v3 Chapter 1005: Give 1 point of pressure and decide to help the cook

Name:Hardcore Chef Dad Author:Pangmo
Finally before leaving, Feng Yifan spoke seriously to the person in charge of the reception hotel here.

"Actually, for me, even if you don’t provide me with anything, or even deliberately deduct the ingredients I need, I can temporarily get from the major vegetable markets in the city, even from my Suji, Bring all the ingredients you need from Fujing Building.

But in that case, the end result may be that the person in charge of the reception hotel of this TV station should be replaced, and even the one behind you may be unlucky.

So, we still work together to make the dinner party after the art performance good. It’s good for all of us. Isn’t that true? "

Feng Yifan's last remarks can be said to have some threatening meaning.

But the other party also didn't dare to have any more dissatisfaction, and it had already lost the pretentious look before.

"Chef Feng, you are right. Don't worry, we will cooperate with you. If you need anything, we will try our best to help you buy it. If you need manpower, everyone in the hotel can follow your deployment. , We promise to take orders from you."

Feng Yifan nodded and said, "Okay, let's do this first, we will come here early tomorrow, and then we will start preparing for the evening meal, and we will talk about it when the time comes."

The person in charge was also very honest this time, and specially sent Feng Yifan and the others to the parking lot, and watched Feng Yifan and his car leave.

sent Feng Yifan away, the hotel manager also shook his head a little helplessly.

After returning to the hotel, out of instinctive worry, he called someone from the TV station.

Someone from the TV station answered the phone. After learning the whole news, he also reprimanded the person in charge of the hotel and ordered him to admire Feng Yifan.

After hung up the phone, the leader of the TV station also sighed helplessly: "Really, I don’t care about a small problem at ordinary times. The dinner party after the New Year’s Day art performance is such an important thing. It seems to be a reception for me. The hotel needs to be renovated."

On the way back, Feng Yifan suddenly said to his apprentice: "Well, don't go back, turn around, let's go to Fujing Building."

Ma Xiaolong, who was driving, also turned the front of the car immediately.

Lin Ruifeng asked: "Master, are we going to the Fujing Building to borrow someone?"

Feng Yifan nodded and said: "Yes, I have already agreed with your uncle uncle before, now go to Fujinglou to finalize it, transfer a few people from there, let your uncle lead the team tomorrow, so that we can also relax. Don’t make everyone work too hard."

Ning Cheng thought for a while and wanted to ask: "Master, don't you plan to use the people in the back kitchen of the hotel?"

Feng Yifan said a little contemptuously: "The group of people in the hotel, at best, beat us. Looking at each of them, there is no one who can do serious work."

Ma Xiaolong couldn't help saying at this time: "No, I really don't know how the back kitchen of that kind of hotel can work for so long."

Feng Yifan said calmly: "It's very simple, because the hotel is used by the TV station for reception. Usually there is no need to cook, and there will be no outsiders coming to eat, so naturally no one cares about the back kitchen of the hotel. As for the dishes, Is it well done? Anyway, when receiving, I don’t care much about the taste."

What Feng Yifan said, Lin Ruifeng and Ning Cheng can still understand, knowing that this is the case in some parts of the country.

But Ma Xiaolong still doesn't quite understand: "Master, is there no one to take care of it?"

Feng Yifan said: "Being able to take charge of these things in that hotel must have something to do with the TV station, so who can take care of it at this time?"

Ma Xiaolong suddenly curled his lips: "It's really unprofessional at all."

Feng Yifan smiled and said, "Hahaha, you are really right. Many domestic restaurants are so unprofessional. They seem to be very particular about the doors and interior decoration, but they are not professional at all. But the selling point of others is not good food. It’s their place that sells more."

Ma Xiaolong still doesn't quite understand: "Selling a place? The hotel environment is really good, but it is not enough to sell a place, right?"

Lin Ruifeng and Ning Cheng looked at Ma Xiaolong, their eyes were a bit complicated.

Ma Xiaolong is almost equivalent to a person who grew up in a foreign country, and he really doesn't know much about some domestic famous names.

Lin Ruifeng gave Ma Xiaolong a careful explanation.

Ma Xiaolong really widened his eyes when he heard it, and his face was filled with incredible writing.

"Master, is this really possible?"

