Volume 1 - CH 4

It was the next morning.  The day has finally come to enter the Forest of Needles; the capital wasn’t that far away.  Our fates will probably be decided today.

With that in mind, my heart inexplicably asserted its presence.  Jess seemed nervous too as she kept biting her lower lip.  Brace remained silent as before, like a doll.  It was as if nothing had happened at all last night.

─Did something happen last night?

Jess inquired with keen ears.  Uh oops.

(I had a short conversation with Brace, that’s all.)

No matter how she asks, I won’t tell her that we were secretly watching and smiling about Jess’ sleeping face.

─Eh, my sleeping face…?  How embarrassing…

(I was just messing with you.  I fabricated a monologue.  If you don’t want to be fooled, don’t read my mind without permission.)

Jess covered her mouth in surprise before looking at me and puffing her cheeks out.

─Then please don’t look at my underwear without permission either.  Even though what I’m wearing today is one that I particularly like.

Eh, really…?

I panickingly wanted to take back what I said, but the smart me notices that the premise of being able to look at her underwear without permission was abnormal in the first place.

And the even smarter me realizes that we were having such a silly conversation because we were desperately trying to avert our eyes from the fear of death.

The weather was cloudy.  As soon as we opened the window, I could feel the damp wind, but it wasn’t humid to the extent of being hot.  Nott mentioned that it should be pretty dark inside the forest.

We packed our bags and went to the dining area.

Jess was in her usual one-piece dress and wore the scarf we bought around her neck.  Brace was just wearing her robe.  Nott was geared up in light armor made of leather and metal around his arms and legs.  There were some small metal objects that I’ve never seen before hanging from his waist.  In addition to the anklet on his front leg, Rossi was equipped with some kind of leather haramaki to protect his abdomen.  As for me, ignoring my anklet, I was basically naked.

“It’s important that they think you’re just a pig when they spot you, and let their guards down.  If you do get hurt, you’ll just have to pray that they heal you at the capital.”

Even though Nott was bantering as such, he would frequently wipe away the sweat from his palms on his clothes.

Was he unable to steel himself?  Even after our simple breakfast, Nott kept staring at the bulletin board and didn’t attempt to leave.  It seems like he noticed something from all this staring and called us over to the board.

“Hey, it says here that a rista trafficker was caught at the Quiltlin’s mansion.”

Looking at it, it appears to be a text-only report written on parchment-like paper.

“The date lines up.  Did you two do this?”

Jess turned to me, and when I nodded, she replied “Yes.  I… trapped the person who tried to assassinate me in a warehouse.”

Nott scowled as I told him everything except for the physical appearances of the two men I witnessed in the back alleyway.

“When it comes to large trafficking organizations that can operate as far as Quiltli, there aren’t that many…  It’s possible one of those bastards that harmed Ys is among that group.”

I casually moved away from that subject and suggested that we depart soon as to avoid Nott potentially changing his mind.

I mean, the guy we trapped had a knife wound on his left eye, and his legs had problems.  When Nott went to retrieve Ys’ collar, he told us he “attacked their weakest’s leg and blinded one of his eyes.”

I’d like to believe this was all just a coincidence, since things would get messy if Nott’s rage for revenge was rekindled and he ran back to Quiltli. 

Less than an hour after entering the forest, we were paid a sudden visit.  In the dark coniferous forest, I was just about to wonder what the rustling sound from above was coming from when a shadow hanging from a long rope swung towards us like a pendulum.


Nott screamed as he instantly drew his daggers.

The two fire shockwaves that flew out from Nott’s hands were sure to land, but because the shadow let go of the rope and was launched upwards, the flames ended up only cutting the rope.  The shadow flying in the air then used a branch to immediately change directions and throw something at us.

The spinning object was headed towards Jess, who was trying to hide under the cover of a bush.  She wasn’t going to make it.  I made the decision to jump in front of Jess and shield her.


I squealed loudly as I was prepared to die.  It didn’t hurt, but warm liquid splashed over my face.

Time had stopped.

A string was wrapped around Brace.  Three large caltrop shaped objects were attached to the string, and they all pierced deeply into her body.  I watched as her white linen robe was dyed in blood.

She staggered a few steps away from us before collapsing.  Her hood slipped off, and I could see a resigned smile on her pale face.  Why…

─Everyone, thank you so much.

Her voice that felt like it was extinguishing resonated through my mind.  Nott carried on scanning our vicinity as he rushed to our side.  Jess was unharmed and managed to hide herself in the bushes.  Nott, Rossi, and I guarded her surroundings.

A short distance away, Brace turned her body to face the sky and splayed her limbs out over the fluffy fir leaves.  Her lower abdomen was uncovered, revealing her bloody wound.  I didn’t seem to have a choice at all, because Brace took it upon herself to take Jess’ and my place.

The shadow disappeared into one of the trees above.  Nott gave Rossi a hand signal and released him.  We needed to be constantly vigilant of above.

From the depths of the forest, the sound of hooves clopping approached us at a relatively fast speed.

“I thought I told you not to kill her.  Now there’s no fun left to be had.”

He was a large man riding on a big black horse.  His voice sounded familiar.  Before I knew it, we were surrounded by four men on horsebacks.

Nott and I both stared at the guy in astonishment.

I made the quick decision to rush over to Brace.

I clung to the dying body of Brace, wailing as I continued nudging her arm with my nose.

That big guy must’ve been the one who ordered Jess to be killed back in Quiltli.  He’s probably aiming for Jess – or more specifically, a Yesma with a pig.  However, since he’s never seen Jess in person, he shouldn’t know what she looks like.

“There’s a pig!”

One of the men on horseback pointed out to the muscular guy.  That statement, which was as pointless as saying “I have a pen,” only makes sense in the context of their target having a pig.  My choice of actions were correct.

“I can see that.  It looks like we got the right one.”

The muscular guy rode closer.  Both he and his horse were clad in eerily glowing steel armor.  I was terrified, but I continued acting.  As long as they believed Jess died, their danger levels should be reduced a bit.

“What?  Not only did she die, her insides have already been cleaned out too.”

He spat in a cold voice after looking at Brace.

“You son of a bitch, don’t you dare take another step closer.”

Nott raised his daggers high and threatened in a low voice.

“Oh, what’s this?  We’ve got quite the lively guy over here.”

“Take one more step towards her and you’re dead.  I know I’ve got no chance at winning against all of you, but you…”

Nott pointed the dagger in his left at the big guy’s face.

“I’m definitely taking you down with me.”

The guy placed his right hand over his broadsword’s blade in vigilance and creepily smiled at Nott.

“Oh?  Do you have a grudge against me?”

“Do you remember the kid that took the collar from you five years ago?”

The guy pondered for a bit before revealing his yellowed teeth in a smug grin.

“Ah, you’re the boy from back then.  You’ve grown up into a fine man.”

─Go create chaos, pig.  I’ll protect Jess.  Break through this situation, then circle behind this big guy and trip up his footing.  Rossi will handle the right side of the frontline, we’ll go through the left.

I could hear Nott’s instructions beneath the muscular guy’s words.  The three of us were connected through Jess.

“That Yesma was quite the quality goods, kiddo.  It would’ve been a shame to kill her, so we toyed with her for three days or so before chopping her head off.  Even after all that violence, she seemed to have kept her sanity until she died.  Even though she’s just a Yesma, she cried and dared to beg for her life.”

It was such a cruel story that I felt like throwing up just from listening to it.  But I had a job to do.  I wandered around Brace while concentrating on my anklet.  Luckily, there’s a river flowing nearby, so there should be plenty of water here.


Nott seemed to be suppressing his anger, and the big guy followed up the taunts.

“That reminds me, you’ve got some pretty nasty tastes.  You even took the bones that we had just taken out.  I still remember that.  Are you still taking good care of them?”

“Shut up.”

(Nott, I’m going to knock down a tree.)

─You said a tree?

This was the only thing I could come up with when given the difficult task of disrupting the field as a pig.  It may come as a surprise to all of you, but tree roots generally grow laterally.  In terms of depth, for trees growing in this type of coniferous forest, most of their roots should be at around 50cm deep.  That’s because, even if they root themselves deeper, they won’t be able to absorb any useful substances.  As long as I freeze some of the tree’s roots and liquefy the soil underneath, it should be easy to knock the tree down – or so I hypothesized.

I’m ready.  I poured my thoughts into the anklet, and from under the roots of the tree opposite of the muscular guy, icicles of frozen groundwater rose up.

