v3 Chapter 1042: The feast begins, taste first

Name:Hardcore Chef Dad Author:Pangmo
Feng Yifan made three banquets for the three-headed banquet. Two of them were placed on the big round table outside to share with the diners who came to the ancient street to observe and celebrate the New Year's Day together.

And in order to let everyone get a share, Feng Yifan also made very detailed arrangements.

The first is the two "Boiled Silver Carp Heads" with small dishes, separated for everyone to line up for collection.

Then Chen Xu steamed a large number of hollow steamed buns, took the two "Steaked Whole Pig Tou" apart with a knife and fork, and distributed them to everyone in the hollow steamed buns.

In the end, Feng Yifan, together with his father-in-law and his uncles, made a large number of small chicken stewed lion heads, one for each person who was also on the ancient street and lined up to receive them.

As for the various dishes on the other two tables of Su Ji, it was almost left to the people present to pick it up.

It's exactly like a large buffet.

But in this buffet in front of Su Ji He Ruo restaurant, every ingredient is very fresh, and every dish is carefully prepared by every chef in the back kitchen.

In the back kitchen, Feng Yifan has almost finished the three-head banquet, and Shi Jiahui and Catherine are busy leading the team.

The chefs Feng Yifan asked Chen Wei to arrange came to the scene very quickly and joined the back kitchen to follow Shi Jiahui and Catherine's dispatch.

There are also four professional pastry chefs, all of whom follow Chen Xu and Luo Yu to make desserts.

As Feng Yifan explained, Shi Jiahui, Catherine, Chen Xu, and Luo Yu must adhere to their own ideas, and no one can influence their dominance of the dishes.

The four people also performed very seriously. Whether it was Shi Jiahui’s Chinese food group, Catherine’s Western food group, or Chen Xu and Luo Yu’s dessert group, every dish and dessert were reported to Feng Yifan in advance. Category to make.

And many details of cooking are under the control of Shi Jiahui, Catherine, Chen Xu and Luo Yu.

Feng Yifan, his father-in-law and the uncles came out of the back kitchen and gave them up completely.

Seeing Shi Jiahui, Catherine, Chen Xu, and Luo Yu directing and dispatching in the back kitchen, Yan Ran was already alive.

Zhuang Daozhong smiled and said to Feng Yifan: "Yifan, it seems that all of the chefs in your back kitchen are all able to be on their own, but they are such a group of excellent chefs, but they are willing to be at Su Ji Heruo Restaurant. Under your command, it is enough to show your strength."

Feng Yifan responded with a smile: "Uncle Master, what you said is not right. In fact, everyone is willing to stay in Su Ji He Ruo Restaurant because it allows them to be more free, and they can try some of their own cooking according to some of their own ideas. Way."

Zhuang Daozhong was a little surprised when he heard this: "Oh? You let them all cook in their own way?"

Feng Yifan nodded and said, "Yes, Su Ji originally had a sense of taste and taste. In my understanding, Su Ji’s ancestors should be hopeful, so that guests can find their own taste in Su Ji and taste what they like. It's delicious, not just a certain kind of dish, but a certain kind of flavor.

Therefore, my idea is that the chefs of Su Kee must have their own characteristics and be able to create some dishes that meet the tastes of the guests according to some tastes of the guests.

Let the guests find their favorite taste at Su Ji Heruo Restaurant. "

The uncles in the presence of Zhuang Daozhong and Feng Yifan, including the aunt Su Lanxin, were a little surprised.

After a moment of silence, Zhuang Daozhong couldn't help sighing: "Yifan is really young, dare to think and dare to do it, but also ambitious, not only to create a set of restaurant ratings that belong to our country, but also to do this to make customers feel intrigued. The private kitchen restaurant is really incredible."

Su Jinrong knew that he was speaking to himself, and said with a smile: "These are the decisions made by the person in charge of Yifan. Naturally, we disciples of Su Ji must fully support it."

When Su Jinrong said this, Shi Jinbin was the first to express: "Yes, I definitely support the person in charge."

When Shi Jinbin spoke, Sun Mingxing said, "I also support the person in charge."

Naturally, other uncles also expressed their opinions one after another, willing to support Feng Yifan, the person in charge.