Feng Yifan said: "It used to be okay, maybe other places are okay, but after New Year's Day this time, I am afraid that the hotel will be changed, and it should not be possible in the future."

This time Lin Ruifeng and Ning Cheng are as strange as Ma Xiaolong.

Feng Yifan said solemnly: "We took over the dinner party. When the dinner party is over, the TV station will definitely be aware of the problem, and it should be rectified later."

The master and disciples didn't discuss it much, and the car quickly arrived at Fujing Building.

I don't know if it's because I haven't been to Fujing Tower for too long. When I entered here, Feng Yifan felt a little strange.

But when a group of people stepped into the Fujing Building and walked unimpeded all the way to the back kitchen, the familiar breath still rushed over their faces.

Fujinglou is now operated by Meiru, and the restaurant service is also very good.

The chef is also very particular and professional under the management of Sun Mingxing and Zhang Fenglin.

Especially those people who Sun Mingxing brought, really took the back kitchen of Fujing Building very well, which can be seen from the orderly state of the back kitchen.

Sun Mingxing saw Feng Yifan and the others arrive, and waved Feng Yifan and the others to wait for a while.

Although Sun Mingxing is not young, he still does many things by himself.

After finishing his work, Sun Mingxing came to receive Feng Yifan.

"Uncle, it seems that you have managed this place very well, so that it looks like the back chef of a top restaurant."

Faced with Feng Yifan’s compliment, Sun Mingxing smiled and said, "Hahaha, won't your Chef Feng come here to compliment me?"

Feng Yifan asked with a smile: "Uncle, have you ever thought about competing for a star rating?"

Sun Mingxing was so excited when he heard this.

It must be admitted that stars still have a big temptation for every chef.

Especially in China, it is difficult for many Chinese restaurants to get stars.

So if a Chinese restaurant can get a star, even if it is only one star, the chefs in the back kitchen of the restaurant will feel very proud.

After Sun Mingxing's short heartbeat and stunnedness, he quickly recovered and smiled and said, "Master Feng, are you here to entertain my uncle?"

Feng Yifan smiled and said, "Uncle, why do you think that what I say is to entertain you? In fact, Fujing Building has a chance to get a star. I dare not say that you can get a three-star, but one star should definitely be possible. Uncle, you should have confidence in yourself and everyone in the kitchen."

At this time, Sun Mingxing’s little apprentice Quan Jie approached him. Hearing Feng Yifan’s words, Quan Jie couldn’t help asking: "Brother Feng, is what you said is true? We can get one star?"

Hearing the little apprentice's sudden interruption, Sun Mingxing still said with a serious face: "Is there any qualification for you to interrupt here? Have you finished the work?"

After being reprimanded by Master, Quan Jie still smiled hippiely and said, "Master, my work is finished, and this time it’s not a good idea. I can take someone with Brother Zhang to help Brother Feng to do a performance. Is it your dinner party? I always have to get in touch with Senior Brother Feng more."

Sun Mingxing shook his head: "You kid, you know that you are lazy. If you go there and you are still lazy, you will be returned by your senior brother Feng, so don't do it."

Quanjie immediately said, "Master, don't worry, I promise you will not be ashamed."

Feng Yifan smiled and said, "Uncle, don't be so nervous, in fact, the dinner party over there is not too important."

Quanjie said: "That's right. Of course, it is even more important for our Fujing Building to get one star."

Sun Mingxing glared at the little apprentice, then looked at Feng Yifan and asked, "Yifan, do you really think that Fujinglou has a chance to get a star?"

Feng Yifan nodded: "Of course it is true, but the process is still a bit difficult. Of course, you don’t have to take it too seriously, Uncle Uncle and I will set up our own restaurant recommendation system. I don’t care about the star rating."

Sun Mingxing nodded: "That's right, but if we get one star, it's an affirmation of us."

Feng Yifan still noticed at this moment that Uncle was still very heart-stricken.

He smiled and said, "Uncle, don’t worry, it’s definitely okay. Actually, the star is the service in the front restaurant. I will tell Meiru about this later and let him pay more attention. As for the back kitchen? Keep it tidy, the key is Just keep your own characteristics."

Sun Mingxing responded earnestly: "Okay, we will definitely keep our characteristics."

At this time, Zhang Fenglin also came over.

