v3 Chapter 1001: Improve restaurant service, to be red with quality

Name:Hardcore Chef Dad Author:Pangmo
After Feng Yifan contacted Li Fei'er and Meng Shitong’s team, he once again summoned the owners of the two restaurants, and also held a small meeting in Su Ji.

" During this period of time, it seems that there are some criticisms about me on the Internet, which also caused a lot of problems for our two restaurants.

I used to think that as long as I don’t care about those things, we just need to keep a low profile and prepare our own dishes to ensure the quality of our Su Ji He Ruo restaurant, even if the attention is reduced, as long as there is a sincere heart. If friends who like food are there, we can still operate steadily.

But now, I find that many things are starting to be out of control. It's not that we want to keep a low profile, and others will let us go.

There are always people who want to see our downfall, our panic and hysterical anger.

So now that everyone is like this, and we are forced to push us into an online celebrity shop that attracts a lot of attention, we should really become an online celebrity. "

After hearing Feng Yifan's words, everyone present was surprised, and at the same time, he felt a blood boil from his words.

Everyone has always thought that Feng Yifan is a very Buddhist person.

He would rather spare more time to spend time with his daughter than spend more time on restaurant management.

There are only three things he has in mind every day. The first is his daughter, the second is his wife and family, and the third is to prepare the dishes in Su Ji He Ruo restaurant.

As for the gossip on the Internet, or all kinds of praise and praise, he ignored them.

Even many times, all kinds of news on the Internet can not cause him the slightest disturbance.

This is also the reason why he logged off his Weibo and almost stopped reading any news on Weibo.

But today, Feng Yifan seems to be irritated. He is like a lion waking up from his sleep. He wants everyone to show his strength.

shows terrifying fangs, and it is necessary to completely convince some people.

Feng Yifan paused for a moment, allowing everyone to adjust to his words.

Then Feng Yifan said earnestly: “Next, we will start preparing to celebrate New Year’s Day. On the evening of New Year’s Day, Su Ji and Ruo restaurants will have a series of linkages. The two restaurants will only accept some of the guests who have booked that day, and the rest of the seats. Will be left to the people I invite.

And Su Ji’s New Year’s Day banquet is a very well-known three-head banquet on the Chinese cuisine menu in Jiangsu Province.

Of course, if the restaurant next door will also have a corresponding banquet, it is also some dishes based on domestic ingredients. This is the first time that the two restaurants have such a linkage. "

Hearing this, except that everyone in the back kitchen and Su Liancheng knew some news in advance, the waiters at the two restaurants were all surprised.

Three heads banquet, this is almost never heard of the waiters present.

And Feng Yifan said that he still has to use the domestic market to cook in Ruo Restaurant, which is something that the waiters can't imagine.

It can be said that Feng Yifan's preparations for New Year's Day really went beyond the recognition of the waiters.

By this time, Fang Lin and the many waiters had seen Feng Yifan's power for the first time.

said to prepare a banquet, then Feng Yifan can prepare.

said that if the restaurant's menu is to be adjusted, he can do it and change the menu quickly.

This is unheard of by the waiters.

You should know that many well-known restaurants may be like a day for decades. There is no possibility of change in the menu, and they only rely on old craftsmanship to keep those who eat frequently.

But Feng Yifan is different here. Not only does he let the chefs in the back kitchen try their best to innovate dishes every day.

Almost every week, new dishes are introduced and presented to diners on the menu.

Even, Feng Yifan would make a unique banquet on an important holiday like New Year's Day to show his celebration of New Year's Day.

Seeing everyone in surprise, Feng Yifan was very calm.

"Since there are preparations in this regard, in the next time, I hope that you will be serious and be able to demand yourself more stringently, especially to ensure the stability of the business of our Su Ji and Ruo restaurant before the holiday. It must also be enthusiastic.

I know that everyone is always unhappy. Everyone encounters different things every day and may have some different emotions. These are all understandable.

But I still want you to understand that since you have come to Su Ji, you are here as waiters and you are going to provide services to the guests, so please be sure to maintain a friendly and polite manner to the guests when you are serving. There can be any emotions and impatience. "

The waiters present looked at each other subconsciously. This was the first time they heard Feng Yifan say this.

They have come to Su Ji He Ruo restaurant for so long, and it seems that Feng Yifan has never mentioned such a thing.

Therefore, after working in Su Ji He Ruo restaurant for a while, many waiters will naturally have a little bit of arrogance.

is not so warm and friendly towards guests, and may even show a little impatience.

But it did not cause much criticism. It seems that for some diners, they always feel that these two restaurants are very high-end when they come to Su Ji He Ruo restaurant, so I see that the waiters here are a little cold, and many diners are also Will have a little understanding.

After all, the business of Su Ji He Ruo restaurant is so good, everyone will think that the waiter receives too many customers, so a good attitude cannot be guaranteed.

The waiters didn't care much, and even thought that Feng Yifan was acquiescing to them.

But today, Feng Yifan made things clear, which is a warning to everyone.

Su Liancheng hurriedly said: "Chef, this is a mistake in my work. I did not correct everyone's attitude in time. Many waiters may treat the guests indifferently. I am willing to take responsibility for this problem, so please don't punish you for the time being. ."

Feng Yifan glanced at Su Liancheng and said: "I didn't want to punish everyone, I can still see it, especially at the end of this month. Everyone thinks that our business is too good. There will be a lot of people in line every day, so we treat our guests in an attitude. There have been changes imperceptibly.

But I don’t want those changes. I hope you can keep your original aspirations and don’t ask you to treat customers as gods. But I hope you can be kind, smile to the customers, and don’t show any disagreement. Patience to the guests. "

This time, Feng Yifan looked very serious, which made everyone appreciate the chef's serious demeanor.

