v3 Chapter 987: Christmas comes first, young people gather

Name:Hardcore Chef Dad Author:Pangmo
It is basically arranged in the ancient street, and the first peak of the flow of people ushered in is not New Year's Day, but Christmas.

Although this is a foreign holiday, it has become an excuse for many young people to gather.

Especially, it is just before New Year's Day, so many young people choose to go shopping in the ancient street in advance. The most important thing is to have a meal at Feng Yifan's two restaurants.

For this reason, some people booked Ruo's restaurant in advance, and some people even sent a request to Feng Yifan.

I hope that at Christmas time, Ruo restaurant can also order food at noon, or sitting in Su Ji can order Ruo restaurant dishes.

Feng Yifan naturally rejected all these requirements.

Facing Feng Yifan's refusal, some young people also asked in person.

"Chef Feng, why can't you be open for a longer period of time at Christmas? Or at Christmas, if the restaurant doesn't make a reservation, it's okay."

"Yeah, yeah, we really want to eat at Ruo Restaurant on Christmas Day."

"Yes, chef Feng, can't you understand us?"

Feng Yifan was also a little bit dumbfounded in the face of a few people who made a special trip to feel that Su Ji had come and asked him questions.

The next day was Christmas, but these people even came to make this kind of inquiry.

Feng Yifan can only answer truthfully: "I'm really sorry. If the ingredients in the restaurant are all quantitative and fresh and shipped from other places, I must ensure that the ingredients are fresh, so if the restaurant is impossible to prepare a lot of ingredients. Cause surplus.

Therefore, even on holidays such as Christmas and New Year's Day, if the restaurant still only accepts reservations, because there are only so many ingredients, it is impossible to receive more guests. "

Hearing Feng Yifan's answer, a young man who came here on a special trip couldn't help but said: "Chef Feng, you must have opened a shop for business, but now the business is here, why are you not willing to do it?"

Another young man also said: "Yes, at Christmas and New Year's Day, as long as you are willing to open the door, there will definitely be an endless stream of customers. It is absolutely guaranteed that people will come to eat, even if you prepare more ingredients. , It will all be consumed, why do you need to limit it?"

Feng Yifan was also dumbfounded by such remarks.

He looked at the people who came to ask and said: "For you, my chef team and I must be busy in the back kitchen during holidays? Can't we have our own holidays?"

As soon as these words came out, several people were speechless.

Feng Yifan continued: "Everyone in Su Ji He Ruo Restaurant also needs their own holidays. We cannot disrupt our lives in order to make money.

Presumably you hope to get together with your loved one or family member on Christmas Day or New Year's Day.

Then you should also be able to understand that everyone in my back kitchen and I also need such a time to spend time with my family.

So I can't take up a lot of everyone's time, I have to make sure that everyone has time to enjoy life. "

After listening to Feng Yifan's explanation, the people who came here to ask him to place more orders at the restaurant were unable to continue.

Feng Yifan looked at a few people and said, "Thank you for coming here for me to explain your demands. I really appreciate your support for Su Ji Heruo Restaurant, but the rules are the rules. Change the rules any day."

Knowing that they cannot be changed, the few people can only bid farewell to Feng Yifan and leave.

And soon, what Feng Yifan said was also spread on Weibo.

Many people feel that Feng Yifan's remarks are a bit wrong. They think he is playing a big name, deliberately engaging in so-called hunger marketing.

Some people even said that Feng Yifan wanted to make everyone unable to book a seat in order to show that his restaurant is booming.

But those who say these things can't find anyone to follow up on Weibo today.

Because Feng Yifan had already deleted the Weibo on his mobile phone because of previous events.

Even Su Ruoxi rarely posts Weibo, and it can be said that her account is also in a semi-paralyzed state.

As a result, someone on Weibo condemned Feng Yifan, but he couldn't find his Weibo to come out on the line. Basically, there was no one to respond to, and the last one gave up the condemnation in an anguish.

As for those who support Feng Yifan, now they are all gathered under Meng Shitong's video.

They learned that Feng Yifan would not change the rules, and naturally they were very supportive.

