Chapter 668: Luna is dead (sincerely thank the leader Bai Yangda)

Allen looked up suspiciously, his expression on his face suddenly changed suddenly, he took a step back, the muscles on his face twitched, and his throat moved, but there was no sound. He felt cold all over, cold. Feeling constantly sinking, especially his heart, the cold stinging caused his body to cramp.

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes to run the occluder with full force, and then opened it again. The scene in front of him remained unchanged. It was not a illusion that happened in front of him.

He preferred to be cursed rather than to see the sight in front of him. He looked up. He raised his head and wanted to cry, his lips trembling a few times, but silently. Grief is like tide, washing every inch of his skin, every inch of his soul ...

Luna Lovegood appeared in the night, her white robe skirt fluttering gently as she seemed to have no weight; long light blonde hair scattered randomly behind her, accompanied by She moved up and down. The white face seemed to be covered with a layer of blue and silver yarn, and it was the crown of radiant light above her head that caused this effect. In this dark, Luna became the most shining light source.

It's just that the fiery blue starlight hasn't cast even a faint shadow on the ground, Mad Girl-is no longer a living person ...

Realizing that the previous efforts in the long time conversion have been in vain, his action is still too late, and Allen is full of himself if he touches the ring directly instead of looking for a Muggle to try it first. Thoughts such as regret and suffocation engulfed him.

Alan couldn't help but cough, and then took another greedy breath, which made the wizard's body crumbling. He seemed to have tried his best, raised a hand, pinched his arm, and then made a complete sound Not like the strange cry of his usual voice.

Luna, who is now in front of Allen ’s eyes, is neither a ghost nor a living person with blood and flesh. She is more like the Riddle who escaped from the diary a long time ago, that is, almost like a memory that has become a physical entity. She is not like a living person. The body was so real, but much more real than the ghost. She walked towards Allen, with a familiar trance smile on her face, and the light silver raised eyes widened.

Her eyes glanced over the crystal ball at the bottom of Allen's staff, seeing the full soul energy inside, her chin spotted slightly invisible, and the shoulders she had lifted up were relaxed.

"Alan." Luna called Alan's name easily, but Alan, who was immersed in grief, heard her call and saw her relaxed and careless look, and she looked even more sad. His lips trembled slightly, trying to respond to Luna's call, only to find that he couldn't make any sound, and all his words choked in his throat.

Luna ’s silver-gray eyes flashed, and a chanting mantra sounded vainly in the air: “Father ’s bones, unintentionally donated, can make your child reborn.”

Allen's expression froze. He seemed to forget his breath. He was uncertain and looked at Luna with a trace of expectation. "The servant's meat, donated voluntarily, can regenerate your master."

Allen straightened his spine, and Luna ’s voice confirmed his conjecture. He listened to him like a natural sound, "The soul of the enemy, forced to donate, will revive your enemy."

"Luna, do you mean these Muggle souls? Do you mean that you can be resurrected like a mysterious person in this state now?" Alan felt a little puzzled. Luna might have expected this to happen before. The situation, "When Voldemort was resurrected, he used the blood of Harry who was marked as an enemy by himself."

"Do n’t worry, the resurrection stones have made me more real than ghosts, and the effect of these souls is better than blood, which can make me substantive to meet the conditions of using this magic ritual, and I use their souls, Naturally became their enemy. "Luna explained, her light silver eyes blinked, and said," A third of the soul and a small finger bone are enough. In addition, my family is my The bust is smashed and the contents are added. "

"Unfortunately Helena can't ..." Allen knew that his father's bones need to be donated unintentionally and could be solved by casting a forgetful spell on himself, but the daughter who had chosen to become the ghost's resurrection stone could not work on her.

Luna nodded calmly and determined: "If she didn't choose to become a ghost, she would have been absorbed by death for a long time-two thirds of the soul should not be wasted, we can try to see if we can She can't be given the ability to resemble a Pippi ghost, at least she can touch things. "

Now that Luna and Helena have both solutions and alternatives, things are much simpler-Alan habitually wants to reach out and want to hold Luna, but wears it from Luna's body empty In the past.

