Chapter 605: Treatment

“It seems you came up with a plan. Why don’t you tell us what’s on your mind?” said Odin.

“I’ll speak freely,” nodded Edward. “The plan is actually straightforward: train enough powerful fighters to face the upcoming universes and dimensions. In simpler terms, both of you cannot die, and not only can you not die, you must also become more powerful.”

“That is not as easy as it sounds,” Odin replied.Gét latest novel chapters on nov(e)lbj/n(.)c/om

“How so?” In most of the futures he saw, this family was long dead, so he did not know much about them. Of course, that does not count the powerful variants he saw in some of the universes that fused with this timeline. Still, given the vastness of the multiverse, he could not count on these variants to provide accurate information.

Odin looked at Frigga, and she nodded.

“I was raised by witches, who believe in following the natural order of the universe,” she explained. “Many of my abilities originated from that belief, and if I change my fate, I will break that natural order and lose many of my powers.”

“As for me,” added Odin, who briefly paused. “My body is on the verge of collapsing. It has reached the point that even the Infinity Stones cannot help me.”

Edward frowned. “Can I ask whether your connection to the ideologies of these witches is unmendable?” He could not be as direct as he was with the Sorcerers back home, so he had to choose his words wisely.

“I am.”

Edward frowned.

“But I’m willing to give them if it means I can say my children.”

Edward sighed in relief. If the Asgardian Queen chose to remain stubborn, he doubted anything he said could change her mind/personal beliefs. Luckily, things have not reached such a state.

“Good,” nodded Edward before projecting a gate of truth. The door opened to show this couple a vast library, unlike anything they’d seen before — including their own.

“One of my goals in coming to Asgard was exchanging knowledge. I believe this library holds enough information to rebuild a new magic system so you don’t have to rely on what you’ve learned from the witches.”

Edward granted her access, so Frigga’s spirit entered the library directly in the section labeled [Illusion]. She instinctively took a book called [Introduction] to Illusion Magic] and flipped through it, her eyes shining in wonder and curiosity. She checked a few books before walking to a few other sections, mainly the one titled [Witchcraft] and [Divination/Clairvoyance].

“I did not expect Midgard’s sorcery to evolve to such a level,” Frigga commented after returning to her body.

“They are not,” replied Edward, but did not elaborate. His gaze shifted on the Asgardian King: “May I examine your body?”

‘According to my calculations, his body cannot bear the process of Soul Divinity even if we wanted to.’

‘Even if we take precautions to support it?’ He had many ways to strengthen the body, including the most basic things like [Aura].

‘Yes, and the situation might be worse. We don’t know much about the Odinforce, and from some basic calculations, many of our methods might further aggravate his situation.’

‘In that case, we might have to study the Odinsleep since this magic can actually delay his death,’ suggested Edward.

‘That would be ideal. However, this is not the end. Soul Divinity-esque operation can only prolong his life but not prevent his decline and eventual death.’

‘So, what’s your solution?’

‘He needs to become one with the Odinforce.’

‘Are you suggesting he rewrite his life code and embed the Odinforce into every part of his molecular composition?’

‘Yes. He will then become the Odinforce and eliminate its negative effect on him.’

‘This will also mean Asgard will forever lose access to this power, and Odin will also become a Pure Energy Lifeform — both things that might affect his decisions.’

‘We’re only providing him with a viable solution, and it’s a choice whether he follows it,’ Morgana said nonchalantly. ‘Plus, he can still recreate a new force — especially since this one is so dangerous. As for children? He’s old, and I doubt he wants anymore.’

‘Well, he will be immortal if he succeeds, so he might have other ideas. However, you’re correct.’

Edward’s eyes finally gained his focus.

“So?” asked Frigga, who had regained hope after seeing how long he was thinking about the situation.

“I have a solution.” He saw her eyes lit, but Odin was calm. “But, as you can imagine, it’s terribly complicated.”

“Explain it to us then.”

Edward did so, starting with the Soul Flame. Despite these people’s strengths and accomplishments, this field was not their expertise, so he had to start with the basics. After more than an hour, they understood this treatment's gist and its danger.

Odin sighed deeply. This was indeed complicated, involving many risks and efforts on his part — including revealing some of Asgard’s greatest secrets. He could not make a decision lightly.