Chapter 466: Blitz techniques

Name:Harry Potter: The Ring Maker Author:
Chapter 466: Blitz techniques

Despite this it was only halfway through the first quarter of the game that Nick saw what the twins were bragging about. When the right attacker for the Krakens was making it within scoring distance of the Mermens goal the twins moved to tackle. Except when the Kraken went to breakthrough the twins they both grinned and did something awesome. One of them flipped onto their back with their arms open to anchor themselves in place while the other placed their feet on the bottom of their brothers feet. Both then crouched and then sprang to full length in perfect synchrony launching one of them at very fast speeds into the Kraken.-Witness the debut of this chapter, unveiled through Ñôv€l--B1n.

Nick was impressed since while it was theoretically possible it required perfect timing between both parties or the forces would clash rather than blend. This maneuver was dubbed the "Weasley bolt" by Lee Jordan and Nick had to agree that it fit. It was clearly thought up by the twins to take advantage of their own synchronicity with each other. For anyone not so in sync with their partner this technique would take a large amount of effort to learn much less use in a match.-

A warm orange glowing mist flowed from the tip of his wand and washed over them causing them to sigh in relief as the pain in their bodies melted away somewhat. ""Now that's some good stuff!"" they exclaimed at the same time. "I merely repaired the damage to your muscles at a surface level so that you'd both stop limping so much , it was distracting." Nick said honestly. Slytherin was thorough in his research and experiments if nothing else and thus had a fix for all manner of injuries including overexertion like what the twins were experiencing.-

"Medi-spells Nick , branching out are we?" Fred asked with a grin. "Not that we're complaining mind you , just surprised to see it is all." George said honestly. "Knowledge is power and you never know when it might come in handy. Besides those potions that madam Pomphrey gives taste terrible anyways." Nick joked and the twins shuddered and nodded ""On that we can agree!"" they said at the same time. The twins had a bad habit of getting injured or hexed in some manner due to their experiments in making prank items that as a result landed them in Madam Pomphrey's care.-

The woman had her own form of punishment for unnecessary injuries in the form of all of the potions she received from Snape being modified to have unpleasant tastes. It was a simple matter to do it and the potion master got amusement out of it to a degree as well. He even went so far as to make special variants of the potions for the twins that were worse than usual. To be fair though the twins regularly make nuisances of themselves and getting on his nerves with the similarity to the marauders they had.