The tree creaked and tilted towards the big guy.  He glanced at it, while his surrounding men all shouted in surprise as they were distracted by above.  I used that opportunity to loop behind the big guy.  Rossi arrived before I did and helped create footholds out of ice for me.  Besides the spots where I stepped on, everywhere else became like quagmire.

As I had predicted, the ninja that killed Brace was lurking on top of the tree I knocked down.  That person frantically tried to jump to a nearby tree, but a fire shockwave from below amputated a leg.  The main body reached another tree, but the leg continued falling.

Nott shot another flame blast at the leg of the muscular guy’s horse, and it landed.  Though the horse’s legs were protected by armor, it was enough to startle the horse as it neighed and reared.  The large tree trunk, with gravity accelerating it, fast approached the big guy.

The muscular guy unsheathed his sword.  He drew a large arc with the tip of his sword and the falling tree was blown to bits.  Wood dust flew everywhere, obscuring everyone’s vision.

During this time, Nott advanced through the left side while protecting Jess.  I froze the ground behind the big guy and filled the solid surface with potholes, each large enough to fit a horse’s hoof.

Nott swung his two daggers like he was dancing, shooting fire shockwaves indiscriminately.  The big guy used his sword as a shield and deftly evaded the attacks.  The other three cavalrymen retreated in fear.

One of the retreating horses was caught in the marsh Rossi created and was struggling desperately.  Rossi pounced at the neck of the cavalry who was about to be shaken off, and in an instant, the dog’s head was stained with blood.  Just like that, the cavalry fell off his horse and splashed into the muddy water.  It was a brilliant move.  One down.

The bloodied Rossi retreated behind the ground I created.  Another cavalryman circled around the marshy ground and pointed his crossbow at Rossi, but the next moment, the horse’s hind leg stuck right into one of the potholes I made.  The horse was thrown heavily off balance and a crisp crack could be heard.  It likely must have broken its leg.  I felt sorry for it.

Its rider was thrown to the ground.  Nott leapt over the fallen tree and cut the rider’s head off in an instant.

Nott’s hair was disheveled, and his well-groomed face now looked like that of a demon’s.

(Where’s Jess?)

─Inside a rock.  Can you knock down another tree from our side?

Nn?  Inside a rock?

─I’m okay, Mister Pig.  I’m using Mr. Nott’s tool to hide myself.

I felt relieved after hearing Jess’ voice.  Warm blood resumed circulating through my body.

I started work on knocking down a nearby tree.  In the meantime, Nott and Rossi hid behind the fallen tree and ran towards the tree that the one-legged ninja was at.

As far as I can tell, there’s only the big guy, a cavalryman, and the ninja left.

The muscular guy swung his sword, and the shockwave blasted apart the fallen tree we were hiding behind.  What crazy power.  I moved as though I was running away, and while hiding in the shades of another tree, I focused on the anklet and knocked the tree down over to where Nott was.

I could see the flames on Nott’s twin daggers.  He used them to cut down his tree, and it looked as if his tree was leaning against the tree I just knocked over as they both fell over.


The muscular guy’s voice could be heard as the two trees overlapped and fell on top of him.

The two trees crackled as they snapped off the surrounding tree branches and fell to the ground.  Nott ran on top of one of them and headed straight towards the muscular guy.

Suddenly, Nott fell forward.  It seems like the ninja had clung to the tree this entire time and grabbed Nott’s ankle.  Nott slammed his head against the tree trunk and fell to the ground.  Rossi, who was supposed to be support Nott, was nowhere to be seen.

(Watch out!)

That being said, there was nothing I could do at this moment.

─Don’t underestimate me.

I heard Nott’s voice.

Clang.  There was a metallic clashing sound, followed by an arc of flames.  Nott staggered to his feet, and the ninja died after having his torso slashed.  Nott continued to swing his sword, sending shockwaves of fire at the muscular guy and cavalryman.  However, both of them blocked the shockwaves with their swords.  The flames became sparks before fizzling out.

“What’s the matter?  Are you done already?”

The big guy taunted in a gruff voice while raising his sword.  The other cavalry took out his crossbow with quick movements.

It was at that moment an explosion occurred behind the two men, and another tree fell on top of them.  Rossi, who had disappeared, had moved behind enemy lines before I knew it and initiated a pincer attack with us.  The crossbow arrow flew in the wrong direction, and the forest was plunged into chaos from the roaring sounds and dust clouds.

Since a tree fell over here, I avoided the escape route that Nott designated.

─Now go.  Jess is near you.  She’s hiding inside a rock mimicking shelter.

Nott transmitted his voice.

(But aren’t we close to defeating them all?)

─An amateur shouldn’t be talking like a know-it-all.  Killing the big guy's going to take some time.  Besides, you’re not needed anymore.

An invisible shockwave blasted over here, smashing the standing trees nearby into pieces.

Certainly, if I stick around for too long, it feels like I might get turned into minced meat at any moment.

─The capital should be close.  Don’t worry about me, you two go on ahead.

It’s a cliché line, but when Nott says it, it sounded awfully cool.

(You better not die.)

─You too.

I could see the flames from Nott’s blades from farther away than I thought.  Before I knew it, the low growling from Rossi sounded quite distant as well.  In the blink of an eye, silence returned to my surroundings.

A rock nearby turned to sand and crumbled, revealing Jess covered by a linen cloth.

Jess looked straight at me.

“Mr. Nott already said so, Mister Pig, so let’s go.”

If Jess agrees, then there’s no objections.

(There might be some people left, so let’s escape with caution.)

And so we left the battlefield.

The sounds of blades striking each other were barely audible.

We tried our best to be as inconspicuous as possible whilst aiming straight towards the rocky mountain that we could see just beyond the trees.  Jess kept touching me with her hands.

(Are you feeling anxious?)

─Yeah…  I hope Mr. Nott is alright.

(It’s him we’re talking, he’s probably defeated the enemies already and is currently preparing to return to the village where Celes is waiting.)

─That’s true…  It’s Mr. Nott after all…

Jess seemed frightened by the series of shocking events that occurred in such a short period of time.

(I’m really sorry about what happened to Brace.  But thanks to her, even if one of those guys managed to escape, they’ll report back that you died.  We shouldn’t have any more pursuers.  All we have to do now is stay as hidden as possible and pray that we won’t encounter any Yesma hunters.)

─You’re right.  I will pray.

(Even if we do encounter them, they’ll take us lightly.  Jess is cute after all, so there’ll be a bunch of people that will only think about killing you after doing various things.  In those cases, I should have a chance to let you escape.)

─I’m not cute at all…

(No need to be humble.  Even a virgin like me is saying you’re cute, so you’re definitely cute.)

─…Thank you.

(Alright.  Now let’s see what we can do in the unlikely event that a Yesma hunter finds us.  I have the magic anklet that Nott gave me.  Its offensive power is low, but I should be able to use it to run some interference.  Jess, weren’t you using some kind of rock mimicking shelter?  Did Nott give you any other tools?)

─Yes, I still have a bomb and a shelter left.

Jess took out two metal spheres from her bag while saying that.  They were intricately engraved silver spheres the size of golf balls, and each had a small rista embedded in them.  One was red, the other was yellow.

─There’s also one more… which Mr. Nott said to “only use it in the worst case scenario”…

She then showed me another similar metal sphere.  It was decorated with carvings of wolves, and inlaid with a green rista.

(What does it do?)

─I was told it’s a tool used by huntsmen called wolf summoning.  It seems to emit an inaudible sound that summons wolves, but… they’ll also attack us, so it’s very dangerous.  However, he said that if I’m spotted by Yesma hunters, summoning the wolves and hiding inside the shelter might save my life…

I see.  It’s a good idea, but it’ll take time for the wolves to arrive.  If the Yesma hunters find her during that time, it’ll be meaningless.  Figuring out how and when to use the other tools will be important in buying us time.

(Well, with these tools we should be able to figure something out.  Trust me, I’ll definitely get you to the capital, Jess.)

Jess looked uneasy as she returned the three metal spheres back into her bag.

─Thank you.  Let’s make sure the two of us make it inside the capital together.

Yeah – is what I’d like to say, but there’s one thing I need to tell her beforehand.

(Hey Jess, there’s one thing I want you to promise me.)

─What is it?

(Without your help, I wouldn’t even be able to enter the capital.  I’m a pig after all.  But Jess, you can.  Even if you’re by yourself, you should be able to enter the capital.  So, even if something were to happen to me, you should go straight to the capital.  Okay?)

As expected, Jess revealed an expression that said she couldn’t accept this.

