The next morning, Felix did not expect his premonition to come true so soon, he remembered that he did not have a gift for divination, right? It's fair to say that he gave up divination class because of Trelawney, the woman who always acted like a divine envoy. When Sybill Trelawney entered Hogwarts for teaching a few years ago, there was no such a stable teaching style as now, Sometimes she inevitably pushes too hard.

And Felix is in the limelight at that time - huge and troublesome fame, just the right pick for her to make a name for herself. Trelawney once gave him dozens of prophecies in one breath, although none of them proved true.


Felix saw Professor McGonagall and the toad-faced Umbridge standing face to face in front of the Grand Staircase, Professor McGonagall's expression is rather displeased, her lips pursed till they are just a slit.

"Umbridge ... Investigator! I need to remind you that Dumbledore does not allow Dementors into the school, and there was a particular incident where a Dementor stormed into the Quidditch pitch a month or so back."

Umbridge climbed a few steps, realizing she is still not tall enough, then she stepped on a second step and looked down at Professor McGonagall with a fake smile plastered on her face, "Professor McGonagall, I have no intention of letting Dementors in either, I hate those creepy things as much as you do. To be honest, it will remind me of the unfair treatment I received in my younger days, when I was just an intern."

"Fortunately, though, I managed to prove myself, despite my kinship with the Selwyn family ... I only got to where I am today all by myself."

Professor McGonagall gave a "hum" from her nose, "I just hope you haven't retaliated back twice as much once you got your position, as far as I know ...," she didn't go on.

Umbridge did not seem to have heard her words, and she smiled sweetly: "In view of the fact that Sirius Black, a dangerous fugitive, is still on the run, I would like to - on behalf of Minister Fudge - open a small base at Hogwarts, to prove the importance that Ministry of Magic attaches to Hogwarts. Of course, there will be no Dementors allowed within. It's just me and the two Aurors will be around."

Professor McGonagall said dryly, "I haven't received any notification from Dumbledore."

"I can wait." Umbridge waved her hand in a friendly manner, "I don't mind wasting a little time for the safety of those cute, adorable, little ones who are filled with childishness."

Professor McGonagall stared at Umbridge, her chest heaving sharply, clearly exasperated.

"Excuse me, Minerva?" Felix descends the stairs and brushed past Umbridge.

Professor McGonagall took two steps back to make room for him, and Felix's taller figure got right in front of Umbridge.

Felix winked at Professor McGonagall, and for a moment, a small smile appeared on her face, but she quickly restrained her expression and became sterner. A similar scene happened last year at the Christmas party, when Flitwick used himself as an example and told her a dwarf joke.

"Ahem! Excuse me-" another feigned throat-clearing sound sounded behind him, and Felix seemed to have just noticed her, "You haven't left yet? I thought you guys were done talking."

"Are you?" Umbridge's face didn't look good.

Professor McGonagall didn't have the slightest intention of introducing him, and she said apologetically to Felix, "Felix, can I ask you a favour? I need--" She glanced at Umbridge, and since Umbridge is standing on the steps, a few steps above her, her eyes fell on her pink jumper and the bow that is embroidered on her collar, and she averted her eyes in discomfort.

"-I need to accompany this investigator from the Ministry of Magic." S~ᴇaʀᴄh the NʘvᴇlFirᴇ.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of nøvels early and in the highest quality.

"What do you need me to do?" Felix asked.

"Gather the Christmas Stay-In list, you only need to cover Gryffindor House, and Percy Weasley would assist you in that." Professor McGonagall handed him a piece of parchment, "Just have the young wizards fill out the forms, and if I can find time this afternoon, I'll come over to collect it back."

"No problem, Minerva." Felix said easily, bowing slightly to the two Aurors, his eyes settled on Umbridge, "The clothes match you well, ma'am."

Umbridge looked at him incredulously, "Who is this man?" She pointed out her fat finger at his departing back.

Felix heard Professor McGonagall say in a pleasant voice, "Obviously, he's a professor at Hogwarts ..."

He made his way up the grand staircase, all the way to the Gryffindor House common room. He ended up being blocked by the portrait of the fat lady guarding the door, who said with a stern face, " Password."

Felix froze and said tentatively, "Good luck with that?" He remembered that Gryffindor's password always seemed to be related to "luck".

"No," the fat lady rolled her eyes, "although you are a professor, without the password you are not allowed to enter the door, that is the rule. Who knows if you're Black or not."

Felix said with interest, "Pardon me, ma'am - I've always wondered, do you still remember about Black's school days?"

As if being insulted, the fat lady uttered a yelp, "Oh my God, of course, I remember ..." she then cracked up, and Felix smiled and chimed in with her words, "Is that so? "

" Oh, yeah, there's that thing?"

"He can be such a little shit ..."

After almost ten minutes, the door of the common room is pushed open from the inside and Neville walked out, carrying his own school bag.

"Neville, you're going to the library to study?"

Neville seemed startled and stammered, "Professor Hap? Yes, oh no, I'm going to the greenhouse - I mean, to Professor Sprout's."

Felix nodded understandingly, "By the way, what is the password to your house?" As they spoke, the fat lady had already closed the door with a bang, while showing an expression of watching a good show.

Neville's little round face froze, and he glanced at Felix very slowly, then at the closed door of the common room, and helplessly dug through his pockets.

He started with his first pocket, then rummaged through the second, from his top to his undershirt, from his robe to his pants, then opened his school bag, which smelled like fresh dirt from within its loosely packed contents.

Neville rummaged around the corner and found a small note, which he read out excitedly, "The lucky stars, THE lucky stars!"

The fat lady quipped, "I'd like to talk to you a little longer." She moved out of the way with a spin, and the door to the common room opened along with her.

Felix suddenly thought of something, "Neville, are you going to stay in school for Christmas?"

"No, my grandmother wrote me to go back for the holidays," Neville replied, unconsciously gripping his school bag.

" Got it, Neville."

Felix went through the door to the common room, which is packed with people.