v3 Chapter 981: It's getting dark early, the lively Ruoruo

Name:Hardcore Chef Dad Author:Pangmo
Entering winter, the length of the day becomes shorter, which always gives people an illusion that the time of the day is passing quickly.

Just like the three little girls Feng Ruoruo, Yang Xiaoxi, and Chen Yaofei, they only took a dance lesson in the dance classroom. Seeing through the window that it was dark outside, the little girls would feel as if it was late.

During the rest, Feng Ruoruo rushed to her grandma and asked, "Grandma, are we going home? It's getting dark outside. If we don't go home again, neither Xixi, Feifei, I can go to Grandpa’s restaurant to help. I have to go home and sleep right away."

At first, Lu Cuiling didn't understand the words of her little granddaughter very much, and asked strangely: "How come home late? It's still early."

But after thinking about it for a moment, Lu Cuiling suddenly understood what the little granddaughter meant.

She looked outside and then at her watch.

She immediately laughed and explained to the little granddaughter: "Although it is dark, it's still early. Look at your grandma's watch. It's just past six o'clock. If you don't need to worry about it."

Feng Ruoruo immediately held her grandma's hand and looked at the watch on her wrist.

Lu Cuiling showed it to her little granddaughter while teaching her to recognize it.

"If you look at this shortest hand, it is an hour hand, right above the watch, it is 0, and then you count to see if there are 12 grids? Each grid represents 1 hour.

Now it’s 6 o’clock, and then it’s a little over 20. We can count this small grid. Well, it happens to be three, which is 6:23. "

Feng Ruoruo looked at her grandma's watch earnestly, and also seriously recognized it, and wrote down what her grandma taught.

After writing it down, Feng Ruoruo was a little surprised: "Ah, is it only 6:23 now?"

Lu Cuiling said: "Yes, so it’s still early. If Ruo and Xixi and Fai Fei finish dancing, we can go to grandpa’s restaurant to help. Then we can play there for a while. At 8 o’clock, we Go home again, how about this?"

As grandma was talking, she was teaching her granddaughter the time on her watch.

Feng Ruoruo thought this was very interesting, and then turned to look at her grandma and nodded and agreed: "Okay, let's go to Grandpa's restaurant, and then we will go home until 8 o'clock."

When Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei heard what was said here, they also leaned over, curious to ask Feng Ruoruo what's the matter?

"What's the matter with Ruoruo?"

"If you are tired?"

Feng Ruoruo grinned and said, "No, I saw it was dark outside, so I asked my grandma what time it was. Grandma said it's early, and it's 6:23 now."

Yang Xiaoxi heard Feng Ruoruo's words and looked outside the window and exclaimed, "Wow, why is it dark?"

Chen Yaofei took a look and asked, "Why is it dark at 6:23?"

Grandma Chen Yaofei smiled and said, “That’s because it’s winter. In winter, Father Sun goes to bed earlier, so it’s dark after 6 o’clock. If it’s summer, Father Sun goes to bed late. The dark ones will be late."

Yang Xiaoxi asked strangely: "Then why does Father Sun go to bed early in winter?"

Without waiting for her grandma to answer this time, Feng Ruoruo rushed to say, "I know, because father-in-law Sun works too hard in summer, so in winter, father-in-law Sun has to get off work and go to bed early."

Feng Ruoruo almost yelled out when he was speaking, but was heard by the children and parents next to him.

Suddenly the parents showed kind smiles, and the other little girls also found it funny.

"If you are so smart, you know that Father Sun works hard in summer."

"If you are right, my parents will leave work late in summer, and will leave early in winter."

Feng Ruoruo smiled and said, "Right, right? In summer, your parents and father-in-law are as hard-working, so in winter, you have to get off work earlier, so you can rest more."

Parents really found it very interesting.

"It's really made clear by Ruoruo."

"No, if Ruo Ke is really vivid and easy to understand."

"I have always felt that if you are particularly good at speaking, I never expected to be able to give such an interesting explanation."

After hearing the praise from other parents, Lu Cuiling said: "Hahaha, don't be so praising, she is a little clever, if she is skinny, she can't control it at all, but she really likes to say that she doesn't listen to her dad at home. Say."