─But if Mister Pig isn’t around…

(Nott and I put our lives on the line to get you there safely.  You have an obligation, Jess.  Even if you’re the only one left, I hope you don’t let our efforts go to waste.)

─You’re right.  I understand.

Sweat trickled down the contours of her chin.  The sweat was soaked up by the scarf that had colors “like a beautiful, shallow lake.”

She looked at me with sorrowful eyes.

(What’s wrong?)

─Um, I…

Jess averted her eyes.

─Erm… It’s nothing after all.

I decided not to pry into what she was trying to say.

There are no roads in this dark forest, we simply kept progressing towards hope.

What awaited us was a sheer cliff.  Since our goal was the mountain, we should have arrived at our destination.  However, we couldn’t find an entrance, or at the very least, we couldn’t enter the capital from where we were.  “There’s no entrance, the only way to enter is to ‘appeal to the king’” – Brace’s words came to mind, but I didn’t know how to do that.

(Jess, this might not work, but try shouting at the capital.  Something like “Please let me in.”  We’ll need to move immediately afterwards to avoid being caught by the Yesma hunters.)


Jess took a deep breath.

“Please let me in!”

Jess’ voice echoed, and several crows nearby flew away in fright.  But other than that, there was no sign of anything happening.  I guess that didn’t work.

All we can do now is walk around and look for clues.  The sun’s about to set, and I can hear crows cawing here and there.

(Looks like I was wrong.  It can’t be helped, we’ve got no choice but to walk alongside the cliff.  Let’s go.)

To avoid being conspicuous, we ventured slightly into the woods and began our never-ending hike.  Treading along in the evening forest while connected to a cute girl’s thoughts, I could only hear the quiet rustling of trees, and the sound of insects and crows.  I thought about how happy Jess might’ve been if she wasn’t in a position where her life was being targeted.

After the sun had set, the sky darkened, and the moonlight began to illuminate the forest.  What Nott said was true.  I spotted colonies of mushrooms in the dark forest grounds that glowed here and there.  When I thought about how a Yesma had died in each of those spots like Brace did, my heart couldn’t stand it.

No matter how many hours passed, we weren’t able to find the entrance.  Jess’ gait became unsteady after walking for so long, so I ordered her to ride on my back.

(Don’t fall asleep.)

─I won’t sleep, so let’s keep chatting.

Jess and I exchanged trivial words.  I think Jess and I were both conscious of the fact that this might be the last time we’ll be able to talk like this.

How far have we walked?  I think it’s already midnight by now.  I stopped when I thought I heard footsteps coming from the thicket in the distance.

Fwoom – A low-pitched sound whizzed by before I heard the sound of something striking a nearby tree.  Without a word, Jess lost her balance and slipped off my back.

(What happened?!)

Jess frowned and looked up at me from the ground.

─There seems to be someone there.

The right shoulder on her aqua blue dress was dyed black.  I looked at the tree that made the noise with my left eye and saw a short arrow protruding from it.  I looked 180 degrees the opposite way with my right eye and in the darkness, I spotted a man dressed in black looking at us with a crossbow about 10 meters away behind a bush.  The arrow he shot appears to have grazed Jess’ shoulder and pierced the tree.  I laid down to hide myself.

“There’s no point in hiding, girlie.  Obediently give yourself up.”

I could hear the disgusting man’s wheedling tone of voice.

(Don’t move Jess.  Is your wound deep?)

─No, it’s fine.

Jess gently moved her left hand to hold her right shoulder.  The black stain spread from underneath her hand.

I couldn’t breathe calmly.  Jess was hurt.  She might say she’s fine, but she’s also someone that would always insist she’s fine no matter what.  She could be badly wounded.  Our opponent is an armed man.  What should I do?  What can I do to get Jess out of here?

─Um… I’ll be fine, so… Mister Pig, please escape.

(Don’t be stupid.  If I escaped here, what was the point of this journey?)

─I had a lot of fun, so-

(We didn’t come here to enjoy an excursion, alright?  There’s no chance I’ll abandon you, Jess, not even in a million years.  I’m begging you, please at least understand that much.)

She looked at me and shed a single tear.  Her face was smiling.

“Is anyone else there?  There’s no point in quietly discussing amongst yourselves.  That arrow’s been poisoned, you can’t save her life.  But if you have companions, I can at least let them go.”

You’ve got to be kidding me.  Don’t tell me…  I almost fell into a panic, but I calmly sniffed Jess’ shoulder.  Other than the smell of a cute girl’s blood and the scent of a cute girl’s armpit, there wasn’t any particular smell.  It wasn’t poisoned.

(He’s bluffing.  He’s just trying to figure out if you have companions lurking.  Don’t answer him.)

Jess, who was about to say something, hastily closed her mouth.

“What’s the matter, girlie?  I’m only after the girl.  I’ll be heading over there, alright?”

The man continued calling out to her, but he seemed wary of his surroundings and didn’t attempt to move yet.  However, he could come here at any moment, and there’s no guarantee that he’s alone.

I quickly reassessed what we had.  First, the anklet that can manipulate the water underground – it’s too slow for an attack from this distance, and since there’s not much water nearby, it’ll be difficult to knock down trees.  Next is the body of a pig controlled by this otaku – if I faced against his crossbow, I’ll just get fatally wounded.  Lastly there’s Jess – not happening, it’s too dangerous to even use her as a decoy in this situation.

In that case, we have no choice but to use the three tools that Nott gave us, even though I haven’t used them before.

Jess probably read my monologue, as she quietly moved her bloodied right hand and took out the three metal spheres from her bag while still lying on the ground.  The red, yellow, and green rista embedded in them were bomb, shelter, and wolf summoning respectively.

“Oh?  You seem to be doing something.  That’s no good.  I’m also all alone, so it’ll be troublesome if you resisted.”

He looked around and pretended to take a cautious step towards us before returning back to his original position.  … I get it now, he’s not in a rush to kill Jess.  Yesmas are a race that resemble ducks carrying green onions on their backs and holding hot pot ingredients in their mouths.  He doesn’t have to worry about Jess running away because she’s injured.  She’s not the one that poses a threat to him, it’s those that might have accompanied her.  He wants to deal with her companions first if she has any, once he’s confirmed Jess is alone, he’ll lay his hands on her.  If he doesn’t kill her right now and instead let her live, he’ll get to have some fun.

>TL Note: See this again for context on the duck comment. https://japanese.stackexchange.com/questions/70699

A cool breeze rustled the trees in the dark forest.  I smelled the wind.  There weren’t any human odors coming from the left, but in front of us, there seems to be a separate, sweaty person lurking in front of the wheedling man.  He lied about his numbers to make us lower our guards.  They appear to be a cautious opponent that operates methodically.

But naturally, I can’t let Jess die here.

(Alright Jess, this’ll be our final showdown.  Let’s struggle till our last breath.)

“Mr. Nott, you mustn’t.  Don’t come over here.”

Jess said out loud.  In the midst of speaking, her right hand activated the wolf summoning.

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing!  Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing!

Immediately, a super high-pitched noise drilled into the back of my skull.  Although it was expected, it still hurt.  Wolves, dogs, and of course pigs can hear much higher frequencies than humans can.  The wolf summoning is a tool that takes advantage of that to produce explosive noises in a frequency that humans can’t hear while also attracting wolves – or should I say, drawing the ire of wolves.

The man with the crossbow reacted to Jess’ voice and turned his body towards the direction she shouted at – in other words, behind where I was.  Underneath the ringing of the wolf summoning, I could intermittently hear the wheedling man’s words.

“I knew ───── there.  Did you think you were sneaky ─────?  But you’re too late ───── this Yesma.  The poison’s ─────, Nott or whatever.  Why don’t you give up and ───── I’m by myself, so I don’t want to deal with you ─────”

He raised his crossbow to his eye level as he spoke and took a step towards “Nott.”  The crossbow flashed like a flashlight, illuminating in front of the man and revealing the unkempt stubbles on his cheeks.  There was a thunk as his arrow flew into the void.  He quickly reloaded the next arrow and I used this opening to run to the left front side.


I accidentally stepped on a branch while moving, and immediately after, I felt a searing pain run through my hind leg.  Looks like I got shot by an arrow.  I wanted to squeal in pain, but I held it in.  That’s because I absolutely must not drop the metal sphere in my mouth.  I aimed for the left front area and continued running with my remaining three legs.

“What was that, a boar or something?”

I heard the wheedling man say to himself.

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing!  Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing!