They left a message below the Meng Shitong team video, supporting Feng Yifan's decision and hope Feng Yifan can stick to the rules.

"Rules are rules. Su Ji and if the restaurant has rules, there will be inheritance."

"Yes, rules are also part of the inheritance."

"And I don't think Chef Feng has done anything wrong."

"There is nothing wrong with it. People don't want to work so hard. Is there something wrong?"

"Not to mention that the prices of dishes in Su Ji and Ruo are not very high."

"Yes, compared to the so-called well-known restaurants, especially some western restaurants, there are many Internet celebrities, Su Ji and Ruo restaurants are simply conscience."

"It's a pity, if a restaurant seat is too difficult to book."

"It's not too difficult to book anymore. When it first opened, it was really difficult to book. It was almost impossible to book a seat. Now because Chef Feng has been criticized by various parties before, if the restaurant orders are reduced, so It's easier to order."

Nowadays, whenever Feng Yifan has something to say, those who support him gather to comment and chat under the video of Meng Shitong's team.

Although you can't interact with Feng Yifan or Su Ruoxi at any time here, everyone is still happy to chat and discuss in the comment area.

On the one hand, there will be no slanderers in the comment area, and on the other hand, there will not be many people here.

So Feng Yifan’s fans really like to chat in the comment section of the video.

For this reason, Meng Shitong also made special arrangements to put the first video introducing Feng Yifan on the top position, so that there will be a lot of comments below this video.

Meng Shitong once approached Feng Yifan and asked him or Su Ruoxi if he wanted to create a video account alone?

Feng Yifan waved his hand to show that he didn't have to be so troublesome.

Mainly, Feng Yifan’s previous video account, he later did not have time to operate because the restaurant was too busy, and he himself did not have time to record the video to publish.

So in his opinion, it is better to hand it over to professionals like Meng Shitong instead of doing it yourself.

Feng Yifan feels that this is professional people doing professional things.

As a result, Meng Shitong and the others have become Feng Yifan's professional operation team, helping him deal with many things on the Internet.

Although Feng Yifan refused to break the rules, he was unwilling to add orders to Ruo's restaurant on Christmas and New Year's Day, or simply didn't make reservations.

But when it comes to Christmas, the ancient streets are still crowded early.

Almost when the genius has just begun to dim, the ancient streets are already full of people.

Most of them are young men and women.

Obviously, everyone made a special trip to the ancient street, wanting to go shopping in the ancient street at Christmas time and eat the dishes of Su Ji He Ruo restaurant.

Even if the restaurant still needs to be booked, it will not affect everyone's enthusiasm.

Many young people ran to the door of Ruo's restaurant, took pictures and clocked in at the door, indicating that they had been here.

Of course, after young people take pictures and check in in front of Ruo Restaurant, they will also queue up outside Suji.

As a result, it was just five o'clock, and there was already a long line up outside.

Su Liancheng glanced at the door and asked Feng Yifan: "Chef, otherwise we opened Su Ji earlier today? There are really many people outside."

Feng Yifan shook his head and said, "No, it must be time to open."

Shi Jiahui said: "It's not that it didn't open the business, it's because the things that need to be prepared have not been prepared yet, so they can't open the business at this time."

Catherine added: "The chef counts the time, and all the ingredients are just complete, so it can only start at six o'clock every day, and there is no room for any change in the time."

Su Liancheng could only nod his head to understand.

Next, more and more people gathered outside, but everyone in the restaurant was still preparing slowly.

Especially in the back kitchen, everyone is doing the final busy, such as the need to separate the soup, such as cutting some large pieces of meat.

The sound outside the door is getting louder and louder, and it is obvious that there are many people outside the door.

Ning Cheng asked a little strangely: "It's not New Year's Day today? Why are there so many people?"

Ma Xiaolong said: "Because today is Christmas."

Ning Cheng asked strangely: "Christmas? Isn't that a holiday for foreigners? Why do so many come to Su Ji? Is it for the holiday?"

Shi Jiahui smiled and said: "Hahaha, Christmas is in China. It's just a group of young people looking for an excuse to get together, so there will be many hot young people who come out to have a meal at Christmas, you listen , Are there many young people outside?"

