v3 Chapter 1026: Happy chef, siblings are different

Name:Hardcore Chef Dad Author:Pangmo

Seeing his father come back, Feng Ruoruo immediately left his newly met sister Tian Lang and quickly ran to the door to meet his father.

"Hehehe, dad, you're back."

Hearing her daughter's words and seeing her welcoming her, Feng Yifan stepped forward and hugged her daughter and said, "Ruoruo kindergarten is over? Who is going to pick Ruoruo from kindergarten today?"

Feng Ruoruo put her arms around her father's neck and whispered in her father's ear very quietly.

"Dad, today are grandparents and aunt Jia Hui, and sister Tian Lang."

Feng Yifan smiled and said, "So Ruoruo knew Sister Tian Lang?"

Feng Ruoruo nodded: "Yes, yeah, elder sister Tian Lang is the daughter of auntie, Xixi and Feifei and I know her, and elder sister Tian Lang can sing, she can sing songs in foreign languages, and she just taught me Sing with Xixi and Faey."

Feng Yifan pretended to be surprised and said, "Really? Did Ruoruo and Xixi and Feifei learn it?"

At this time, Chen Yaofei came over and raised her little hand and said, "Daddy Feng, I have learned."

Feng Ruoruo pursed her little mouth and said, "Dad, it's unfair. Faeyie would have done it. Neither I nor Xixi can. Both of us have been learning for a long time. Faeyie can sing along right away."

Hearing her daughter's small complaint, Feng Yifan finally understood why her daughter saw her coming back, so he ran out and asked him to hold her.

It turned out that when Tian Lang taught foreign language songs to three little girls, Chen Yaofei learned very fast because she had stayed abroad before, but Feng Ruoruo and Yang Xiaoxi hadn’t had much contact with foreign languages, so the two of them were obviously slower to learn. .

It can be said that Tian Lang taught for a long time before Feng Yifan and the others came back, and Feng Ruoruo and Yang Xiaoxi also learned a sentence or two.

Feng Yifan squatted down, put his daughter down, and brought both Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei over.

"If Ruo and Xixi don’t worry, you two have never learned a foreign language, so you must learn more slowly than Fai Fei, but let’s not be discouraged. We will learn from Tian Lang's sister. Faey can learn it too."

Chen Yaofei also said: "Yes, yes, Ruoruo, Xixi, you can also learn from me, and I will teach you too."

Under Feng Yifan's coordination, the little girls naturally regained their joy quickly.

After his brother came back, Tian Lang also went to his brother's side to ask them what they were going to do.

"Brother, when you go out with your uncle and the others, have you seen anything interesting?"

Shi Tao said very seriously: "We did not go out to play. We went to pick up the goods. We went to three places to pick up the goods. First, I went to the freight station to pick up the ingredients sent from home and abroad, and then went to a butcher. The family brought out the three pigs to be used, and finally went to the aquatic market to fetch fish."

While talking here, Lin Ruifeng, Ma Xiaolong, Ning Cheng, Hans, and Tom have returned with the goods.

Ma Xiaolong yelled to Shi Tao: "You will take some time off, haven't you seen us busy here?"

Shi Tao quickly agreed and said, "I, I'm here to help."

Seeing his brother running to help, Tian Lang also leaned in curiously to look.

How can nature miss Feng Ruoruo, Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei?

In the front, boxes after boxes of packaged goods were moved into the back kitchen in the same way.

When the three pigs were carried into the backyard of Lin's shop, Feng Ruoruo, Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei, as well as Tian Lang, all exclaimed.

"Yeah, it's so big."

"It's really big."

"It's so big."

"What do you want to do with such a big pig?"

Hearing the exclamation, Shi Jiahui said with a smile: "It's not too big. There are three pigs in total. After being slaughtered, they were split from the middle, and they became a total of six pigs. To be made into a dish, with so many customers tomorrow, six scallops of pork may not be enough."

After exclaiming, the girls then saw three big fish being carried in.

"Ah, this fish is so big."

"Wow, such a big fish."

"I saw such a big fish for the first time."

"Gosh, is this fish that big too?"

Shi Jiahui explained: "In the three-head feast, besides the pig's head, there is also the fish head of this silver carp, so naturally it must be big enough, otherwise the fish head is not big enough, and it will not be so beautiful."

