v3 Chapter 991: Thanks for your hard work, Mr. Guo, exchange gifts for snacks (Happy Mid-Autumn Festival everyone...

Name:Hardcore Chef Dad Author:Pangmo
The dance rehearsal is very hard, but because of the novelty, none of the little girls are tired.

is the teacher Guo Hong, who is actually more tired.

On the one hand, she needs to adjust the children's dance moves.

On the other hand, she also needs to pay attention to the dancers, let them keep up with the dance moves of the little girls, and at the same time, keep the dancers from stealing the little girls' demeanor.

After all, the stage for the performance is still relatively large for the little girls, and the arrangement of the backing dancers is still more particular.

I practiced twice again, and it has basically been finalized, and Guo Hong is also quite satisfied with the effect.

She also clapped her hands and said, "Okay, today’s rehearsal is here. Everyone will go home and have a good rest in the evening. You can also rest in the morning. Then remember to come over in the afternoon and we will rehearse twice. The day after tomorrow, we will participate in the overall rehearsal. , You must come on."

Guo Hong finished speaking, and said to the children: "Okay, thank you to the dancing sisters."

Hearing this, Feng Ruoruo took the lead, and the little girls turned around together and bowed to the big sisters who were dancing with them.

"Thank you sisters."

The big girls with the dancers, seeing the little girls bowing and thanking themselves, all of them were full of smiles, and they responded to the little girls in unison.

"You are welcome, come on."

Under the leadership of Feng Ruoruo, the little girls responded in unison: "Okay."

Guo Hong explained a few words to the parents of the little girls.

"Go home at night and let the children have a good rest. It's best to use hot water to bubble their feet and massage their legs. They all danced very hard today.

Tomorrow morning, the children don’t have to practice on their own. They must rest. The afternoon is still today. Just come over for rehearsal. "

After listening to Teacher Guo's instructions, the parents naturally nodded their heads earnestly and wrote them down.

After   , the parents also led the children from each family, bid farewell to Teacher Guo and the dancing sisters and left first.

Guo Hong can't go yet, because she still has some other dances to be instructed.

also needs some communication with the dancer.

After all, the supporting dancers are not just for the little girls. There are other songs and dances that need to be accompanied by dancers, so Guo Hong also needs to help guide them.

I have to say that for the New Year's Day performance, Guo Hong and the dancers are really the hardest group of people.

But in fact, everyone is still serious and will work hard to do a good job.

This is also part of Guo Hong's professionalism.

Feng Ruoruo took grandma and grandpa’s hand and walked out of the performance hall. When she walked outside, the little girl turned her head and said to the other children: "Let’s go to my grandpa’s house for dinner."

Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei naturally have no objection, because they also want to go back together.

But the little girls from the other three families can only look at their parents.

The parents of the three families did not agree to go to Su Ji for dinner.

"You are welcome, we have to hurry home. We will go to Su Ji first and then go home. It will be farther."

"Yes, we are far away, so I won't go."

"Thank Ruoruo for the invitation, let's next time, it's a bit late today."

Seeing that the parents of the other three friends were reluctant to go, Feng Ruoruo pouted a small mouth suddenly, not so happy.

"It's not too late, you can go to dinner now."

The little girl continued to fight, but the parents of the three families still did not agree.

The parents did not ask. Although the little girl wanted to go, she had no choice but to obediently wave goodbye to Feng Ruoruo, Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei.

watched the three families leave first, and Feng Ruoruo, Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei also returned together.

On the way home, Feng Ruoruo was a little unhappy at first, because none of the other three friends came together.

But, when everyone talked about the grandfather's restaurant, the little girl quickly left other things behind.

Listen carefully to what everyone is talking about today at Grandpa's Restaurant.

Feifei Grandpa said: "I heard that Su Ji visited a lot of young people today. It seems that they have all been to Christmas, a group of young people."

Grandpa Xixi said: "Why do young people like to celebrate foreign festivals nowadays?"

Grandpa said at this time: "The main reason is to find an excuse. Young people have a meal together, right?"

Feifei grandma said: "Yes, Christmas is originally a religious holiday. There should not be many young people in China who are truly religious, so it should be an excuse for young people to have a meal together."

