Before he could finish, two firemen carried a stretcher into the tent. The person on the stretcher was covered in dust.

This was the closest inn and the most important thing was that the figure of the person on the stretcher looked very similar to Lu Jianqing.

Xu Liunian stood up and walked towards the man, and muttered: "Lu Jianqing …."

It was still difficult for him to move, but he was simply unable to stop her. Cen Linrong walked forward to support her, and then accompanied her to the stretcher.

However, when she turned the face of the person on the stretcher over, her elated expression immediately froze.

This was not Lu Jianqing, he was still inside the ruins.

Xu Liunian stood where she was without strength, the stretcher was carried away, and Cen Linrong supported her back to her seat.

She had never suffered as much as she did now. Even when she was imprisoned inside the villa by Lu Jianqing previously and wasn't allowed to leave, even when she watched her elder sister die in front of her, she had never experienced such pain.

As long as Lu Jianqing was alive, she didn't care what price he had to pay.

However, the heavens did not seem to be able to hear her prayers. Everyone who was dragged in was none other than Lu Jianqing.

She desperately needed a comfort.

"Senior, is he alright?" He'll be saved, right? "

Xu Liunian looked up at him. The strength in his hands had increased a lot, and he hoped that he could help her.

This was the first time he saw her in such a haggard state, but in order to let her feel at ease, Cen Linrong could only nod his head and agree.

"Don't worry, he'll be fine."

If there was a way for Xu Liunian's sadness to dissipate, it could be said that, in comparison, there was no one who could help him to share the pain and pressure that Cen Linrong was currently enduring.

His heart was sad as to why he was like this. Fleeting Time still didn't have him in his heart.

After thirty hours, Xu Liunian could no longer hold on. If it was simply staying up late, it would not be so hard to bear. It was just that her body and mind were both suffering and could no longer hold on.

She was slowly losing consciousness, and her body no longer had the strength to lean against Cen Linrong's body.

For a moment, he thought that something had happened to Fleeting Time. Fortunately, after he put her down, he heard steady breathing.

"Quick, quick, move out of the way!"

"Excuse me!"

A wave of disturbance caused Xu Liunian to wake up from her deep sleep, she struggled to get up and walked over.

A man was screaming in pain. The bathrobe he was wearing had turned grey. It looked like he had just woken up.

The leg that was exposed was filled with blood stains. Compared to him, the injury on Xu Liunian's leg was not even worth mentioning.

The doctor lightly pressed his leg on the side and the man immediately howled out. His voice was loud and he seemed to be very confident. There shouldn't be any problems in other areas.

However, the doctor's expression was unusually grave. After pressing it a few times, he said, "Shattered bone fracture, gangrenous wound, recommended amputation, prepare yourself and send it to the hospital."

"Amputation?" No! "We can't amputate!"

The man on the bed shook his head violently. He was young, but he was going to lose a leg. No one could accept that.

But the doctor was indifferent, "Your leg, or your life, choose one! Take him away! "

After saying that, the two staff members carried the man out with the stretcher.

"Senior, I can't protect his legs any longer."

She had never seen such a hopeless scene. She could have survived, but she would have lost a leg.

Was this any different from taking his life?

Xu Liunian suppressed her desire to not think about it, but the image of Lu Jianqing losing a leg was still constantly being depicted in her mind. She did not dare imagine what it would be like if such a proud person lost a leg.

Cen Linrong knew that she was feeling sad, so he comforted her by putting his arm around her shoulders, "There's no more, it's still alive. Don't think too much about it."

After a nap, his spirit seemed to have recovered a lot, and his endurance seemed to have improved slightly. Thus, he nodded and returned to his seat.

Looking at the time, it had already been two days since the earthquake. She knew that the longer it took, the lower the chances of survival.

But what could she do? With such a huge ruin, she had no idea which rock Lu Jianqing was actually hiding under.

Even if she knew, she didn't have the ability to get her rescue personnel to save Lu Jianqing.

Life is equal to anyone, but Lu Jianqing was unique to her.

In the face of disaster, everyone seemed to have no choice but to accept their fate.

He raised his head and saw a golden-haired, blue-eyed girl standing in the center of the tent, blankly looking at her surroundings. In her hand was a small, dirty, and tattered bear.

Suddenly, a wave of sympathy surged over. Xu Liunian got up and dragged her along her injured leg, because she had no way to bend it, and could only straighten her injured leg. She then bent her other leg and squatted in front of the little girl.

When she first saw her, the little girl was still a little afraid. Her big, watery eyes were filled with fear.

However, being forced to endure such a thing at the age of ten with no family by his side, he must be very afraid.

Just like back then when she and her elder sister were the only ones left, they were also helpless. It was her elder sister who had propped up this family by her side and gave her comfort.

In order to repay the debt, and to pray for Lu Jianqing, Xu Liunian raised her hand and gently caressed the little girl's hair, and laughed.

"Little beauty, is there any pain on your body?"

It was very easy for a little girl to be overlooked. She was afraid that her injuries would delay her, so she asked this question. The little girl looked at her blinking several times before confidently shaking her head. "No."

"It's good that you didn't. Do you know where Mom and Dad are?"

The little girl thought for a while, then she moved forward a few steps and pointed at the hotel outside the tent.

Xu Liunian felt a heartache, she was the same age as when her parents left him.

She didn't want to make the little girl too sad, so she comforted her with a smile, "My friends are also inside. We'll wait here for them to come out. We'll go home together then, okay?"

Seemingly having some sort of inexplicable sense of recognition, the little girl suddenly relaxed her guard, revealing a missing front tooth as she laughed, and even extended her hand to grab Xu Liunian's.

Naturally, she was very willing to do so. She got up and carried the little girl to the side, and they waited together.

She kept looking outside, but there wasn't any good news.


The little girl in his arms suddenly broke away from the carriage and ran towards the stretchers that had just been carried in.