Chapter 1463: The history of the magic kingdom can't be long

‘…, I’mtrying, sohard, I’mtrying, sohard, I’mtrying, sohard, I’m…’

In the courtyard of Harris Manor on the island of Black Lake in the floating city of Hogwarts, Nifadora Tonks led a few people on the small stage at the same time holding the accordion and singing, the hair constantly changing color With the oil paint on her face representing the New Magic Kingdom, she is wearing a short dress and dancing while playing the violin and singing. The low voice and the sound of bells on the leather collar on her neck make her more than usual. It looks a lot more sexy.

After giving the child to his mother, Tonks’ husband was obviously playing crazy at this time. Because of the establishment of the Magic Kingdom and the official abolition of the Anti-Werewolf Act, he was playing the trumpet as a part of this temporary band— Although he is not good at or outgoing, but being a member of the predator, influenced by Sirius and James, he still knows how to do so.

At this time, Tonks’s cousin and Lupin’s friend Sirius were holding the Rickenbacker 4001 Beth borrowed from Penello with a very presence. He also stretched out to the bad species from time to time. Several Molotov cocktails on fire were thrown out of the audience and burst into flames.

This kind of distance is almost the same as Durmstrang’s heating flame curse, and it can’t really burn people, but it can drive the atmosphere. This also allows their unnamed band to get a Moloto from the audience. Molotov Jukebox (MolotovJukebox) as the name. (Author's note: This is the band of Tonks actor Natalia Tena. The name of the song above is trying. NetEase has audio and YouTube has a live version.)

However, this makes the tall woman on the drum set behind Sirius seem a little more embarrassed. Josephine is a little annoyed at this time and shouldn't agree to accompany them in this situation. The younger generation's eyes are usually used to it. As the director, she is not used to it.

However, this strange combination makes the band’s music difficult to describe in words, but the live performance is even better than that of the Skeleton Sisters, especially in today’s Harris Castle celebrating Ellen’s election to the newly established United Kingdom. The King’s party.

Friends and relatives close to Harris are invited to gather here: whether it is relatives such as the cousin of the Dracul family and the Veva, the henchmen of Harris headed by John Barça, Sirius, Lupin and Harry Ginny Ron and the others—Although it seems unorganized that people are scattered according to age and gender, this kind of gathering is less pretentious than usual. They just move freely in the castle and celebrate the kingdom in twos and threes. The establishment itself.

Just like Tonks, who is now like a rock singer, the new mother's liberation is because at this time the little babies are being carried by the witch wives in the living room of the castle. Many of these middle-aged and old witches are in their arms. Holding a pink child, her eyes are staring at Mr. Crevat and Renn who are explaining the new constitution on the TV. Mrs. Crevat is excited, and she presses the corner of her eye with her handkerchief from time to time. She was involved in the formulation of the law. He willingly gave up the opportunity to show his face to his husband.

The entertainment of the old wizards is obviously more traditional. Not far from the wives, the old men of Grindelwald gathered together and started playing cards. At this time, Owen, who had just returned, was caught by these uncles as soon as he showed up. They were surrounded, and congratulations continued all the way in.

"Owen, we old guys can go back to our ancestral home in our lifetime, and get back our ancestral title deeds, thanks to your family." Grimson laughed heartily, opened his arms and embraced Owen, loosening After driving, he patted Irving enthusiastically on the shoulder.

"Following in the footsteps of King Alan Harris, our United Kingdom will inevitably lead to prosperity that no one can resist. I have always told Draco that as long as he follows in the footsteps of Alan, the Malfoy family will not decline." Lu Xiu Si leaned slightly, he looked like the white peacock again, but he kept slapping Harris on his mouth.

The Malfoy family are happy these days that they have chosen to follow Harris to bet against. Harris' victory not only maintains the Malfoy family’s ruling class in the UK, but now it has further become the ruling class of the magic kingdom, but also as a welfare. After Harris shared part of the matter of raising the floating city fire dragon, they also made a lot of money from it. They have already regained a lot of the huge wealth that the Malfoy family spent in following the Dark Lord in the past few years.

"Owen, I'm so happy for you, you gave birth to a good son... Mr. Krivart can now confidently explain the Constitution Manual to wizards... Originally he was just a Muggle, but now he is not only a wizard, but also to promote a magical society. The rigor of the rule of law." Grindelwald looked at Owen with a pair of peculiar eyes without blinking at all, and his voice was full of emotion, "Allen used another smarter method to accomplish what I didn’t accomplish back then. thing…"

"That was when you didn't catch up before, your thinking was too advanced and not supported by the current technology..." Irving was still more polite to his father's old boss than to other people, but noticed that Grindelwald was alone. But he didn't see Dumbledore, who was almost inseparable from Grindelwald. After searching around, his brows frowned slightly, "Gellert, Albus didn't come here today? Isn't he... Is he interested in our actions? Unhappy?"

"Owen, don't worry about Albus, I will enlighten him..." Grindelwald touched the very delicate beard that he had repaired, "Just let these movements and the following actions be gained... really use a part. Resources are spent on dealing with death... I think Albus will be able to bear it..." With a charming smile, "Actually, he recently reduced going out and stayed at home to know, many people...especially Those foreigners want him to speak up on this matter... But this time about Flitwick, he himself felt that kind of power, so this is actually his change of direction to support our actions, and he gets a share of it. To be clear, to distinguish between what is more important and what is greater interest... But how is Ellen? I haven't seen him these days..."

Grindelwald now has a common interest with Allen and is on the united front with Harris, so he simply and bluntly explained to relieve Owen, and is similar to Flitwick’s view of Allen as a real disciple, although Grindelwald is not arrogant. To think that he is the teacher of the other side, but similar ideas and the situation that Allen is gradually realizing it, it is inevitable that this first-generation dark lord will also give birth to the other half of the heir and produce something for Allen not just for habitual charm. The kind of fine care in the true sense.

"I was a little annoyed for the first few days, but..." Irving looked around, shrugged and said relaxedly, "I found that I was worried that Ravenclaw was actually quite indifferent in this regard... Heartbroken playing with the little witches every day..."

"The influence of Felius in his heart will not dissipate so easily..." Grindelwald said and smiled relaxedly, "but our next action was originally a catharsis..."

Hearing this, the originally stagnant atmosphere relaxed again, and the wizards started a new round of congratulations around Owen. did not last for a few seconds.

"But in my opinion, the history of the United Magic Kingdom can't grow." John Barça said abruptly, shaking his short curly hair.

This time, the surrounding old men were shocked that they didn't know how to complete the field. Some people subconsciously stepped back two steps and got a little further away from Barcelona.

Grimson rubbed his red nose and looked at John. The scrutinizing eyes made him feel crazy or under the Imperius Curse, but Grindelwald stared at him and smiled.

"You guys, I understand that many Muggle kings in ancient times would ascend to the throne and proclaim the emperor after they had the title of king of the third kingdom." John Barca's tone was very calm, as if describing a set test Try, "So after the United Kingdom takes over the United States, President Alan Harris will have the titles of the three magic kingdoms of Britain, Germany, and the United States... Restoring the glory of the ancient magic empire is just around the corner."

Only then did the surrounding people understand what Barcelona meant, and felt that he was worthy of the fact that he was the minister's most important henchman and a legendary flattery. The surrounding old men also breathed a sigh of relief and looked happier, which clearly revealed Owen's greater ambitions.