Chapter 1156: ?? British wizards first

"The Ministry of Magic has always understood the current dilemma of the British wizarding community, that is, facing the chain reaction caused by the increasing lack of imported raw materials... The reason why we did not respond to everyone's demands before is because we are doing our best to find ways. Focus on solving this problem first... and now we have found..." Irving waved.

The minister of Magic’s staff, John Barça took out a water pipe that he had already prepared, and the mist sprayed from his mouth, the illusion formed spread out in the air, and a huge world map was clearly projected in the air. At the scene, some uncompressed wizards asked in a low voice to the wizards around him: "Why does Harris show us the map of the world? Are they planning to go to war?"

The illusion then changed. Owen waved his magic wand at some places on this huge world map, marking a triangle in blue. "In the long history of these areas, either because they are located at the junction of the magical world of other countries, the land is still remote, and the magical world of these countries has given up the jurisdictional claim over these areas due to neighboring relations or difficulty in development... In the past, Voldemort hid in the uncontrolled forest in Albania, or like Delia Island in the northernmost part of Scotland, because there are five-legged monsters at the level of XXXXX who like to eat people and have reddish brown hair on their bodies and legs. The island has not been marked on the map, and we have not dispatched personnel to manage it..." Irving said with a smile, "but according to our investigation, these areas exist, some of the raw materials we currently lack... Although these are still in a completely undeveloped state and cannot completely solve all our problems, we in the UK are still capable of solving these problems to help us delay our current urgent needs."

The remarks made by the British Minister of Magic caused some sensation. Although many wizards did not realize what they were going to do, some of their brains turned quickly and felt proud or panicked. Also following the ministries behind the Minister of Magic, Sirius, who was listening to Owen’s speech, suddenly realized this. He whispered to the female boss beside him, “Josephine, you asked me to give the information to Alan. Is it for this?"

"Call me Director Harris!" Aunty straightened her sun hat angrily, "Shut up!"

"Many people are curious about why Hogwarts suddenly started and where to move?" Irving smiled confidently. "The British Ministry of Magic is currently negotiating with Hogwarts and the umbrella. Now the British Ministry of Magic will authorize the umbrella company to The above-mentioned places where no one manages the development, since other countries cannot manage it, let's take care of it.

Seeing that the Ministry of Magic has given practical methods to solve the problem, it is estimated that the lack of raw materials should be resolved. Some workshop owners who are facing the shutdown look a lot lighter. They think that although the materials in these places will not be collected immediately, it may not be. I can fully find all the resources I need, but compared with the kind of despair I was in the past, it is clear that there is finally hope of salvation—the only risk is the attitude of other countries, and the British Ministry of Magic can do this. How determined to make them, and at least Harris's style reassured them.

"Damn it! This is completely messy! These places are not controlled but these places are even surrounded by other countries!" Hidden among the protesters, Burst could not help but jump out to object, "You are Do you want Britain to rob other countries?!!!"

"Mr. Bursted, as I just explained at the beginning, I have to remind you that these places we choose now are all unmanned areas. Since they can't manage them, let us have the ability to govern... this It can also help comply with the "Confidentiality Act", because Muggles strayed into and disappeared from time to time in these places that attracted the attention of Muggles..." Irving retracted his wand, straightened his back, and his voice was determined and powerful, "And to be honest, if Some thieves stole your things, some robbers robbed your goods, and you took your own things back. So, are you a thief?"

There were already quite a few more radical wizards in the audience, and they began to applaud enthusiastically under the British style of tough and problem-solving methods. A few wizards who participated in the protest before threw those slogans and protest signs aside.

Hearing that the floating city was moved to solve the problem of raw materials, the workshop owners who needed raw materials immediately cheered: The female owner wearing thick black-rimmed glasses at the Diagon Alley Pet Shop Magic Zoo couldn’t help but happily move her The wizard hugged a full embrace. The most indispensable thing in these primitive uncontrolled areas is the wild magical animals; some pure-blood workshop owners who originally only wanted to do business quietly have some personality, and even took out Weasley. Swish the fireworks and set off to celebrate.