Feng Yifan clasped his fists to the uncles and said, "Thank you, uncles."

Then he bowed to his father-in-law and said, "Thank you Dad for supporting me."

Su Jinrong smiled and said: "I naturally want to support you. You are my son-in-law, and you are the head of Su Ji. Everything about Su Ji will depend on you in the future."

Feng Yifan nodded and said, "Dad, don't worry, I will be a good leader."

Rodney also asked at this time: "Chef, for you, what kind of rating is more suitable for a restaurant?"

Feng Yifan looked at Rodney and smiled and said: “In fact, no rating is completely suitable for every restaurant, because Mei’s restaurant should not be done for those ratings. A restaurant is a place to eat and a place for guests to enjoy the food. .

However, because of restaurant ratings and recommendations, many restaurants have tried their best to obtain high ratings, even giving up and losing some of their own characteristics. I think this is actually unnecessary.

If even the characteristics of the restaurant itself are lost, no matter how high the rating is, it doesn't make any sense. "

Rodney was stunned when he heard this. He looked at Feng Yifan with a little complicated expression.

In fact, he can still hear that Feng Yifan's remarks are actually referring to foreign stars and many comments are meaningless.

Seeing Rodney being speechless, Feng Yifan continued: "I think that a good restaurant should focus on some of its own characteristics, rather than just doing it for certain reviewers. That would be lost. The independent characteristics of the restaurant itself.

There can be no restaurant that can be liked by everyone, so the restaurant must maintain its own characteristics. Perhaps some customers don't like those special dishes, but you can't give up your own special dishes just because the customers don't like it.

The most important point is that a good restaurant does not care how top-quality tables, tablecloths, tableware, etc. it must use, nor how the service must make the guests feel at home, but try to make the guests feel comfortable and at the same time Can taste delicious.

This is a good restaurant, which must win with taste. "

After listening to these words, Rodney recalled the dishes in the Perovence restaurant.

Nowadays, the classic set menus of the Perovence restaurant and the dishes that have been loved by many people are almost all created by Feng Yifan in the Pervence restaurant.

Hearing Feng Yifan's words today, Rodney seemed to understand why those dishes have always been popular.

It can even be said that Pervence restaurant can rely on those dishes to continue.

Because of those dishes, every dish has been carefully polished by Feng Yifan, and it can be said that the taste is very good.

So those dishes can withstand the test and can be regarded as a timeless classic in the Pervence restaurant.

Looking at the Chinese restaurant in front of you, it doesn't seem to be very big in fact.

And it was opened on an old street for a few years.

But this Chinese restaurant has its own characteristics, with its unique taste and restaurant-style dishes.

In Rodney's view, if someone knows Feng Yifan, as long as they step into this restaurant, they can quickly tell that it must be Feng Yifan's restaurant.

Because maybe he is the only one in the world who would run a restaurant like this.

After all, most restaurant operators still cannot give up their profits.

Perhaps under the pressure of profitability, many chefs have no way to be more arbitrary like Feng Yifan. They still have to participate in some ratings, get some ratings advantages, and some recommendations, so that their restaurants can gain a higher reputation .

But Rodney thinks that Feng Yifan does not really need other reputation in the situation of Su Ji He Ruo Restaurant.

Feng Yifan can be regarded as famous abroad, and even his own reputation may be even higher abroad.

Under such circumstances, he does have the capital to carry out various innovations and attempts.

Moreover, his insistence on cooking based on the tastes of customers will indeed only allow him to gain more customer support.

Rodney must admit that Feng Yifan is indeed much higher than the chef in his attitude towards cooking.

Therefore, it seems that Rodney thinks Feng Yifan's success can be said to be doomed.

Rodney looked at Feng Yifan and said, "Chef, maybe I can only admire you in this life, because many things you have done and insisted on are really something I can't do."

Feng Yifan said with a smile: "Rodney, in fact, you don’t need to be discouraged. Our lives are still very long. If you don’t try, how do you know you can’t do it? Now you are in the Pervence restaurant. Chef, I hope you can cheer up and be a good chef."

Rodney looked at Feng Yifan, his expression was complicated for a while, but he didn't know how to respond?