"The next time I meet, I will hug you." Allen finished moving his outstretched arm, picked up the Muggle on the ground and shrugged to make a sound and sounded, and disappeared instantly. Where he was first discovered, a forgetting spell was cast in the other party's frightened expression.

Later, Alex Clarkell completely "woke up" and saw that he was here, looked at the sky, his face was blank, completely confused, and finally the pain from his arm to half of his body made him scream With a cry, "I was struck by lightning!" He ran down the street to the local hospital.

And when the unlucky Muggle found some Medieval gold coins in his pocket inexplicably in the hospital, the night breeze in the village of Otri? San Cachibo was blowing vigorously, flapping Allen ’s hair and robe, Allen Watching the eccentric and overhanging house of the Goodlov family stand in the moonlight, like a huge black cylinder, with a ghostly moon hanging behind it-after solving the hapless fat Muggle, Allen He teleported to Luna's house.

The door of the courtyard was creaked open by Allen. He walked along the winding path. Some of the probes reached the fruit on the path and was flattened by the heartless Allen. Allen grabbed the eagle-shaped knocker and knocked three times on the thick black door. His hand knocked on the round iron nail embedded in the door, but he didn't care.

In less than 10 seconds, the door opened, and Mr. Xenophilius Lovegood stood wearing the bright silver wizard robe he would wear when hosting the show, with long, long hair tied Behind his head, he wore a light yellow sorcerer hat, and he was very neatly dressed. In the case of big news tonight, he is ready to send, waiting for the Ministry of Magic news to be ready to return to the TV station to work overtime at any time.

"What? What's the matter? Who are you? What are you going to do at this night?" Lovegood looked at the uninvited visitor in the middle of the night with a suspicious look.

"It's me, Allen, Mr. Lovegood." Allen replied, pulling his hood down and showing his face.

Lovegood rubbed his eyes and glanced over Alan's pale cheeks and silver hair to make sure they weren't due to moonlight, and looked around with doubt for a while before Alan recognized it.

"Oh Merlin's beard, it seems that the mysterious person was defeated by you, but what you look like ... caused by the mysterious person's magic? Have you seen it with a therapist?" He said in a sharp voice, his mouth opened. In a round and ridiculous o-shape, he quickly turned around and looked at Allen's head. He doubtfully asked the doubt in his heart, "But you seem to grow taller?"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Lovegood, I'm fine." Allen was a little embarrassed about what he could do with his father-in-law, but he didn't intend to donate this ritual request and he couldn't elaborate.

Xenophilius nodded at ease, which caused his soft hair to curl up and down, and then he realized that something was wrong and asked, "You came here so late ..."

"To take the liberty to disturb, I'll help Luna get something." Allen bowed to salute, Xenophilius did not see the full apology in the eyes of Allen who bowed.

"Aust ~ ~ Come in." Xenofilius opened his body sideways, leaving the doorway, and let Alan walk into the room.

Allen stepped directly on the cast-iron spiral staircase in the middle of the room, and went upstairs. Xenophilius followed behind Allen, confused. Allen went straight to the messy curved cabinet next to the corner of the Goodlov family, which was turned into a corner snoring horn. It was actually a B-level dangerous trade product. The poisonous horn of the poison horn was Ravenclaw ’s bust. There.

"This Ravenclaw statue was picked up by Luna when he said it was in the Forbidden Forest. Speaking of which, I also liked to finish in the Forbidden Forest when I was studying. I think it was with Hogwarts ... Ah!" Ferius screamed suddenly, and the statue in front of him was suddenly torn apart, and a raven-shaped pendant was picked up by Allen in his hand.

The orange-red radish inserted in the statue's headdress flew directly to Xenophilius's hat. "Well, Luna never said there was still something hidden inside." Xenophilius's eyes turned to The pendant in Allen's hand, "This is ... blood oath? You and Luna? When did you make a blood oath with my daughter ?!"

Alan, who was even more embarrassed by Xenophilius ’s three questions, did n’t answer. This made him say that he could n’t tell him and his daughter that they already had a daughter older than him. He Has become a grandfather ...