v2 Chapter 939: Small town style, big lunch

Name:Hardcore Chef Dad Author:Pangmo
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In the small town, in addition to various quaint buildings, there are actually not many places to play.

Probably because of the serious commercialization nowadays, the entire street in the town is full of various shops, especially the most authentic self-healing local pot chicken farm restaurants. It’s really hard to walk a few steps. You can see one.

In order to solicit past guests, many people will greet the past guests at the door.

"Does the boss want to eat local pot chicken? Our family is the most authentic."

"The boss, come to our house, our chickens are definitely soil roosters that grow freely on the hillside."

"Boss, our family is absolutely delicious and cheap, and everything is collected from the mountain."

"Come to our house, all the ingredients in our house are the freshest."


Faced with so many people who came out to greet, many people who entered the town felt a little big head.

Originally, the three little girls were very happy to walk hand in hand in the town. Walking on the stone road in the town, the little girls found it very interesting.

But seeing so many people coming out to solicit guests, the three little girls were also shocked, and quickly turned and ran back to the adults.

Those soliciting customers on the street, seeing Feng Yifan and his party walking by, will naturally not let the business of so many people go. In an instant, a swarm of bees swarmed all around, almost blocking the way Feng Yifan and the others went to the town.

Feng Yifan and Yang Zhiyi immediately protected the old man, wife and children.

And Feng Yifan said more rudely: "You quickly get out of the way, we will not eat, don't block the road here, you have already scared the children like this."

I have to say that Feng Yifan's height, coupled with the aura of his sturdy body.

And when he had a sullen expression on his face, he really shocked everyone around him.

In the end, the people who tried to pull Feng Yifan on the street could only disperse angrily.

In this way, Feng Yifan and the others finally passed the street into the town very smoothly.

After walking through such a street and entering the town, it is completely different from the outside. The tranquility and tranquility in the town make people feel very comfortable in an instant.

In the small town, there is a lake that is not very large, and there is a stone bridge on the lake.

The small stone bridge straddles the small pond, just in the middle.

And right across the stone bridge, there is a big house that looks like an ancestral hall.

The three little girls, Feng Ruoruo, Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei, ran up the stone bridge hand in hand.

The little girls got on the bridge and found that the bridge inside was different from the stone bridge they walked outside the town.

The stone bridge into the town is flat, but the stone bridge here is arched.

And there are railings on both sides of the stone bridge, and there are various carvings on the railings, which look really exquisite and beautiful.

Feng Ruoruo reached out and touched the carved flowers on the stone bridge, turned his head and shouted: "Mom and Dad, come on, there are flowers on this, so beautiful."

Feng Yifan and the others got on the stone arch bridge together.

Li Xiuchun said: "Well, this stone arch bridge is older, and the construction of the stone arch bridge is very skilled, and there are various carvings on it. It seems that this stone arch bridge should be the original stone arch bridge before entering the town. Entrance."

Chen Yaofei listened to her grandma's words, turned around and took her grandma's hand and asked, "Grandma, is this bridge very good?"

Hearing the question from the little granddaughter, Li Xiuchun nodded and said: "Of course it is very good. The construction of the stone arch bridge itself is very complicated, especially in ancient times. The skill is great."

Li Xiuchun's introduction not only fascinated the little girls, but Feng Yifan also followed them carefully.

Through Li Xiuchun's explanation, everyone also added a lot of knowledge about stone bridges at once.

After the introduction of the stone bridge, everyone walked across the stone bridge and came to the big house directly opposite the stone bridge.

In front of the big house, there are two stone statues that are also old. After wind and rain, the surface of the stone statues is also vicissitudes of life, but the shape of the stone statues can still be seen.

Feng Ruoruo exclaimed: "Ah, two big tigers."

Yang Xiaoxi said: "It's not a big tiger, it seems to belong to two big cats."

Chen Yaofei said: "No, it should be two lions?"

The adults suddenly smiled and said, "Yes, Faey is right. These are indeed two stone lions. They are not big cats or tigers."

Feng Yifan added: "But Xixi is right, because both lions and tigers are big cats."

