Chapter 246: Chapter 184: Lu Chen’s Recruitment_i

Translator: 549690339 I

Hearing Chu Xiong’s words, Lu Chen reflected, and his grandfather’s considerations seemed not entirely unreasonable.

Since this immensely powerful weapon was entrusted to his mother to bring out, it indicated that the Mysterious Moon Palace likely did not fear the weapon falling into the hands of the common people.

He wouldn’t dare to let others use weapons like the one in his hand, the Barrett, or the Desert Eagle, fearing that if someone carelessly lost them, he wouldn’t be able to retrieve them.

In light of this, Chu Xiong’s decision to let his mother return the terrifying weapon was, in fact, the correct choice.

If such a frightening weapon stayed with the Chu Family, it would inevitably attract the covetous eyes of many forces in the martial world, and even that person in the Capital city might take an interest. By then, the Chu Family would become a target for all, and its annihilation would likely be only a matter of time.

But such a decision would definitely lead to dissatisfaction among some members of the Chu Family.

In the eyes of some, obtaining such a formidable weapon would make them significantly more powerful, whereas Chu Xiong not only didn’t keep the weapon but also returned it to the Mysterious Moon Palace, causing the Chu Family to miss the opportunity to become even more powerful.

At this point, Lu Chen spoke up, “Grandfather, I have another question. How did my mother actually die?”

Lu Chen had the Brocade Guard investigate many things about his mother and had a rough idea that her death was likely related to his father, the Sum Emperor, but he still did not know how she died, whether she was poisoned or killed. The Brocade Guard hadn’t found these details.

All he knew was that one morning, when he got up, the palace maids in the courtyard were all crying, and then his mother in this world was gone.

Chu Xiong responded, “I am not clear about the circumstances of your mother’s death either, but it’s highly probable that it was related to your father, the Sum Emperor.”

As he said this, Chu Xiong paused, looking at Lu Chen’s reaction, wanting to gauge his thoughts.

If Lu Chen were truly a chess piece of the Sum Emperor, hearing his words would certainly make Lou Chen dissatisfied with him.

Because if the Sum Emperor wanted Lu Chen to be a pawn, he would have surely fostered a secret relationship with Lu Chen; hence, upon hearing someone speak ill of his father, the Sum Emperor, Lu Chen would naturally defend him.

However, Chu Xiong noticed that Lu Chen seemed completely indifferent to what he had just said.

At that moment, Lu Chen said, “I also know it’s related to my father, the Sum Emperor, but I want to know more details about this matter.”

Chu Xiong then said, “Prince, the past is the past, and your mother would probably not wish for you to be trapped by the events of the past while she rests beneath the nine springs.”

“As the ruler of a country now, it would be better for you to look forward.”

Lu Chen replied, “That’s true.”

Smiling, Lu Chen then asked, “Grandfather, how long do you plan to stay in North City during this visit? What if I give you a residence here, so you can spend your old age in North City from now on? After all, the Chu Family has stripped you of the position of Family Head, and there’s no need for you to return.”

Hearing Lu Chen’s words, Chu Xiong realized that his grandson was trying to win him over. Chu Xiong did indeed plan to stay in North City for a while, but it was meant to be a short stay; he still intended to return.

Chu Xiong then said, “I came to North City mainly to see you and will return to the Chu Family in a month or two. Although I am no longer the Chu Family Master, I am still a member of the Chu Family, and I cannot stand idly by if the Chu Family is in trouble.”

Hearing Chu Xiong’s reply, Lu Chen frowned slightly. It seemed that his grandfather still sided with the Aristocratic Family, which conflicted with his own stance toward those families.

After all, his grandfather was a member of an Aristocratic Family, while he himself held the same position as the Sum Emperor; their stances were opposed to each other.

Lu Chen then said, “Grandfather, you should be very clear about the current predicament of the Chu Family. If you return to the Chu Family, you might be taken down by my father, the Sum Emperor, just like the Chu Family. Why put yourself through that?”

Chu Xiong did not respond to Lu Chen’s words, instead saying, “Prince, I want to ask you a question.”

Lu Chen replied, “Go ahead.”

Chu Xiong then directly asked, “The Aristocratic Families see the fifty thousand Heavy Cavalry of North City as the private army of the Sum Emperor, and they see you as the Sum Emperor’s pawn. I want to know if this is really the case?”

Without beating around the bush, Lu Chen answered, “Rest assured, Grandfather, I am not a pawn of my father, the Sum Emperor. As for how those fifty thousand Heavy Cavalry came to be, I cannot tell you that for now. All I can tell you is that I have the support of a very mysterious and powerful force behind me, a force so formidable that even the Mysterious Moon Palace is but a minor player in comparison.”

Upon hearing this, Chu Xiong was momentarily stunned.

This grandson of his had another powerful force backing him?

Could this be real?

But observing the tone and expression of his grandson as he spoke, it seemed that he was not lying.

Could it be true that there was another mysterious force behind him?

But surely there were not many forces in this world stronger than the Mysterious Moon Palace?

Lu Chen was actually claiming that to this mysterious force behind him, the Mysterious Moon Palace was no more than a minor character?

