Chapter 135: I saw it with my own eyes!

The movement was violent, and the dusty figure quickly passed by the city of Kyoto.

In Kyoto, which has not yet calmed down, the sound spread, and once again made people feel anxious!

Xiao Muling and Xiao Yi stood there, watching the front, dust and sand swept over them.

In the dust, Xiao Canglan rode a horse galloping.

He saw the figure outside the Xiao family, soaring into the air from horseback, and walked in front of them in a blink of an eye.

Xiao Canglan saw that Xiao Muling was safe and sound, and then let go of the heart that was pulling.


He put his hands on Xiao Muling's shoulders and trembled.

He took a deep breath and hugged her.

it's okay no problem……

"Father." Xiao Muling raised her head with a smile, and yelled softly.

"Father is here." Xiao Canglan's eyes were red.

Seeing Xiao Canglan coming back, Xiao Yi lowered his head and wiped the corner of his eyes silently, smiling when he raised his head.

"Patriarch, you will be fine when you come back."

When the patriarch came back, they were completely relieved.

However, his peace of mind during this period all came from this little girl.

She not only has to face the big battle, carefully arrange the arrangement, but also support them.

She is still so young, but she has to bear so many things.

Xiao Canglan let go of Xiao Muling, but always held her hand and refused to let go.

Xiao Muling chuckled and shook his head when he saw Xiao Canglan's behavior.

This time, I really scared the old man.

Her eyes touched the back of Xiao Canglan's hand, the scars on the back of her hand were deep into the bones, the smile in her eyes disappeared, her brows wrinkled, and the frost in her eyes.

"Father, who hurt you?"

She spoke coldly, staring at Xiao Canglan.

Xiao Canglan touched the wound on the back of his hand and said with a smile: "The man is dead, and father is okay."

Xiao Muling nodded, and when she saw the scar, she thought of Fengxuan.

That uncle was able to take out the medicine pill last time, and he must have...

"Patriarch, let's go in and say." Xiao Yi gestured to please.

I stood here long ago and couldn't tell for a while.

"Go." Xiao Canglan said and walked inside.

Xiao Muling saw the people walking back behind, and she pulled Xiao Canglan.

"Father, did you ask Elder Takizuki and Xiao Qing to help me?" The Xiao family had so many injuries, she wanted to see.

"Help you?" Xiao Canglan looked at her, wondering what she wanted to do.

"When the time comes, Dad will know." Xiao Muling smiled.

When Xiao Canglan heard this, he nodded thoughtfully and looked at Xiao Longxuan and Xiao Qing who were dismounting.

The two of them were also full of scars. Seeing that they hadn't had time to change their clothes, it can be seen how anxious they were when they came back.

Xiao Canglan did the same. There were not many injuries on his body, but he looked like a wind and dust, and he rushed back as quickly as possible.

"Takiyan, Xiao Qing, you have to take a trip with Ling'er."

He knew the purpose of the He family, so he hurried back, but on the way, the He family kept sending people to block, even sneak attacks, and he hurriedly hurried to the present.

I originally thought that the He family didn't make a move so quickly, but he didn't expect He Qin to be so anxious.

He was so afraid of the rise of the Xiao family, that the regent would take Ling'er out to practice, and when he came back again, he would no longer be able to control the Xiao family.

He still doesn't know what happened, so he has to listen to Xiao Yi.

Xiao Longxuan and Xiao Qing panted slightly, walked to Xiao Muling and nodded.

"The eldest ordered it."

When something like this happened, how could they take care of rest, and deal with it first before talking about it.

"Let's go." Xiao Muling walked forward, and the two of them immediately followed.

Seeing them leave, Xiao Yi's eyes became deep.

"When did the patriarch teach this girl to summon?" Xiao Yi turned his head and looked at Xiao Canglan suspiciously.

No one in the Xiao family knew about this.

"Nonsense, when did I teach Ling'er to summon?" Xiao Canglan said coarsely, not at all soft when Xiao Muling was there.


how can that be!

Lie to him!

He saw it with his own eyes! How could it be fake!

"I saw it with my own eyes!" Xiao Yi said, pointing to himself.

The monsters that the girl summoned, even He Qin's monsters can't match!

If it weren't for the defeat of He Qin WoW, and the beaten could not get up, He Qin would have suffered a backlash. They were afraid that the damage would be even greater in this battle, maybe the Xiao family would really be destroyed!

"See what? Ling'er summoned?" Xiao Canglan knotted his brows.

He never taught Ling'er this!

It is usually the most basic of teaching Ling'er.

Seeing that Ling'er had no interest, he wouldn't teach Ling'er too much, just let her know the most basic things.

Xiao Yi looked around and knew that this matter could not be said outside.

"Patriarch, let's go back and say."

Xiao Canglan nodded, it was something Xiao Muling, he naturally knew to be careful.

The two walked back to Xiao Canglan's house and walked into Xiao Canglan's dilapidated yard. There were signs of damage to monsters everywhere, Xiao Canglan could see.

But they can't take care of these now, Xiao Canglan's thoughts are all on Xiao Muling.

"Say it!"

It's already here, don't dawdle anymore!

"Patriarch, if this battle weren't for the Ling girl, the Xiao family would really disappear. Not only did she summon the Warcraft last night, but she also made a contract with the Warcraft."


Xiao Canglan was dumbfounded when he heard these two words.

This, how can this happen?

When will she be summoned, and how can she contract with Warcraft!

"What demon did she summon?" Xiao Canglan frowned and held Xiao Yi's arm tightly.

"It's a wolf, I vaguely heard it seems to be a wolf king." Xiao Yi was in pain when he was caught.

He is not a summoner, and does not know much about Warcraft, nor does he know what Warcraft is.

The wolf king.


Xiao Canglan looked at the gate of the yard. He wanted to rush to ask Xiao Muling about this, but knew that it was not right to rush over now.

"Don't the patriarch know?" Xiao Yi looked at Xiao Canglan in confusion.

With his expression, he obviously didn't know about it.

Xiao Canglan's expression changed, his eyelids drooped, "natural."

Naturally, I don’t know, but if I don’t know, then for Ling'er...

Xiao Yi laughed clearly, and he just said that it was taught by the patriarch.

"Ling'er summoned a monster, how many people knew about the contract with the monster?" Xiao Canglan asked.

Summoning Domain did not see Ling'er's summoning talent, so they put on Ling'er's idea. If they knew the news, they wouldn't be...

"The patriarch can rest assured that even if outsiders know that there is a new summoner, they don't know it is Ling girl."

The outsiders who saw that girl summon out the Warcraft had already been killed.

"Tell me what happened last night."

Xiao Canglan let go of Xiao Yi, walked to the side and sat down on the stairs.

Basically everything in the yard has been destroyed, and there is no place to sit.

But these are not important, first understand what happened last night!

Xiao Yi told Xiao Canglan all the things that happened last night and that of the first thousand re-emergence.

Seeing that the person next to him hadn't spoken, he looked over in doubt, and saw Xiao Canglan showing an expression that can only be seen when murdering!