Ning Cheng listened carefully and felt that it was true that most of the young people lined up outside.

Because from the sound, they really sound younger.

After another while, the time is almost up, Feng Yifan said to Su Liancheng: "Okay, ready to open."

At the same time, everyone in the back kitchen was waiting.

Although it has been open for a long time, everyone in the back kitchen of Su Ji and Ruo restaurant is still a little nervous every time they open, so they will take every day seriously.

This convenience is the pressure to keep the reputation of the two companies, and on the other hand, it is also because of the chef Feng Yifan.

Su Liancheng looked at Feng Yifan and they were all ready, and then took the waiter to open the door, ready to start business.

The moment the door opened, the young people outside the door instantly started pouring in.

Fortunately, Su Liancheng was well prepared, and quickly used the isolation belt prepared in advance to stop everyone outside the door.

"Please don't worry, everyone. It hasn't started business yet. Please go back a bit and line up the line, so that it will be convenient for everyone to enter Su Kee for dinner."

When it opens every day, Su Ji always has to face chaos for a period of time.

Because many people can't wait to flood into Su Kee at the moment of opening.

Before Su Ji opened the door, in fact, many people gathered outside the door to take pictures, which also caused the team to appear a little chaotic at first.

Even sometimes, it is necessary to go through a quarrel and queuing up and down in sequence.

For these, Su Liancheng also has his way.

"Once you are done, don’t make a noise. Just line up. If you don’t line up well, then I can only call the police to disperse you. By then, some of you who have been in line for a long time, if you don’t If you can eat it right away, don't blame me."

Su Liancheng's words really worked, and the crowd outside the door immediately dispersed and began to supervise each other in line.

It didn't take long for the team to be formed.

When the line was lined up at the door, Su Liancheng led the people out, and asked the waiter to guide the people behind, so that everyone should line up properly.

As for Su Liancheng, he went to Ruo's restaurant next door to receive guests from Ruo's restaurant.

Finally, at six o'clock on time, Su Ji and Ruo restaurants opened at the same time.

Really entering Su Ji has also surprised many young people who are here for the first time.

Originally for young people, Ruo's restaurant is more attractive to them, because Ruo's restaurant has many western decorations, which is very fashionable for young people.

Young people will feel that Su Ji's name will always make young people feel that from the name to the decoration in the store, UU看书www. Does uukanshu.com think that Su Ji is like going back to the old arrangement long ago?

But today, many young people who have not been to Su Ji before, really stand in Su Ji.

Everyone can't help but sigh, it turns out that Su Ji is also so fashionable.

When the young people saw the inside of Su Ji, almost all of them thought it was worthwhile to come and taste Su Ji.

When the first group of guests sat down, Feng Yifan asked Su Ji He Ruo restaurant to start cooking.

When the cooking started, the young people were sitting in the dining room, all looking at Feng Yifan and others who were busy in the back kitchen. Seeing the legendary Su Ji who opened the back kitchen directly in front of them made the young people feel even more surprised.

"Hahaha, what is fashion? It's Su Ji to call it fashion."

"Yes, have you ever thought about being able to see the whole process of cooking?"

"Chef Feng is so handsome, especially in the back kitchen."

"Really, Chef Feng is really handsome in the back kitchen, especially those who are not fancy moves. It really makes me want to agree with myself."

"Hahaha, then you definitely have no chance, they already have a wife and children."

"What's the matter? I can still miss him and like him."

Everyone laughed when they heard it.

Amidst a burst of laughter, Su Liancheng ordered the waiter to start writing orders.

Although for some young people in Su Ji, they originally wanted to go to Ruo Restaurant, but they couldn't make a reservation, so they could only order Su Ji dishes.

This also makes many young people very embarrassed, do not know what to order?

There was another loud noise, as if he was about to lift the roof of Su Ji's house before he would give up.

It wasn't until most of the guests who had sat down to order that Su Ji's voice gradually fell down, and the young people finally began to quietly enjoy everything that this hidden city Su Ji brought to everyone.