Chapter 668: How should I draw her?

I don't know how long it has passed, Xiao Muling stopped moving eyes.

Be silent next to her, don't disturb her love and affection to see her so, immediately asked: "found it?"

So fast?

Xiao Muling gave him a white glance, "No."

Wind and love:...

Didn't find it, why can she be so confident?

Xiao Muling didn't say anything, and stepped forward, and the shield immediately moved with her.

Feng Luoqing saw this scene and quickly followed.

He is, and he doesn't want to get any dust.

"Have you finished searching?" Feng Luoqing couldn't help asking again when he thought of the mental power that had just been unfolded.

Looking at the huge Yonglou, he couldn't imagine how much mental energy would be needed to find it all.


Xiao Muling responded casually, and Feng Luoqing felt her scalp numb again.

Even though I told myself to be calm, what should I do if I still can't calm down?

"But I probably locked a few places, let's look for it, besides..."

Xiao Muling didn't continue speaking, but quickly turned to a place.

She was here, and she sensed something else.

While the mental power was unfolding, something like that was pulling her past.

Otherwise, she wouldn't be looking for it for so long.

Feng Luoqing's mouth twitched slightly, don't she find other things to please.

Xiao Muling walked to the place she most wanted for the first time, but the shelf in front of her was empty.

No, it's not empty.

As far as the accumulated thick dust is concerned, it is... a lot.

"Here, it seems, no."

Feng Luoqing looked at her and finished intermittently.

Xiao Muling ignored his words and stretched out his hand, still covering this frame with Yuan Li just like Feng Luoqing.

Although she wasn't as troublesome as Feng Luoqing, she didn't dislike being ashamed.

Especially when you haven't got the things, and you're still covered in fishy.

Raising his hand and landing in the middle of the shelf, the golden elemental power condensed, and layers of golden light were dotted with bright light on Xiao Muling's hand.

Feng Luoqing looked at the faint golden light and felt very complicated.

She dare to love, really gold!

However, when he was in Jianducheng, he remembered that she was not like this.

Xiao Muling didn't look back, but Feng Luoqing's eyes were so hot, Xiao Muling didn't want to pay attention to it, and it was obvious that he wanted to ask.

"I practice more than one line."

Wind and love:...

It's great, he is more and more suspicious of this world.

Ordinary Yuanshi, cultivated a series, racked his brains, and was also cautiously maintained in his later years.

This is true of most Yuan masters in Zhaoling Continent.

The talent is slightly better, the first-line cultivation will be easier than the ordinary Yuanshi, but it has also experienced a lot, and the talent is small and famous.

This type of Yuanshi is fairly common.

Secondly, geniuses are not very common. You can practice one line or choose multiple lines.

However, most geniuses will choose one element, and Yuanshi cultivation, one element is not easy.

Then there are people who are more talented and luckier than the less common geniuses.

But such people are few, and very few.

But it does.

Therefore, most talented geniuses still need the hard work of the day after tomorrow. Just like ordinary cultivators, they can only do things through boring cultivation day after day.

Finally, it is Luo Xuanshuang and Su Lanye, the pride of heaven!

But what about her?

Neither column!

He used to think that Luo Xuanshuang and Su Lanye were rare.

Looking at her now, he feels...

Mental strength!


Excellent talent!

Master Yuan has practiced multiple lines!

How should I draw her?

Forget it.

Don't fix your thoughts first, and don't do anything frantic when she comes.

Xiao Muling earnestly searched for a drop, and continued to explore on the shelf with the golden elemental power.

What's on the shelf, she is sure.

There are no empty shelves in Yonglou, whichever shelf is empty, the next thing will be put on it.

It's just that while she was looking for something, Feng Luoqing didn't feel a bit of affection, and she talked about the talent of Zhaoling Continent Yuanshi.

Finally, Luo Xuanshuang was mentioned, and she looked over.

"Which type are you?" she asked.

That was the case, but her attention was still on the shelf.

The thing here is too small and too thin. Apart from being covered in dust, it seems to be buried somewhere. She has to find it quietly for a while.

When Feng Luoqing saw Xiao Muling's eyes, he closed his mouth, and he thought about her in the next paragraph.

As for her question, he didn't answer immediately.

This is not, knowingly ask!

He is better than them!

"found it!"

Xiao Muling's eyes lit up, and his fingers lightly lifted.

Then I saw a ray of golden light slowly peeling from the dust, like a pearl covered in dust, fading away from the dust, revealing its original brilliance!

Feng Luoqing opened his mouth, looking at what fell into her palm, he couldn't help sighing.

Yi Su really didn't have a chance with him.

Xiao Muling looked at the golden thread in her hand, which was thinner than her hair, glowing with a faint golden light. She knew that it was just a drop without asking the wind and love!

It's not that hard to find!

She took out a box and put it in, and took a look at Feng Luoqing.

Feng Luoqing understood something in her eyes, and the black line on her forehead twitched.

Having said that, what's inside depends on fate!

This thing has nothing to do with him!

He wouldn't admit that he wanted to find it all of a sudden. In fact, he has never looked for it.

"You haven't answered yet, what kind of you are?" What he just said was not very hilarious.

Feng Luoqing was taken aback for a moment, and then she realized what she was asking.

With the fan unfolded, he looked proud.

"If I practice hard, I will definitely be better than both of them!"

After hearing this answer, Xiao Muling glanced at him suspiciously, without saying anything, and turned and walked to the other side.

Feng Luoqing walked beside her, "Hey, what is your expression?"

I don't believe it!

"No." Xiao Muling looked over blankly.

What's her expression?

What he said is what he said.

Wind and love:...



Seeing him like this, Xiao Muling saw a sly smile in his eyes, and walked to the top shelf.

Feng Luoqing stood on the top floor and nodded and looked down. When he lowered his head, he saw a foot of gray on the shelves, and his forehead twitched fiercely.

He closed his eyes and muttered in his heart: "If you don't see, you are pure, and if you don't see, you are pure.

Xiao Muling didn't care about him, let alone his thoughts. He would go and see if he knew it was not clean, not to make himself feel bad.

Looking at the wooden box on the shelf, she quickly took the wooden box over according to the method just now.

He took out the kerchief and hugged the box, then paused for a while before opening it.

That's it, calling her.

Feng Luoqing opened his eyes when he heard the movement.

I saw that she not only took the box, but also opened it.

He opened his eyes curiously, wanting to see what was in the box.

However, when the contents of the box came into view, he silently raised his eyes and silently looked at Xiao Muling's side.