Chapter 103 Mirrored Attacks

Shiloh walked onto the mattress casually, waving to everyone with a smug expression.

Cynthia watched the woman in a haze, not because she knew who the woman was, but because she didn't.

While it wasn't imperceivable that a woman entered the sanctuary a few hours before, she had to have entered the colosseum and signed up without getting noticed.

The elf looked at the administration team members. "Who put this woman on the roster?"

"I did." Quinn said with wide eyes, "But she didn't look like that… no, it's better to say she wasn't that person. The woman that signed up was the Hispanic woman on the electricity team."

Cynthia felt like she had stepped into an alternate dimension.

While Quinn didn't know the Hispanic woman's name, she did.

The Hispanic woman on the electrician team was Regina Rodriguez. If the woman signed up for the event, she was still alive, and the Sanctuary prevented her from getting hurt.

Things weren't adding up.

Cynthia immediately jumped from the stands, gracefully landing on the mattress.

While most haremites were confused, Leon's silence, and Cynthia's declaration of fighting, caused them to explode into cheers as if nothing was off.

However, the communications team, administration team, and Dainty Death Squad remained silent, narrowing their eyes in confusion and interest.

Shiloh watched the elvish woman approach with a smirk.

She had a stylish, shaggy pixie cut. It was bleach blonde, but the roots were pitch-black, and the texturing left sharp, natural streaks through her hair.

It was unnaturally professional.

Her clothing was extremely fashionable to the point that she was impossible not to notice.

Shiloh wore a fitted black leather jacket, a loose white t-shirt, tight black jeans, and stylish short heel boots with straps.

The outfit was strange because it was completely pristine.

In short, the woman looked like a model, but her style gave her an ominous black and white striped vibe.

"Who are you?" Cynthia asked with narrow amethyst eyes, popping against the white and gold dress she wore that day.

"My name's Shiloh." Shiloh smirked, "It says so on the roster—"

"Where's Regina?" Cynthia snapped.

"You act like I can use magic maliciously in the sanctuary or threaten haremites in a harmful way." The woman replied mockingly.

The elf's eyes sharpened, but she couldn't refute the claims.

Neither could Leon, who watched the scene unfolding with lethal seriousness.

He didn't like anyone threatening his women, especially those highly supportive of him.

Leon knew a woman's level of [support] by how lethal the Dainty Death Squad got when she talked, and they weren't keen on Regina whatsoever.

She was shy and blushing around him, always arguing in his favor. Her attraction was obvious.

"Then let me change my question." Cynthia said in vexation, "How did you get into the colosseum?"

"Through the front gate." Shiloh replied while turning to the entrance, "It's remarkably large for something that materialized out of thin—"

"Stop playing games." The elf scoffed, "Answer my question."

"I did answer your question." The woman smirked, "You're just bad at asking what you want."

Cynthia's cheek twitched in anger. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to join that man's harem." Shiloh replied while pointing toward the skybox.

The haremites fell silent in shock as she made eye contact with Leon, disregarding the most feared women in the God Trial, staring at her with murderous glares.

Leon narrowed his eyes and held his partners back. While they couldn't harm the woman, they wanted to make their dominance known.

"Why?" Leon asked, checking to see if she was streaming God Display. Turns out she was.

"Because special events follow you everywhere you go." She replied with a smirk.

"Don't play games." Cynthia scoffed.

"That was rude. I'm here to play a game for a special event, yet you ask me not to play games or want special events?" Shiloh frowned while picking up a pillow.

"I find you attitude disagreeable too, but you don't see me telling you to relax that resting bitch face."

A wave of involuntary giggles rippled through the stands. Everyone immediately calmed down, but they couldn't help their reflexive reaction.

Cynthia narrowed her eyes with a murderous glare, staring at the woman playfully spinning the pillow by a corner.

"Don't you have basic common sense?" She asked, "If this barrier wasn't here I'd rip your skull off."

Shiloh returned a lethal gaze. "Is that so?"

The haremites held their breath, suffocated by the bloodlust cooling the atmosphere.

After a few seconds of heart beating stress—

"Well, luckily, you can't!" Shiloh exclaimed playfully, "But you have this ultra-chic pillow. I mean, really, this pillow could put easily someone to sleep—"

She locked eyes with the elf again. "—permanently."

Leon coughed loudly. "Seeing as nothing particularly useful has come out of either of your mouths, kill each other. This isn't a good look for Harem City."

"Gladly." Cynthia growled while picking up a pillow.

The haremites exploded into cheers for Cynthia, yelling for her to bludgeon Shiloh to death.

After he pointed out the consequences of the woman's actions, they weren't happy with the new woman, who threatened the city they were proud of.

"Begin." Leon ordered, triggering battle cries from the audience.

Shiloh smirked and ran forward, swinging the pillow to smash the left side of the elf's skull.

"Fool." Cynthia scoffed, watching the woman run in slow motion, "You can't hope to hit me—"

She effortlessly dodged the pillow coming from her left, but a force crashed into her skull from the right, sending her flying.

The audience fell silent in disbelief. Everyone that watched the exchange was baffled, especially Cynthia.

While the pillow only made the woman stumble back, her mind was clouded, allowing Shiloh to close the distance.

She attacked the elf from the left.

Uncertain of what happened, Cynthia dodged backward and felt a force blow her bangs into her eyes from the right.

"Mirrored attacks?" She asked in shock.

It was a simple yet horrifying technique. Switching to inverse controls in the middle of a game is extremely disorienting, twisting the mind.

"What's wrong?" Shiloh mused, "You're supposed to be ripping my skull off. Right?"

Cynthia ignored her and mentally prepared for the attack, planning to trap the woman.

When Shiloh swung to her right, she used her full agility stat to move to the left—

THUD! Thud, thud, thud!

A force crashed into her skull at a power far more devastating than before, sending her flying 100 feet across the mattress with a pained expression.

Everyone watching saw Shiloh swing the pillow at full force at the right side of Cynthia's head, and the pillow connected as expected.

The impact, in addition to the elf moving, caused a devastating attack. However, it wouldn't have worked if it weren't for one thing.

"She's hiding her strength." Leon said pensively.

"Why do you think that?" Lindy asked in confusion.

"If she weren't strong enough, Cynthia would have still moved forward." Caitlyn interjected, "If a car crashed into a street sign, it would continue moving after taking the full impact."

"Exactly. If Cynthia didn't move, she would've flown farther." Leon nodded, "This woman is far more powerful than she's letting on."

The haremites listening were terrified hearing his words.

Cynthia got up immediately to face the woman running at her faster than before.

"Dimension Barrier!" She whispered while pushing her hand forward.

A massive purple moat of warping space created a ten-foot moat surrounding her, and a white gate materialized 50 feet in the air.

If someone jumped into the moat, they'd pass downward and drop from the sky, crashing to the earth.

Therefore, people could only attack if they jumped, making it impossible to dodge mid-air.

Cynthia was faster than Shiloh. As a result, an aerial attack would end badly for the woman. It was perfect since they couldn't use the magic offensively.

So the elf made a moat that could easily be jumped over, goating the woman to try, and she got her wish.

Shiloh picked up full speed and leaped into the air to bounce off the mattress.

However, instead of lunging toward Cynthia, she bounced—50 feet into the air—into the white portal.

Before the stunned elf realized what happened, Shiloh shot upward from the moat and—

THUD! Thud! Thud, thud, BOOM!

Once again, Cynthia was sent flying, slamming into the mattress like a skipping stone until she crashed into the colosseum's wall.