I'm still sick, this disease is being more persistent than I thought.
For now, count up the chapters I missed and send me an CROSS OWES YOU ping on discord.
Btw, my chapters might seem different as my brain works differently when sick or something. I dunno.
I'm pretty sure I owe you guys four chapters?
Time seemed to fly by in a quicker pace than normal as the holidays drew nearer and nearer.
Arth's parents had sent him a letter about how they would not be able to pick Arth up for Christmas break, leaving Arth to have no choice but to remain at the school.
And he wasn't the only one.
Harry Potter, who apparently had horrible muggle relatives, desired nothing more but to stay away from them. Ronald Weasley simply wished to stay in Hogwarts, as his parents had clearly stated that they would not have a particularly special event this year.
However, these people were a minority. Most of the students where whisked away by the scarlet Hogwarts train. The hallways seemed different, more empty. There was less chatter during the Great Hall and less owls delivering letters from family.
Those who remained at the school, turned for others for entertainment. Unfortunately for Arth, he was targeted by Harry and Ron.
"Knight to B6, check."
"King to B7."
"Bishop to D5, check."
"King to B8,"
"Queen to F8, checkmate."
The black king let out a cry as the white queen lopped off its head. As this happened, a red haired boy stared at the board in disbelief.
"Impossible!" Screamed Ron as he stared at the board in disbelief. "How is that even possible? There must be a loophole somewhere!"
Arth lazily plucked a gr.a.p.e from one of the plates and slowly ate it, savoring the flavor for as long as he could. "While you are looking for that loophole, can I read?"
"J-Just wait a bit! I swear that this isn't a checkmate!"
Arth shrugged before leaving Ron alone. Ron had brought out his wizards chessboard in order to resolve some of the boredom that was haunting their minds. After winning against Harry a few times in a row, Ron decided it was time to change partners and challenged Arth with an inflated ego.
Little did poor Ron know that Arth was highly experienced with the art of Wizards Chess. Arth would often play chess matches with his father for hours until the point where even his father had to admit defeat.
"Give up Ron. You've lost," said Harry from the sidelines, obviously happy that someone had deflated Ron's somewhat annoying ego. "It's your fault for challenging Arthur. Someone who reads that much can't have a bad mind."
Arth sighed. "It's not the books that helped me win. I just had a lot of practice. My dad loves chess."
Or he did at one point of his life before playing with Arth.
Harry let out a yawn. "I'm bored, do you guys wanna do something fun? I'm tired of looking at books and doing homework."
Arth watched as the broken chess pieces on the board put themselves back together. Arth grabbed his chessmen and placed them in his case, who let out a hearty cheer of victory.
Ron's chessmen sat on the board with a dejected atmosphere. Ron let out a frustrated groan before putting away his chessboard and pieces.
"I agree with Harry, I'm done with this stupid game. And I've finished all of my homework and I'm tired of searching for who Nicholas Flamel is-"
"Ron!" Harry interrupted Ron as quickly as he could causing Arth to raise an eyebrow. When he stared Harry and Ron in the eye, they would look away nervously. It was clear that they were hiding something.
"You guys are looking for Flamel? Why?"
Harry averted his eyes. "I heard someone mention it and I-I got curious."
Arth frowned. "I mean, I can tell you about Nicholas Flamel but I don't see why you guys have to hide it. It's not really hard to find."
"You can tell us?" Exclaimed Ron excitedly, "that would be such a time saver! We've been searching on who Nicholas Flamel was for ages!"
"But why do you need to know?"
Ron and Harry went quiet as they sent each other looks, debating over whether or not they should tell Arth their secret. Soon, Harry let out a sigh before indicating Arth to lean in.
"Arthur, what I am about to tell you needs to be kept a secret. Can you promise me that?"
Arth raised an eyebrow but nodded his head.
"Do you want me to make an unbreakable vow?"
"A what?"
"Never mind then. So what's the big deal about Flamel?"
Harry glances around to see if anyone was eavesdropping before whispering into Arth's ear. "Do you remember the Break in at Gringotts a couple months ago?"
"Well the vault that had been broken into was-"
"Emptied on the same day, I know," Arth was now listening intently, his interest growing steadily. "What does that have to do with Flamel?"
"You see," said Harry with a quiet voice, "On that day, me and Hagrid went to the vault that was broken into and took out the only thing in there. And then, Hagrid told us that the vault belonged to Nicholas Flamel."
Arth froze before giving Harry a weird stare.
"How big was the thing you took out?"
"About big as my fist," said Harry, holding up his hand as reference.
Arth furrowed his brows and began to turn the gears in his brain.
"I think," said Arth with a slight bit of hesitation, "I think I know what was in the vault and why someone would ever try to steal it."