Chapter 775: Conquer the Nether

Mime private 775

Since Chen Mo formed an alliance with the Emperor Hunyuan, he has exhausted all means to investigate the Emperor Hunyuan.

Any ally composed of interests will fall apart because of greater interests.

So he had to guard against it, and at least he had to have enough knowledge of Emperor Hunyuan so that he would not capsize.

After this investigation, one thing was really discovered.

That is this era, the upper realm beyond the five long rivers is only the ancient country of Hunyuan, an eternal ancient country.

There are two possibilities. One is that the last Era War did not have the eternal ancient kingdom to support Hunyuan Emperor; the other is that the Hunyuan Emperor and the eternal ancient kingdom that supported him have turned upside down, or that the two sides are endlessly endless and there is no room for coexistence.

Otherwise, even the Emperor Hunyuan would never easily break the rules of the upper realm.

After all, the eternal emperor supports the lower realm in exchange for 10% of the great fortune. This is already the consensus that all eternal emperors abide by. If the supported lower realm wins the Era War but turns over for no reason, it is equivalent to damaging the common interests of all eternal emperors.

Continuing to investigate, Chen Mo discovered that Hunyuan Ancient Kingdom had been fighting the long river of void all year round.

It stands to reason that the Hunyuan Ancient Kingdom occupies the upper realm of the Universiade. In this era, as long as it does not step into the five long rivers, it is basically invincible.

If Hunyuan Ancient Country can fight all year round, then the other side can only be other Eternal Ancient Country.

It's not endless, it's impossible for adults to conquer and lose both.

Therefore, it is not difficult to understand the purpose of Emperor Hunyuan. He needs a more powerful killing gourd to fight against powerful enemies. He needs to continue to occupy 10% of the Grand Canal to fight against powerful enemies. Otherwise, there will only be an epoch of Hunyuan Ancient Kingdom, and he will lose The Grand Canal Asylum is very likely to be no opponent in the face of other eternal ancient countries.

Knowing the intention of Emperor Hunyuan, the suspicion against this ally will be able to dispel one or two.

Chen Mo lived in the Qingdi Palace, controlling the origin of the ancestral realm and began to devour the ancient stone of time and space.

He did not strengthen the ability to travel through time and space, but used the ancient stone of time and space to strengthen the ability of the Origin Ancestral Realm to locate other worlds.

Only in this way can it be convenient for him to cut off the other lower realms before the beginning of the War of Era.

A few years later, the ancient stone of time and space merged into the original ancestral world.

Holding the Origin Ancestral Realm, Chen Mo infinitely strengthened his talent for the wheel of time and space, strengthened his ability to locate other time and space, and spread his perception ability from the upper realm to the lower realm. In this process, the Book of Destiny also cooperated to increase the chance of success.

The Book of Destiny did not disappoint him, but within a few days he had locked a rough location in the lower realm.

Activating the time and space shuttle, Chen Mo disappeared in the Qingdi Palace.

Appears again, has come to the Nether Storm, and the positioning of the time-space shuttle has deviated a little. Fortunately, the deviation is not too far. In less than a few months, he has found the lower boundary of this positioning. A few months seem to be very long, but The time flow rate of the lower bound is ten thousand times different from that of the upper bound.

Looking at the lower bound ahead, Chen Mo was surprised.

Because this lower realm is not actually composed of time and space, gold, wood, water, fire, and earth.

The entire lower realm, the time and space opened up by the roots of time and space form a tortoise shell similar to the lower realm of the void star realm.

Inside the tortoise shell, the foundation of the entire world is not the earth but flesh and blood.

Even if he didn't go in, Chen Mo could perceive the Guixu River at such a close distance.

Through Hunyuan Emperor God's record of the origin of the information of the former Hundred Lower Realms, Chen Mo is no longer ignorant of the various lower realms.

Exclude the lower boundary that occupies many tributaries of the long river, and then exclude the lower boundary that does not exist the tributary of the destiny long river.