The wolf summoning was still ringing.  I ran full speed ahead and reached the left front area where there were no enemies.  I lined myself up so that I, the person in hiding, and the wheedling man would roughly form a straight line.  There was a suitable tree nearby, so I carefully placed the sphere at its roots.  Jess had pulled out the metal claw which looked like a folding knife from the sphere, if I snap this…

I stomped on it with my foreleg and bent the claws.  I heard a click.  Alright, time to run.

In order to support Jess, I moved to a higher location upwind.  The two men were in a downwind area.  I could spot Jess half crawling away from them, trying to meet up with me.

(It’s coming, get ready.)

Immediately after informing her, an orange flash and a shockwave-like explosion sound tore through the darkness.  Then, a dreadful creaking could be heard as the thick trunk of a conifer fell towards the men.

I could see the wheedling man’s crossbow flashing everywhere.  The other man hastily got up and appeared to have retreated in the direction of the explosion.  It looked like he was saying something, but it was mixed in with the sound of the wolf summoning, so I wasn’t able to catch it.  We need to take this time and maintain as much distance as possible.  Once Jess escapes, she can hide inside a shelter.  It’s only a matter of time before they’ll find the shelter, but as long as the wolves arrive, the Yesma hunters will probably give up.

I stopped and concentrated on my anklet.  Water could be seen seeping out of the ground.  While I was doing this, the tree that broke its branches and fell down helped obscure us from the surrounding view.

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing!  Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing!

The unpleasant noise that seemed to be trying to burrow its way into my stomach now felt like it was inspiring me.

(Jess, leave the rest to me.  I’ll stop them.  Stay as far away as possible and hide in an inconspicuous place with the shelter.)

─Okay.  Understood.

A submissive voice resounded in my mind, reassuring me.  This should save Jess.  I concentrated harder and created a quagmire around the area.  Furthermore, I froze various places to try and make it as difficult to traverse through as possible.  Don’t look down on us introverts, we know all there is to harassments.

With the fallen tree and quagmire all set up, I retreated in the direction Jess was headed.  While being wary of the two men, I used my anklet again.  Then…

─Mister Pig, please help me!

Jess’ voice made my brain rattle.  I hurriedly sniffed the wind and rushed towards her scent.  She was collapsed on the ground.  Her body, dressed in the aqua blue one-piece, was laying in the dirt.

You’ve got to be kidding me.  What happened?

When I darted over, Jess suddenly clung to me with unimaginable agility coming from an injured girl.

─Please lie down.

I did as she asked, and then I heard a click near my ears as a linen cloth was spread out over us.  What… I was tricked by Jess.

The linen barely covered us both.  There was a rustling sound, and the light shining through the cloth disappeared.  In the darkness of the shelter, Jess and I were squeezed together.  You know the phrase “packed in like sardines”?  It’s exactly like that.  Jess and I were glued together with basically no space to move as we were encased inside the rock mimicking shelter.

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing!  Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing!

A short distance away, the wolf summoning continued to screech the human-inaudible noise.  I couldn’t tell what the situation was currently like with the Yesma hunters.

(You idiot, if you do this, I won’t be able to divert the enemy’s attention.  What do we do if we’re caught?)

When I conveyed that in a hurry, Jess hugged me so tightly that it hurt.

─Mister Pig is the idiot here.  If I was the only one in the shelter, what will Mister Pig do when the wolves arrive?

What will I do? … I’ll just have to handle it as I go, I guess.

As I was searching for words to refute her, I could hear multiple cries and the sound of many feet stomping on the ground near us.  The sound stopped nearby.

“It’s a pack of wolves!  Retreat!”

A man’s scream could be heard.  The sound of barking and growling came from nearby.  The animal smell of carnivorous beasts drifted in slightly from the gap between the shelter and the ground.  The wolf summoning was in effect, and a pack of wolves had gathered.  All that’s left for us to do is to pray.

At the very least, I used the anklet’s power to turn the ground around the shelter into as much of a marsh as possible.

There were no signs of the wolves leaving yet.

─See, if Mister Pig was still outside, who knows what would’ve happened.

Even though Jess’ arm should’ve be injured, she kept tightly hugging me.

(That’s true, I owe you one.)

But I couldn’t let go of the knot in my heart after conveying that, so I added.

(However, this is in hindsight.  The wolves won’t necessarily come right away.  I’m pretty sure I told you to hide by yourself.  If you do that, I would’ve been able to divert the attention of the hunters and wolves to ensure that at least you’re safe.  Jess, your decision just now ruined that plan.  You’re putting your own life, the life that Nott and I tried so hard to protect, in jeopardy.)

─I don’t care what happens to me as long as Mister Pig survives…

No matter how many times I tell her, she doesn’t get it.  That’s it, I was a bit mad.

(Look, Jess.  Be honest.  You don’t actually want to die, and you want to reach the capital.  If so, just say it.  You should care about yourself more.)

She didn’t respond.

(I don’t know why you’re so self-sacrificial, Jess, but you can’t live like this.  You should and can be more willful.)

Jess shook her head as if she was trembling.

─I’ve been plenty willful.

(How can that be?  What kind of willful things have you said so far?)

─I’ve been willful about not wanting Mister Pig to die.

Jess pushed her body closer to me than necessary.  Her soft breasts pressed against my belly.  Her wet cheeks pressed against my neck.  We were covered in blood, trembling, and curled up inside a rock.

I didn’t know what to say.  I wanted to pat her head, but a pig’s joints aren’t designed for that.

─I’m happy enough with just your feelings.

Jess’ voice echoed in my mind.  Don’t read my monologues, I thought to myself.

Before I knew it, the loud ringing of the wolf summoning had stopped.  A familiar howl came from somewhere far away, letting me know that the wolves were leaving.

Jess and I got out of the shelter and left the scene.  I’m hoping we don’t run into any more trouble.

(Did you stop the bleeding?)

─Yes.  I’ll manage somehow.

Jess wrapped a cloth around her right arm.  Fresh blood oozed out here and there from the folds of the cloth.

She also helped pull out the arrow on my hind leg and wrap a cloth around it.  Every time I moved that leg, the blood stained cloth made a squelching noise.

The next time we’re spotted, it’ll probably be the end of us.  No, even if we don’t get caught, we don’t have enough stamina to last more than half a day.  There’s also the possibility of being hunted by wolves at night.

─Um, Mister Pig.

(What’s up?)

─This was my first time being so close to someone.

My heart tensed up like the feeling you get when going down a roller coaster.

(Stop that, don’t raise a death flag.)

─I just wanted to tell you that I felt really happy.

My field of view suddenly broadened up.  Jess, who was walking next to me, had tripped over a tree root.  I stopped in a panic.

(… There’s no end to the road ahead.  Let’s take a break for now.)

I conveyed that to Jess and made her sit at the base of a nearby tree.  I laid down next to her.  I felt blood dripping from the cloth wrapped around my hind leg.  The wind was cold, and I had difficulty breathing.

─How do you feel, Mister Pig?


─Is Mister Pig happy right now?

Her beautiful brown eyes were fixed on me.  They were already looking at the end.

(No, I’m not happy.)

Jess’ seemingly sad expression froze with her mouth half-open.

(I haven’t given up yet.  When I think about how there’s an even greater happiness waiting for me just up ahead, I can’t really feel that the me right now can be considered happy.)

─I see…  That’s just like you to say that, Mister Pig.

(Though, even if I were to die here, I don’t have any regrets.  If I had lived a normal life, I would have never had the experience of a cute girl pressing her breasts against me.)

Jess placed her left hand on her chest.  Her scarred fingers gripped the fabric-

(Hold it.  It’s a virgin’s joke.  Don’t take it so seriously.)

I looked away from Jess.  At that moment, there was a rustling sound in front of us.

(Something’s over there.)

While conveying that, I stared intently into the darkness.  Something black was swaying exaggeratingly.

It was a hecklepon.

Its black fur was illuminated by the white moonlight, highlighting its outlines.  Its torso constantly swayed from side to side.  Its bat-like bald head didn’t move, as if it was pinned to the air.  It had a large pair of black eyes.

It’s a monster that, even after being told that it doesn’t do anything, I can’t help but find physically terrifying.

The hecklepon continued to stare at us while swinging its body like an exaggerated pendulum.

(You’re sure they’re harmless, right?)

I tried to confirm it with Jess, and she placed her hand on my back.

─Yes, hecklepons won’t do anything.