Feng Ruoruo heard her father say that both Feifei and Xixi were right, and she immediately pursed her small mouth: "Why is Ruoruo wrong?"

Seeing Feng Ruoruo's appearance, everyone was coaxing.

But the little girl didn't take it seriously, and soon forgot about it.

When I walked to the big house, I found that the big house was indeed an ancestral hall.

However, the door is locked. It must be opened only when there is a sacrifice in the town. Usually, you don't want tourists to go in and disturb.

Feng Yifan and the others did not go in either, but took two photos at the door.

Of course, more pictures are taken outside by the pond.

On the edge of the pond, there are weeping willows and a circle of specially planted flowers. With the sparkling water of the pond, it is really very beautiful.

After playing here for a while, Feng Yifan and the others walked towards the town again.

After walking around the town, it was almost noon.

They also found the home of Aunt Yao according to their previous agreement.

When I came to the door, I could smell the scent of cooking inside, I could clearly smell the scent of stewed chicken, and the scent of burning wood hot pot.

Upon seeing this, Feng Yifan smiled and said, "It looks like we all have a good taste today."

Yang Zhiyi couldn't help saying, "It really smells so good."

Feng Yifan smiled and said, "Of course it smells, and you will know that it is an authentic earthen **** by smelling it."

Chen Shoulin sniffed the taste and said, "Well, it is true that the stewed chicken stewed in our restaurant usually tastes different."

Feng Ruoruo took her father's hand and said, "Dad, can we go in?"

Yang Xiaoxi followed, "Daddy Feng, Xixi is hungry."

Chen Yaofei also said: "Yes, Faey is also hungry."

Feng Yifan smiled and said, "Okay, let's go in, but we have to knock on the door first to see if Aunt Yao is at home or not. You must get the owner's permission to go in."

The three little girls also nodded immediately and said in unison: "Yes."

But before Feng Yifan and the others knocked on the door, the figure of Aunt Yao appeared in the open courtyard.

"Hahaha, are you here? Come in quickly, just waiting for you to come. I will stew the chicken first. When you come, I will post the pancakes, and we will be able to eat in a while , Come in, come in."

Feng Yifan and the others also said "I'm sorry," very politely, and then they all entered the courtyard of Aunt Yao's house.

Aunt Yao has indeed got everything ready.

After welcoming Feng Yifan and the others, they greeted everyone to sit down in the courtyard at home.

She also called her husband out to help and greet her, but she went into the stove to get busy.

The three little girls, Feng Ruoruo, Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei, naturally can't be idle.

First, I wandered around in the small courtyard.

Although the house of Aunt Yao's house is gray-tiled and white-walled, it is not the kind of official door face, but straight in and straight out of a very ordinary door.

However, the small yard in the house has obviously been renovated, and the ground is covered with all the floor tiles used in the town.

Feng Ruoruo said after turning around: "Dad, mom, Aunt Yao's house, it looks like grandparents' house."

Aunt Yao's husband, Lao Fang, smiled and asked, "Really? Your grandparents' home is also a yard like this?"

Feng Yifan helped her daughter to answer: "My parents belong to Yanghu Township, so the houses there are similar to those in your town."

Hearing Yanghu Township, Lao Fang nodded immediately: "Oh, Yanghu Township? It's actually not far from our town. The buildings there are indeed similar to ours, and everyone's customs are actually very similar, because They are all in the Huai River Basin."

Feng Yifan nodded: "Yes, yes, they are indeed similar customs."

Then the Lao Fang said: "However, Yanghu Township is very famous these years. It is a vegetable base there, but it is very powerful. It is more stable than ours where we rely solely on tourism."

Yang Zhiyi heard this and said, "Brother Fang, in fact, you can also sell some mountain products here? I think there are still a lot of mountain products on your side."

Feng Yifan also said: "Yes, after we entered the town, we saw that every household in the town would sell a lot of mountain products, such as some mushrooms. I think you can try to develop it and sell those things. "

The Lao Fang waved his hand after hearing it, "No, we still have enough food at home. If we sell it, how can there be so much?"

Chen Shoulin followed: "You can actually try planting. With some climatic conditions in your mountainous area, as long as it's reasonable planning, I believe it should be possible."

