Chapter 76: Salvaging metals

Name:Harry Potter: The Ring Maker Author:
Chapter 76: Salvaging metals

"Oh?" Nick said pleasantly surprised to notice that the furnace came preloaded with dragon flame on the dial. "Something wrong mate?" one of the twins asked nervously after hearing him. Nick laughed "No , quite the opposite in fact. Whoever you got this from has done you a favor and loaded an additional flame type to it for free." he explained with a wide smile. the twins perked up "Really? which kind?" one of the asked curiously. "Nothing crazy mind you , just dragon fire but it was still nice of them." Nick said honestly.-

"Guess we should send them a thank you letter then." the other twin said with a smile. Nick finished his check on the furnace and nodded with a satisfied expression before lifting the heavy thing with the levitation charm. "I'll take this to my workshop to get it set up , feel free to join me if you'd like." he said giving everyone in the common room an open invitation. more than a few people shuffled behind him as he hauled the furnace to his room and unlocked the door with his key and entered. It was funny how many of these people stopped in surprise at all the tools laid out on the ground and the anvil in the center of the room.-

"Didn't you just get this room yesterday?" Seamus asked confused. Nick set the furnace down at the far wall of the room. "Yeah , why?" he asked not understand the problem. "But how do you already have so many tools then?" the boy asked seriously. Nick finally understood what was causing the confusion "I already had all these tools but until I had this room they were in storage." he explained calmly. Seamus seemed to understand after that and remained quiet as he curiously checked out the tools with the others.-

When six finally came around Nick shut off the furnace and wiped his brow to clear away some of the sweat that had gathered there. Unlike a normal flame this furnace was set at an extremely high temperature this entire time to expedite the process. With a wave of his wand all the sweat and metal shards gathered off of him and were then banished. "I am surprised you two stuck around for so long." he told the twins honestly. ""Seemed like something worth knowing is all."" they said at the same time with grins.


my patrons can read at least five chapters ahead along with using the site as a way to directly contact myself rather than needing to hope i respond to your comments.

pa /pa treon_loskro