It’s a beast that could seemingly leap towards us in an instant, but continues to shake its body eerily while watching us.  It’s an animal that Nott views as an enemy.  It’s a monster that I’ve never seen before in my world.

… Hm?

I could hear the sound of all the puzzle pieces clicking into place inside my head.  I get it.  I get it now.  That’s it.  That has to be the case.  It was like a puzzle specifically prepared for the person who has come here from another world, me.

(Hey Jess, you believe hecklepons don’t do anything, right?)

─Yes, that’s right.

(But in reality, hecklepons do actually do something.)

─They shake.

(That’s not all.  Everyone notices the swaying, but they don’t realize their true purpose.  Look, isn’t that hecklepon watching us?)

─Indeed it is.

(And you said that hecklepons suddenly started appearing after the end of the Dark Ages, right?)


(You know, Jess, where I come from, the same animals that inhabit Mestria can be found there as well.  All except hecklepons.)

Do you all understand what this means?

(Living creatures operate under the complex interaction of eat or be eaten, deceive or be deceived.  This is what we call an ecosystem.  Therefore, an ecosystem in which hecklepons can naturally exist in can’t be the same as the ecosystem that I know of.)

─Now that you mention it…  It is a bit strange that only hecklepons can’t be found where Mister Pig comes from.

(A certain conclusion can be drawn from this.  Hecklepons are creatures introduced from outside of the ecosystem during the Dark Ages.  In other words, they were created by mages.  They’re the only ones capable of creating such a creature.)

─If that’s the case, what’s their purpose…?

(Think about what hecklepons do.  They watch us.  Let me put it this way, they’re for monitoring us.  Think back to the Bapsas monastery.  It would be odd for a stone building to be burned that severely.  But what if instead, a mage, using hecklepons as surveillance, discovered that people were hiding Yesmas and used magic to set the building on fire?)

Jess’ hands trembled on my shoulder loin.

(Didn’t Celes say that hecklepons began frequently appearing near the monastery before the fire broke out?)

─Was it to strengthen their surveillance?

(Likely so.  Wasn’t there a law regarding the treatment of Yesmas that said “Yesmas are prohibited from riding any form of transportation,” which was set by the royal family?  Doesn’t that sound like the royal family is worried about the Yesmas escaping surveillance?  Once a Yesma reaches the age of 16, if she doesn’t arrive at the capital or die off, it’ll spell trouble for the royal family.  That’s why the royal family punished those Yesmas by burning down their monastery.  It would also be problematic if they decided on their own to travel far away, so the royal family forbade them from riding any vehicles.)

She seemed convinced as she didn’t move at all.

─But we haven’t done anything wrong…

I know that, but this is just how this world works.  For whatever reason.

And then there’s the clue that Brace gave me last night:

Appeal to the king.

Brace’s words replayed in my mind.

─Such rumors circulated in some parts of the north.  They say the only way for a Yesma to enter the capital is to appeal to the king.

How do we appeal to the king?  Since we couldn’t reach him even after shouting, what can we do?

Although this method felt like something out of an escape game, I’m afraid this is probably the right answer.  We went through so much trouble to get here, so while we’re at it, let’s not just appeal to him, let’s threaten him.  Time to end this journey with an overkill.

(Jess, say this to the hecklepon – “Please let me into the capital.  I would like to talk about the true identity of Yesmas.”)

She looked at me and nodded slowly.  I nodded back.

She took a deep breath, and repeated those words in a trembling voice.  Whether it was hearing her through my ears or through my mind, I thought her voice sounded wonderful and beautiful.

The hecklepon continued to sway and stare at us unchangingly.  Were my expectations incorrect…?

The moment after I thought that, the rumbling of a cliff collapsing nearby could be heard.

Jess and I stared at each other.

(Let’s go.)


The two of us managed to get up and frantically walk towards the direction of the sound.  I noticed the sky had brightened a little.  Underneath the twilight sky, I spotted a large hole in the rock wall that previously stood steadfastly.  We continued walking.  As we got closer, it became clear that there was a staircase heading up inside the cave.  I glanced at Jess.  She was single-mindedly aiming for the entrance.  Even without needing to exchange our thoughts, our hearts were as one.  We stumbled our way towards our destination.

After entering the cave, we fixed our eyes at the top of the stairs.

A woman with long blonde hair came down from inside.  She wore a white gown that looked like something a Hollywood actress would wear.  She appeared to be in her thirties with her mature and tidy looks.

She stopped a few steps away from us, smiled, and spoke.

“You’ve done well, Jess.  Please come in, along with the clever Mister Pig, of course.”

After hearing that gentle voice, the sense of relief I got left me unable to stand.  Finally.

Like a film being rewound, the surrounding rocks gathered near the entrance’s opening and sealed it back up.  The narrow stone steps leading up were lit by the warm glow of lanterns.

As if she had suddenly remembered something, the woman gently touched Jess’ shoulder.  The cloth bound to Jess’ shoulder disappeared in the light, and her wound was instantly healed.  The woman then touched my butt.  Naturally, she wasn’t a molester.  I felt the pain from my hind leg melt away.

We’re saved.  That alone was enough to overwhelm me with emotions.

We were brought to a luxurious room built inside the cliff.  There was no one else here.

The woman left after informing us that she will come pick us up after we’ve slept.

Covered in mud and blood, we were left alone in a luxurious and spacious private room.  It had a first-class castle hotel atmosphere to it, which was completely different from the inns that we’ve stayed in up until this point.

Jess staggered into a leather chair.

“That was exhausting…”

(Yeah, I’m dead tired.)

“Let’s not get the bedding dirty.  Shall we wash ourselves before going to bed?”

(Right.  We look terrible.)

“I’ll help brush you, so please come when I call.”

(… Okay, thanks for that.)

I answered without thinking much of it.

Jess entered the bathroom first.  After a while, I could hear the sound of running water.  This is the mountain where mages live, so it should have hot water.

“Mister Pig, please come in.”

Hearing her call, I headed towards her voice.  There was proper dressing room set up, and behind it was a large door that was open.  That was the bathroom.  It was filled with warm steam and tiled in bright pastel colors.  It had a large bathtub, and hot water kept flowing out of something that looked like a waterfall.

Jess was standing there naked.

I instinctively closed my eyes.

(Sorry… I only saw it for a very brief moment…)

“It’s okay.  Weren’t you the one that said to save my naked body until the time was right, Mister Pig?  Open your eyes, please take a good look.”

Prompted by her gentle voice, I slowly raised my eyelids.

The only word I could think of was “beautiful.”  Her subtle and artistic curves.  Her soft white skin that seemed to melt in the steam.

Jess beckoned to me.

“In order to not be disrespectful to the king, I will properly wash us both.  During this time, you’re not allowed to look away.”

My brain stopped working.  I absentmindedly let myself be subjected to her brushing.  Being able to look at a girl’s body from up close felt like an illusion, it was unreal.

I felt Jess’ hand caress my back.  I deliberately diverted my attention away from the two small swaying objects in front of my eyes.

“It’s no good if you don’t look properly.  This is all I can give to you as thanks after all.”

She read my mind.  There was nowhere left to escape.

(Don’t say that.  That just makes it sound like I’m a perverted pig.  Let me be straight with you, petting, chatting, and other wholesome things of the likes are more of a reward for me.)

“Aren’t we doing those things already?  This is the reward I came up with after thinking long and hard.  Please accept it.”

(Is that so… In that case, I have no choice but to accept it then.)

Jess smiled.  In fact, her smile might be the best reward of all to me.

She looked at me and raised the corners of her mouth further.

(No need to force yourself to smile.  You’re most charming when you smile naturally.)

“I see.  Naturally…”

She loosened the facial muscles that were raising the corners of her mouth and looked me in the eyes.

“How about this?”

(Yeah, it’s quite natural.)

“Is that so?  I’m glad.  To be honest, I still don’t really understand how to smile naturally.”

(…What do you mean by that?)

She rubbed my belly.

“Serving as a maid is a very lonely job.  Smiles are meant to be seen by others.  So it doesn’t really come out naturally.”

I was taken aback as I thought back to those times Jess smiled up until now.

“But that was before I met you, Mister Pig, because you’ve made me smile a lot.”

(… Phew, in that case I’m glad.)

“Like when Mister Pig performed a dance for Mr. Killings, I felt like I was about to laugh out loud and had to hold my breath in a panic.”

(Give me a break, that’s my dark history.)

She smiled again.

“If you would like, I can train Mister Pig and teach you how to dance.”

Eh?  You’re going to train me?  Oink!

