Chapter 117: Politics
He left his newly formed mindscape in a daze and needed a few moments to sort of reboot mentally (ironic) and check the time. Ten minutes till six which meant that it was time to head over to the great hall for dinner. It should be noted that ever since the dinner where Dumbledore had announced the escape of Grindelwald the man in question had simply not shown up at all anywhere for some reason. It made the entire wizarding world nervous as they all assumed that he had some horrible plan in mind and was waiting for the perfect moment to spring it.- The initial instance of this chapter being available happened at N0v3l.Bin.
Nick had a different theory however that the old dark lord was focusing on restoring his previous power after having been stagnant for the last fifty years. This was what Nick would do in that same position as it would be rather foolish to make a spectacle when weak. This actually reminded Nick of a rather large headache he had been putting off since his bloodline was revealed. He had gotten no less then twenty marriage proposals from various pureblood families that he had been ignoring. He barely understood the politics behind the things and as a result hadn't sent any reply's at all.-
The most awkward one however belonged to none other than house Greengrass and basically all but offered him the world in exchange for marrying into that family. Daphne insisted that it wasn't her idea and he believed her due to how horrified she looked when he showed her. Marriage between friends wasn't uncommon but the fact was that neither of them was actually interested in the other party in that regard. Though that may be more to do with them being eleven than anything else.-
Nick actually laughed at this as it fit with the friendly and caring image of the Hufflepuff house he was familiar with. He could only sigh at all this however as he was at the center of this massive political shitstorm. His every move was measured and careful so he didn't accidentally become a social pariah for seemingly no reason. The fame hadn't been all political bad news however as he actually had enough sway to blow the direction of the wizarding world ever so slightly , an example of this was how his retaliation against Dumbledore had cost the man one of his titles and a good chunk of political pull along with it since what he did while not illegal was very much frowned upon.
my patrons can read at least twelve chapters ahead along with using the site as a way to directly contact myself rather than needing to hope i respond to your comments.
pa /pa treon_loskro