Chapter 302: New crafting style

Name:Harry Potter: The Ring Maker Author:
Chapter 302: New crafting style

Still after actually verifying that he had in fact been dropped off by Dumbledore she was more than happy to take his business. Nazgul was also fawned over by the older witch who simply couldn't get over how cute she was. This was nothing new for the spoiled creature as she got similar attention from the females in the school as well. Colin Creevey had made a small fortune after taking a photo of her and then getting several dozen moving copies made that he sold at six knuts a pop.-

Once Nick felt he had done everything he wanted to in Hogsmeade he pulled out his broom from his ring realm before flying rapidly and freely into the sky. He of course disillusioned himself since he didn't want to deal with the questions about why he got out of a days worth of classes without any of the teachers saying anything. Still that didn't mean he didn't enjoy the short flight over to the castle before landing in the courtyard stealthily. Carefully creeping into the castle Nick made his way over to the workshop since he still needed to avoid people for the rest of the day until dinner in four hours.-

Compared to the Celebrimbor style this one was far simpler and also less versatile as well. The way this style worked was that the crafter collected light(not really light though)from the sun , moon and stars before congealing it into a shape and function based on what the light was drawn from. Unlike the Celebrimbor style that was limited only by knowledge and personal energy stores this style could only ever utilize the light of a finite amount of stuff. while there are a lot of stars to be used it does still have a defined limit. -

Even more irritating was that Nick would have no idea what properties the light would have until after he spent the time to collect some of it. This wasn't a short process either as it required him to attune his spirit to the specific light he was after , then force it from the air into solid form which required serious effort. The easiest part of this style was the actual crafting as all he needed to do was force the light he collected together with the given method and it did the rest on it's own.-

There was an upside to this style of crafting however that was great , it allowed him to create objects far beyond his regular level of power. So long as he collected enough light he could theoretically congeal a legendary grade object on his first attempt. He wouldn't attempt it however since unlike with the Celebrimbor style this inheritance was lacking in a whole hell of a lot of details. 'Most likely the person who made it only wanted the inheritor to know the absolute basics so they needed to experiment with it to learn the advanced stuff.' Nick thought in irritation.