(Once I return to being a human, how about we dance together and you teach me as we go.)

I tried responding coolly, but it was ruined because my monologue laid bare my true feelings.

Jess’ hands suddenly stopped and she looked straight at me.

“Then how about I train you when you’re in your human state?”


“U-um, that was a joke…”

(Oh, you surprised me there.)

For a second there, I was made to imagine that kind of scene.

I’m looking forward to becoming a human again.  But can I actually change back?  And what does the king intend to do to us?  There was no end to my uneasiness.

I wonder if it’s the same for Jess.  She continued brushing me with a slightly tense expression over her face.

“Mister Pig.”

She whispered into my ear while washing under my chin.

“No matter what happens tomorrow, I’m happy that I was able to travel with you.”


While I was at a loss not knowing what to say, Jess’ lips gently touched the side of my nose.

“Thank you, Mister Pig.”

We were sleeping soundly in the fluffy bed when the woman who welcomed us from before had woken us up.  Based on the position of the sun, I could tell it was around noon.  She helped Jess freshen up before guiding us up.

The instant we entered a large box-shaped room, it moved like an elevator, carrying us in the direction opposite of gravity.

(Uh, excuse me.  The pretty lady over there.)

When I thought about those words, our guide turned around and smiled.

“Yes, what’s the matter?”

I checked her neck, and unlike Jess, she wasn’t wearing a silver collar.

(You seem to be able to read my thoughts, and your atmosphere feels familiar.  Are you a Yesma?)

There seemed to be a deeper meaning behind her smiling further.

“I think you’re on the right track.”

After hearing that, Jess and I looked at each other.  She should know what this means.  If the woman was a Yesma, then there’s a high probability that Jess will live a long and wonderful life like her.  It looks like they’ll remove the collar too.

The box-shaped room arrived at an overly spacious hall.  The ceiling was dozens of meters high, and up above is a large arch.  A large number of people were frescoed on the ceiling, and large white sculptures were lined up against the walls with poses that emphasized the physical beauty of men and the curvaceous beauty of women.  At the center of the hall was a grand-looking round table surrounded by a dozen or so armchairs.  An old man in a purple robe, and a plainly dressed young man sat in the twelve o’clock and three o’clock seats respectively.  We were brought over to the round table.  As we approached, I noticed that there was an extremely large chair with a very tall seat.

“Have a seat.  You too, Wies.”

It was the old man’s voice.  Because of the round table, I could only see the legs of the two people sitting there.  My body suddenly floated up and I was softly placed on the large chair.

Bread, ham, vegetables, fruits, and various foods were piled on top of the round table.  It looks like the two were currently having their meal.

Our guide, the woman called Wies, sat in the nine o’clock seat.  Jess and I were in the seven and six o’clock seat respectively.

“Help yourselves, you two must be hungry.  Jess can help set aside the pig’s portion too.”

The old man encouraged us with bread still stuffed in his right cheek.  He had elegantly curled white hair and a strikingly long beard; he seemed like a clever old man.  As for the young man, he had quite the curly blonde hair, thick eyebrows, and a sculpture-like chiseled face; he was silently eating vegetables.

After thanking the old man in a voice that seemed to lack confidence, Jess modestly set aside some food on the plates that were prepared for us.

I was prepared to meet the great king and expected I would have to prostrate myself on a rug in front of a man who wore a crown full of jewels, held a long staff, and sat arrogantly on the throne, but instead, we were apparently invited for a meal.

“If you’re dissatisfied, I’m fine with sitting arrogantly on the throne, but it’s easier to talk this way.”  The old man said.

My monologuing!  He could hear it!

(I’m terribly sorry for that.  I’ve been rude.)

“Don’t worry about it, young man.  After all, not a lot of people know that mages can read minds.”

“…Does that mean you’re a mage?”

The old man nodded when asked by Jess, who hadn’t touched her food yet.

“Indeed, I am the king.  My name is Evis.  And this is my grandson, Shulavis.  He can be a bit abrasive, my apologizes for that.”

Still eating grass, Shulavis looked at me and lightly shook his head.  It was probably a greeting, so I nodded back.

“Now then, it appears Jess has something to ask of us.  Feel free to say what’s on your mind.”

Jess, who was reservedly drinking her juice, hastily put down her glass.

“Yes!  Erm, I… would like for you to turn Mister Pig back into a human.”

Instead of thinking about her own treatment, she prioritized my wellbeing.  She really is a kind girl.

Evis grinned with his mouth full of bread before swallowing.

“Sure.  That won’t be difficult at all.  But I do have a condition for you.”

Jess nervously nodded.  Not knowing what kind of condition he was going to propose, my heart was also pounding.

“Now and here, I want you to promise me this.  I want Jess to promise me that no matter what means is used to change this pig back into a young man, you will make sure to see it through.”

That’s it?  The tension in my shoulder loins were released.  However, I was a bit suspicious as to why he went as far as to treat this like a contract, so let’s first-

“Of course!”

Jess enthusiastically replied.

“Right.  Then that’s fine.  A promise is a promise.  Let’s make sure to abide by it accordingly.”

She already agreed to the promise.  Well, it probably won’t be anything bad anyway.

Wies casted a complicated look at me and Jess.  It somehow felt like it was out of pity.

“So you can change him back, right?”

Jess’ eyes shone.

Evis nodded.

“I can change him back immediately, but…  How about we take care of this matter before sunset today.”

Why did he set a deadline?  Does he think that Jess will hesitate…?

Evis looked at me and gave me a meaningful smile.

Jess leaned forward.

“You’ll be able to change him back with magic, right?”

“That’s not the case.”

A moment of silence followed.  Shulavis continued eating grass as usual.

“Then… how will you turn Mister Pig back into a human?”

Evis stared straight at her.

“It’s simple, Jess.  If you want your loved one to return to being a human, you just have to kill that pig.”

Jess’ expression froze.  I also froze.

“… Um, will that really turn Mister Pig back into a human being?”

“There’s no doubt about it.  Once you kill the pig, this young man’s consciousness will return to his original world.”

“Original… world…”

“As for how this happened, I think it’s best if you took the initiative to explain that, Jess… While the consciousness of this young man was wandering in the crevice between worlds, he was pulled by a powerful magic and forced to inhabit a pig of this world.  His body is still asleep in his original world.  If you kill this pig, his consciousness will return to its original body.”

“Then Mister Pig…”

“Correct, he can’t stay in this world anymore.”

It felt like a gaping hole opened up in my brain, and the only thing occupying it was the thought of our parting drawing near as the sunset approaches.

“A promise is a promise.  It may sound cruel, but this is the only right choice.  If we allow a person from another world to stay in this world, who knows when he’ll become a threat to this country that we’ve built.  Not to mention, if his consciousness is kept here, his body will eventually die.  This young man will no longer be able to return to his world.”

Jess’ eyes were filled with tears.

Looking straight at Jess, Evis continued, “Besides, as long as your loved one continues to exist in this world, it’ll be impossible for Shulavis over here to marry such an excellent mage.”

In the midst of despair, I heard all the pieces click into place, forming a complete picture.


Jess looked surprised at being called a mage, but I was more than convinced.  Even I knew that the existence of Yesmas was something extraordinary.  I had this in mind when I told Jess what to say to the hecklepon in front of the capital.

The true identity of Yesmas is that they’re mages.

If you think along those lines, various matters can be reasonably explained.

Evis spoke.

“Exactly.  You appear to be a gifted and extremely talented mage.  Although, of course, the you as of now will still be called a Yesma.”

Evis straightened his right hand towards Jess.  The lake-colored scarf was untied before being folded by invisible hands and placed on the table.  He raised his hand slightly.  Click, the silver collar was split into two halves.  The broken collar then flew through the air and landed in his hands.

“How’s that?  With this, Jess is no longer a Yesma.”

With tears still in her eyes, Jess remained stiff as if unable to understand everything that happened.

(Excuse me, but I have a request.)

Hearing my call, Evis nodded.

“I do feel sorry for you.  Go ahead and speak.”

(Thank you for telling us how I can return to being a human again.  I am prepared and will resign myself to obeying your order.)

Jess looked at me in shock.  Sorry, but even I…

(However, there’s still something that I can’t understand.  If you don’t mind, I’d like you to explain it to me and Jess.  Why does this country need the existence known as Yesmas?)

Shulavis stopped eating grass and looked at me in surprise.

Evis crossed his arms and pondered for a moment.