The theoretical limit of the total number of all lower bounds is 12,000, but there are only more than 6,000 lower bounds.

Among them, there is only one lower boundary of a tributary of the long river, at least 4,000.

Of these four thousand lower realms, only about one thousand have tributaries of the Long River of origin.

These thousands of lower realms will give birth to powerful intelligent lives because of their origins.

As for the remaining more than 3,000, there are no tributaries of the origin of the long river. After all, the long rivers of the upper bound have a total of 3,000 tributaries, so these 3,000 lower bounds are all tributaries of the other three long rivers. Without the source of origin, no higher level can be born. Smart life.

This lower realm in front of him is like this, and only the root of Guixu constitutes the entire lower realm.

Among them, life has no wisdom at all, not to mention, even because of the roots of the ruins, only knowing destruction.

Chen Mo had already predicted what it was like now.

Activating the time and space shuttle, Chen Mo directly broke into this lower realm.

The sky and the earth are made up of flesh and blood, and there are all kinds of weird pieces of flesh everywhere. They grow directly from the ground, and then meet each other and fight to the death. There is no civilization system and perfect transcendent system born.

Such a lower realm would be cannon fodder in the Era War.

Chen Mo took out the killing gourd and opened the gourd cover to instill the root of the void.

The gourd mouth of the killing gourd immediately sprayed out infinite blood mist, covering the entire lower realm. All the unwise life was melted by the blood mist sprayed by the killing gourd, and finally became a part of the blood mist and spread like a virus.

In just a few years, all beings in the entire lower realm have disappeared.

Chen Mo put away the killing gourd, activated the Origin Ancestral Realm and turned it into a World Tree. The roots took root in the Lower Realm and began to swallow the Nether and merged into the Origin Ancestral Realm. A tributary of the Xuchang River.

It takes ten thousand years to integrate one, which makes Chen Mo a little disappointed.

There are less than 8 million lower realms years before the Era War, and he will swallow hundreds of lower realms even if he died.

This is enough to lay a great advantage after the beginning of the Era War, but it is not enough to directly determine the victory or defeat. It seems that if you want to win the Era War, it seems that it is not something that can be done by relying on a time-space shuttle and time-space positioning.

Ten thousand years passed, and the lower realm of the Hunyuan Martial World continued to disappear.

At the beginning, the upper realm powerhouse hadn't noticed the abnormality.

But more and more disappeared, and the upper realm powerhouse immediately realized that some existence was swallowing other lower realms.

The origin ancestral world, which was promoted from fifth to third, suddenly became the first object of suspicion.

If this continues, what about Origin Ancestral Realm?

The other top 100 lower realms suddenly couldn't sit still, and started to devour other lower realms just like the origin ancestor realm.

However, the speed is completely different ~ because the origin of the ancestral world finds the lower bound very quickly.

All the lower realms that enter the list of the heavens and ten thousand realms will themselves be sheltered by the power of the long river of destiny, and it is difficult to be discovered. Take the origin ancestor realm, the roots of the demon blood of the demon blood emperor are scattered in the origin ancestor realm. It is still difficult to find the location of the origin of the ancestral world.

Unless the eternal emperor takes the shot himself, he can be sure that he will find the lower realm.

Chen Mo knows himself well, he knows the gap between himself and the eternal emperor.

His advantage is that the origin of the ancestral realm has a tributary of the Long River of Destiny, which can be used to perceive the main body of the Long River of Destiny, and increase the power of his roots of fate more than a hundredfold. Those eternal emperors do not have this condition, and there is a lack of between them and the Long River of Destiny. A tributary.

So even if they grasp the root of fate, they cannot borrow the power of the long river of fate.

Millions of years have passed since the Lower Realm, and Chen Mozhuan picked soft persimmons and started with a smooth journey.

Until all the soft persimmons were gone, Chen Mo knew that he had to fight a tough battle next.