The other parents all laughed again.

"Hahaha, what a good idea."

"Yes, yes, I always want her to talk more about my child, but she is not as good as it is."

"Yes, like Ruoruo's expressive children are really amazing."

Lu Cuiling said again: "Oh, kids who can talk about it, you will find it particularly difficult when you are at home. Many times she can't stop her little mouth when she talks about it. Ruoruo is the only one in the family who can always listen to her father."

Feng Ruoruo listened and said, "Grandma, I and Dad, he understands everything, but neither of you understands."

Lu Cuiling smiled and said, "Yes, yes, only your father can understand some of your words. Grandma doesn't understand them anyway, so you will talk to your father more in the future."

Parents of other children can't help wondering, what exactly will Feng Ruoruo tell her father?

"What on earth would Ruoruo tell her father?"

"Yeah, why can father understand, but grandma can't understand?"

"Are you talking about cooking?"

Lu Cuiling said: "There are indeed some cooking things. The key is this little girl, who often stays in the back kitchen with her father, she reads a lot. She always asks some cooking questions, and then she will say, this What would Dad do, that you did not do it right."

Hearing these words, other parents thought about it, and immediately began to have pictures.

Thinking of that, when grandma was cooking, the little granddaughter was giving some guidance next to her, and the picture was indeed very interesting.

Lu Cuiling went on to say: "Besides she will guide you in cooking, this little girl also likes to say some strange things, such as some messy things. Anyway, she sees them, hears them, and she wants to tell you something, You have never heard of it."

Feng Ruoruo immediately said: "Grandma, those are all said by others, and they are also shown on TV. Grandma, you don't watch it seriously, listen carefully."

Lu Cuiling said dumbfounded: "Well, grandma doesn't listen carefully, you are the only one."

Feng Ruoruo immediately jumped into her grandma's arms and started acting like a baby again: "Don't be angry, grandma."

Seeing the grandparents and grandchildren, everyone smiled happily.

At this time, Mr. Guo clapped his hands and said: "Okay, let's continue to dance. For the next half an hour of class, we will cheer up, and we must be serious."

The little girls walked back quickly and started to follow the music played by Teacher Guo, and continued to practice dance seriously under the guidance of Teacher Guo.

Teacher Guo specially choreographed a small dance for the children this time, and planned to take the children to a performance.

This is also the first official performance for the children to learn to dance in a few months.

Therefore, the parents are more cooperative, and they will also urge the children to practice well at home.

In the dance class, the six little girls are also very serious.

Especially Feng Ruoruo, as the lead dancer elected this time, danced very seriously.

Don't look at the little girl who keeps talking during the break, she will act like a baby with her grandmother, and then joke with other children and parents, but when she starts to practice dancing, the little girl will be very serious.

After entering that state, it may even make people feel like two people are different.

Lu Cuiling watched her little granddaughter dance, as if she had been a little fairy, she was also very happy.

Although it is a half-hour dance practice, there will be some rest in between.

Of course, in the middle of the rest, the children can't walk out of the dance area like before, just some small breaks between dances.

Until seven o'clock in the evening, today's dance class is over.

Guo Hong finally said to the children: "Okay, everyone performed very well today. I hope everyone can maintain this state. Remember to practice well when you go home. Remember all those movements, and you must practice them well. , Do you understand?"

The children naturally answered in unison: "Understood."

Teacher Guo clapped his hands and said, "Okay, get out of class is over."

Feng Ruoruo led the children again and bowed to Teacher Guo and said, "Goodbye, Teacher Guo."

Teacher Guo also bowed and saluted: "Goodbye."

After the dance class, the children changed their clothes one after another accompanied by their parents, and then bid farewell to Guo Hong one by one and left with their parents.

As for Guo Hong, he had some explanations with Feng Ruoruo alone.

"If Ruo, you danced very well today, you must remember that you are the lead dancer, but you can't just think about taking care of others. You must complete your dance moves first. Your few moves,'Da, da da' If you want to follow the beat, you can't grab the beat, you know?"

Feng Ruoruo nodded earnestly: "I know Teacher Guo."

Guo Hong touched the little girl's head: "It's good to know, I performed very well today, and I have to keep it up."

