For instance.

Suppose you have a lunch date at two in the afternoon and you’re on your way to the venue while holding your hungry stomach,

Try to recall the scent of madeleines wafting from the subway station.

Everyone would unanimously agree,

“It’s tempting.”

Of course, we know that scent and we know that taste, which gives us the audacity to resist that temptation, but in this place where the infrastructure is poor, even a snack is a luxury.

Imagine if we were to spread the smell of madeleines there, what reaction would we get?

“Huh. Haah. Sniff!”

“Phew. Phew. Sigh!!”

All they can do is howl like zombies while they glare at us with fiery eyes.

The freshmen are still in the colosseum… no, they should be in the plaza at this time.

Only the students preparing their stalls next to us are salivating while looking this way.

“Eer… Ugh.”


Hey, step back, this isn’t for you guys, it’s for those cute freshmen over there.

Speaking of which, this feels like it’s right before a zombie apocalypse.

“It’s all baked.”

“…Hmm. Prepare the next batch.”


I briefly savored the scent as I placed the well-baked madeleines on the tray in front of the oven.

“What are you doing?”

“No, nothing.”

I shook my head at Nephti’s question.

No big deal,

I just wondered if what we baked wasn’t madeleines but marijuana.

I baked the next batch of madeleines and at the same time took out the doughnut dough.

In the world of Jephryn the is a stone that can be used as a Magical Energy Source, in short Maso. 

It can do anything– If put in a weapon, it can even split or fold a person in half.

I spent a fortune renting a freezer made of Maso for this event. It costs one hundred and fifty thousand Rin to rent for a day. Is this for real?

Anyway, inside it are doughnut dough prepared from yesterday and chilled cream.

Lastly, beans set to be cold so they can be turned into ‘Mix Beans’ anytime.

After finishing the prep, while I was slowly baking the madeleines and doughnuts, Nephti opened her mouth.

“Come to think of it, I remember that the ‘education’ of the freshmen this time was your finance Aila’s responsibility.”

“Hmm. Yes, it is.”

“I hope she won’t be too harsh on them…”

“Wouldn’t she be just right?”

“That’s the best. When I received education, it was really tough.”


I pretended to know and nodded.

Was she the top freshman in the second grade? Or was it Eve? I was thinking, if Eve was the top and received education, it would be a rebellion against the royal family punishable by death. Who would dare educate the princess in front of ten thousand people?

So, Nephti, who had the best admission score, a commoner, and didn’t have much of a background, was chosen.

“I can’t remember well, who did you fight against?”

“Senior Isolde of the Jewel Sword.”

“I see. Up to which sword did she summon?”

“I remember it was Ruby.”

“You defended well.”

Honestly, I was a bit surprised.

Jewel Sword Isolde.

Her personality is total garbage, so maintaining tension and affinity is awful, but her skills completely suppress that personality. She’s a cheat character.

At first, she fights with a weak and soft Jewel Sword, but when it breaks, she summons the next level sword, and this becomes incredible later on.

Anyway, Ruby is the third sword, and for her to summon it  for Nephti, who was a freshman, it means she’s a monster among monsters.

But, even Nephti and Jewel Sword Isolde pale in comparison to one person.

The Light Warrior Kelters.

‘Light can cut through all darkness, and can reach everywhere in this world equally. That’s why it is Light.’

In a literal sense, Kelters’s greatest talent is ‘he can be anything.’ He can be a great wizard, a great merchant, a great knight, or even the great assassin.

Thinking about the performance of the weapon that Kelters is believed to possess… even Aila may have a tough time.


Didn’t I just assure her that she would win in front of her?

What if Aila gets pushed back?

‘Your eyes are like that of a wolf’s. Let me plug in my black jewel!’ Is she going to stab my eye with a black obsidian spear?


The only contingency plan I can make right now is to prepare a bribe.

“Nephti. If we don’t sell everything today…”

“We will mobilize the knight students to sell everything.”

“Can we really do that?”

What happened to the Sword of Belief?

“Let’s fry up a full set right away. Quickly.”

“If you’re going to give it to me, you don’t have to.”

“It’s not for you… Nevermind. Leave out a couple of sets for you to eat. Plenty for lunch.”

“Okay. I understand!”

Nephti, who had momentarily looked gloomy and bowed her head, nodded with sparkling eyes.

After eating all the tasting food, are you going to eat again?

Anyway, we baked, and baked, and baked, until we could hear footsteps from far away.

They’re coming here.

The smell bomb. Creatures noticing the madeleines and coming.

The new students.

“…Nephti. The war begins.”

“My loyalty is yours. Trust me.”

Well, trust or not,

if you don’t trust, we all die anyway.


Aila Tristar has a lot of talent.

But the world is vast, and she knows there are those greater than her talent scattered across the globe.