Lao Fang said with a smile, "I don't understand those things. I'm afraid not many people in our town understand."

Feng Yifan and the others looked at each other, and in the end everyone didn't say much.

As the Lao Fang said, their town is also very good for tourism and farming, so it may not be so easy for them to engage in some characteristic industries.

The key is that those who need technical support are indeed more difficult to do by relying solely on people in the small town.

When everyone was chatting, Aunt Yao's shout came from the stove.

"Hurry up and help."

Lao Fang got up immediately, ready to go to the stove to help.

Upon seeing this, Feng Yifan and Yang Zhiyi also walked over.

Entering the stove, Yang Zhiyi couldn't help but exclaimed: "God, such a big pot?"

Aunt Yao saw Feng Yifan and Yang Zhiyi also coming in, and suddenly complained about her man: "Why did you let the guests in too?"

The old man turned his head frankly and said, "You two, go and sit down. Here we can."

Feng Yifan and Yang Zhiyi still said, "It's okay, let's help together."

In the end, under Feng Yifan and Yang Zhiyi's insistence, Aunt Yao asked them to help.

Lao Fang and Yang Zhiyi carried the big iron pot of stewed chicken together, while Feng Yifan raised a small stove according to Aunt Yao's request.

After all the things were taken out, Aunt Yao took out a low table again.

Feng Yifan put the small stove on the low table first, and then Lao Fang and Yang Zhiyi sat on the big iron pot together.

Seeing the big iron pan, the three little girls suddenly exclaimed: "It's so big."

What surprised everyone was that when the pot was seated, they found that everyone was sitting on the chair, just flush with the edge of the pot, so that they could directly eat the chicken nuggets and discus in the pot.

And soon, Aunt Yao and his wife took out another table top and was hollowed out of a square table, which was framed outside the entire big iron pot.

In this way, there is a local pot chicken in the middle, and other dishes can be placed around the small square table.

The three little girls Feng Ruoruo, Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei were very curious when they saw such a table for the first time, and they couldn't help but squat down and look under the table.

Su Ruoxi, Li Fei'er, and Li Xiuchun held the three little girls and prevented them from squatting down to watch.

Feng Yifan also said to the children: "Okay, don't look at it. This table is specially made by your Aunt Yao's family. It is used to eat this kind of local pot chicken, so that the chicken can be stewed in the middle, and then it can be placed on the table next to it. For dishes, you can also put bowls, chopsticks and cups."

Feng Ruoruo immediately jumped into his father's arms and said, "Dad, let's go back and make a table like this in Grandpa's restaurant."

Feng Yifan smiled and asked, "Why do you want to make this table in our restaurant?"

Feng Ruoruo said: "That way, we can eat at home."

Aunt Yao smiled and asked: "Your family also runs a restaurant?"

Yang Xiaoxi took the opportunity to say: "Yes, Father Feng is a very good cook."

Chen Yaofei added: "It's the most powerful."

Feng Yifan hurriedly said: "Sister, don't take it seriously, eldest sister, I am the chef of a small restaurant."

Aunt Yao smiled and said, "Hahaha, I don't think the children are lying."

Lao Fang also said: "Yes, it doesn't look like a liar, and from some of the chats just now, I can feel that you should know how to eat."

Yang Zhiyi said: "Hahaha Big Brother Fang can see it? Tell Big Brother Big Sister, our Chef Feng is really no ordinary chef, he used to be the chef of the top restaurant abroad. , Is the chef who has gotten Samsung."

Feng Yifan hurriedly said: "Don't talk nonsense here, and you don't know whether Samsung is a Samsung or not."

Lao Fang said immediately: "Who said that I don't know? Samsung is the final evaluation of top restaurants abroad. I have heard of this."

Aunt Yao also said: "Yes, we heard some people who came to the town said before."

Feng Yifan smiled and said, "Big brother and sister are really advancing with the times, then should we eat? We are all hungry for a long time."

Aunt Yao immediately said: "Yes, right, eat quickly, and don't let the three little babies go hungry."

When Aunt Yao stretched out her hand to uncover the lid of the iron pan, a mouth-watering rich fragrance was immediately accompanied by the rising water vapor.