Feng Ruoruo smiled and said, "Okay."

Seeing Feng Ruoruo's smiling face, Guo Hong also laughed.

I have to say that Feng Ruoruo's cheerfulness is really moving.

Guo Hong often can't bear to scold her.

However, if Feng Ruo becomes self-willed, especially naughty, it will indeed make people feel very mad.

Especially since she deliberately made the wrong jump before, Guo Hong couldn't help but get angry directly.

At the time of the reprimand, the little girl really cried with tears.

But after she cried, Feng Ruoruo made corrections, and then she didn't hold any grudges. When she comes to dance class next time, she will still be the liveliest one, and will join Teacher Guo to have fun.

This kind of character really makes people like it very much.

Guo Hong sometimes wonders, why is Feng Ruoruo such a cheerful and cute character?

"Mr. Guo, Mr. Guo, are you still going? get out of class is over and there is no one outside. If you leave alone, will you be afraid after dark?"

Feng Ruoruo's voice pulled Guo Hong's thoughts back, and she found herself stunned for a while.

After returning to his senses, Guo Hong smiled and said, "Go, Teacher Guo will go with you."

Feng Ruoruo immediately smiled and asked, "Mr. Guo, you are walking with us. Are you also afraid of leaving alone after dark?"

Guo Hong was dumbfounded by the little girl's question.

Especially when I saw the little girl smiling, it was completely different from before.

Guo Hong gently squeezed the little girl's face: "Okay, Teacher Guo is really scared, let's go."

Feng Ruoruo covered her little face, pouting her small mouth and said, "Mr. Guo, don't you always pinch Ruoruo's face. Mom has said that Ruoruo's little face is often pinched by her father, and it becomes round and unsightly. La."

Guo Hong laughed: "Hahaha, didn't your mother pinch your face, too?"

Feng Ruoruo said again: "Mom said, she squeezed it gently, it won't turn round."

Guo Hong smiled even more happily: "Your mother told you that? You are such a cutie."

The other people nearby couldn't help but laugh when they heard it.

And Chen Yaofei suddenly said to the little sister: "Ruoruo, pinching your face is the same. If your mother always pinches, your face will be rounded."

Feng Ruoruo looked at Chen Yaofei and asked, "Is that so?"

Chen Yaofei said: "That's right, because it's all squeezing faces."

Feng Ruoruo covered her small face and said, "After that, we won't let everyone pinch their faces, and neither will my mother."

Lu Cuiling smiled and said: "It's over, Fai Fei said, after returning home, if you definitely want to make trouble with your mother, it will be difficult to pinch Ruoruo's face in the future."

Feng Ruoruo covered her face and said to grandma: "Grandma, don't pinch it."

Lu Cuiling promised: "Okay, grandma won't pinch in the future."

Feng Ruoruo laughed happily after receiving her grandma's answer, "Hehehe, grandma is really nice."

Lu Cuiling was also very happy: "Yes, grandma is the best."

Then the grandparents and grandchildren held hands, went downstairs with everyone, and bid farewell to Teacher Guo outside the community. The three families returned to the ancient street together with three little girls.

Because it was promised that the children can go back and play for a while.

Back on the ancient street together, there was already a long line in front of the gate of Su Ji.

Feng Ruoruo pulled Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei and said, "Ah A lot of people line up, Xixi and Feifei, let's hurry up, go back and change clothes, and then come to send everyone a snack."

Yang Xiaoxi ran happily and said, "Okay, if we hurry up."

Chen Yaofei said: "Let's not run too fast. There are many people on the street. Don't hit anyone."

Pulled by Feng Ruoruo, Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei were still quickly pulled by her and ran back to Su Ji.

After entering the door, Feng Ruoruo pulled Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei directly into the back kitchen, and ran into the courtyard of Lin Ruifeng's house next door through the side door of the back kitchen.

As soon as they ran into the yard, the three little girls realized that they were running too fast and the grandmothers did not follow.

Fortunately, the grandpas are already waiting here, and seeing the little girls come back, the grandpas also let the children eat together first.

In this way, the three little girls ate first, then went out to give out snacks, and played with puppies, kittens, chickens, and ducklings for a while, and finally went home contentedly.