The greatest talent of the Tristar family. A girl who can use the 7-tier “Supreme” buff from an early age.

The second top of the magic department’s junior year.

Despite all this, she was thoroughly bored.

‘I’m tired.’

Frankly, she doesn’t know why she’s here. Being the second top of the junior class is more of a disgrace than a pride for her.

So, the arrogant speech of Eve von Roengreen and the first-year students drawing their blue futures with dumbfounded eyes knowing nothing below, everything was annoying.

By the academy’s rules, the junior class second top has to educate the freshman top. This is a garbage job, but now she must bow her head.

‘It would be more enjoyable to look at the wings of Wolfram’s rebellion,’

Aila sighed deeply.

Wolfram von Roengreen.

Her fiance.

Unlike Aila, he has no talent and is stuck at the bottom, but his eyes are brighter than anyone else’s in this room.

From the bottom, he looks at the top. She could feel his determination to walk towards the sky alone.

She’s already looking forward to the path he’ll walk, and if she can be on the stage with him, she wants to be the leading role, or if she becomes the audience, she wants to sit in the very front.

Rebellion shines brightly when the lowest person aims for the top.

To Aila, Wolfram’s rebellion was truly beautiful.

There was at least something to watch.

It was the detestable rival, Eve von Roengreen’s student council president speech.

【This year, the student council will do its best to ensure that all students can enjoy better academy life with fair distribution and proper evaluation.】

Interestingly, Eve didn’t mention Wolfram.

Except for the freshman chicks here, everyone knows what kind of student council president Wolfram was, and by declaring Wolfram, she can corner him or raise her own support rate.

The best political means are always division, making villains, creating disturbances, and agitation.

Even by just mentioning the name Wolfram, all of this is possible, but she didn’t.

Whether it’s the honor of the royal family or some other reason that Aila doesn’t know.

Just by not swearing at Wolfram, Aila thought that Eve’s new student council manifesto was quite reasonable.

【Then next, the magic department’s junior class. ‘Black Gem’ Aila Tristar and freshman ‘Kelters’ will have a match. This event is a welcoming ceremony with a long tradition.】”

While absorbed in such feelings, Aila sighed lightly looking at Eve calling her name.

It’s the worst time.


“Nice to meet you! I’m Kelters!”

“…Nice to meet you. Junior class magic department second top, Aila Tristar.”

After exchanging light greetings, Aila looked at the boy.

Sparkling eyes. A passion that doesn’t want to lose.

Under normal circumstances, she wouldn’t want to crush a boy like this, but Wolfram said to show her power and completely break him down. Only then would she earn the right to follow him.

‘So, it’s time for me to prove my worth.’

Aila stared at the boy named Kelters and instigated a provocation she normally wouldn’t engage in.

“Alright, let’s make a promise.”

“Yes, yes?”

“I’ll use my Black Gem for attack only once. If you block it, you win.”

“I understand! Senior!”

Was he feeling ignored? The boy’s eyes glowed even fiercer.

Be that as it may.

As directed by the referee, they took their distances. Aila took her stance, and the boy drew the large sword from his back.

If she thrusts the Black Gem into the boy’s forehead as it is, he would be knocked out of the arena. She is adept at such output control.

Then the boy would crumble like a dead squirrel and Aila would elegantly descend from the stage.

However, what weighed on her mind was the advice he had given her.


The only one she recognized as a fellow rebel.

He knew about the boy, seemed to be cautious, and even gave her advice.

‘Be wary of his charge.’

If he says so, there’s no harm in being cautious.

“Come on first, boy.”


Just after she yielded the first move, Aila’s eyes widened.

‘Indeed, he has some skill.’

His charge is extraordinary. His level is good enough to be placed in the Knight Academy second grade right now.

A direct approach, the shortest distance, charging with the determination to slice her apart, carried immense power within it.

With his body as low as possible and a single strike aimed at her waist, the charge was fierce and wild.

An attack full of freshman’s spirit.

So, as a senior, she just needs to elegantly block it.

【Obsidian: Single Shot: Barrier】

In an instant, a barrier of Obsidian sprouted between Aila and Kelters.

The beautifully blossoming Obsidian, like a flower made of crystal, completely obscured the space between them.

A normal human body couldn’t penetrate this crystal wall.

There are now two options for the attacker.

To jump over the Obsidian.

Or to bypass it.

The boy, who had been charging low until now, would most likely bypass it in nine out of ten cases.

That’s the common thinking, the standard theory.


【Nameless Sword: Slash: Breakthrough】

The boy’s voice from beyond the wall still indicated a charge, and with a thud, the Obsidian barrier collapsed.

Scattered Obsidian.

Nothing now blocked the two.

A knight who kept the distance, and a wizard who gave it.

In the blink of an eye.

Aila saw two things.

One, the boy’s sword, glowing red.

The other, his eyes, not knowing to give up and rushing forward.