“…Regarding this matter, there aren’t many that know why.  However, as far as I can tell from looking into your mind, I think you’ve almost reached the right answer.  If so, then it’s only a matter of time before Jess learns of it as well.  Alright.  As your farewell, and as a token of trust to Jess, let me tell you the truth.”

(Much appreciated.)

He sat back down with an air of dignity.  He placed his hands on the table, and the plates he used were neatly piled together and pushed aside.

“Jess, would you prefer something sweet?  You haven’t eaten at all.  How about a cup of tea as well?  You have to eat properly.”

From the center of the table, a plate of sweet-looking rye bread was sent to Jess.  Steam blew out of the teapot, and its fragrant, clear amber liquid was poured into four teacups.  Various herbs mixed together to create a fragrance that drifted over to us.  Is it herbal tea?  The teacups were then served.  All of this was done by Evis’ invisible hands.  I truly felt that I wouldn’t be able to resist against his tremendous power.

“Now, young man.  Go ahead.  What would you like to start with?”

(My knowledge regarding the Yesma “race” is based on what I’ve heard over the last few days – They wear a silver collar; they serve as maids; they can communicate using their thoughts instead of relying on their eyes and ears; they’re able to create miracles using a black rista; once they reach the working age, they’ll arrive from somewhere, and once they turn 16, they have to risk their lives going to the capital; there are only female Yesmas; and lastly, there are laws such as “no transportation allowed,” and “they are not allowed to be violated.”)

“You seem to get the gist of it.”

(All of this must have a reason.  They’re meaningful to you, right?)

“To say it’s meaningful to us is a bit misleading, but… you’re correct in that there are reasons behind this.”

(Weren’t Yesmas created as a system to maintain the mages race?)

Evis gazed at me with a stern expression.

“Please allow me to ask you this question in order to clarify things.  What do you think is the reason for the decline of mages?”

With Jess, Wies, and Shulavis watching, I answered, (I believe it’s because they had too much power and were aggressive.)

“It seems like we more or less share the same view.  Extreme magic power that doesn’t match the flesh, and excessively egotistic.  These two aspects caused mages to endlessly kill each other, resulting in the Dark Ages.  This is what I believe.  And the silver collar that Yesmas wear is what seals those two things.”

Evis showed me the broken collar in his hands.

(The silver collars are made by mages, right?  In order to seal a mage’s magic power, it needs to be imbued with enough magic power to rival that.  That’s why Yesma collars are sold at a high price.)

Jess covered her mouth with her hands.

Evis nodded.

“Correct.  There were too many mages.  As a result, they started killing each other, and only the most aggressive ones remained.  That’s why our great ancestor, Queen Vatis, attached these collars to the surviving mages besides herself to seal their magic power.  They were incapacitated and left with only their power of heart and power of prayer.  Thus, the Dark Ages came to an end.”

This means the Yesmas’ unique ability to communicate with their thoughts and use black ristas is evidence that they’re mages.

(Then how did the collared mages end up at the point where they’re being treated as slaves?)

“There were unexpected consequences.”

(Unexpected… consequences?)

“Yes.  Those who wore the collar had their magic power, as well as ego, sealed away.  Even if they’re treated like slaves or discriminated against, they won’t resist at all.”

(Even so, do you think it’s right to let them be subjected to such unjust treatments?)

They’re subjected to discrimination; they’re forced to work like slaves; they never receive gratitude; and in the end, they’re killed and even their bones get sold.  Thinking about what happened to these admirable and innocent girls made me tremble with anger.

Evis closed his eyes for a moment.  When he opened them again, he responded.

“I’m sure the same is true of your society.  Provided that humans continue to exist, there will always be someone that is oppressed.  The collared mages, the obedient people that have had their magic sealed.  As long as we regard them as the Yesma race, turn them into slaves and use them as outlets for people’s unjust acts, society will remain stable.  This was the truth that we came to as we pushed for the enslavement of Yesmas.”

He held up the split collar.

“The silver collar uses the Yesma’s own magic power to maintain its effect.  In other words, it has no effect on those that do not possess magic power.  The only ones that can permanently seal their own egos are mages.  This is truly a revolutionary device that secretly allows the various bloodlines of mages to live on while harnessing their latent values to help maintain society.”

(Nevertheless, don’t you think the current system is going too far?  Why must Yesmas journey out and risk death once they turn sixteen?)

“This is to limit the population.  The number of Yesmas needed to maintain society far exceeds the number of mages that can be allowed.  Therefore, we’ve decided to only allow outstanding Yesmas that are able to reach the capital to survive.  Then, they’ll either become a mother of Yesmas, or be welcomed into our bloodline.”

(Is the fact that there are only female Yesmas also to limit the population?)

“It is as you said.  Even with their magic power sealed, if they conceive, a mage will be born.  As a result, males are aborted due to not knowing when they might have children, and females are each given a collar.  The girls are thoroughly managed so that they do not give birth to a child with magic power in some place we don’t know about.  While managing them like so, we nurture them, send them out to society, and only allow the best to return.  This kind of life cycle is crucial to maintaining the mages race and the stability of society that Queen Vatis desired.”

Relentless surveillance by hecklepons.  A law that prohibits them from transportations.  A law that disallows violating them – in other words, banning procreation.  All of this was done in order to leave behind the mages’ bloodline while also stabilizing society.  It’s cruel, but it makes rational sense.  If you ignore those girls’ tears, you could probably argue that it’s also the right decision to make.

(This is my last question.  Do you think this society, established through the distribution of Yesmas and ristas, will last forever?)

Wies and Shulavis gaped at me.

Evis laughed heartily.  His majestic laugh had an irresistible ring to it.

“This goes without saying, society will collapse someday.  But I’m convinced that we are in a much better era than we were in the Dark Ages.  I have no intention of changing this world, at least during my reign, and I will do everything in my power to resist those who try to bring about change.”

Hearing those words, I knew that there was no room for me to change this society.

There’s only one way for Jess to be happy in this society.

And I’ll have to keep my feelings hidden until the end.

We were told we could move freely until sunset.  In order to make my return on time for the sunset, I was ordered to go to the Golden Sanctuary half an hour before.

Evis must have known that I wouldn’t run away as he handed Jess a detailed map of the capital in a generous manner.

In response to Jess’ request to see Mestria from a high place, we decided to head to the square at the top of the capital.

Jess had a depressed expression and spoke very little.  I didn’t know what to say- or rather, convey to her, so I kept silent like a pig.

We arrived at the square.  It was like the world of Greek mythology as huge stone pillars were lined up, and a spacious empty cobbled floor was installed in the middle of it all.  It was just like a heliport.  Of course, it can’t be denied that there might be dragons landing and taking off from here.

Jess walked to the edge of the square and sat down on a bench located near the fence connecting the stone pillars.  I sat next to her.  From the bench, I could see far into the distance.  The weather was nice, so view was good.  I don’t know if that’s in the direction of Quiltli, but I spotted mountains in the distance.

The wind blew strongly.  With her left hand, Jess gently held her scarf so that it wouldn’t fly away.

(You’re no longer wearing a collar, it should be fine to take off that scarf now.)

She shook her head at my suggestion.

“I want to wear this scarf because Mister Pig chose it for me.”

I felt my heart being squeezed.  Come to think of it, when Nott forced her to remove the scarf, she wrapped it around her wrist instead.  I realized something that I didn’t want to notice.

I mean, I also…

(Hey Jess, is that Quiltli?)

I changed the subject.

“I think so, since I recognize the shape of the mountain…  It’s very far away, isn’t it?”

(Although it was a short journey, we’ve come a long way, haven’t we.)

“Yes.  It’s thanks to Mister Pig that I was able to make it this far.”

(That’s not true.  I merely gave you some basic advice.)

“No, because if it wasn’t for Mister Pig, I would have been killed near the Quiltlin mansion.”

(If I didn’t exist, you wouldn’t have had to go and buy a rista.  So there wouldn’t have been a reason for you to be killed.)

As if to say “it’s not like that,” Jess looked at me with a troubled expression.

“… Then if Mister Pig wasn’t with me, I likely would have rejected Mr. Nott accompanying me, and the journey wouldn’t have been so easy then.”

(It’s hard to say.  If I wasn’t there, Nott might’ve chased after you persistently.)

“But he might not have either.  It was Mister Pig who noticed someone was using Ms. Brace as a trap.  And it was because Mister Pig realized the true identity of hecklepons that I was able to enter the capital.  Please admit it.  If it weren’t for Mister Pig, I surely would have died.”

Jess’s voice became stern.  This might’ve been her first time doing so.