Grandma said: "But this kind of holiday dinner, Su Ji's business will definitely be good."

Feng Ruoruo listened to the grandparents talking, she was also thinking while listening. The little girl was thinking hard about how to get into the topic of grandparents.

Now I heard my grandma say that grandpa’s restaurant business will definitely be good, and the little girl found a chance.

"Grandma, grandpa restaurants are doing very well, because there is a father, so many people will go to eat."

The grandma laughed and said, "Yes, because you have your father, but it's not just your father's contribution, but also your Aunt Hui, and Aunt Catherine, so you can't say that it's because of your father, but also because of other things. People, so business will be good."

Grandma Xixi said: "But the business is better tonight, and there are many young people going there."

Yang Xiaoxi listened to her grandma and asked curiously: "Grandma, do we call young people uncles and aunts, or elder brothers and sisters?"

Grandma Xixi smiled and said, "Hahaha, it can be called uncle and aunt, or elder brother and sister, because grandparents’ ages, except for the three of you, can be regarded as young people in the eyes of grandparents. La."

Feng Ruoruo asked, "Is that the same as the dancing sisters?"

Grandma replied: "Some are as old as the dancer's sister, and some are bigger than the dancer's sister."

Feng Ruoruo thought for a while and said, "Grandma, she is older than the dancer's sister, so she is not a young man."

Feifei grandma said with a smile: "Hahaha, it's older than the dancer's sister, and grandma and grandma are still young people here."

Chen Yaofei helped her grandma and said: "Yes, he is older than the dancer's sister, or younger than his grandparents, so grandparents can still be called young people."

Yang Xiaoxi said, "Grandpa and grandma, are those young people who went to Grandpa Su's restaurant today?"

Grandpa Xixi replied: "Yes, there are more young people going there today."

Feng Ruoruo said: "It turns out that this is the case, then we have to go home quickly and help Mom and Dad."

Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei also said together: "Yes, right, let's go home quickly."

In order to make it easier for the little girl and grandparents to come to rehearsal, in fact, Feng Yifan rented a big car this time, which happened to be able to get all three children on board.

Feng Yifan originally wanted to discuss with the other three companies, did the six children and Liu's family rent a car together?

But the other three did not agree, and the other three did indeed live relatively far away.

In the end, Feng Yifan rented a van, and Yang Zhiyi found a very safe driver who drove the children and the elderly from the three families.

The car quickly returned to the ancient street and stopped at the end of the street to let the little girls get off with their grandparents.

After getting out of the car, Feng Ruoruo, Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei, the three little girls, waved goodbye to the driver's uncle: "Thank you uncle, uncle goodbye."

The driver did not expect that the three little girls would take the initiative to wave goodbye to themselves.

He was also a little flattered for a while.

After a moment, the driver master waved goodbye to the little girls: "Okay, you're welcome, see you tomorrow."

Feng Ruoruo, Yang Xiaoxi, and Chen Yaofei stood on the side of the road, waved their little hands and watched the driver uncle drive away, and then turned hand in hand and walked towards the ancient street.

Master driver, when I was driving, I kept seeing the little girl waving on the side of the road through my rearview mirror.

really makes the driver feel warm.

The three little girls stepped into the ancient street, and naturally they immediately became the focus of the street.

Especially on a day like today, there are many young people on the ancient street, and many young people quickly surrounded the three little girls.

The three little girls are also a little surprised, because there are so many strangely dressed people on the ancient street.

There used to be some strangely dressed older brothers and sisters on the ancient street.

The little girls heard that those are called COS.

Tonight, there are more people working on COS on the street. Many people are obviously wearing COS costumes and ran to the ancient streets to spend Christmas. Some people even put on some Christmas costumes.

The little girls found it very interesting and soon started frolicking with the crowd on the street.

not only dances to the beat, but also hums and sings.

The three grandparents saw such a situation, but also smiled all over their faces, and did not stop the little girls.

The little girls frolicking in the streets naturally attracts more people to come to them.

After a while, the little girls saw a well-dressed Santa Claus, and then there was an elk next to it.

Feng Ruoruo exclaimed: "Ah, it's the old Christmas grandpa."

