v2 Chapter 944: Trouble is coming, not afraid of difficulties

Name:Hardcore Chef Dad Author:Pangmo
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After Feng Yifan came back from vacation, he could still feel everyone's desire to get three stars.

Maybe you don't care if you can get a Samsung, but everyone is holding a sigh of breath in their hearts and hopes to get a recognition.

After all, for every chef, after working hard for a long time, he still hopes to be recognized.

The recognition of diners is one aspect.

Although many chefs may be dismissive of some food critics, they still hope to get the praise of those food critics, and even hope that the restaurant can be popular.

However, the rules and standards mentioned by Feng Yifan also made everyone very worried.

According to Feng Yifan, the whole set of rules and standards, whether it is Su Ji or Ruo Restaurant, is obviously unable to get a star, and it may even be difficult to get the praises of those food critics.

This makes the back chef and the waiter feel somewhat lost.

Feng Yifan saw everyone's loss, so he cheered everyone up again.

And he didn't really want to fight, but once again he made up his mind to fight.

It's just that even though Feng Yifan gave everyone a vaccination in advance, it has already explained all the predicaments that may be faced.

A few days later, a restaurant review in a well-known foreign food magazine on the Internet still hit everyone deeply.

Even Ma Xiaolong, Catherine, Hans, and Tom are somewhat unacceptable.

Hans directly exploded and yelled in his native language: "Are these **** having broken tongues? Why do they give such a low evaluation? They even said that our restaurant shouldn't exist. Come to our restaurant to eat, yes A sacrilege of food?"

Tom is relatively calm, but still feels very annoyed: "These people really dare to write anything."

Catherine and Ma Xiaolong looked at each other. They were also full of anger, but neither of them spoke, but looked at Feng Yifan together.

Seeing Catherine and Ma Xiaolong looking at Feng Yifan together, everyone else also focused on Feng Yifan.

At this moment, everyone is expecting that Feng Yifan can give a way to fight back.

Feng Yifan did not respond to everyone, instead he was carefully watching the report reposted on the Internet, and at the same time, he was also reading some of the reposted comments below.

"It turns out that Chef Feng's restaurant is so low-end?"

"No, it's still what foreign professional gourmets say."

"But why do I think this is a deliberate provocation?"

"Yeah, are you deliberately provoking?"

"It's not objective at all. There is no mention of the taste of the dishes in the whole article. It is about the location of the restaurant, the restaurant specializes, the restaurant does not use any tables and chairs, the tablecloths of the restaurant do not use any brand, and the tableware is not where or where. ."

"No, people's own restaurant, isn't it their own freedom to use what they want?"

"Yes, why do we have to use those brands of tablecloths and tableware?"

Some people on the Internet seem to be very happy to see Feng Yifan’s restaurant being accused, regardless of what the other person’s comment said?

But some more sane people are beginning to question some of the problems pointed out in the comments.

Many people will ask when they comment.

"Is it true that a restaurant is good? Isn't it the taste of the dishes? Are the brands of tables, chairs, tablecloths and tableware so important?"

"Yes, it's good that the dishes are made with good color and flavor. Why do you still ask for the location of the restaurant, the interior decoration, and the brand of the things used in the restaurant?"

After seeing someone raise such a question in the comments, someone quickly answered it.

"According to the criteria for star-rated restaurants, it is indeed the location of the restaurant, the interior decoration of the restaurant, including the tables and chairs used in the restaurant, what brand of tablecloths, and whether the full set of tableware comes from several designated brands."

After someone came out to explain, it naturally made everyone understand.

Looking at the review article from abroad, it seems that you can understand the problems pointed out by the other party.

Because according to the standards of star-rated restaurants, Feng Yifan's two restaurants do not seem to meet.

Some people regretted in the comments, and others complained about Feng Yifan.

But some people are starting to fall into trouble.

Looking at various comments, Feng Yifan suddenly laughed.

Hearing the chef’s laughter made everyone feel a little strange? I can't understand why at this time, why the chef can still laugh?

A group of people were puzzled and looked at Feng Yifan seriously.

I want to ask, what's so funny at this time?

But no one dared to interrupt Feng Yifan directly.

Finally, after a burst of laughter, Feng Yifan slowly calmed down.

Looking at the surprised expressions of other people, Feng Yifan asked: "What's the matter? You are discouraged like this? No? Could it be that I have told you many times before that we may be facing a dilemma, but you didn't listen to it. ?"

After hearing Feng Yifan's words, everyone looked at each other, still not knowing how to respond?

For a long time, Shi Jiahui still said, "Yifan, we have been commented like this this time, do we have no chance?"

Feng Yifan looked at the elder sister, then looked at the others present.

Everyone's expressions are so lonely.

Obviously, no one wants to see such a result.

Haven't done anything yet? As a result, he was turned away by others in this way, and he was not even given a chance for fair competition.

It's really unwilling.

Feng Yifan saw everyone's unwillingness and the loneliness on everyone's face.

Instead, he laughed again: "You guys, why do you use such an expression? Don't you think that this will be the result? Besides, this is just an article in a food magazine. It does not represent the final result."

The first half of Feng Yifan's sentence really makes people feel a little pessimistic.

But the second half of his sentence, especially the last sentence, seemed to give everyone so much hope.

Lin Ruifeng hurriedly asked: "Master, really? Do we still have a chance?"

Everyone looked forward to Feng Yifan.

Facing everyone’s expectations, Feng Yifan nodded and said: “Although it may be difficult, there is indeed still a chance. We did not lose everything like this. We can continue to strive to become the recommended restaurant of the year and still have the opportunity to enter the star. Restaurant selection."

Catherine suddenly said at this time: "But the chef, this food critic, he is Fettery."

Hearing what Catherine said, everyone was also a little surprised.

