Chapter 450: The dark horse

When the three of them heard this answer, they were shocked, and then their complexions turned red and purple.


The three shook their heads, and walked out with a wave of their long sleeves.

Cao Yin watched them leave, worried and said, "The original poster, after all..."

This matter is not small.

"What are you worrying about? His ghost market is holding an auction in Higashitaki Castle. Wouldn't he set some rules for me?"

Yuan Xi didn't care, his expression was arrogant to the extreme!

Cao Yin had a lot to say, but when he saw Yuan Xi not caring, he swallowed it back.

That said, the ghost market auctions are all held here, so naturally the host has the final say.

If the ghost market really had any opinions on this matter, after Wu Yin went back, it would have caused trouble a long time ago, so how could it wait until now?

Cao Yin thought about it this way, so he focused on the outside bidding and stopped thinking about it.

The three of them went out and looked at the closed door.

"He seems to ignore it."

"Never mind it."

"what do you mean……"

"Just let him do this."

"That said, it was his order from the beginning anyway."

After speaking, the three of them looked at each other, nodded, and walked away.

There is nothing to look at here, and you don’t need to think about who will fall into the hands of the last auction item.

The summoning domain is so strong, how can Fuyunzong be able to fight it.

"Two million gold!"

The outside bid price has reached two million gold.

The people who watched the bidding price increase, when they heard this number, they always felt that it was untrue.

Two million gold.

It continues to rise.

Neither side admit defeat.

"I heard that Young Master Lan Ye is here from Fuyun Sect!"

Young Master Lan Ye!

The four words exploded in the crowd, and suddenly a scream sounded around.

"Young Master Lan Ye!"

"It's Master Lan Ye here!"



The screaming sound boiled over. Although there was a man's voice in the voice, most of it was women's.

Help Yun Zong Lan Ye Gongzi, to persuade people!

How many people joined Fuyun Sect to follow Young Master Lan Ye!

There are also people who don't want the Summoning Domain to be too public, letting their arrogance suppress the Fuyun Sect.

In their eyes, their son Lan Ye could not be suppressed by anyone.

They joined Fuyun Sect to support Young Master Lan Ye!

Even if it is the Summoning Domain, even Luo Xuanshuang can't suppress their son Lan Ye!

"Quiet, is it time to talk about Master Lan Ye? The price has reached 2.3 million!"

"Don't you find it strange that the young man who bought Huo Wu Lingyu hasn't said anything yet. Does he dare not fight with Fuyun Sect and Summoning Domain?"

"It is estimated that this is the case, and I don't want to think about it. Several forces in the Eastern Continent dare to fight with them."

"Let them fight with each other, then the rich sons give up, and we don't want to mix things up."

"Just kidding, when Huo Wu Lingyu made a bid, Fuyun Sect and Summoning Domain also made a sound, and the young man still shouted a million gold."

"That son might have a back hand."

"Even if you have a back hand, can you fight the Summoning Domain? Is the Summoning Domain that a kid can fight?"

"How to speak, this is not the summoning domain!"


The onlookers watched the rising prices enthusiastically, and suddenly there was a quarrel.

Xiao Muling used 1 million gold to photograph Huo Wu Lingyu, which has already made many people look forward to her and want to see who she is.

Even if they can't see it, they think she can compete with one another!

Even if it is not in dispute, it is because it is due to power and not money.

People who were said to be afraid of the Summoning Domain, naturally people who expect her to expand their moves are not happy.

On the side of Fuyun Sect, they were not happy when they heard that those people only mentioned Summoning Domain, but did not mention Fuyun Sect.

The people who bid now are not just the Summoning Domain, but also the Fuyun Sect. What does it mean to be afraid of the Summoning Domain.

The influence of Fuyun Sect in the Eastern Continent is not so low!

Where to put Fuyunzong!

Ever since, the few parties quarreled like this.

The bidding continued, but the constant disputes made the scene chaotic for a while.

Hearing these disputes, Lian Can had the urge to reach out and help his forehead.

It's not that they bid, they care who wins and who loses.

But let it be noisy. Make this matter a little bit more conducive to the ghost market, isn’t it?

Thinking of this, he calmed down.

Looking at them with a smile on his face, he could not see the slightest movement in the quarrel, and he did not intend to persuade him to fight.

Song Wei was in his room, and he slapped his thighs and laughed when he heard the noise outside.

"Look at them. Isn't it ridiculous? People are not in a hurry, but they started arguing first."

They are not the ones who give the money, nor are they who get the things in the end. What's so noisy about them.

The entourage next to him smiled and nodded, watching his master mix up, he was thankful!

"But Master, who do you like?"

In the past, at the end of the auction, there would basically only be disputes between the two parties.

One is standing in Fuyunzong, and the other is standing in the summoning domain.

This time, there was actually the young man standing on one side!

The young man who bought Huo Wu Lingyu had someone on his side so soon.

Sure enough, there is still money, more able to win people's hearts.

"What do you think?" Song Wei looked over and pointed to the outside, his smile looked unpredictable.

The entourage shook his head, "At present, it is estimated that the Summoning Domain is better."

Seeing the momentum of the price call, the Summoning Domain appeared a little more public.

"Master, I heard that Gu Lusheng came from Summoning Domain, not Luo Xuanshuang."

Luo Xuanshuang is the most important thing in Summoning Domain, but why is it Gu Lusheng who is here this time?

You must know that Fuyunzong came from here, but Su Lanye.

In terms of influence, Gu Lusheng is obviously inferior to Su Lanye.

You must know how many people in Fuyun Sect are heading towards Su Lanye.

"Gu Lu is here, it's no wonder that you can't hold back so much." Song Wei smiled.

Gu Lusheng was indeed a lot worse than Luo Xuanshuang.

It's not even a little bit worse.

"The young master is optimistic about the young man who bought Huo Wu Lingyu?" Seeing that both of his young masters have similar attitudes, he followed boldly guessing.

Song Wei looked over, "This dark horse came out, I don't think he will give up like this."

If it was due to these two forces, when Huo Wu Lingyu, he would not directly bid for one million.

Now it depends on what he is waiting for, maybe watching the two sides fighting, deliberately not making a sound in a hurry.

Maybe when one party settles, he will be able to see him speak out.

"Indeed." The entourage listened and nodded thoughtfully.

Regardless of the quarrels outside or the doubts of the people, the real reason has not been guessed.

At this time, Xiao Muling didn't want to bid, but she didn't want to bid at all.

She was leaning against Tanglin's arms, her face pale and scary, and cold sweat on her forehead!