Chen Yaofei said: "It's the old Santa Claus and the elk. Can we ask for gifts from the old Santa Claus?"

Yang Xiaoxi said: "But the old Christmas presents gifts, don't they all wait for us to fall asleep, and put them in the stockings hanging on the head of our bed?"

Chen Yaofei nodded and said, "Yes, yes, Grandpa Christmas did not come until we fell asleep in the middle of the night."

Feng Ruoruo immediately pointed to the old Santa Claus and the elk who were approaching on the street and said, "Ah, then they are fake."

When the little girl reached out to point her hand, Santa Claus and the elk came over, which also attracted the attention of many people.

But as a result, as soon as he approached, Feng Ruoruo suddenly raised his finger and said it was fake.

This really shocked the pretender, and also shocked the people watching on the street.

After a short daze, grandparents still hurriedly came forward to hold the three little girls.

Feng Jiandong also apologized to the pretender: "I'm sorry, the child is ignorant, it is not intended to point to you, you continue, you continue."

Feng Ruoruo heard his grandpa apologize, and immediately took his grandpa's hand and said, "Grandpa, they are fake."

Lu Cuiling saw the little granddaughter raise her hand again, and she shouted loudly, she could only pull the little granddaughter into her arms.

"If you don't say that, people will dress up as Santa Claus and bring them to everyone on this holiday, let alone they will also give out gifts."

Feng Ruoruo said again: "But grandma, Grandpa Christmas waits for us to fall asleep at night, and quietly sends us gifts, so they are not Grandpa Christmas."

Lu Cuiling said: "Yes, they are dressed-up old Santa Claus. They are dressed up by others, and they play with everyone on the street. They can take pictures of you or give you small gifts. It is for this kind of holiday. Joyful atmosphere."

Feng Ruoruo pursed his little mouth and muttered, "But I didn’t give Xixi and Feifei gifts to me."

The little girl's muttering was also heard by many people on the street, and it immediately made everyone laugh.

Then, someone booed and said to the dressed-up Santa Claus: "Look at it, all the kids said, you don't give others gifts, how can you be considered Santa Claus?"

Someone was booing, and the Santa dresser also stepped forward and took out a present.

"Okay, then Grandpa Christmas will give you gifts."

The Santa Claus dresser really took out three small gifts and gave them to Feng Ruoruo, Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei.

The three little girls saw the little gift in front of them, but did not reach for it.

The little girls first turned to look at their grandparents.

Obviously, for little girls, they don’t take anything from others, at least they have to wait for their grandparents’ consent.

Lu Cuiling said with a smile: "In fact, you don't need to give gifts, kids, they always don't pay much attention to words, I'm sorry."

At this time, the elk dresser said: "Grandma, let the children hold them. We are here to play Santa Claus and the elk to give gifts. The kids on the street will have them, so Feng Ruoruo, Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei will also have one. Really You are welcome."

Feng Ruoruo exclaimed when he heard the elk actor talking: "Ah, this deer can talk."

Chen Yaofei said: "Ruoruo, grandma said just now this is a human role."

Yang Xiaoxi asked strangely: "But why do you know our names?"

The Santa Claus actor said: "Hahaha, that's because the three of you are little celebrities. We all saw you on the Internet and on TV, so of course we know your names."

I heard that the other party was specially dressed up, and then sent gifts to the children on the ancient street, which enlivened the festive atmosphere on the ancient street.

Lu Cuiling said to the little girls: "Well, since they are giving you gifts, you three take them, and you have to say thank you."

The three little girls got permission, and then they reached out and accepted the gift.

Then the little girls also said to the two actors in unison: "Thank you."

After Feng Ruoruo said that, what did he suddenly think of? She stuffed the gift to her grandma first, and ran to Su Ji and left by herself.

When Feng Ruoruo came back again, she held two snacks in her hand.

She handed the snacks to Santa Claus and the Elk Dresser.

"Hee hee hee, you send gifts to Ruoruo, Xixi and Fei Fei, we invite you to have a snack."

The actors of Santa Claus and the elk were a little surprised, and finally the two also accepted the snacks specially brought by the little girl.


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