Only Ma Xiaolong, Hans, and Tom heard the names, and didn't feel that there were many surprises. Their expressions also showed some loss.

Feng Yifan smiled and said, "What about Fitri? He is just one of the most sought-after food critics. Even if he is qualified to make rules, can't we just overthrow the rules he set?"

Then, Feng Yifan said with a serious face: "Who has stipulated that the restaurant must be on the designated section? Who has stipulated the style of the restaurant's decoration? There are also tables, chairs, tablecloths, and tableware. Why must we use those brands? ?"

Upon hearing this, everyone present looked at each other.

But when I think of this, everyone feels desperate.

Because if these are mandatory requirements, no matter how hard everyone works, Su Ji and Ruo restaurants may be destined to be difficult to get shortlisted and selected.

Feng Yifan said with a serious face: "Did they forget that these porcelains were invented by our ancestors? Why do we have to use their designated brand tableware when opening restaurants in our own country? So we have to reverse everything."

Hearing this, everyone's fighting spirit suddenly rekindled.

Maybe Catherine, Hans, and Tom didn't feel much.

Even Ma Xiaolong may not have that kind of family and country feelings.

But Shi Jiahui and others will feel very passionate, even Chen Xu and Luo Yu are looking forward to it, and they want to fight with all their energy.

Feng Yifan went on to say: "Next, we still have to be ourselves. No matter what others say, we still have to be ourselves. We must do every dish well to ensure the satisfaction of the diners in our restaurant. "

Feng Yifan said with a serious face: "I don't care how others judge, and I don't care what the so-called food critics say. I still said that. At Su Ji He Ruo restaurant, we must give priority to ensuring the quality and taste of the dishes. Right?"

Suddenly everyone subconsciously responded in unison: "Understand the chef."

Seeing the fighting spirit overflowing on everyone's faces, Feng Yifan nodded in satisfaction.

Later, he continued: "The article appeared, and our business will definitely be affected in the future, especially if the restaurant orders food, but those are not important, as long as we stick to our true colors."

Hearing this, everyone is still somewhat worried.

But Catherine suddenly smiled and said, "We don’t need to be like this. At first, we just wanted to open our own restaurant, and we didn’t want to fight for fame and fortune. We just wanted to make ourselves happy, didn’t we? Now we are very happy. Ah, and there is still a chance to fight for a star restaurant, what else are we dissatisfied with?"

When Catherine said so, Hans and Tom also looked at each other and laughed.

The two also felt that Catherine was not wrong.

Originally, Catherine, Hans, and Tom came, just wanting the three of them to open a small restaurant together. They didn’t think about how popular they would be. They just wanted to be closer to the old chef and to study new ideas with the chef. Dishes.

But now, the restaurant has the head chef, and it has gained a high degree of attention.

Even Fettery, a well-known food critic, commented.

This is something Catherine, Hans and Tom hadn't thought about before.

It can be said that this result has exceeded their expectations too much.

So what is the final result of this fight? It really is no longer important.

Feng Yifan looked at the three of them, smiled and said, “Don’t give up now. I said, we still have a chance. Besides, it’s not the first time Fetteri and I have met each other. We are all old friends. I think we It should still be a serious fight."

Shi Jiahui smiled and said: "Very good, the chef has said so, we also have to cheer up."

Su Jinrong, who was listening to him, also spoke at this time without speaking.

"I look forward to your strengths. Regardless of the result, at least we have worked hard together. If we work together, we may not be able to get the praise of those foreigners, but I believe that people in China will support you."

Everyone clenched their fists and nodded very seriously.

Luo Yu asked at this moment: "Chef, how do we deal with that comment?"

Feng Yifan smiled and said: "Don't worry, let those people make trouble for a while. We will do business as usual, without explaining or arguing, everything is just fine."

Luo Yu hesitated, but couldn't help asking, "But in that case, will our business be affected in the future? If the business gets worse and worse..."

Having said that, Luo Yu did not go on.

Feng Yifan still smiled and asked: "What's wrong? Are you not confident in yourself? Think we will lose to such an article?"

Luo Yu hesitated for a while, but couldn't help but nodded.

Upon seeing this, Chen Xu quickly said, "What are you thinking about here? How is it possible?"

Feng Yifan waved his hand: “Don’t be nervous, Luo Yu’s thoughts are normal. In fact, I can’t guarantee that our business will not be affected. At the mercy."

Chen Xu said: "Yes, we can't be manipulated by others."

Feng Yifan went on to say: "So, we don't need to read those comments. Then we just need to be ourselves and let time test everything."

Hearing this, everyone agreed with this, and even Luo Yu said that he would work hard.

At this moment, Su Ji He Ruo Restaurant was under external pressure, but it made everyone twisted into a rope.

Seeing everyone united as one, Feng Yifan suddenly felt that everything would be solved.

At the Su Ji and Ruo restaurant, everyone twisted into a rope, while preparing to meet the challenge. UU reading

Many people who have a close relationship with Feng Yifan have also seen this article reprinted on the Internet one after another, and learned of many people's comments on Feng Yifan and his two restaurants.

Among them, the two elderly people, Lu Xigu and Quan Chengping, first became anxious.

The two old men did not hesitate, and immediately used some of their relationships to contact some other food critics, wanting to find someone to help Feng Yifan on the platform.

It's just that, perhaps because that article was written by Fetteri, a well-known food critic, many other food critics did not want to cause trouble.

Therefore, for a while, Lu Xigu and Quan Chengping were unable to find anyone with weight to help Feng Yifan on the platform.

But when the two old people were a little anxious, they were found by a phone call.

After talking on the phone with each other, the two old men reached an agreement with each other, and they are also delighted that Feng Yifan still has many people who will help him.