After listening to his mother's explanation, Tian Lang became more curious about Santou Banquet, and he couldn't wait.

At this time, Feng Ruoruo took her father's hand again and said, "Dad, today we had a snack made by grandpa."

Feng Yifan was a little surprised when he heard this: "Oh? Is it the dim sum made by grandpa for you?"

Chen Yaofei said: "Yes, yes, it's the dim sum made by Grandpa Su, it's delicious."

Yang Xiaoxi said: "The dim sum made by Grandpa Su is delicious and beautiful. They are all small animals."

Tian Lang said: "Yes, yes, the dim sum made by Grandpa Su is so beautiful, in the shape of a small animal, and it's very crispy and sweet. It's really delicious."

Su Jinrong walked over and said with a smile, "Grandpa is old, and he hasn't made those dim sums for many years, and his hands are a bit rusty. If it weren't for your uncle Chen Xu's help, maybe grandpa himself might not be able to make them for you. Fortunately, in the end, finished."

Chen Xu heard the shout next door: "Uncle Rong, I just helped you shape it up. I didn't participate in the rest. Uncle Rong said that your craftsmanship didn't."

Feng Yifan heard Chen Xu's voice and shouted with a smile: "Chen Xu, what's the matter? Don't you dare to come over and see me?"

There was a moment of silence next door, and Chen Xu still came here with a twist, accompanied by Luo Yu.

When Feng Yifan saw Chen Xu's squeaky look, he smiled and said, "What? Are you really unwilling to see me?"

Chen Xu was a little embarrassed and said, "Chef, I had a wrong attitude before. I didn't realize your intention to let me stay. I also deliberately stirred up emotions. I didn't make dim sum for Ruoruo, Xixi and Fei Fei. Uncle made some snacks, but I was wrong."

Feng Yifan smiled and waved his hand: "You don't need to be so polite, you are not to blame, and I didn't explain it.

Also, you shouldn’t always let you make dim sum for Ruoruo, Xixi and Fei Fei and their kindergarten children. After all, you and Luo Yu are the top dim sum chefs here, and always make dim sum for the children. Overkill. "

After hearing this, Chen Xu quickly said: "No chef, we are actually willing to make snacks for the children."

Luo Yu also said: "Yes, chef, the two of us are studying Chinese and Western dim sum, that is, we want others to taste it. Children should actually be our mainstream group. If dim sum can’t satisfy children, then It's also that we didn't do a good job."

Feng Ruoruo walked up to Uncle Chen Xu and Aunt Luo Yu and said, "Uncle and Auntie, the dim sum you make is the best. Me, Xixi, Fei Fei, and the children in the kindergarten like it very much."

Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei also said in unison: "Yes, we all like it."

Chen Xu and Luo Yu looked at each other, then smiled and said to the children together: "Okay, thank Ruoruo, Xixi and Feifei for your love."

The back chef of Su Ji He Ruo restaurant still keeps that joy.

Everyone also likes this atmosphere.

Put all the goods in the stack separately, and Feng Yifan also greets everyone to prepare for the evening business.

"Well, everyone prepare. We are going to start the evening business. Remember to show our best to our customers, so that our customers can feel that our Su Ji He Ruo restaurant is the best."

Everyone in the back kitchen immediately responded in unison: "It's the chef."

Feng Ruoruo, Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei also shouted in unison: "We are the best."

Looking at the atmosphere in the restaurant, Tian Lang couldn't help but quietly said to his brother: "Brother, I feel that working here is so fun. I also want to stay a little bit. You can help me talk to my mother and uncle?"

Shi Tao listened with a serious face and said: "No, what are you doing here? You have to go back to school, how can it be fun here? You have to understand, whether it is the uncle or mother, and everyone in the kitchen, including Everyone in front of the hall is working hard to manage the restaurant."

After being told by his brother, Tian Lang pouted, obviously a little unhappy.

But Su Ruoxi stretched out her hand to her side and said, "Well, you should stay with my aunt."

Tian Lang immediately felt better, and made a grimace at his brother and said, "Huh, I'm with my aunt, not with you."

Shi Tao curled his lips and didn't care at all.

But soon, Tian Lang was dragged away by three little girls, Feng Ruoruo, Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei.

"Big sister, come with us to send snacks."

"Yes, let's go send snacks together."

"We share snacks together, it's fun."

