Chapter 238 - Chapter 238: Chapter 238: Daniel Marshall Seems Like a Different Person

Name:He Clings to Me Every Night Author:
Chapter 238: Chapter 238: Daniel Marshall Seems Like a Different Person

Translator: 549690339

In an instant, Daniel Marshall’s eyebrows knitted in concern, his deep eyes filled with worry.

The once cold and ruthless face softened with a touch of distress.

Daniel, too, completely forgot his own status as a patient; his voice became notably anxious amid the turmoil, “Can you be more specific? Where is she feeling unwell? Did she not take her medicine?”

Daniel’s sudden behavioral change astonished Martin Wallace, who replied, “I don’t know what precisely ails her. All I noticed is her pale face and the fact that she massaged her temple while talking to me; she probably has a headache.”

“I understand. I’ll send a doctor over to check on her, and have Leaf Fiona bring her some medication”, responded Daniel.

“Good! I’m about to head to Resilient Care Hospital. There are a few matters I’d like to discuss in person, since they’re too explicit to talk over the phone.”


Daniel quickly hung up the phone before Martin Wallace even had a chance to respond.

After massaging her head a few times, Olivia Jenkins’s headache still persisted.

Taking a rest did nothing to relieve her discomfort, and if anything, she was feeling increasingly ill.

As Olivia was planning to buy some medication, Leaf Fiona walked in with a medicine box.

“Madam, this box contains a variety of headache remedies. Please decide on which one suits you best. It also holds some commonly used emergency medications such as fever reducers… for you to keep at hand”, Fiona explained.

Without having to ask, Olivia knew that Martin Wallace was probably the one who had spilled the beans to Daniel.

Her symptoms resulted from the stress caused by Daniel the previous night, as well as being struck by the harsh reality. Olivia scoffed at Daniel’s insincere concern.

She didn’t need such hypocrisy.

“Fiona, you can take these back. I’ll go to the pharmacy myself.”

“Madam. whv don’t vou take the medication first? I’m afraid vou might fall if you go out in this state. Chief really cares about you. When he gave me the order to get the medication, I could tell from his voice that he was shaking with urgency.”

Olivia scoffed in contempt, “How much do these medications cost? I’ll reimburse you.”

Without waiting for Fiona’s response, she continued, “If I didn’t purchase the medication, then I won’t take it.”

“Please don’t be like this. It puts me in a tough spot,” urged Fiona.

Olivia took out two medicine boxes from the first aid kit and put a hundred-dollar bill in there. “If Daniel barks at you, tell me, and I will retaliate for you. If he dares to bully you, I will sort him out. Thanks!”

Brow furrowed, Fiona fell silent. She would never dare to talk back to Daniel, only Olivia could be so bold in front of him.

Seeing Olivia taking the medication eased Fiona’s worried mind.

Upon her departure, Fiona left the medicine box with the secretary, following Daniel’s command to have the secretary keep an eye on Chief Jenkins.

Just when Olivia thought she could finally have a moment of peace in her office, another doctor arrived.

The doctor checked her symptoms meticulously, and only after confirming she was not seriously ill did he relax.

“Ms. Jenkins, you can continue taking these two types of medications; besides, you must rest more. I can tell from your condition that you’ve been wearied out and haven’t been resting well recently. As a result, your immunity has declined, your emotions are fluctuating, and your lack of sleep has given you tension headaches. Plus, you’ve caught a little cold, and you ought not to take any of this lightly,” said the doctor.

The doctor was accurate. Lately, her life had indeed been like what he’d described.

It’s not that she didn’t cherish her health. It’s merely she was bogged down with countless issues every day, not affording herself a moment’s relaxation.

“Thank you, doctor. I will keep that in mind,” she responded.

“Ms. Jenkins, here’s my card. If you need anything, you can reach out to me anytime.”

Upon receiving the doctor’s card, Olivia nodded in acknowledgment.

Once informed by the chief secretary that Olivia Jenkins was asleep, Daniel hurried over.

Although Daniel was still connected to an IV and felt pain in his back and chest area, he was nevertheless more worried about Olivia’s condition..