Chapter 585: Tier five

Name:Harry Potter: The Ring Maker Author:
Chapter 585: Tier five

"Your mind will grow much more efficient after reaching tier six so what i did is not considered impressive by most standards." the goddess said with a shake of her head to disagree with the alchemists praise. "Ah I see , at least I now have something to look forward to when I reach that point." Flammel said showcasing his adaptability to a rapidly changing scenario. The man went on to ask Hephaestus a great many questions to sate his curiosity before finally leaving. She humored him as she could tell that Nick held a great deal of respect for him but otherwise didn't really care for the interaction.-

Time passed after that and soon two months came and went with a few things happening in between them. The first was that Harry and Ginny officially started dating which everyone who knew them thought it was about time. After the ball last year those two had been awkwardly dancing about the topic unwilling to be the first to make a move on the other. Another thing that happened was that a civil war had broken out between the muggles and wizards of America after the tension between both sides was finally ignited after the muggle hate group known as the ku Klux Klan killed a group of mediwitches that came to a town to render aid.-

The man didn't complain about it though as he actually considered it a blessing instead as life and death magics were horribly difficult to grasp without an affinity for them which he now had. One might consider life magic to be the same as medical magic but that was quite far from the truth. While healing was a property of life magic it was only as small part of it much like living itself. Healing , ageing , growth , wisdom and experience were all concepts held within the domain of life making it a deep and broad topic. Nick himself likely would have gained the domain had he not cast off his mortality before undergoing the Animagus ritual.-

Still Dumbledore returning to his prime was a widely celebrated subject in the isles amongst the wizards there and even the muggles who needed to be filled in on why it was such a big deal got in on it. There was a slight problem in the form of the magical beast version of the ritual now being made public knowledge as Dumbledore needed to explain how he suddenly got decades younger. The man of course asked Nick for permission first as per the deal they made so long ago.-

Finally at the end of November Nick managed to cross over into tier five himself. It had taken him quite the effort but he had finally transformed the tiniest grain of his mana into his domains energy and stepped forward into tier five. The process became mostly automated after that as more and more of his mana got "corrupted" by the part that had been converted. The single grain became two and that two became four and so on at a steady rate as more and more of his mana began to get transformed.