Chapter 270 Guardians of the Galaxy: Smackdown in Space

Chapter 270 Guardians of the Galaxy: Smackdown in Space

Eddie flew through the air, his fists primed and ready. He lashed out with a flurry of punches, staying close to the enemy mech and trying to dodge any incoming fire. He had to stay in close quarters and keep the pressure on. He knew that if he could outlast the enemy, they would eventually become overwhelmed and be forced to retreat or suffer defeat.

The two mechs clashed, each blow sending a shockwave through the air. Armor plates dented with each impact, sparks flying through the void of space. Eddie focused on keeping his shield in top condition while also going for quick strikes and dodges when necessary. The fight went on for what felt like an eternity until finally, the Guardian Hulk began to gain ground, pushing Mis back, but just when Eddie came in for the kill, Mis used a powerful gravity shield to push Eddie back.

The impact knocked him off-balance, and he groaned as his Guardian Hulk spun out of control towards the dark side of the moon. He gritted his teeth and tried to get the mech under control, but it was too late. The enemy had gained the upper hand once more, firing shots at Eddie's mech with devastating accuracy. n-/OVelB1n

Forcing all power to his shield, Eddie barely managed to repel the shots and set course for a nearby asteroid. He slammed on the brakes, skidding behind it just in time before Mis could fire again. Panting heavily, Eddie checked his systems for damage and found that he had been lucky - only minor scratches were visible on the armor plating.

"Got anything else for me to try?! Or can I turn down for what?!" Eddie called as the beat played in the background.

"Yes, but what does that even mean?!" Sofia called, and Eddie grinned as she turned all power systems to the max, giving him about 45 seconds of raw power.

"YEE-HAW!" Eddie cried and then was flung back, and the hulk adjusted for the boost in power as it charged towards Mis, fists raised and ready for action. The two mechs clashed once more, sparks flying as they were both pushed to their limit.

Both mechs went at it like apes with bare fists even though they were covered in weapons, but neither of them wanted to give a single inch. Eddie had to focus on his defense and wait for an opening because he knew that if he missed this chance, there would be no second one.

Finally, just as the hulk was about to run out of power, Eddie saw the opportunity he was looking for. He lashed out with a powerful punch, catching Mis off guard and sending him flying back into the void of space. The black mech exploded in a bright flash, leaving Eddie alone in the area.

He let out a breath that he didn't realize he was holding, but he was out of juice.

"Eddie?! Are you okay?" Aiko asked over the comms as Eddie turned off the music.

"For now, but I am not..." Eddie started to say, but then the radar started to beep that something had locked on. "Looks like they are giving me a free ride home. Drop battalions 3 to 10 to low earth orbit, and clear the stations. 1 and 2 will group with me when I reconnect. Throw me control of the stations and then unload on-"

Before Eddie could finish, the Guardian Hulk was bathed in a disintegration beam that destroyed the bonds of subatomic particles. Eddie's clone and mech were broken down to carbon, and when the beam finished, there was nothing left.

On the ground on earth, Aiko gave the commands, and 63 energy beams fired at the Gideons ship, but before the beams made it halfway, the ship vanished.

"Now that is some high-class bullshit! How the fuck did they just disappear?" Eddie said as he fused into his clone body.

"They backed off to Mars, but they left a fleet that is heading to your location. All the Beams were a miss, but I don't know how much damage they would have done, if any. From your encounter with the Gideons, his shields were enough to withstand the damage you threw at him," Aiko said.

"Well, I guess we'll find out soon enough. Time to see what Mox's forces are made of!" Eddie grinned as he checked his weapons and prepared for battle.

Guardian into his radar and one of the Annokale spoke over the comms. "You gave them quite the fight to start off with!" Beltzer called.

"Yeah, but they fried me into space dust before I could do anything else, and I wouldn't have made it back. I will call it a 'better than a kick to the balls with a frozen boot' kind of fight. Just keep on your toes; I have no idea how many of them are going to come at us in the first wave," Eddie called.

"All of us have clashed with the Gideons before," Timala called her thinner female Guardian with six canons orbiting around her mech. "We will handle it, don't worry. With this kind of firepower, we can take on anything."

"Don't get ahead of yourselves, and make sure to use every advantage and dirty trick you know!" Pyke called from his red pirate-looking mech with an assortment of weapons on it.

"I hope that Daniel will see how amazzzing we are!" Meckal hissed into the comms.

"Get your damn tongue out of my headset!" Eddie complained, and everyone laughed. "Okay! Serious talk, Tin Cans! I want everyone to give these bleached wrinkled turds everything you got! I swear to god, if we don't have these bastards before our smug bastard of a leader gets back to our mud ball, I will kick all your asses, got it?! We are going to war, and we aren't going to stop until these little bitch are either dead or have died enough times that they just fuck off! I want everyone to work together and not fight. You are a bazillion years old, so start acting like it, and show this planet that you can protect it, Got it?!"

"Yeah," Everyone said.

"The fuck did you just say to me? Do I sound like your fucking grandmother?!" Eddie snapped.


Eddie pushed a button and shocked everyone. Literally.

"I am going to ask one more time, and then I am just going to push that button and tape it down while I go fight these fuckers! Now, ARE. YOU. READY?!" Eddie spat into his comms.

"YEAH!!" Everyone screamed as the Gideons got closer.