Chapter 524: Arrival of the schools

Name:Harry Potter: The Ring Maker Author:
Chapter 524: Arrival of the schools

There was a bit of complaining about having to stand in the cold for about thirty minutes before Dumbledore announced Beauxbatons arrival. The entire student population minus Nick and the few who genuinely didn't care scrambled to see where the other school was arriving from. Someone eventually pointed out the rapidly approaching large object flying over the forbidden forest which had people guess all manner of insane or stupid things that it could be like dragons or brooms. Anyone with semi decent eyesight could tell that it didn't have a single pair of wide wings or gaps that those things would have.-

When it got much closer everyone was left silent as it became clear that it was a house sized carriage being pulled by half a dozen huge golden horses with large avian wings and red eyes. Abraxan horses which were one of the few species of magical horse that bore the lineage of the extinct Pegasus. They were temperamental and difficult to handle but easily one of the most beautiful species of magical horse in the world. There was a bit of a panic when it looked like the carriage was going to crash into them but it didn't happen so things calmed down after it landed.-

"So it's true that you've joined Dumbledores level of power then." She said with a sigh as she unconsciously slipped back into her native French. Nick smiled and nodded " I was luckier than most and had the opportunity. Ah! Before I forget thank you for the coat you sent me , It is my favorite." he said in French as well. "I am pleased to see that it suits you." She said with a wide smile. " 'as Karkaroff arrived yet?" She then asked Dumbledore in her heavily accented english.-

"Not yet but I imagine it should not be overly long now." The old goat said honestly. "Very well then , we shall wait as I am quite curious about this welcome you 'ave planned." She said casually. A few students from her school looked reluctant to just stand around like that but chose to do so anyways after their peers gave them scolding looks. There were two students though that looked VERY uncomfortable at the moment and had trouble looking away from Nick. These two were of course Fleur and Gabriel Delacour that were being affected by Nicks avian dominion.-

Luckily for them there came a few strange sounds that no one could figure out the origin of until someone pointed out the disturbances in the black lakes water. Soon a huge whirlpool formed as though a plug had been pulled from a bath tub and from it rose a skeletal looking ship with eerie glowing port lights and no sails yet had masts. The water settled and the ship glided over to the shore where it anchored and dropped a long plank to the dry land. From the ship disembarked a long line of heavily furred people that marched up the grounds to where everyone was waiting.