And listening to him say this at this time, everyone also vaguely felt some changes.

Obviously, Feng Yifan intends to get serious.

is not only to further improve the quality of the dishes, but also to improve the dining environment of the restaurant, as well as the service attitude shown by the waiters when serving the diners.

This kind of obvious change also made everyone in the back kitchen and Su Liancheng feel faintly that Feng Yifan might really have to make a big move.

After giving orders to the waiters present, Feng Yifan gave an explanation to everyone in the back kitchen.

"In the back kitchen, during this time, the master sister and Catherine are still the main persons in charge. Others must remember that when I am away, the words of the master sister and Catherine must be listened to. You can't do anything out of the ordinary without authorization, everything. We must ensure our business during New Year's Day.

One more thing, New Year’s Day will also be the beginning of our real change, so everyone must adapt in advance, but you don’t need to be nervous, just keep your own characteristics, and you don’t need to strictly follow the waiter in the back kitchen like the waiter in front. rule. "

Feng Yifan still made the front waiter feel a little envious.

But envy belongs to envy, and the waiters know very well that they really can't replace the people in the back kitchen.

You know, the real key personnel of Su Ji He Ruo restaurant are still the chefs in the back kitchen.

You may not even need a waiter, and the chefs in the back kitchen can run the restaurant.

The reason why there is a waiter is that someone helps to receive the guests during dinner, and it is also convenient for the guests to order.

So for the waiters, they have to behave better before they can continue to stay in Su Ji He Ruo restaurant.

The key is that being able to work in Su Ji and Ruo Restaurant really makes them look envied by others. At the same time, Feng Yifan's salary is even higher than that of many large restaurants.

In such a situation, the natural waiters are still willing to work in Su Ji He Ruo Restaurant.

All the things that should be explained are well explained. Feng Yifan thought for a while and said: "By the way, there is one more thing. On the 29th, we still have a rest according to the schedule. It was my daughter’s performance that day. There should be some seats to watch. I wonder if any of you are going?"

Upon hearing this, the waiters all clamored to go.

Feng Yifan also laughed when he saw this situation.

When the restaurant is open, it is natural to ensure that everyone must be serious, but when it is not open, it is natural that everyone needs to be more active, so that the atmosphere will be better.

Seeing that everyone was going, Feng Yifan smiled and said, "Then go all the way. Anyway, there are not many people on our side."

Feng Yifan is not a joke, he can indeed take everyone in the two restaurants with him.

After all, the program itself is recorded and broadcast. The 29th is an official live recording. The actual broadcast time may be on New Year's Day or the last day of the month.

So when I went to the scene that day, apart from the leaders, there were not too many people outside.

Feng Yifan brought the people from the two restaurants over, and it should still be possible to arrange a seat, although it may be relatively late.

I heard that the chef asked everyone to go together. The previous reprimands and requests were naturally wiped out.

Everyone started to look forward to it. You can go to the TV station to watch the New Year's Day party program.

Feng Yifan clapped his hands to draw everyone's attention back, and said again: "Okay, let's get busy. Today is the 28th, and we won't rest until tomorrow, so today we still have to do business well."

After hearing this, everyone immediately replied in unison: "It's the chef."

When Su Ji and Ruo restaurants opened one after another, the guests who came today clearly felt a different atmosphere.

The waiter is obviously very friendly and polite to the guests.

At the same time, some of the services at Su Ji and Ruo have become more decent.

even to some customers, it seems that Su Ji and Ruo restaurants have undergone some changes, as if the two restaurants have been operated by a group of people.

If Feng Yifan was not in the back kitchen, the other chefs and waiters would also be familiar faces. It would really make some customers wonder if Su Ji had changed the boss?

This kind of improvement in service experience is naturally praised by many customers.

Soon, the news spread on the Internet and attracted the attention of many people.

"Su Ji's service attitude is really good today."

"Yes, every server has a friendly smile on his face."

"It feels completely different from before."

"It was not bad before, but now it feels better."

"It seems that Chef Feng is going to make innovations?"

"It should be, I feel that Su Kee's service today is not worse than some star-rated restaurants."

"Star restaurants may not be able to provide such services, right?"

"Don't talk nonsense, there will still be, after all, star restaurants are paid for."


After these news came out on the Internet, it naturally attracted a lot of sunspots and began to make some criticisms, still talking about some of the previous things.

Many people are very disgusted and refuted it.

"Those are all rumors, okay, if there is no evidence, please don't talk nonsense here:"

"That's right, how people manage their business is their business, can you guys control it?"

"Also, when my daughter is going to the show, isn't she on the big stage? Wouldn't Chef Feng come forward to find a relationship if he can't do it?"

"Yes it is not necessary at all."

"For that news, the dance teachers all posted clarifications on Weibo, and the program side also clarified, and they have never contacted Chef Feng."

"People's news has come out, and rumors are still being spread here, this kind of person should be caught."


Those rumors that slander Feng Yifan, although he didn't come forward to say anything, Guo Hong and the TV station still came forward to clarify.

Because it was originally a fiction, it was quickly suppressed.

For this reason, Guo Hong also released some videos of little girls rehearsing.

When many people saw Feng Ruoruo's performance on the stage, they all closed their mouths.

A little girl who can perform like that has won the praise of many professional dancers, so the rumors are naturally self-defeating.

The news on the Internet was temporarily suppressed. At the same time, Li Feier brought the provincial and Taiwanese filming team and Meng Shitong’s team to Su Ji. Both of them were also ready. At night, after the night of Su Ji A trailer was shot in the kitchen.

The two groups met again, and both parties shook hands very friendly, expressing that they would cooperate better this time.


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