Chapter 369 Ozer's Dilemma

Name:Heart of Empire Author:Big Airship
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Governor Ozer was not so easy to give in.

Although, in the preemption of Ice Cave City, he slightly missed. In the northward march into Germany, he was intercepted by warlords loyal to Conley several times, and it took some time to make Galvin and Anders The Northern Group Army took the lead in capturing Ice Cave City, but he had no intention of letting go, and returned to the Beastblood dimly.

This is not just a battle of spirits, it is a real battle involving the luck of the Universe.

Ozer was never willing to give Conry this way to Conley. In that way, it would be extremely detrimental to Schindler's overall form of war.

When the northern ice cave city is occupied, it means that the struggle around the ice cave city in the previous half year will end with the defeat of Governor Ozer, and all efforts will be put to waste; it means more or less secretly. It is in response to Ozer's call that those small warlords involved in the battle in Ice Cave City will either be destroyed or they will be thrown into Conley. It also means that in the entire north of the Beast Blood Castle, Ozer ’s forces Will be caught in an unguarded situation, the beast blood castle will be the most direct threat from the enemy from the north, Ozer's army will lose a lot of room for strategic transition.

All these reasons add up, which prompted Ozer to have to lead the army to continue northward, and it was not possible to easily give the northern town to Conley in this way.

Therefore, despite the enemy's number advantage, Ozer still led the army and continued to go north.The two warlocks of the Northern Group Army did not advise at all. Their strength advantage and the ability of individual soldiers to consciously not lose to Ozer's legion, they were not willing to settle in the city and wait for Ozer to attack. In that case, even if they defeated Ozer in the battle of defending the city, it would be inconvenient to expand the results.

As a result, Galvin and Anders met, and after discussion, they decided to go out and fight.

On November 20th, one week after Dane laid down Mihe City, Bingkucheng fought against the two legions for a long time.

To be honest, Dane was frightened when he received the decisive battle between the two armies of Northern Ice Cave City. He tried to attack violently in the south and even crossed the Mi River in order to put pressure on Conley and try to slow down the time when the war in the north broke out. But sometimes what you do does not necessarily achieve 100% of the goal you want.

Dane was worried that Ozer would suffer a major defeat in this battle. Moreover, he is not optimistic that Ozer can win. Even, he has already begun to use his own tactics in the case of defeat in the northern war.

Fortunately, everything has not yet reached the point of irreversibility.

While Dion was trembling, further news of the northern war came back.

As he expected, Ozer didn't take any advantage in this northern war, let alone win. However, while not taking advantage, he did not lose much.

It is likely that the commanders on both sides know that the outcome of this battle will determine the survival of the entire force. Therefore, whether it is Galvin and Anders, or Governor Ozer himself, when dispatching troops Will become very cautious.

It is also this kind of cautiousness that has caused the two sides to fight, with some arms and legs, and rarely will they go all out. Even if I see some good opportunities, I rarely really try my best to mobilize a lot of power.In this way, the two sides seem to be in a state of tension, and they want you to die, but after a few collisions, no one can really treat anyone.

But Ozer still suffered a bit.

In terms of casualties, the two sides are actually similar. However, what we need to know is that Governor Ozer's troop strength is a full third less than the opposite. At the same exchange ratio, it seems that no one suffers, but if you continue to fight, Ozer will sooner or later be unable to persist. Perhaps more than 30,000 dozen to 40,000 people can maintain the same exchange ratio, and 20,000 to 30,000? Ten thousand to twenty thousand? The smaller the soldier-to-soldier ratio will be, the weaker the strength will be.

After exchanging blood for a while, Ozer took the initiative to retreat after losing a lot of manpower in the battle.

Such retreat and retreat are of course two different things. The northern group army opposite them did not dare to catch up with their heads—this was going to be killed back to the carbine. The ghost knew what the fighting situation would look like. ? What's more, for Galvin and Anders, as long as they don't mess up, the advantage will always be on their side. Why take a big risk?

They went step by step, didn't chase very closely, and didn't completely relax. They kept a steady pace, stepping on the **** of Governor Ozer step by step, all the way south and east, constantly oppressing in the direction of the Beastblood. . This way is very clear ~ ~ What they want is to use the strength of their own strength to continuously reduce the living space of Governor Ozer, and finally force Ozer's army back to the beast blood castle and trap it. Among them.

In this way, of course, Ozer's army was not directly defeated, but if Ozer's legion can be surrounded for a long time in the beast blood castle, it would be another form of extermination.

Ozer himself certainly didn't want this to happen, but under the enemy's terrible tactics and use of troops, Ozer really had a hard time thinking of a solution, and he couldn't turn his head and fight the enemy to death. In terms of the character of Governor Ozer, he is not without such courage, but the odds of doing this are too low, and he will definitely not want to do it until the real situation is exhausted.

Now, obviously, it hasn't reached that point.

Ozer, who is constantly engaged in battle with the enemy, is not so uninformed about the outside world. He knew that Dane didn't go to Conley as he feared, but rather resolutely marched north, even destroying the greeting card Tim, a regular legion led by a high war warrior MP in Conley.Judging by Ozer's judgment, the destruction of the greeting card Tim's Legion represents that there is no barrier to the south of Cinderella. If Dean would continue, he would continue to march northward, and he would be able to immediately descend into the city and directly threaten the capital city.

Ozzie didn't expect Dane to win Cinderella in World War I, it was unrealistic. He just hoped that Dane would continue to put pressure on Conley in the south in order to bring about a turn for the better.

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