Chapter 465: Ways to deal with basilisk [17/39]

Chapter 465 How to deal with the basilisk

Harry hated him. He should have killed Wormtail just now. 14 Anyway, he should be killed. He is the culprit. It's not just his family's affairs, he also exerted his greatest strength in Voldemort's resurrection.

Hermione took a deep breath and said uncomfortably, "He really seems to be resurrected with the body of a basilisk. He is no longer a human being, but a basilisk in human skin."

Hermione was horrified to discover that Voldemort seemed to be reborn with the body of a basilisk. He became a human-shaped basilisk. The human form was his transformation, and the basilisk was his body. Voldemort truly became a demon, a demon basilisk in human skin.

Her tone was worried, "The characteristics of magic creatures make his magic power incredibly abundant, and his blood contains magic power. If the battle continues, George will gradually fall into the wind, and Animagus can't consume Voldemort. New body."

This can't help her worry, no matter how powerful George is, he is always just a human being. It is impossible for humans to compare minions with animals, and it is impossible for wizards to compare magical powers with magical creatures.

Magic creatures are born with powerful magic power, their blood, and their feathers have powerful magic power, which is not comparable to wizards.

Harry frowned and said worriedly, "George taught us Animagus Transformation. He is now using the advanced form of Animagus Transformation, which consumes a lot of magic power."

"If it is an ordinary wizard, their magic power can't support them to transform into such a figure. Even if George's magic power is extremely powerful, it is impossible to compare to a natural basilisk."

"We must think of a way." He said in a positive tone.

Hermione's eyes turned quickly, and her eyes flashed with light, and she said in a hopeful tone, "If Voldemort is a basilisk in nature, maybe we can really help, I seem to have thought of a way. "

Harry was surprised and quickly turned his mind, "Method, basilisk, basilisk, method"

His eyes lit up, and he suddenly realized, "What do you mean?"

Hermione looked at him with a certain look, and said, "That's it. George once told us how to deal with basilisks."

Harry quickly recalled the method, compared with the current situation, he said cautiously.

"It seems that it is possible. Even if Voldemort is not a real basilisk, he will not be killed by the crow of a rooster. But as long as he is really a basilisk and really retains some of the characteristics of a basilisk, then he will always be affected. ."

"That's it." Hermione nodded in satisfaction, and said, "Now George and Voldemort are still evenly matched. With a little carelessness, George can defeat him immediately."

Of course they would not expect that the rooster crowing could easily kill Voldemort. George wouldn't fight so hard if he could. He had chased Voldemort with a few roosters early in the morning.

Voldemort would not be so stupid, he could not sit back and watch such a fatal flaw. But even so, this approach still has great possibilities. Listening to Voldemort's tone, he was not resurrected soon, even if he wanted to make up for this defect, it would not be so easy.

And now, all they needed was to make Voldemort a flaw. This method seems to be able to help them.

Just do it, time is extremely anxious, and there is no room for delay.

The battle between the demon ape and the basilisk is still anxious. For such a monster of huge size, abundant magic power, and terrible vitality, their battle is a complete and protracted battle.

No one can easily beat the opponent, and no one has the means of a fatal blow. Their means are powerful enough and their destruction is fierce enough, but their defense and dodge are more flexible and ingenious.

These fighting monsters have a talent for fighting deep into their bones, and all deadly attacks have been flashed through. Ordinary attacks can only cause slight damage to them, and their vitality and healing ability are so powerful.

The devil ape swung the giant stick, and the basilisk hit the hedge again, followed by a series of collisions, the giant stick chased the basilisk closely, and bombed the basilisk like a bomb.

The battle at this time was not as dangerous as Harry and Hermione thought, and even reluctantly, George had the upper hand at this time.

His Animagus metamorphosis is the balance of the four major categories, and his prototype is the ultimate in the balance category, most similar to the ancient giant ape in human form.

Due to the lack of magic power, he cannot directly transform into a magical creature. However, after many experiments and explorations, the power of Animagus' deformation is also satisfactory.

The balance system is a very special system in the transformation of Animagus The defense of the balance system is not as good as guarding, the speed is not as fast, and the battle is not as good as wild. But this does not mean that the balance system has no advantages. Just like its name, the meaning and essence of the balance system lies in balance.

For George, this is the department that can best use his strengths. On the one hand, balance can be mediocre who is not proficient in everything. But to put it another way, balance can also be perfection without weakness.

Compared with the special advantages of a certain side, George is more interested in the panacea, and there is no short-board balance.

In the balance department, he deliberately chose the ultimate balance for himself. He used ancient materials and his own fantasy, and used the image of the ancient great ape as his transformation of Animagus.

This special form can maximize his comprehensive and balanced advantages, and can more freely respond to all changes.

In today's battle, the advantages of this form have also been brought into full play.

Voldemort's demon basilisk can be counted as one of the most powerful magical creatures in the magic world, especially the death gaze of mass destruction, killing is as easy as breathing.

In the face of such a terrifying monster, George's magic ape not only failed to defeat, but even firmly gained the upper hand. Relying on the lack of short-board balance of the Devil Ape, he can more fully display his advantages.

The devil's basilisk is strong, but it belongs to the body of a snake after all. Even if the snake is an extremely perfect killing machine evolved in nature, it is only a link in the food chain after all, and it has its own shortcomings.

For the ferocious beasts of nature, their opponents, their prey objects, after all, are only beasts weaker than their own. No matter how terrible beasts are, their wisdom is limited and their means are limited.

(To be continued.)