(You’re right.  It sounds like I managed to be a good traveling companion.)

Jess seemed to want to thank me, but really, I should be the one thanking her.  After all, she was the one who saved me and tried so hard to turn me back into a human.

“It’s really not like that.”

Jess spoke in a weak voice that seemed like it would be blown away by the wind.

(What do you mean?)

“It’s your monologue.  I didn’t accompany Mister Pig because I wanted to turn you back into a human.”

(… What do you mean?)

“Mister Pig was wondering about this, right?  How, before I met you, I bought a black rista, and the reason why I kept this a secret.”

(Certainly, yes.)

“I bought and used the rista to fulfill my selfish wish.  ‘I’m scared of traveling to the capital alone.  I wish to meet someone who will help me.’  This is what I prayed for alone at night.  And the next morning, you showed up in the pigpen.”

So that’s what happened.

I recalled the words of the king.  While my consciousness was wandering in the crevice between worlds, I was pulled by a powerful magic, and I ended up inhabiting a pig’s body in this world.  The source of the magic was from Jess’ power of prayer.

“At the time, Mister Pig had no choice but to go to the capital with me in order to turn back into a human, right?  I’m not smart, so I didn’t think much about it when I was praying, but I realized it after we decided to go to the capital together.  If Mister Pig was a human, you would have had the option of not accompanying me.  But you weren’t.  The reason why you became a pig instead of a human was because my wish came true.  Even after I realized this, I kept quiet this whole time.  I’ve been deceiving Mister Pig.”

Even though I didn’t think much of it, when I looked at Jess, she was shedding large tear drops.

“I’m so sorry.  Because of me, Mister Pig had to go through such a terrible experience…”

Her overly pure heart and tears left me temporarily speechless.

When I finally managed to squeeze out some words, I told her, (Even if you were being selfish, so what?  Everyone has the right to pray to the stars.  Besides, I’m personally glad to have met you, Jess.)

She brought her face close to my nose.


Tears fell onto my face.

(Isn’t it obvious?  I’m really happy I got to meet you.)

Jess closed her eyes briefly before looking at me with her face full of tears.

“Then, could you listen to my wish, just one more time?”

(Tell me.)

“I don’t want Mister Pig to leave.  Please don’t go back to your original world.”


(Sorry, but I can’t do that.  I made a promise with the king.)

“Why?  Is Mister Pig fine with that?”

This is something I’ve already decided on.  Even if I have to lie about my feelings, there are things that I have to protect.

(Weren’t you listening?  Once I’m gone, you’ll join the royal family’s bloodline.  You’ve been blessed, even amongst all the Yesmas that have arrived to the capital, so a happy future awaits you.  Plus, I even get to return to my world.  There’s no happier ending than this.)

“But I don’t want this.”

Why do you have to make this so difficult for me?

(You probably don’t know this, Jess, but I have a life there too.  I studied hard and got accepted into a place called university.  This is at a time where I started to learn a lot of things, and I have good friends there too.  Not to mention I have a super cute girlfriend.)

“Didn’t Mister Pig say he’s a scrawny four-eyed shitty virgin who’s never had a girlfriend in his life before?  Please don’t lie to me.”

(…Yeah, it was a self-serving lie.  But even so, do you really want to be with this kind of shitty virgin?)

“I do.  I’m sure there’s a way to turn Mister Pig back into a human if we look for it.”

(Even if I were to stay in this world, it’ll just upset the king and the end result will be the same.  Plus, even if I could turn back into a human, I’d just be an unremarkable scrawny guy with glasses.  Nott and Shulavis are way more handsome.  You’ll be disappointed.)

“I definitely won’t be disappointed.”

(Why do you have to be so willful in the end?)

“You were the one who taught me to be more willful, Mister Pig.  I don’t want this.  I don’t want to be separated from Mister Pig.”

…… Please don’t say that, I’m begging you.  I don’t want to leave you either, Jess.  Since… since I like you so much.

Jess’ swollen eyes suddenly shifted to meet mine.

“Is that… true?”

Crap.  I ended up monologuing it.  I really wanted to hide it until the end.

(What do you mean by “true”?)

I played dumb.

“Mister Pig, do you also… like me?”

(… Please pretend like you didn’t hear that.)

“Why?  If Mister Pig feels the same way, then please, stay with me.”

Jess’ voice was higher pitched than usual because she was trembling with tears.  Even though I’m just a pig, I could feel tears running down my cheeks.

(I can’t.  I’ll only get in the way of your life, Jess.)

“That’s not true at all.  Mister Pig has always helped me.  And I’m sure that’ll be the case in the future as well.”

(It’s only natural that I helped you.  Jess was kind but underprivileged and weak.  In my world, no one would abandon that kind of person.  But it’s different from now on.  You’ll become a mage, you’ll join the royal bloodline, and you’ll be able to live by your own strength.)

“No.  Without Mister Pig, I…”

I shut my eyes to squeeze out the tears that accumulated in my pig eyes.

(You simply clung to the first person you met that was willing to help you; and I simply enjoyed the attention of being needed by you.  This isn’t a matter of like or dislike.)

“That’s not true.  I like Mister Pig.  I want to be with you forever…”

My chest hurt so badly it felt like I was going to die.  Just follow your heart and…


(If I could, I would have liked to be with you.  But more than that, I want you to live a happy life.  And for that life to happen, it’s better if I’m not around.)

I knew this would be unfair, but I uttered these words that she wouldn’t be able to refuse.

(This is my last wish.  Listen, Jess.  The king’s invitation is an opportunity that you and I have managed to seize.  Please don’t waste it.  From now on, please use your own strength to find happiness.)

A strong gust of wind blew between us.

“Is that what Mister Pig truly wishes for?”


She was still crying, but I sensed that the currents had changed.

After a brief silence, Jess opened her mouth.

“Understood.  This time, it’s my turn to grant Mister Pig’s wish.”

Jess descended from her bench and knelt on the ground before tightly hugging me.

Jess and I changed gears and enjoyed sightseeing around the capital.  The cityscape, with its large stone buildings lined up and carved into the mountain, was spectacular.  The people walking along the streets were dressed nicely and appeared happy.  They were likely the Yesmas and chavillons that managed to reach the capital safely.  There were young couples walking together, and there were many pregnant women.  It’s a pity when I think about what will happen to the children that will be born, but I do think that this environment is much better than the world outside.

Because of her insistence, Jess and I sat side by side at a store and took a photo of some sort.  She had the image printed onto a small piece of glass and made it into a necklace.  She seemed to treasure it dearly as she wore it.

A girl and a pig.  What a strange photo, I thought.

The time came, and I took the reluctant Jess with me to the Golden Sanctuary.

The hall there was more than twice the size of the room we had dined in.  Evis, in a white robe, sat in the center where there was an enormous golden throne.  The last rays of sunlight shone through the stained glass windows, illuminating the dim sanctuary interiors.  Smoke that smelled of flowers faintly filled the hall.

“Welcome, honest and brave young man.”

Jess and I proceeded under the dome ceiling.

“The pig’s last moments will be swift and peaceful.  Your soul will then immediately return to its world.  I will use my magic to take care of this.  There will be no pain at all.  Think of this as a short trip.”

As expected, Jess couldn’t help but cry.  Her sobs echoed in vain through the quiet sanctuary.

(Can we be together in my last moments?)

“Of course.  Jess, go stay by his side.”

She hugged me around my neck as if she’ll never let go.  Just like a little kid.

─Mister Pig, you were my very first friend.

Her voice was transmitted directly into my head.  I was saddened by the fact that I’ll never be able to enjoy this feeling again.  I thought I would be able to hold back my tears, but they still flowed out.  My vision clouded with tears.

─I’ll never ever forget you, Mister Pig, so please-

(I know.  I’ll never forget Jess either, for the rest of my life.)


(Truly.  How could I forget?)

Jess’ cries echoed past the sanctuary.  The light from the stained glass windows gradually grew weaker and weaker, probably because the sun was setting behind the mountain.

(…Be sure to find happiness.)

─I will.

The sun waits for no one.

(Farewell, Jess.  Take care.)

─You too, Mister Pig.  Take care.

The peaceful times had passed, and Evis slowly stood up.


I heard Jess’ trembling voice in my ear.

Gong, gong – the bell rang.  I tried to see Jess’ face one last time.

Because she was hugging me, I couldn’t see her.  I could only see her strands of blonde hair.

I closed my eyes and felt her warmth.  Her arms around me.  Her soft cheeks.

And then all my senses suddenly flew into space.