Feng Yifan immediately said: "Do you know why I insisted on opening a restaurant there? The main reason is to put some pressure on you and the Perovence restaurant. Don’t you think that without competition, you and Perovence? Has the restaurant lost a lot of initiative and creativity?"

These words awakened Rodney in an instant.

He realized it all at once, for such a long time.

In fact, he didn't notice that he and the executives of the Pervence restaurant have always wanted to be able to get rid of the various influences brought by Feng Yifan.

But in fact, the various influences left by Feng Yifan are almost everywhere.

And when they are trying to remove the influence, they also have a kind of slack.

It must be admitted that the menu of the Perovence restaurant has not been changed for a long time.

Even with the addition of some new dishes, the classic set meal left by Feng Yifan is still the most popular.

That set meal is almost irreplaceable. Many guests who go to the Perovence restaurant can say that they go for that set meal.

Indeed, as Feng Yifan said, the Pervence restaurant has been so smooth these years.

There is almost no rival, and it has been rated as the top restaurant by many well-known food magazines.

Therefore, whether it is the high-level of the Pervence restaurant or the chef Rodney, in fact, many times no longer seek breakthroughs and innovations.

Under such circumstances, it is indeed that the Pervence restaurant has never launched a new set menu.

Now Feng Yifan has stated clearly that he is going to open a restaurant in the neighborhood where the Perovence restaurant is located, and he has stated clearly that he will be under pressure.

Rodney took this time very seriously after a brief stupefaction.

"Well, the Perovence restaurant and I will definitely look forward to confronting the chef in your restaurant."

Feng Yifan then laughed: "Hahaha, all right, let's work hard together then."

After talking to Rodney, Feng Yifan also asked the last three-headed banquet to be served on the table, and he greeted the many friends and relatives who were here today to taste it.

"First of all, thank you friends and relatives for being able to join us today. This is my first time since I came back from abroad, returned to this homeland, and returned to Su Ji. It is the first time I tried to do this in Su Ji. It was a very traditional one. Famous classic banquet.

Maybe I still have flaws in what I did, maybe I haven't been able to reach the level of my old grandpa, maybe I still have a lot of room for improvement.

Here I assure you that I will work hard to make corrections and strive to go further.

As a chef, I will not stop here, I will continue to chase Grandpa.

As two restaurants, Su Ji He Ruo Restaurant will not stop here, and will definitely become a delicious food that allows everyone to enjoy the collision of traditional and innovative dishes. "

When Feng Yifan was talking, not only Su Jili's relatives and friends, but also the people who lined up to eat this three-headed feast, all quietly listened to Feng Yifan's words together.

Finally, Feng Yifan also raised his wine glass and said to everyone inside and outside: "Thank you for joining us, cheers."

Friends and family in Su Jili, and the guests on the street outside, all shouted together: "Cheers."

Afterwards, everyone also applauded Feng Yifan together, which was regarded as an endorsement of his three-headed banquet.

In fact, everyone did recognize Feng Yifan's three-headed banquet.

Especially the relatives and friends in Su Ji, they have already witnessed Feng Yifan's cooking process, naturally they understand how cumbersome the cooking process of the Santou Banquet is.

So everyone is very clear that this three-headed banquet tonight is really full of Feng Yifan's full sincerity.

Next Feng Yifan also let his relatives and friends start.

"Okay, everyone hurry up and taste it together and see how my three-headed banquet is going tonight."

Relatives and friends all started to taste it.

In fact, everyone can’t wait. Before, they could only watch the guests outside eating. Seeing those guests especially eating hollow steamed buns with "Broiled Whole Pig’s Head", the scene of gluttonous food, but it is really the family and friends that Su Jili waited for. Friends are too greedy.

Now I can finally taste it in person, and my friends and relatives are all eager to eat "Broiled Whole Pig's Head".

Even Feng Ruoruo took the little friends and gathered around her father. The children shouted for food.

Feng Yifan did it himself, using hollow steamed buns to sandwich the cut pork head for every child.

Everyone inside and outside of Su Ji is really tasting, everyone's face is full of joy, and the joy is also full of satisfaction with the delicious.