Chu Xiong came to his senses and asked with certainty, “Has the Prince not deceived me?”

Lu Chen replied, “Of course not. For my father, the Sum Emperor, to create fifty thousand suits of heavy armor right under the Aristocratic Families’ noses is simply impossible. It’s ludicrous that they actually believe the fifty thousand Heavy Cavalry at North City are my father’s private troops.”

Upon hearing Lu Chen’s explanation, Chu Xiong thought it over and found it quite reasonable.

Now the entire Great Sum is under the control of the Aristocratic Families. Currently, the Sum Emperor only retains control over the military, while the court and the economy of Great Sum are predominantly under the Aristocratic Families’ control.

If the Sum Emperor were to create heavy armor, it would be impossible for them not to hear anything about it, especially when it’s fifty thousand sets, not just five hundred.

Five hundred might be concealable, but once the numbers reach into the thousands, it would be impossible not to leave any trace.

Moreover, producing fifty thousand sets of heavy armor is not something that can be accomplished overnight. Under the surveillance of the Aristocratic Families, the fact that not a single piece of information about the Sum Emperor creating fifty thousand sets of heavy armor has leaked is obviously against common sense.

At this point, Chu Xiong furrowed his brows and then said, “Prince, if that mysterious power provided you with fifty thousand Heavy Cavalry all at once, I fear they may have ulterior motives.”

All of Great Sum has only twenty thousand Heavy Cavalry, yet that mysterious power is treating a nominal wasteful Prince so generously, offering fifty thousand Heavy Cavalry right from the get-go. If there weren’t any ulterior motives, I doubt anyone would believe it.

Lu Chen indifferently said, “Grandfather, there are some things I cannot discuss in detail with you. However, you can rest assured that this mysterious power does not harbor any designs against me, at least not at the moment, and I have absolute control over this mysterious power.”

Hearing Lu Chen’s words, Chu Xiong was once again taken aback.

His own grandson has absolute control over that mysterious power?

Could it be true?

That represents a massive power capable of providing fifty thousand Heavy Cavalry!

If Lu Chen truly has absolute control over that mysterious power, doesn’t that mean he himself is an important figure within that power?

But isn’t Lu Chen only seventeen this year?

How did he manage to connect with such a vast power in the shadows in just a few short years?

Chu Xiong found it hard to believe.

But at the same time, he felt that Lu Chen really did not intend to deceive him.

He is no longer the Family Head of the Chu Family, so there’s nothing to gain from deceiving him.

Lu Chen continued, “Grandfather, I’ve heard that a significant portion of the Chu Family actually supports you. Why not have those people also come to North Country?”

“I have a premonition that once the war between Great Sum and Great Wu concludes, civil war in Great Sum is inevitable. My father has endured for so many years mainly because he lacked military authority, but now that he holds it, and considering that the Aristocratic Families have instigated this war in the shadows, it’s highly likely that he has been provoked to the limit and can no longer endure.”

A divided Chu Family poses no threat to Lu Chen. Moreover, once the Chu Family moves to North Country, Lu Chen would be able to legitimately marry Chu Yuqin and Chu Qingli.

Chu Yuqin and Chu Qingli are officially members of the Chu Family, and as for Chu Yuqin’s arranged marriage to the Wang Family, all that would be needed is for Chu Xiong to publicly annul the marriage. Whether the Wang Family accepts it or not doesn’t matter to them. Chu Yuqin never even saw the face of the man she was supposed to marry back then, so how could such a marriage count?

With Chu Xiong bringing forth another branch of the Chu Family, that marriage arrangement would be easy to annul; moreover, Chu Yuqin and Chu Qingli are nominally Chu Xiong’s adopted daughters.

After hearing Lu Chen’s words, Chu Xiong pondered for a while before saying, “Prince, let me think it over. I will give you an answer in half a month.”

Chu Xiong’s heart wavered; he actually did not wish to openly confront the Sum Emperor. A civil war would be detrimental both to the Chu Family and to Great Sum.

Most people who support his faction were initially against starting a war, but his two brothers still incited a war between Great Wu and Great Sum in secret.

Chu Xiong even felt that their true goal might not be as simple as provoking war; they might actually aim to force the Sum Emperor to abdicate.

Following the Wang Family’s reckless schemes would inevitably lead to ruin one day.

However, Chu Xiong couldn’t fully trust his grandson either. He wanted to observe the situation in North Country further before deciding. If North Country lacked potential, then it would be better for the Chu Family to relocate to Great Wu or Great Jue.

That would surely be better than staying in Great Sum.

At this thought, Chu Xiong’s emotions grew complex; when had his own thoughts begun to align with those of his undutiful son?

His son had thought the same way before: should a civil war break out in Great Sum, he would immediately take Chu Yuqin and escape to Great Wu or another dynasty.

And now, he too had the idea of fleeing Great Sum.

Seeing Chu Xiong’s hesitation, Lu Chen said with a smile, “No problem, Grandfather. Whenever you decide to settle in North Country, you can let me know anytime. North Country’s gates will always be open for you..”