Chapter 299: Play Hufflepuff (modified)

"Allen!" After the surprise, Owen, who was sitting in the library room, suddenly stopped talking after greeting his younger son.

"Dad, what's wrong?" Allen asked in confusion.

"In Hogwarts, phantom dislocations are prohibited. So can we only use this tower when you are on holiday?" Owen spoke out his worries in doubt.

This is definitely not Irving? Harris' greed is at work.

Since Allen was open and honest in Aunt Josephine ’s manor, Irving, who has experienced the dark age, has been committed to improving his position in the Ministry of Magic and enhancing the strength of his family.

He was totally unacceptable and any of his family members were hurt.

"This is the case. You activated the omniscience mark, and you entered the space where the tower is located. When you go out, it will appear where you first entered. Therefore, you will not be restricted by Hogwarts' magic." Understand In response to his father's concerns, Allen quickly explained.

Owen's frowned eyebrows spread out.

"In these books, I suggest that you first learn the ancient super-magic skills left by Ravenclaw. They can help us quickly improve our combat effectiveness." Allen suggested to his father, then he pointed to the specially developed black magic. The space of the books warns in a positive way, "In addition, there are a lot of black magic books here. Everyone must pay special attention when reading, researching, and practicing. Some of them may hurt people, but I There is no way to remove this kind of harm, or even the books themselves will be damaged, so I suggest that you should be accompanied when reading unfamiliar black magic books. "

No one will ignore Allen's words.

After bringing a lot of benefits to his family, his position in the family increased day by day, and he gradually took control.

Knowing that the Harris family, who could enter this magical tower arbitrarily, had left all their worries behind.

They are diligently studying and exploring in the tower ...

Until Morgan Le Fay could not help but dragged the little girl Emily who was jumping around back to the bed, and then came over aggressively to urge, everyone guessed and left the tower reluctantly.

"Do you want to take all leave tomorrow?" Morgan Le Fay knew that if these guys didn't show their attitude, these guys might stay here overnight.

"Alan, hurry up and rest. Tomorrow you will have to rush back to Hogwarts! Don't be discovered by the professors that you violated the curfew." Morgan Le Fay turned his head. Although it was still the same order, it was against Ai Lun's tone was kinder than before.

Before going back to his bedroom, Alan suddenly remembered something and quickly stopped his father Owen.

"Dad, after some time is the last Quidditch in our college. Ravenclaw will play Hufflepuff. I hope you can arrange the reporter of" Singing the Contrary "to the school to interview this competition." Ai Lun Dao.

"No problem, I will arrange it properly." Mr. Harris was stunned for a while, but soon, he thought of the news he had learned-the head coach of the British Quidditch team Geraldine Malthus was looking around for the right. 'S candidate as a golfer.

Owen looked at the black mist remaining after the younger son's phantom shift, and smiled with some relief. Obviously, he was very satisfied with the younger son who always felt that he was too keen on specialized knowledge to actively plan such things. The family's It is not enough for an heir to be erudite and pursue personal strength.

After returning to school, Alan has a very fulfilling life. In addition to his busy study life, he can meet his family in the tower at night.

It is Quidditch training every day that occupies most of his energy.

This is Roger ’s last game before graduation. Even if Quidditch ’s overall standings are already doomed to win the championship, he has almost invested 200% of the energy-this Ravenclaw ’s Captain Quidditch wants to complete his final battle with a victory record.

Everyone can see that Roger is determined to get this.

He discussed tactics endlessly, as if he would never tire of organizing training.

Because Ravenclaw's game against Hufflepuff will be held on the first Saturday after Easter.

The time is already very tight. Ravenclaw's new hitter Michael Kona is extremely enthusiastic in training and strives to integrate into the team and learn various tactics.

Everyone is interested in this upcoming game.

The most heard by Allen is, "Will Allen use firebolts?"

This sentence is not only from the worried Hufflepuff, even Gryffindor and Slytherin, can not help but discuss.

For Gryffindor, they admired Allen's fairness and justice, but after learning that Harry also got a fire crossbow, they hoped that Allen would use fire crossbow in the game.

Most of the Slytherins do not believe that Allen will give up the use of fire arrows, and winning is the most important thing. It is difficult for them to understand this behavior.

Allen ignored the rumours outside. For him, it was the right thing to improve his strength every minute.

Easter holiday is not easy. The third grader has never done so many homework.

"It's also called a festival!" One afternoon, Ravenclaw's new batter Michael Kona yelled in the common room. "It's still far from the exam. What are they doing?"

For Ravenclaw's honor, he had to struggle with heavy homework and training, and had to deal with some emotional entanglements-after the popular Michael Kona among the girls became a batter More popular.

If it weren't for Allen's help, he might not be able to support it very early.

The days passed by in a hurry, as if in a blink of an eye, it was the day of the last game.

On the day of the game, Allen received a warm applause when he walked into the field with the same light wheel 2001 as his teammates.

Almost all the students stood up to pay tribute to him.

No matter what speculation they had before, when they witnessed Allen give up the firebolt and chose a fair and fair game, they could not help but feel the admiration for Allen from the heart.

Even Slytherin stood up and cheered Allen.

Their views are not the same as those of other colleges. In the eyes of Slytherins, Allen must have absolute confidence in his own strength ~ ~ Only dare to participate in the competition in this way.

In fact, they are all right.

For Allen, he wants to ensure the fairness and justice of the game. Everyone can compete with each other to win the attention of the national team coach.

At the same time, he also has absolute confidence in his flying skills. In addition to the physical growth, the attribute pharmacy he has taken before has gradually manifested in the attribute growth of perception and keenness.

"The two captains shake hands!" Ms. Huo Qi said.

Roger and Cedric shake hands. Although they seem to be peaceful, they both show their infinite desire for victory in their eyes.

"Mount a flying broom!" Said Ms. Huo Qi, "three ... two ... one ..."

Her whistle was overwhelmed by the applause of the audience, and fourteen broomsticks rose to the sky.

Allen felt the hair on his forehead flutter back, and he began to get excited.

He looked around, looking for traces of golden thieves.

Suddenly, Allen froze for a moment. He couldn't believe his luck!

Golden Snitch! Just at the top of the Ravenclaw Grandstand.

Although there is some distance, he can certainly catch it.

But if this is the case-

Allen glanced quietly at the strange man with black-framed glasses sitting in the stands beside Professor Flitwick.

He brought a camera, a pen in his hand, and a notebook lying flat on his knees.

Obviously, this is a reporter contacted by Mr. Harris.

It would be a waste if the game ended so plainly!

"Hey, Cedric!" Allen shouted suddenly.

This call attracted the attention of the audience.

Allen held out a finger and pointed in the direction of the golden snitch, "It's mine!"