Chapter 599: Zanpakuto revolution

Name:Harry Potter: The Ring Maker Author:
Chapter 599: Zanpakuto revolution

Not that he could be blamed considering that besides adjusting the recipes slightly to accommodate the slime instead of the normal ingredients the end result was the same as normal. For a potioneer like Snape this ability was the stuff of wet dreams as it meant damn near endless ingredients for no price at all really. The guy with the ability knew better than to leave Nicks city though as it was the front runner of pioneering and advancement in the world so leaving would be downright stupid.-

Hell these Zanpakuto that Nick had introduced had revolutionized the whole city almost overnight once more and more people with Shikais started popping up. Food? Plant growth Zanpakuto. water? Rain , river , ice or even cloud creating Zanpakutos. Everything a growing country could possibly need was available for cheap thanks to the inclusion of Zanpakutos. The best part was that thanks to these things that worked for muggles without any issue the gaps between the two sides were starting to close as the muggles were slowly getting over their jealousy of not having magic themselves. It wasn't all good times though as like in all cases when someone is given more power than they know what to do with it went to a few of their heads.-

Unfortunately Zanpakuto spirits were tied to their owners so upon death the Zanpakuto will begin to decay and die just as it's owner did. This process can be slowed through various methods but never stopped. Nobody knew how exactly but after that spirit killed it's owner Nick took it away and when it returned it was no longer a Zanpakuto spirit but a true flesh and blood living being. Nick and those close to him knew what had happened however as he had chosen to give that spirit the option of being reborn as a daedra bound to the realm forevermore.-

This was always an option even with ghosts like Helena but Nick had never offered it to them lightly as it meant they would never truly be free. Being tied to his realm meant they could not escape him and were subject to his will at any given moment for eternity. In many ways it could be considered a fate worse than death or being a ghost like Helena. It was for this reason that she had not accepted it even when he offered it to her.-

Nick considered this to be a last resort type thing such as the case with the Zanpakuto spirit or Celebrimbor where it was quite literally their only option for living. An interesting thing Nick discovered however was that becoming a daedra did not strip the Zanpakuto spirit of it's own abilities but rather seemed to turn them into bloodline abilities for it. This was quite fascinating as far as Nick was concerned as the abilities weren't a part of their body originally but from their soul so the change from metaphysical to physical was VERY big.