Alfred Crawford, the housekeeper of the Bock family, took off his jacket a little irritably, and said to Bosd next to him: "This kind of forced possession farce will escalate the already tense world situation again! These countries will be regarded as invasions and cause further conflicts, and even more dangerous is that they may push Britain to the brink of war! Do you want to risk our own fate with Britain?"

"You have to be clear about one thing, from the Bock family...Mr. Butler?" Owen bit the word "Housekeeper" very hard. "This incident is not the first incident we initiated in Britain. We in Britain are just walking on the magical mystery. We are at the forefront, and as we said before, we are still helping other countries maintain security and secrecy laws, as well as helping them develop magic technology..." Irving said grimly, "But how did they return us? Suddenly unite with some bandits and hope that we can give more? Trying to stop us from developing? But our current approach has been very restrained... I don’t have our people to forcefully open the blockade on us, although we have reason and strength. We did...for the sake of peace, we took a more secure approach and chose those neutral areas to be self-reliant...As for world tensions and their attitudes..." He nodded confidently, "I am the Minister of the British Ministry of Magic, and my responsibility is priority. Take care of our own wizarding needs. This is what British wizards expect from our magical government. This is the first and the first one... As for how other countries think about whether they will feel offended, you are the raw materials at the beginning of the embargo. What do the families who went out of business when there is enough think, I don’t care, I care... And now we are just under such unreasonable sanctions, from these unmanaged places, we take back what we need ourselves, and the legal principle is justified. …My policy is to give priority to British wizards. Do you think this is a problem? Mr. Bock’s housekeeper?"

The crowd burst into greater cheers and applause, and even many members of the Ministry of Magic behind Owen slapped the table. After the problem was solved, no matter whether the essence was justice or not, the wizards now need to make speeches to make them feel I am just now.

"British wizards first! Get back our own things!"

"Our current suffering is caused by these foreign countries!"

"And the traitors of those families!

The pure-blooded wizards such as Persd and Alfred looked around and saw the reactions of the wizards around them. They were worried and wanted to find a point where they could break the situation and fight back—if the British were so tough and found it now. Channels can get raw materials and materials that are not available in the UK. This is very likely to eventually completely resolve the crisis brought about by the embargo. Then the plans that their pure-blooded families discussed before for Harris are very likely Will be forced to abort.

"Minister Harris, simply relying on these undeveloped desolate places to survive the predicament is too presumptuous! The output of these regions is not enough to restore the production and operation of our entire magical world in Britain. …If these barren land is really rich in resources, we won’t wait for us to develop it now…” After Alfred wiped the sweat stains on his forehead, UU Read www. finally came up with a reason to directly stand up and question Owen, "What's more, the types of materials in these places should not be complete, and there are also a lot of materials that require wizards from other countries to use their unique techniques for the second. The second processing can be applied to our production. The embargo crisis we are facing cannot be completely eliminated.” The Bok’s housekeeper said more and more loudly, “If our wizards did not stop the loss in time, instead Investing in more production costs but the final resources cannot keep up, then the losses that these wizards will face will be more serious, Minister Harris, have you considered these issues?"

The enthusiasm that originally arose was like being thrown into cold water. The wizards didn't know how these places were produced. They were afraid that this was a promise from the Ministry of Magic.

Compared to the other party’s increasingly agitated tone, Irving’s voice was calm and calm: "You are right, as you said, the resources we have now found are indeed insufficient to meet the needs of the entire British magical world... Solve all the economic problems of our wizards..." Then the Minister of Magic smiled to the crowd, "But apart from this...we are not the only means...In addition to the problem of raw materials for magic products, we also have one A series of economic recovery plans are about to be implemented...For the specific situation, I think it would be better for Miss Hermione Granger, the president of the umbrella company, to explain in detail..."
