Chapter 196: Seram

Name:Harry Potter: The Ring Maker Author:
Chapter 196: Seram

They didn't get very far before they came across their first magical beast as they cleared the path. It was a large rodent covered in brown and tan feathers that was spooked when it saw them and ran away. "Please tell me your mother didn't have a breeding pair of those a thousand years ago." Nick said pleadingly and Helena looked away awkwardly. "At least they are fairly harmless normally." Helena said reassuringly. Nick didn't not feel very reassured though since that was a colo colo or a Chilean feathered rat. They had a bad habit of draining energy from people making them more and more tired over time if not gotten rid of.-

While not explicitly dangerous that only applies when they are alone as once more than a certain number of the things drained energy from someone in their sleep they may get exhausted to death and like most rats they reproduced very fast. A thousand years was a long time for rats to be left undisturbed on an island so there was no telling how many of the things there were. "Why in merlin's name would you mom think keeping colo colo was a good idea?" Nick asked seriously.-

Helena looked embarrassed "That's kind of my fault." she murmured under her breath but Nick still heard her thanks to his elvish hearing that was more sensitive than a humans. "Yeah , I think I have a pretty good idea what happened now." he said with a teasing grin. "I was a young ignorant girl at one point I'll have you know!" Helena said defensively. "sure sure , but feathered rats? Not even I could have ever imagined you'd find such things cute." Nick teased his long dead relative mercilessly while Olivander watched with an amused expression.- This chapter made its debut appearance via N0v3lB1n.

Helena looked mortified after hearing this "I'm so sorry for never coming but I was rather lost for this whole time." she said fading into her ghostly form. The manticore looked surprised "So you truly have died." it said with a sigh. "After so long I had assumed as such but never did I think you would be a ghost. It seems we both have regrets that force us to linger in this world." Seram said sadly before turning serious and staring at Nick and Olivander with a threatening look.


my patrons can read at least twelve chapters ahead along with using the site as a way to directly contact myself rather than needing to hope i respond to your comments.

pa /pa treon_loskro