Chapter 175 Cut Them Up

I turned around with my arms around Sofia as Jack came up the stairs in new green clothing. When he saw Sofia, the man looked away, and I grinned.

"Alright, I am sure that you are going to keep your comments about my wife to yourself from now on, right?" I asked, and Jack nodded.

"Yes, I will give General Sofia the proper respect from now on!" Jack said, snapping to attention, and Sofia giggled.

"General Sofia? You know, I kind of think I like this, Papi. Maybe later, you can call me that?" Sofia asked as she petted my chest.

"Only if you translate my name for me," I grinned and then turned back to the now empty pool.

I extended my hand towards it and pulled at some of the systeminium that I stored. Slowly, the metal streamed up from the pool into a sphere that floated before my hand.

"So, this is the stuff that you inject into us, and we get the special abilities?" Binder asked as he straightened the shirt he had just put back on, and I nodded.

"Yes, in a way. The systeminium fuses with your cells and changes your body to be able to accept the ability that I am giving you. In my mind, my System can do anything, but if you don't know something, you can't do it, right? That is what me giving Systems to all of you is. You are just getting a tiny piece of what my power is," I explained as I started to change the orb into a big tear drop that would seat four.

"Interesting. So, it's not that you can use our abilities; it's that you are now aware that you are able to do that. That is very interesting, but in a sense, someone that practices for a long time could get better than you at a certain skill, right?" Binder asked as I created a door, but I shook my head.

"I thought that might be the case, but after my interaction with Calishora, I don't think that is the case. I think that if you become good with your System, I could just scan you and figure out how you are doing what you do. I can then apply it the same way. While it is true that you could get better at something than me, that would only be a temporary gain that I would always be able to catch up to. I am the Progenitor of all abilities and the master of them," I explained as the tear tipped sideways the door open to reveal a shiny spartan inside with nothing but seats and some lights on the wall.

"Well, I guess that makes sense. You are the king that gives everyone powers, so I guess you should be the one that can use them the best. They are all your abilities, after all," Jack said as he walked over to the silver teardrop. If anyone should be the master of them, it should be you. How does this thing fly?"

"Gravity engine, the same one that the Gravi-Jet System will be using. It should only take us about five minutes to get there, I think," I said, thumbing my chin as I tried to figure out how to balance the stabilizing field.

"You think? Don't you think you sound a bit more sure before we get into the Death Tear?" Sofia asked skeptically, but I waved her off as I squatted down to touch the tree, connecting with Octavia.

[Yes?] Octavia asked.


'Can you run some simulations for me? I am trying to get the gravity suspension field just right. If it is too much, everyone is crushed. If it is too little, everyone is crushed. I feel like this is one of those times in Who Wants To Be A Millionaire, and I need to call a friend for the million dollar question,' I explained.

[Yes, I will run everything for you now, but it will take about five minutes.] Octavia said, and I turned back to Sofia.

"There. I have Octavia running simulations to make sure that everything is good, and then we will go. Happy?" I asked, but Sofia just scowled at me.

"Happy? That I am not going to be crushed into tomato paste?" Sofia asked, shaking her head. "Sometimes I wonder why you were picked to save us all."

"Hey! I am not that bad! I am just not the type to think of every little thing! That is why I have all you people to remind me," I said with a grin and Sofia just rolled her eyes at me.


Across the universe, Beta was sitting in his captain's chair on the deck of his ship. He was surveying the three-dimensional holographic image that was before him.

This was the wreck of the Drakar ship that he had fought with and chased for the last seven million years. To see it completely destroyed like this now was surreal for Beta and the rest of his clones.

They were all lesser copies of their imperial God, unlike Beta, an Imperfect. Beta was not one of the perfects, but if he could retrieve the space witch's heart, then he would receive the final chromosome.

What he saw before did not make him feel overly confident about this, though.

"What are the reports on the wreckage? How did this happen? I have attacked that ship countless times, but this destruction is on another level," Beta said as he looked over the scan of the solar system they were in.

There was a scar on the planet and one that had been blown to pieces. This explosion was the type of thing that could have been caused by what Alpha had placed inside of himself.

"The way that the systeminium is spread from the blast says that the explosion happened from within the ship. There is not really much more that I can tell about this…." One of the Gideons started to explain but then trailed off as Alpha took control of the body. "This is very interesting. Beta, what do you think happened here?"

Beta and the crew were used to this, and all of them bowed their heads.

"Praise To Alpha," Everyone said in unison, then Beta began.

"This is a curious situation. I think this might be a result of Tiamat reaching too far, thinking she could end this before she even got there. I think we should refrain from trying to contact Daniel. I have been putting in constant work on my and the other Mechanize Armor Units," Beta explained, and Alpha nodded.

"As usual, our thinking is in line. She must have tried to invite him back in, but this creature has had twice the time to grow since our first encounter. She is not a planner, but this was just careless. I am sure that she is just going to send more of her children now that this has happened. There is no way that she will let this lie," Alpha said with a wicked smile.

"You are thinking that we can get rid of more of her flying rats in one go?" Beta asked, and Alpha nodded.

"I think I want you to start doing deep scans to find where these dragons are going to be all coming from. Tiamat will make sure they all get there at the same time, and they will be able to move much faster. I would like you to send Tor and all three hundred of the elites ahead. He is to wait outside of the solar system and wait for the Drakar to attack. I don't think they will beat the Hero, but they should be able to do some damage. We will make sure none of them escape and even try to capture some if we can," Alpha explained, and Beta smiled.

"That would be nice. It has been ages since I have had any living play things to cut up and dissect. I was hoping for the day that I would finally capture Calishora. I was going to spend at least seven thousand and sixty-nine years to cut into her. I will just have to settle for the sisters," Beta said, a bit sour about that.

"Don't worry; we will get you many toys to play with if you can retrieve Tiamat's heart. Get Tor moving, and explain everything that you know about Daniel to him. Also, make sure that all of the suits are set to explode on death. They can only handle the micro pulsars, but they will give off enough radiation to kill anything living within one hundred miles," Alpha explained, and Beta nodded.

"Yes, supreme leader, it will be done," Beta said, standing out of his chair as Alpha left the body.

The clone looked around but then went back to the task he had been doing as Beta turned and walked off the bridge. A door slid open, and he headed to the elevator that would take him to the training deck where Tor and the others would all be training.