, don't say things like you don't deserve to eat it, don't trick Chef Feng, if you have been to Su Ji He Ruo restaurant, you will understand that Chef Feng is a very pragmatic top chef. I don’t know how to make those imaginary things, so if I’m willing to support it, I’ll eat it once."

"That's right, anyway, if you go to eat once, it's definitely not a loss."

The wind reviews on the Internet have become one-sided again, so that some people who are deliberate about things can't find a breakthrough at all.

But there are still some grumpy brothers who can't regain a seat after returning the order, still call Ruo restaurant again, trying to get theory.

It's a pity that the replies I encountered were quite mechanized, and I was told directly that the reservation of the seat was irretrievable.

"If you want to reserve a seat, please reserve a later time."

After    informed, if the restaurant is also very direct to hang up.

This is really regrettable to the person who returned the order.

But no matter how uncomfortable it is, after all, it is the self-refund, and the deposit is also refunded, so naturally I can't go to trouble.

Feng Yifan didn't care about these things at all, he still urged everyone to prepare.

But this kind of thing happens, after all, it will still affect some people, such as Catherine.

In her heart, she still feels that it is because of her lack of strength that the order has been returned.

For this reason, Catherine once showed a little bit of decadence.

After Feng Yifan found out, he could only put aside his work and find her specifically to solve it.

"Don't put too much pressure on yourself. You should believe in your abilities. Your cooking skills are recognized by everyone, so you have to be confident. If you are not even a chef, then after I leave, if How does the restaurant open? How do you deal with diners?"

Hearing these words also made Catherine feel a little guilty.

"Sorry chef, I didn't stabilize my mind."

Feng Yifan said: "You don't need to apologize to me, you are not wrong. At this time, everyone will have some mental fluctuations, and they will feel that the chargeback is caused by you.

But in fact, it is wrong for you to think that way. The chargeback is not because of you, but because of me.

But I don’t think the chargeback is a bad thing. The chargeback just shows that everyone's enthusiasm for chasing red will fade. When everyone’s enthusiasm has receded, then we should face it, and it is the diners who truly appreciate us. . "

Catherine raised her head and looked at Feng Yifan. She seemed to understand at this moment.

Feng Yifan went on to say: "Remember, we are chefs. We are not going to turn the restaurant into an online celebrity shop. We sell messy things to attract customers. We just need to prepare the dishes and use the taste to attract diners."

After listening to Feng Yifan's words, Catherine nodded seriously, and the whole person regained his spirit.

"Chef don't worry, I will prepare the dishes in Waka restaurant."

Feng Yifan said: "I believe you will do it."

After communicating with Catherine, Feng Yifan led her back to continue preparing materials.

When Feng Yifan returned to Su Ji, Shi Jiahui smiled and said, "Oh, all are sous chefs, how can they be treated differently? You ran to comfort Catherine, why didn't you know to comfort me? I received no more criticism than Catherine. few."

Feng Yifan also laughed when he heard the words.

"Hahaha, your strong heart, Sister Sister, how can you put those jumping clowns in your eyes? Sister Sister will definitely shut those people up completely. I believe Sister Sister your strength.

At this point, Catherine does not have the strength of your master sister after all. "

Shi Jiahui laughed: "Hahaha, okay, Feng Yifan, I finally know who your daughter Xiaozui learned from? It turns out that you learned it from your father. You tout others, but it's really amazing. I almost believed it."

Shi Jiahui's smile made the back kitchen instantly become happy.

Feng Yifan, and then he will flatter them one by one.

"In our back kitchen, in addition to our chef Shi Jiahui, there are also people who have been immersed in foreign countries for many years and can take care of all aspects of the kitchen. The kitchen all-rounder Ma Xiaolong is a solid guarantee for the back chefs of our Su Ji and Ruo restaurant.

Chen Xu and Luo Yu are our top dim sum chefs, one is the domestic top Bai An, the other is a genius who can beat the top western dessert chefs with his talents, and they are also our restaurant's sweet responsibility.

Lin Ruifeng is making rapid progress, and now he can be considered to be able to stand alone. It is only a matter of time before he surpasses your master.

Ningcheng has a strong learning ability, and I believe that she will soon become as versatile as Ma Xiaolong.

