Chapter 527: Turn to ashes!

The words that roared vigorously shook the woods, and Qiao Bi, Shen Xiaobi, and another person who heard these words were stunned.

They couldn't believe that looking at Qian Jiang, they felt goose bumps on their cheeks!

Was that thing done by the Qiancheng family?

Cangling Kingdom is not a natural disaster, but made by the Qiancheng Family and Liyuan Kingdom? !

The Xiao family, which had disappeared in the legend, did not disappear, but existed in the small border country Cangling!

And now, the legendary summoner, the Xiao family, has truly disappeared with the Azure Spirit Kingdom...

Is this true?

Xiao Muling stopped and looked at Qian Jiang coldly. The temperature around her body had reached zero in an instant!

The zero temperature is still falling, and the chill is getting more and more bitter!

Qian Jiang smiled triumphantly when Xiao Muling stopped.

Sure enough, people like them still need greater deterrence.

Of course, the Xiao family was not destroyed by the Thousand Cheng family, and the Azure Spirit Nation was indeed destroyed by natural disasters.

It's just that he thought of this in a hurry to save his life.

Since the other party did not intend to let him go, then he thought of something more powerful to deter the other party!

Hearing that the legendary Xiao family was all destroyed in the hands of the Qiancheng family, she would definitely be frightened, which is not the case now.

In fact, what the legendary Xiao family.

That was just a family named Xiao. In this world, where are there so many summoning people to the Xiao family.

Thousand Jiang, who was proud and fortunate, had no idea what he had provoke at this time.

Seeing Xiao Muling stop walking when he heard what he said, he was complacent and felt that he scared the other person. Now, he could survive.

However, he did not see the cold frost in Xiao Muling's eyes at this time, his bright black eyes were as cold as a thousand-year-old ice, looking at him, it was like looking at a dead person!

Qian Jiang smiled triumphantly and slowly stood up from the ground.

"How about it, are you scared?" Knowing their Qiancheng family is something she can't afford to offend.

The Xiao family disappeared in Qiancheng's house, what is she?

"If this is the case, then you go to the funeral for the Xiao family."

The cold frost's words fell, and for a while, the icy breath around Xiao Muling's body spread.

At that moment, there was silence all around, and even the dancing breeze stopped blowing.

Time seemed to be still, and the world was terribly silent.

The expression on Qian Jiang's face froze, the triumph in his eyes became frightened, and his injured body slowly moved back.

what does she say?

For, to bury the Xiao family?

Why does he want to bury the Xiao family?

Xiao Muling looked bloodthirsty at Qian Jiang's horrified expression, with a red flame burning in his hands.

The soft boots stepped over and walked towards Qian Jiang.

With every step, the surrounding air becomes cold!

Qian Jiang lay half there, just feeling like he had fallen into an ice cellar, and was about to be frozen into a stone pillar soon!

"Didn't you hear clearly? The Xiao family was destroyed by our Qiancheng family!"

Qian Jiang panicked and looked at the condensed flames in Xiao Muling's hands, and his lips trembled, emphasizing the matter.

Hearing him say that the very powerful Xiao family was destroyed by their Qiancheng family. Doesn't she know how powerful he is?

Does she also know what the consequences will be if he provokes him?

The slender figure stopped, and the eyes under the veil became cold again.

The flame in his hand swung across an arc in the air, and then fell on Qian Jiang at an extremely fast speed!

The flames burned blazingly and quickly spread across Qian Jiang's body.


The fire in the heart of the earth, Qian Jiang, even if he was a martial master of the fire attribute, could not get rid of it at all.

He rolled over on the ground, exhausting all his strength to extinguish the flames on his body.

However, no matter how he rolled, the flames burning on his body only increased!

The three people who saw this scene behind took a breath, and looked pale at Xiao Muling.

She didn't hear Qian Jiang say that the Xiao family was destroyed by the Qian Cheng family?

That's it, she has to move Qian Jiang!

So, how could she let them go!

Thinking of this, the three turned around and ran away!

Looking up at the icy eyes, Xiao Muling waved his arms as he looked at the three people walking away. Suddenly, the world was surging!

The wind swept through, blowing and dancing wantonly!

The gale will quickly trap a radius of hundreds of meters, and the billowing heat waves will fly by, forming three fire snakes chasing away!


The sound of the hurricane rang in my ears, and the heavy sound made my scalp numb!

Then, power swept from behind!

The three people who had just turned and escaped were trapped by the fire snake ring before they took a few steps!


Qian Jiang was still yelling frantically, trying to break free.

Xiao Muling stood by, watching him being burned by the flames, watching him struggling in the fire.

"You are so to me, the Qiancheng family will not let you go!"

In the midst of the fire, Qian Jiang knew that he couldn't escape, and looked at Xiao Muling ferociously.

Xiao Muling glanced at the three people who were restrained by the fire snake in the distance, looked at Qian Jiang's fierce appearance, and sneered.

"Qiancheng family, what is it?"

Will she be scared if she threatens her with the Qiancheng family?

If he didn't mention the Xiao family, maybe she might not let him go.

Now, she will definitely not let him go, and will make him worse than death, watching herself burned out!

Qian Jiang's ears buzzed with cold words.

He looked at Xiao Muling blankly, his face twitching fiercely.

She is not afraid of Qiancheng's family!

Even if he said that, she was still not afraid of the Qiancheng family!

"The Thousand Cheng family destroyed the Xiao family..."


Before Qian Jiang's words were finished, the raging flames around him immediately condensed into a long whip!

The long whip swung down and fell on him.

The whole person he was in pain was dumbfounded, and his tears kept falling, but he couldn't even scream out the pain.


He screamed crazy in pain, but couldn't make any sound in his mouth.

Xiao Muling's gaze fell on his mouth, and her eyes flicked coldly, and her fingers flicked a flash of fire.


The fire flared on Qian Jiang's face, he opened his mouth in pain, and the area where his cheek was beaten immediately turned red.

At this moment, the blade of fire flew in front of Qian Jiang's eyes, and the next moment, the blade of flame that flew by was stuck in Qian Jiang's tongue!

Qian Jiang was trembling with pain, but couldn't say a word anymore.

Blood poured out of his mouth, mixed with pieces of meat.

The meat fell into the flames and was immediately burned, and then there was no residue left behind.

Immediately, the flames rushed in, like a dark tide, and frantically rushed towards Qian Jiang's face.

The flame pounced on his face and rushed into his mouth!

In the red flames, he struggled inside, desperate for life!

Xiao Muling glanced indifferently at the figure rolling on the ground, his hands were knotted together, and a sharp, slender, needle-like blade aimed at Qian Jiang!


The sharp blade flew down and inserted into Qian Jiang's body.

Rolling and struggling on the ground, he immediately stopped.

In the flames, he did not die, the sharp blade was inserted into him, and the other end penetrated his body and sank to the ground!

He can no longer struggle, can't even call, can only watch himself turn to ashes!