Tian Lang still didn't quite understand at first, why would the little girls find it interesting to send snacks to the guests in line outside?

But when she followed the little girls and walked in the crowd outside to distribute snacks to everyone, she quickly felt the joy of it.

Tian Lang discovered that as long as Su Ji is open for business, there will definitely be queues outside the door.

It seems that everyone will come every day, just waiting for Su Ji to open for business.

And the guests who come to Su Ji have some very interesting stories.

When sending them snacks, one can hear some people complaining about the hard work of the day, some love words between men and women, and some people discussing what to eat in Su Ji today.

Whenever they see the little girls sending snacks, everyone will greet them very kindly.

This happy atmosphere made Tian Lang feel really full of warmth.

Through the words of the people in the queue, Tian Lang gradually understood why everyone came to Su Ji to line up.

First of all, Su Ji is now well-known and recognized by many people.

Secondly, because Su Kee is very good and cheap. On average, it doesn't cost much for each person to eat a meal. The key is that the taste of the dishes is very delicious, and the portion of the plate is relatively sufficient.

Of course, there is another key reason. Everyone invites friends to Su Kee for dinner. Usually friends will recognize it, and young people will feel that coming to Su Kee for dinner is a lot of face.

So many times you will see that when Su Ji is open, many young people will invite three or five friends to come.

Su Ji seems to be an internet celebrity restaurant, but it is fundamentally different from most internet celebrity restaurants.

The first is that the positioning of Su Ji's grade is significantly higher than that of general Internet celebrity restaurants.

Secondly, you can taste the real ingredients when you eat at Su Ji, not the old plaques and signs at the door, but the real taste of the food.

Another reason is that Feng Yifan insists not to make takeaways, so everyone can only come to Su Ji to eat.

In addition to the people lining up to eat at the door, the second floor of Su Ji has become the first choice for high-standard banquets.

Because both the characteristic decoration on the second floor and the four-season banquet that will be presented on the second floor are really not what ordinary restaurants can do.

Therefore, some high-end parties now choose to book private rooms in Su Ji.

It will really make the inviter receive a compliment, and the invitee will also feel a sense of sincerity.

Tian Lang followed the little girls and helped them hold the tray so that the little girls could distribute snacks to the people in the line.

Every time a snack is given, the little girls will receive thanks from the guests.

The little girls also laughed and responded "you're welcome."

The seriousness of the three little girls made Tian Lang feel that they were really too cute.

Especially when they meet children, the little girls will give others two snacks.

Tian Lang really envied the carefree little girls.

My sister was outside with the girls to share snacks, while Shi Tao was very busy inside. He was following Su Liancheng's side, listening to various explanations, and he was also studying hard.

However, because today is the first day, Shi Tao still doesn't understand a lot of things so he will inevitably make mistakes.

Su Liancheng would help him solve his mistakes every time, and then he would not blame, but continued to encourage Shi Tao.

Fortunately, Shi Tao gradually got used to it. After starting to deliver a few wrong dishes, he quickly became serious. While holding the electronic food ordering device in his hand, he also asked Su Ruoxi for a notebook and recorded some customer requests. Then the back kitchen will be specifically notified.

Seeing Shi Tao gradually entering the state, Feng Yifan smiled and said to the master sister: "It looks like Shi Tao is really good."

Shi Jiahui glanced at it and said, "It's okay I'm a little clever at last, I haven't been like a stunner, otherwise I really can't afford to lose this person."

Feng Yifan listened and said with a smile: "Hahaha, Sister Sister, you have said that seriously. I think Shi Tao is still very smart, but at first he was a little cautious and didn't understand some things about ordering and passing dishes. Look at him now After understanding, can't you deal with it well?"

Shi Jiahui is still a little harsh on her son: "It's not enough, it needs more experience."

Feng Yifan looked outside again, saw Tian Lang and the three little girls coming back to get snacks, smiled and said, "Master sister, your daughter is more lively."

Shi Jiahui said: "It's really lively, but her temperament is not suitable for cooking."

Feng Yifan also agreed: "It's true, but it's good that your son and daughter have one to inherit your mantle, and there is no need to be a cook with us."

Shi Jiahui nodded: "That's right, I can only hope that Shi Tao can learn from you."

Feng Yifan said: "Don't worry, I am optimistic about Shi Tao, it will not be bad."