Hans from the dessert chef to the chef, jumped over the most difficult hurdle, very powerful.

Tom is another all-rounder, why don’t you worry about having him in a western restaurant? "

After listening, Feng Yifan praised everyone in the back kitchen, making everyone laugh happier.

Shi Jiahui smiled and said, "Hahaha, oops, I can't do it anymore. Should we record these words? Then find a master to transcribe them. We frame them and hang them on the bedside so that we can take a look every day and inspire ourselves. ."


Shi Jiahui's words completely made everyone uncomfortable.

Luo Yu laughed so loudly that he couldn't stop for a while.

Feng Yifan also laughed helplessly.

After a while, Feng Yifan finally clapped his hands to stop everyone: "Okay, okay, everyone, let's start to work. On the weekend, we will get rid of everyone."

Everyone instantly responded in unison: "It's the chef."

Shi Jiahui followed: "Don't worry, we will definitely stand it up this weekend."

Ma Xiaolong said: "Master, you can rest assured to play on weekends, we will definitely be able to withstand it. Remember to take more happy photos of the children, and come back and share with us."

Everyone also said that they must see the photos of Feng Ruoruo and the others having fun.

Feng Yifan promised: "Okay, I will definitely take more photos, and I will show it to everyone at that time."

Everyone in the back kitchen still supports Feng Yifan's rest.

During the National Day holiday, although the three apprentices Shi Jinbin came to help, the busiest person must be Feng Yifan, the chef.

He doesn't just want to purchase, process, and cook together.

The key is that Feng Yifan still needs to entertain some guests.

also need to appease the people in line at the door.

It can be said that Feng Yifan, the chef, has really done something that many people have never done before.

There are many key things, in fact, he doesn't have to come forward at all.

But he will still come forward to deal with it.

Everyone knows very well that Feng Yifan’s reason for doing this is just to let those who come here to support Su Ji’s opening will not be disappointed.

Now the business of Su Ji He Ruo Restaurant is on track.

Feng Yifan choosing to rest at this time is indeed very suitable.

And his rest also puts a little pressure on the others in the back kitchen, so that the others in the back kitchen have more opportunities to display and develop themselves.

Otherwise, everyone will still rely on Feng Yifan, the chef.

As for all kinds of discussions on the Internet, as well as some descriptive things, Feng Yifan actually doesn't care at all.

As if he said it himself, he hopes that he and the two restaurants will continue to be hot.

Because the restaurant is supposed to be a place to eat, the guests who come should come because it tastes good.

If it is for a so-called internet celebrity restaurant to check in.

Then Feng Yifan would think it was unnecessary.

For the outing, Feng Yifan also prepared a lot of things and prepared a variety of snacks for the children. Chen Xu and Luo Yu also made a lot of snacks for the children.

In addition to snacks, Feng Yifan also specially prepared some hard dishes.

specially purchased a batch of top-notch beef and mutton, UU Reading is going to take it to the homestay for an outing to cook for everyone.

In addition, he also prepared a seasoning bag, which was filled with various seasonings.

It can be said that Feng Yifan is really well prepared for this outing with the children.

So that Su Ruoxi couldn't help but ask when she saw it, "Are you going to move the kitchen directly? With so many things prepared, can you finish eating by then?"

Feng Yifan said confidently: "If we can finish it, we have to spend the night over there."

Hearing what her husband said, Su Ruoxi thought about it seriously and felt that it was indeed.

This time I went for an outing, Yang Zhiyi booked a homestay, and the three family members would stay there for one night, so it would be appropriate to bring more food.

Feng Yifan also comforted his wife: "Don't worry, if you really can't finish it, I can digest it when I bring it back in the restaurant."

Su Ruoxi said: "Well, I listen to you."

Everything is in full preparation.

The people in the back kitchen of Su Ji and Ruo restaurant also rushed to adapt to Feng Yifan’s absence in advance, and followed Feng Yifan to learn some of his cooking methods, especially some seasoning issues, and they all asked him seriously.

Feng Yifan didn't conceal the slightest. What can be taught, what should be taught, is also taught to everyone.

Time passed quickly, and finally it was time for an outing in a blink of an eye.

Feng Ruoruo got up early in the morning and quickly got out of bed and ran all the way into the room of his parents.