The breakthrough didn’t stop, and the boy’s sword swung down on Aila with all its might.


‘So that’s why he warned about the charge. Fair advice. Wolfram, as expected.’

【Obsidian: Rapid Fire: Reunion】

Aila lightly laughed and reached out her hand.

If Wolfram had been here, he would have widened his eyes in shock.

In the original story he knew, Aila would have allowed this attack, blaming Kelters until she collapsed in the third act.

However, the high-flying Obsidian right now twisted its own ending without needing that.

Zzzz. Zzz. Whirr!

The shattered Obsidian barrier, as if turning back time, started sticking to each other, filling everything in between.

The downward swing of the sword.

The rushing body.

The leg stepping on the ground.

The unstoppable charge.

All of it got stuck in the Obsidian.

On this stage now, the only one who can move is Aila.

She elegantly crossed her arms, looking into Kelters’s eyes.

He desperately tried to reach out his arm, but couldn’t even twitch.

His eyes were burning fiercely, but they felt rather lukewarm than fiery.

Wings of rebellion?


Such wings are not enough to soar.

They can’t make her heart pound.

【Obsidian: Single Shot: Ultimate】

Without uncrossing her arms, Aila loaded a single Obsidian shot and fired it.


As promised, just one shot.

An undeniable perfect victory.

“I hope Wolfram’s donuts haven’t sold out yet. That’s what I was looking forward to most today.”

Without even glancing at Kelters, who was thrown away like a frog,

Aila turned to look for the street stall her fiance ran.


To put it simply, the store was bustling with customers.

“One cream donut and one vanilla donut here!”

“Three valley pastries here!”

“Two smoothies here!”

The bread and drinks were selling endlessly.

Nephti began to sell goods at an unbelievable speed, almost not seeming human.

Impressive. It’s not at all regrettable to give her a 20% commission.

“Give me three manjus please!”

“One cream donut here! And two strawberry donuts!”

“Strawberry shake, please!”

“Nephti. Hiring you might have been a good idea after all.”

“If you’re going to say that, could you help out a bit!?”

“No, I need to prepare for the upcoming decisive battle.”

“Isn’t this already the decisive battle?!

“Three manjus over here, please!”

“Coming right up!”

Everything is going well.

Almost too well.

I glanced at my sword, looking back at Nephti who was baking manjus and pondered whether I should accept my impending death or hastily devise a plan to survive.

What if Aila has lost to Kelters?

What if a dejected Aila came looking for me?

And lightly stabbed me in the belly with a black obsidian spear?

“No, she won’t kill me right away. Let’s just make an offering to earn favor.”

“Whose favor are you trying to earn?”

Suddenly death began to speak to me.

“Oh, Aila?”

“Yes, you’re selling well, Wolfram.”

When I glanced at her, she was smiling strangely. I couldn’t tell if she was happy or if it was a death smile, counting down to my demise.

“Of course. This is the bare minimum.”

“I thought so.”

Damn. Which one is it? Did she win or lose? What should I bet on?

Should I pretend to be busy here and dodge the question?

“I’m busy right now. We can talk later.”

“Weren’t you doing nothing? That’s why I spoke up?”


“Hmm. It was a short break. I’m about to get back to work.”

“Aha. Seeing your success makes me happy. This is part of your strategy, isn’t it?”

“Of course, this makes my strategy even more perfect.”


My eyes were shouting like a flame that I wanted to live, but Aila was looking at me and laughing.

“What’s so funny?”

“No, I just thought your eyes were gorge… ous.”

“Huh? What did you say?”

Her words were drowned out by the surrounding noise. Did she say she was going to gouge my eyes out? Surely not?

“No, no. It’s nothing. Anyway, you’re selling so well, you’ll be sold out soon. I wanted to try some, that’s a bit of a shame, isn’t it?”

“…No, that’s not it.”


I pointed to a separate packed bag with my chin.

“Take it. It’s your share.”

“Why? It seems like you’re running out of things to sell?”

Why, she asked? I’ve set it aside for my life!

No. No, I can’t say that. If she takes it as the price for my life, what will I do?


Let’s use an ambiguous expression. There’s room for interpretation.

“It wasn’t a fun game, was it? Take it and cool off.”

“…You really know everything. Yes, it really wasn’t a fun game.”



“I see.”


But did you win or lose?

I need to know so I can prepare for what’s coming, okay?

“Well, then, take it.”

“Okay. I’ll use it to cheer myself up.”


“Oh, can I visit your convenience store later?”


Why is she suddenly saying she’ll come there?

I managed to nod while hiding the fear that was creeping up on me, and Aila, with a smile brighter than I had ever seen, left with light steps.

Anyway, I survived again.

“Phew, I survived.”

“I think I’m going to die. Could you please help me?”

Even though I’m still facing death, I was able to survive today as well.