Quanjie immediately said to Zhang Fenglin: "Brother Zhang, Senior Brother Feng said just now that our Fujing Building has a chance to get one star, what do you think?"

It can be seen that Zhang Fenglin has already mingle with everyone in the back kitchen during this time.

And judging from the way Quan Jie talked to Zhang Fenglin, Zhang Fenglin also gained respect in the back kitchen of Fujing Building.

After listening to Quan Jie's words, Zhang Fenglin thought for a while and said: "If we can get one star, it is naturally good, but we can't be satisfied with one star, at least we can still get a two star."

Feng Yifan laughed upon hearing this: "Hahaha, as expected, the senior brother has the courage."

Sun Mingxing smiled and said, "I didn't expect Fenglin to be more daring than me."

Zhang Fenglin also laughed.

Then, he said to Feng Yifan: "Listen to my dad, you were affected by rumors on the Internet a while ago?"

Quanjie said solemnly, "That rumor is simply outrageous. I also read it. It is really going to be **** off by some people on the Internet."

Sun Mingxing shook his head and sighed: "There are many people who are popular, and there is no way."

Feng Yifan said, “It’s okay. Those have been resolved. I still have to discuss with your uncle and brother. Tomorrow you will go to the TV station to receive the hotel. Tomorrow, the back kitchen over there may need us to do it by ourselves. People can't count on it."

Zhang Fenglin said: "Unexpectedly, it is backed by the TV station after all, so the reception hotel will definitely not pay too much attention to those."

Quanjie said with a serious face: "Senior Brother Feng, don't worry, we must cooperate fully."

Zhang Fenglin also said: "Yes, we will definitely cooperate with you fully."

Feng Yifan laughed: "Okay, if you have these words, I'm relieved. Tomorrow morning, please go there early. Would you like me to arrange a car to pick you up?"

Zhang Fenglin said: "No, there are some on this side of the car, we have all discussed, and we will go straight to it at 6 o'clock tomorrow morning."

Feng Yifan nodded: "Okay, then we will meet at the reception hotel at the TV station at 6 o'clock."

It's natural that things are finalized.

Before Feng Yifan left, Sun Mingxing asked Feng Yifan to help him watch some of his latest dishes.

After Feng Yifan watched it, he also praised: "Uncle looks a bit renewed with a sense of innovation. These dishes really taste great."

Lin Ruifeng, Ma Xiaolong and Ning Cheng followed to taste, and they all felt that the dishes really tasted good.

Sun Mingxing said: "In fact, I have to thank Yifan for you. You gave me a direction. That is, I can use Honglou dishes as a template, and then make some improvements to create some dishes that are more up to date. Some of these dishes are also attributed to Zhang Fenglin."

Feng Yifan looked at Zhang Fenglin and said, "Senior Brother Zhang is great. It seems that you have found your feeling here too."

Zhang Fenglin said: "It's true that there are uncles and so many powerful chefs here, and there is indeed a lot of progress here."

Ma Xiaolong said: "These dishes have so little western elements, the taste is really good."

Feng Yifan said: “Your uncle has also cooked Western food before, so it’s not strange to incorporate some Western food elements.”

Sun Mingxing smiled and said, "Hahaha I still can’t do that much work, it’s better than Yifan you."

Quanjie asked curiously at this time: "Brother Feng, I heard that on New Year's Day, you Su Ji will have a three-headed banquet?"

Feng Yifan nodded: "Yes, everything is ready."

Sun Mingxing was surprised when he heard: "Three heads feast? Are you actually going to do three heads feast in Su Ji?"

Then, Sun Mingxing sighed: "Sure enough, you still have the courage to try the traditional classic dishes, and you also have the strength to do it. The three-headed banquet, which was the banquet my master once did. That grand occasion is still fresh in my memory."

Feng Yifan said: "Traditional things can't be lost, and our development must be on top of tradition."

Sun Mingxing went on to say: "Then I will definitely go to this three-head banquet."

Feng Yifan laughed: "Hahaha, of course, I have already invited several other uncles, as well as uncles and uncles who have also been invited. Then I will invite you all to taste them together."

Sun Mingxing nodded: "We must go to see and see, that is the true inheritance of Su Ji."

Feng Yifan chatted with Sun Mingxing, Zhang Fenglin and others for a while, and then left and took the apprentices back to Su Ji.


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